Global warming is a joke. To demonize a gas that supports us and lets us live on our planet like we do is fucked up. CO2 is just as important as oxygen and nitrogen in our atmosphere. Am I wrong for feeling like the fucking plants on this planet can self regulate and uptake more CO2 when its available and grow faster? Too much CO2 basically fixes itself in the long run. Yet fucking Jews want to take advantage of anything that they make people afraid of. Like fucking demons am I right? Yet they want to think of themselves has the saviors. Wonderful isn't it? So they are using this made up crisis to make people pass global climate change legislation. Global climate change legislation has one goal only and that's to make people's money that they have now worth even less in the future. It's basically to make people more poor than they are now. Yet you see people in the fucking streets calling out for global warming legislation. THEY JUST WANT TO POOR! You never hear them say that. Fucking idiots have no idea what they are doing.
GLOBAL WARMING! Is being used to brainwash people into giving up their rights
I'm way more afraid of Global cooling than Global warming. Now an Ice age would be a lot harder to deal with.
Who is polluting more?
Exactly. The west gets punished for global warming? When they don't even produce the pollution.
global warming is a distraction from real pollution. kikes will destroy the planet to make a quick buck
notice the lack of environmentalists nowadays, it's only global warming retards
It's the same reason (((they))) won't give us a fucking wall on our border. (((They))) fucking hate us. And want to make our lives worse in every way. Only fucking possible explanation.
On top of that, mainline conservatives are being conditioned against legitimate environmentalism.
Pollution is a real problem especially with the use of synthetic chemicals. Fucking silence on that even though they are the reason for the diseases and cancers.
global warming is a made up problem whose only solution is globalism because CO2 spreads evenly across the world and the climate is a global phenomenon.
don't fall for the bullshit. Some guy won a nobel prize last year (whatever you think of nobel prizes notwithstanding) by showing that at worst, global warming will affect the total GDP by 10% in 2100 if we do nothing. GDP will have grown something like 300-500% from current levels by that time, so we're talking about a negligable amount. Stifling current growth and prosperty so that some assholes in 2100 can enjoy a 10% higher standard of living is completely asinine.
What is GDP anymore? With all the fake money and intentional inflation.
Jews and their fucking banks especially the central banks are the true fucking cancer on this planet. Jesus himself was disgusted by their parasitism. Jews are by definition fucking parasites and its so fucking weird that they like the taste of blood like most parasites.
The city of Vancouver, Canada, has a new mayor. His first act was to declare a "climate state of emergency". Seriously.
Put it this way. You know the planet Jupiter? It has this thing called The Great Red Spot, a giant storm the size of Earth that has been raging for centuries. Now, if something like THAT were happening, the city of Vancouver would have a "climate state of emergency". Except nothing unusual is happening.
But let's say there really was a Great Red Spot megastorm, caused by your car, destroying the Earth. Don't you think profiting from that, by the trillions, would be the most egregious crime in the world?
You die in the same fucking hole as chodemonkey, jew.
The biggest problem on this planet is how stupid normal people are and how easily they believe the news.
The worst part about stupid people is that you cant convince them other wise. The jew news has to be stopped to save the world. Its the only way.
Also FAKE FUCKING BULLSHIT PROTESTS BEING PUSED BY SOROS HAS TO BE STOPPED! You know they waited for Soro's goons to get outside the holding cell of Roger Stone before he was released so they could goon out and make the optics of his release look bad. THESE PEOPLE ARE SO FUCKING EVIL I CANT FUCKING STAND IT
I agree GDP is inflated and a lot of it is fake, but it does correlate to the total productive enterprise of humanity.
ok that may be true, but my argument stands about why sacrificing the present to give people in 2100 a 10% boost is stupid.
The globalist goal is to make us retire with a death pill though… There was a doctor that released all the plans they had for us. One of them was making sure we never had the wealth to retire.
What is wealth? Is it food? Is it gold and silver? Is it squash, Lettuce, or Tomatoes? Is it antibiotics? Is it knowledge? Money just represents value and sometimes we perceive value and nothing.
It's the one size fits all lazy answer to everything and the solution is just throw money at a problem humanity has no feasible solution for.
The general media front of "science" has become an absolute joke, look at anything happening in nature phenomena and I guarantee inside whatever you're reading is going to be shoehorned to "hurr climate change" what's the fucking point of being a scientist these days.
A finely tuned society could have all things that needed for a good life without money. What would the GDP of that country be? It might be some because they would also sell to the capitalists because why not?
jews didn't exist then, user. all started with josephus.
idk man, chemtrails are pretty deliberately poisonous
Jonova? Is an Australian website with an article about how all the global warming data from the sensors was fake. Islands that were 1000 degrees. Stuff like that. It's all a scam.
Carbon tax was supposed to be implemented by now.
That's why they changed Global Warming® to ClimateChange in 2010 when Al Gore's predicitions didn't come true.
They were going to proclaim that it was effective when the natural cooling cycle started.
We're supposed to believe that the globalists, drunk on power, are altruistic.
Nice downvote, faggot
There's a dude who claims the nexrad weather radar system is really a giant haarp array. Any city big enough to have TV stations probably has nexrad radar. If you still watch the electric jew pay attention to the weather radar sometime. I think the dude might be right.
And what rights do you have fucker, you are so afraid to give up?
It would be 100x times nicer to live in Western Europe, if it had the budget of Somalia
For a board who is all about the truth you're fucking idiots regarding this topic.
ACC is happening, and it's killing a lot of shitskins. The problem is to keep them where they are so the planetary fever can get rid of them.
