BNK48 Our girl group?

Lefties are going mental because one of the Thai girl group BNK48 wore a swastika TShirt.

I say she needs our support for the ungodly amount of flak she's about to receive.

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I think it's one of those cases where popular media gets turned into merchandise and uneducated third-worlders just wear them because they think the design is cool. Still funny shit though.

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Yeah, the equivalent of Chinese charater and dragon designs, Japanese pagan artwork, and all that stupid Buddhist iconography that hippy leftists latch onto.

That's the culture, i.e. consumer culture, of the modern world though. You don't wear the traditional clothes of your people – you just buy the shit at the mall.

The swastika is an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia, used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions. In the Western world, it was a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck until the 1930s, when it became a feature of Nazi symbolism as an emblem of Aryan race identity and, as a result, was stigmatized by association with ideas of racism and antisemitism.

You are literally braindead.

It's too bad none of what you said is relevant. How embarrassing. I sincerely hope your post is copypasta of some sort.

No thanks

is this a thing now

dont throw stones when you live in a house of stupid. kike.

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Its so cool its banned.

This is what happens when you learn engrish from memes.

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You realize that shirt contains more than the Swastika, right? That is a military flag used by Hitler's Germany (Reichskriegsflagge). I have no idea why you thought to lecture Zig Forums about the symbol.

Yes, but not in the literal sense of literal.

Oh No! Don't trigger the commies

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Lefties are mental if they think thai people are going to care about their delusions.

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This isn't that uncommon in Asian countries, where the taboo doesn't exist or isn't nearly as strong.

I wonder if that's why Zig Forums has it's share of Indian and Asian anons that drop in from time to time.

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thailand numba wan

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Thais confirmed for best SE Asians.

Kek imagine visiting India or something and seeing Hitler's Cross restaurant. I'd go and eat there if I saw it.

Why would anyone visit India?