4D Chess Boogaloo
Trump Cucks on the Wall - #2
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2020 campaign slogan $20 on it
I think you missed out on the whole Opsec thing.
He should have pushed for term limits in his first week in office.
After that balanced budget amendment.
Term limits are great because it would clear out those who've been in office since the Clinton days, and put self driving pressure on both parties to radicalize. The moderates will all be phased out.
Trump is a good goy, he did nuffin wrong
And I was right again. I'm consistently right every time, yet hopefulls just decry me with the tired kampfy-style mockery of all of my phrasing and people wonder why they get fucked and cucked like they do?
And he didn't because he's owned by jews. Because good things can't happen in the universe.
the irony is that it looks like the jews are successfully building a virtual wall against whites
They did that the moment the Mazarin negotiated the Peace of Westphalia and the Rothschilds declared their blood vengeance against the Romanovs for not letting them kill all of germany in the 1600's.
The story of the Trump presidency, say something good or draw a line in the sand, then proceed to walk it back and cave within days. But when something negatively affects whites, that's sure to go through no matter what.
Brown taskmaster: Get back to work whitey! No one said you could spend time with family! Don't make me go get overseer schlomo and start proceeding to turn you into soylent!
No, it's Stand Your Ground
Well, at least we have a Democratic voter pumping out Democratic voters like her vagina was a clown-car. HOORAY!
If we don't get our wall we'll meme a democrat fucking landslide.
NO WALL, NO 2020.
If trips, we stop being antisemitic and rally behind our God-Emperor Donald J Trump.
Fuck off, CIA glow nigger.
Purity spirals only cause fear in the impure. Why are you impure, fucking wasted dubs? Punching to the right is all there is. Punching to the left is all there is. Punch in all directions at all times and burn them all. Nobody is good enough.
Mod-get. This is proof that Kampfy is still here.
Fuck off with your false trips faggot
It's as if you have a special place right on the Wheel chan server
Exactly. Good things don't happen. It's always bad. All the time. Never changing.
Ashes and Echoes
Anything can be made to look impure when the impure control perception. If you don't understand this, you haven't been paying attention. They can arrest and demonize a being of light who cures cancer with touch if they wanted to.
You're afraid. Comatose. Genetic dead end.
>Direct quoting the (((AP)))
L2 basic US geography faggot.
You guncucks are hilarious.
'I'm gonna rise for real this time… in 5 to 10 years.'
You're never gonna do shit: guns give you a false sense of safety.
And the worst part of this shit is that we created these faggots. These faggots saw us during Gamergate, during chanology, during all these events when we were right; and now they sup at the altar of controlled opposition because during those previous battles, our enemy observed us and found out how to sell chan culture and misdirection into online rabbitholes to boomers and normies.
I bet you one of the TRSodomites' handlers came up with the Q-Larp.
Do you ever get tired of losing, goyim?
How does it feel to live in the final days of your race?
And neither will you. You'll also get droned by ZOG.
Major General Jack Weinstein. All arguments are invalid.
Nothing ever changes and if it does, it's for the worse.
All of this was predicted before the election, because it's the same tactic used to bring down Berlusconi. Judiciary attacks on all his men and cockblocked policies to ruin his image of a make-do leader. Meanwhile international scandals eroded his credibility.
Trump will be hunted down well after his term has ended. The day the left has him found guilty and imprisoned will be a wartime parade. All the normies will eat it up like great justice and will be insulated against nationalism. The young generation you believe is more right wing than their fathers, will despise the man for being a weak loser.
This is eye rape
The same way it always has. Just like how it feels to be a kike in a world not built for kikes. Just like it feels to be a nigger and know you're retarded like a nigger.
There is nothing in this world that exists that is not also torment. There is not one soul that has ever escaped punishment.
You're starting to understand. But, you've further yet to go.
There is no young generation more right wing than their fathers. There is only Eternal Misery. Every young person is either cucked, or too invested in the current modernity to ever see it fall.
Zaphod Beblebrox never had credibility. His only task was to be a steam valve for the kikes to get away.
The wall is obviously a distraction while Trump creates the best economy ever.
What kind of sick person has a folder of these? You should go into the enhanced interrogation business.
We need to meme republican primaries.
Trump needs to know 2020 isn't happening without a wall.
NO SHIT, SHERLOCK. I don't and I try to wake up you fools from this escapist fantasy, but you would sooner masturbate forever with 4th Reich fantasies than getting outside and march like the Yellow Vests.
You hope too much. The Kushner shills at CADRE have enough money in Jim's Pig Farm in Flipland, that no amount of memes will make that happen. He'll just cuck out, they'll continue to do the voting thing because they're squeamish and things will get worse.
Samson Looms
Ashes and Echoes
Go ahead and try then. Go do some yellow vest shit for me. Please tell me where we're supposed to meet up and start the fire!
Wait! You're accusator user aren't you! You're the one who keeps asking me if I did my week of scouting and stalked IRL targets like power stations!
You will never be white, kike.
So, did you do your week of scouting by the way? Have you selected which stations you're going to target? Have you done a google maps recon of the area? Where are we supposed to start like the yellow vests? When? How? Where? In what numbers?
I would kill you if you were white.
MAGANiggers get cucked. Always.
checked. This is hell
rally behind our God-Emperor Donald J Trump.
edited for fuck the kikes.
Remember to pay your taxes so all those gov workers can get their month of pay FOR STAYING HOME. Pay your taxes!