No moishe, the temperature going down is not global warming.
Pretty inevitable user. We have solid evidence that everytime the temperatures rise a few degrees mean average globally there follows an immediate big plunge in the temps and another ice age ensues. We are already well overdue right now for the next one and things are plainly building up to it.
Why are you afraid of winter-chan user? She's b best friends with White men, right?
Ice Age tards are btfo, the new solar max is starting
It certainly is. It's a (((psyop))) peddled by the Jewnited Nations and various related organizations. It's a ridiculous meme that distracts from the real environmental issues; such as pollution, and niggers existing.
For a couple years I've been pretty sure that (((Climate Change))) will be (one of) the wedge(s) used to divide world powers into "good" and "bad" for the impending third World War. Faggy EU nations etc. will start acting more and more hostile to Russia, the US, and any other Nationalistic country that they can spin as having committed some sort of grave environmental grievance. EU will have no choice but to invade or bomb "pollution sites".
Global Warming works on many fronts for them too, as touched on in OP. Doing all the stupid shit they want you to do to "save the planet" keeps you weak, docile, stupid, and poor. The critical mass and hivemind effects make it easy for them to steer the outrage and tack on tangential issues to keep people occupied and even more useful idiots. The more issues you're outraged about, the less you'll fight on any single one, and the more likely you are to completely miss the most important ones.
You should all be more afraid of the plastic crisis that will kill us long before any global climate changes
Russia is part of the NWO and is absolutely not nationalistic in the slightest.
How many times do I need to post this for you niggers?
Figueres: First time the world economy is transformed intentionally
Shit has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ENVIRONMENT. It uses it as the pretext to tax and regulated EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE as everything contains carbon. As a result, the environment will only get worse. The fucking CLUE was that they talk about CO2 and only CO2. Something that is essential for life and you're exhaling right now.
Rising CO2 levels HAVE NEVER PRECEDED a rise in temperature, anywhere, ever. Arctic ice core samples tell us this.
It's the globalization of poverty you slow fucks. World Communism would never be asked for, dumb shits who know nothing need to be tricked into asking for all the bullshit you're hearing about today. So maybe you don't vote yourselves into slavery. Because once this shit starts, that's it, there will be no coming back from it.
Oh no! Not the NWO! IS HE A MASON? MAYBE A JESUIT? A SATANIST! Get real kike.
no he's a cryptojew just like daddy drumpf
t.Never met a Russian
WEW. Layoffs at Shill Inc., I see.
Combat any Global Warming discussion with the mentioning of the damage that (((capitalism))) did since the end of WWII, when it comes to the pollution of air, water, soil and and anything living inside it. This damage is irreparable and probably one of the reasons why they came up with the GW scam.
As for your money concern…it even worse than this. The jewish usury scheme of debt is about to collapse, which must of course be deflected from any jewish involvement, which is why we have this ongoing chaos of white genocide, invasion terror, unchecked leftist insanity, mass censorship, war mongering, fear propaganda, violence acceleration etc. So what's the plan? The economy is already finished, we all are just waiting for them to pull the rug under it, and they take their sweet ass time. All the big businesses are in it, which is why they are all staffed by minorities and women (disposable workers), why everyone is pushing evil propaganda, while also draining as much money from the costumers as possible without any regard of bad optics to themselves. Ones they let it collapse, all the global money will become worthless (excluding Russia and China and whoever else has their hands in this grand robbery).
The goal then are two things 1) chaos, civil wars, starvation all over the globe and 2) ending money itself and forcing the citizens to accept slavery instead. How? Cash-less currency (100% fiat and freely manipulated by them), universal income (now everyone is equal financially, which is the starting point for the last evil), a social credit system. China is the field test for this, but a better understandable comparison would be Facebook (or social media itself). Imagine getting a score for what they want you to do with your life (like exp in a video-game) and a punishment if you don't do it. On top of that is of course total state surveillance. This all combined is not only slavery, but would put all the citizens into a game like competition where everyone back-stabs and mistrusts each other for social gibs.
So what did the hook-nosed demons get out of it? No more dealing with money, the entire economy can be controlled and manipulated on one laptop.Capitalism isn't needed anymore since those slaves would work directly for their masters, while being content to getting scraps like shitty games, propaganda flicks and niggerball events. Politics will not be needed anymore, the rich will be forever out of reach financially, any form of eugenics and racial genocide can just be instigated while the slaves are busy achieving up votes on the their scores, the end of race, culture, nationality, individuality and freedom to do anything.
sunspots are irrelevant to the ice age cycles user. and you had better eagerly welcome winter-chan to come if there's to be any hope for the White race. thankfully, the climatological record is on our side in this.
don't you know, climate change is irrefutable. the climate always changes, has always changed and will always change. The shill you were responding to is attempting a consensus cracking tactic. He (retardedly) beleives that he can get us to accept climate change because muh naziism (doesn't realize that all the nazi shit is pushed by shills here)… it's kind of humorous.
While there are"hello fellow whites" jew chameleons transparently trying to push their propaganda Zig Forums is and always was a National Socialist board.
Ausländer Raus!
gl ice age chan
Jews cause global warming to make life more miserable for those outside of their control and technocratic system.
I found an interactive globe website where you could filter by emission type. China basically glows like the sun compared to the rest of the world in terms of carbon monoxide.
Man made climate change is real but if you think you'll be able to convince billions of niggers, gooks and Pajeets to not burn tires and cow shit you're fooling yourself.
Any time I see the global cooling memes I dream of hunting brown people in a winter setting like a cross over between "surviving the game" and "the grey"!