Polandball reportings in, am of much agreeings kurwa! Building wall should take priority over antisemitic shill postings.
Trips for Trump
Am off to clean le toilets fare well
Uh, no we won't
The non essential workers are going to get interest on their payments.
You want to bet faggot?
Nobody fucks us and gets away with it.
I guess that's cuckchan stuff, you should probably go back and stay there.
It would be funny if we get the republican voters to throw him out, win the election, and he were to build the wall.If the guy were to do that he would get another term.
Are there any legit female conservatives? it would be nice to cuck the Dems out of that.
That's the jewish motto
No woman is going to have the balls to build the wall. The only way it might happen is if we meme Rand Paul into office and somehow convince him a wall is the best way to enforce the Non-Agression Principle because the mexicans are invaders and thus violating the NAP.
I am parts of us you dumbass, and I will never meme for some piece of shit like hildawg
Eh, if you don't, you end up getting shanked by the IRS in prison.
Yeah, we will. They outnumber you, you fucking cuck. Watch what happens
You don't have to. You just have to understand that there are a large number of us who will never vote for anything else ever after this. This is the moment in Bosnia when the Serbs boycotted the referendum on Bosnian independence.
We can't win the elections anyways, might as well let the dems win and start shooting people.
This is just a taxpayer giveaway to the payday loan Jew.
Enjoy getting cucked for the rest of your life in a slow decline towards communism.
Accelerationism is the only option at this point.
We have to make the frog jump out of the pot.
Too bad. Randlet is too much of an israel loving cuck to ever do anything good for us.
No memes can ever save us. We exist in a place of punishment.
Accelerationism doesn't work either. It doesn't produce victory, it produces Zimbabwe. Acceleration will only cause us to die faster as more people are demoralized and left with nothing to fight for because you didn't try to build them up something to cling to after you destroy the modernity they love and live in.
But you can't build up anything for them to cling to, because if you start, ZOG just gives you the Waco treatment.
Ashes and Echoes
And of course they'd use the fucking Mountainbrook faggot ass Jones to do that in return for cucking Roy Moore out of that seat.
sorry to tell you this, user.
YOU exist in a place of punishment.
The rest of us are here for the shits and giggles
We need Hitler, not this democracy crap.
You can think that all you want. But there are always days you suffer. Those days are forever. Your shits and giggles don't last long enough. Sorry.
You're still screaming inside.
Hitler was too kind. And we won't be given a second chance. Nobody has ever deserved a second chance. Ever.
Well, you have to admit we don't have our fucking wall.
Nope. We don't. And we never will. Because no amount of threatening will make Trump do anything, because he loves jews. Every last one of his grandchildren are jews, a man's loyalty is to the tribe of his grandchildren.
To better reitterate. No, we don't have a wall. We'll never have a wall. There won't be a 2020, because the kikes need to launch the bombs this year.
And even that's a bit too good to happen. So it'll probably just be descent into brownsville forever until the world is too shit to bother destroying.
what about those angel mothers.
Moshe, please.
You aren't getting a hitler without a descent into Weimar.
And even then, it won't be good enough. We're past weimar. We just have enough surplus prolefeed to keep the grist running through the mill.
Better to resist the slow decline than to meme it into reality.
Russia tried accelerationism in the early 20th century. It didn't go over so well…
Well, we can have our wall, it's possible. But it is not simple. We will require the assistance of the Ancient Ones.
Arcanum XIX (19): The Sun (inspect the image. note what makes this card a card of safety)
One of the problems in the US is that the people are too trusting - they project their honesty onto their politicians
The slow decline is still bad. It's always shit. Nothing good will ever happen.
You are a fucking retard. The Ancient ones hate us. The gods hate us. The entirety of the cosmos is hate and misery. There is no way to ever make use of one iota of power to do anything for us that is not also punishment.
The problem is that people *exist*. Existence itself is the curse and the source of all problems.
If we don't get our all then expect the 2nd amendment to be fucked.
Washington is shorthand for DC 100% of the time with anyone involved with the federal govt or mass media
Why would anyone or anything ever help us? Why haven't they done so before now? Why didn't they just make it perfect to begin with and instead made this shit-hole?
The goal is to destroy your spirit. The goal is to destroy your soul.
Mission Accomplished?
It already has been Bumpstock ban.
It always has been destroyed. Why weren't you destroyed before? What gave you hope? Why did you lie to yourself and believe them?
Expect AWB 2.0.
If quints, we acknowledge the following:
1. Trump is not a savior, but a stop-gap measure to buy us time while the masses get redpilled. Accelerationism is retarded but so is Trump worship.
2. Jews don't have some malevolent plot against whites, they are just rootless and indifferent to our plight. A huge amount of them are cosmopolitcal cucks who are either lying opportunitic pieces of shit, or genuinely believe the shit they're virtue signalling. The machiavellian shit is shillposting.
2nd Amendment doesnt mean shit if people wont use it.
Also 50% of the world's small arms are owned by U.S. citizens, theres no way they take the guns.
Fuck off mossad.
Report this kike.
It's his board
Fuck no. My soul is eternal. I'm fueled by this crap. Such is the addiction to the quantum.
I expect worse than that. Nobody can ever accuse me of being too hopeful.
And that's why someone should DESTROY ALL MASONS
I hate boomers so fucking much
Masons are just a club for old guys to drink and be charitable. The biggest secret is that there is no secret.
Nice divide and conquer there shlomo
Ironically, they're (((French))) shills.