Is there any hope for humanity to achieve the prestige that was once a reality like that of ancient societies like ancient Greece and Rome?
Ancient societies
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Yes china will do it.
Please explain.
Only if you are woman hating alt-righter this counts as "prestige".
Patriarchal society is best for both women and men. If women had the intellect their desires would be met. In this society we're all slaves to big corporations. We don't need a society full of slaves. We already have automation.
You're acting as if pedophilia became non existent in today's world. How silly.
Everything is decadent and slave driven. Stop pretending that we'd be off worse.
If I were you I'd be more concerned with learning to use English properly.
I'm not going to be derailed by your squeals of baitery. Fuck off.
I wonder what those women's rights might be that you're talking about, their rights to be whores and murder their children perhaps? There's also absolutely nothing wrong with so-called paedophilia, supposing by that you mean girls were married off at a very early (by today's (((standards)))) age. Pederasty, on the other hand, was never particularly common in Ancient Greece, neither was it tolerated. In fact, it would have resulted in death penalty if you were caught diddling young boys and generally being a sodomite. Please, fuck off back to /trannypol/.
These idiots think that everything is fine. All they ever do though is work, sleep, continue on with their mindless addictions and download what others think into their head. Thus we are in a degenerate society voidant of philosophy.
All they ever can do is point out irrelevant flaws as if that were to destroy the veracity of my statements.
Infanticide and abortion were common among whores in Greece. In case your don't know.
I taking about these rights
Those whores slaves. They were considered the lowest of the low. Nice try.
tits or gtfo, libshit.
Every single one of those accusations is true about modern society as well. With the sole difference that the slaves aren't self-aware.
This place is moderated like shit.
There were male slaves as well. I don't see what is your point. You only want a matriarchy.
weak bait tbh
Slavery is good, more of Zig Forums should be for it. Modern society is what happens when the slave caste runs free, slavery gives them a purpose and a direction. All they get from being "free" is more plastic crap.
We are already slaves. What we need is an antique society, gender roles, patriarchy and a revival of philosophy and have a place for them to have debates. A strive towards perfection.
Stop romanticizing history and go explore it.
Obvious shill but true to some degree. Zig Forums hates pedos but somehow would suck the dick of romans, greeks, muh ancestors: e.g 18th century anglos they were still full blown pedos who would have multiple children btw, child prostitution rose to an all time high
Who does it excuse female sex slavery in state founded whorehouses? Let me do it for you: male slavery is bad, female slavery is good. Only cowardly art-right males can't say these words out loud they only secretly dream this.
Maybe on Mars?
Patriarchy is good, matriarchy is bad. Slavery isn't needed.
You real thoughts are clearly viable under disguise.
What an obedient slave you are.
Leave Now, Cuck
Don't worry 'friend'. Only those whom have value and worth get to be slaves. You on the otherhand, you don't have either value or worth. And even if you did, wanna guess what happens when someone comes along whom doesn't want to take slaves does to creatures like you? Hint, it aint prison.
>>>Zig Forums
I said it isn't needed you nigger. Didn't say it is moral. Since it is not needed there's no need for a moral argument to be made.
Nice pilpul. So if someone have slaves its fine because you played Pontius Pilate
Pontius Pilate was black. afrikan
Doesn't sound wrong to me. As a matter of fact, black slaves were useful for the sugar plantations, which in turn helped Europe get further ahead.
It must be earned or you will not have it. Dumb slide thread anyways though.
While I have some level of respect for the accomplishments of ancient civilizations, they are indeed riddled with degeneracy. Greeks and Romans fucked young boys, male castration was a regular part of culture to created eunuchs to guard harems (imagine being born into a lower socio-economic class and being forcefully CASTRATED and told it was part of your new job to not have fucking balls).
Jews infected these civilizations early on and led to most of their downfalls. Rome is not based. Romans had pedophile sex orgies while their nutless slave-guards stood by and watched. Literally sounds like a weekend at Podesta's house.
You stick out like a sore thumb.
That sounds awesome actually. I wish we still had those.
every single time
guess the so called "western civilization" started by Charlemagne is much worse since after all right now millions of dudes cut their dicks off and larp as women and take it in the ass and play with their shit
Charlemagne was black.afrikan
Hey there rabbi. This is not faceberg, you can't just tale a big fat smelly kike shit and have people start eating it. None of that shit applied to greeks, and it only happened in rome after the kike takeover of rome, which caused its collapse. Hmmmm…
Since when could a commie ever explain?
Listen you expert of putting of words in my mouth. You're the one trying to meme me say that slavery is good. I'm not for it. Nor do I think it's a good idea. If it is not a good idea then quivering about the morality of it is redundant.
I can play your game as well. There is so much worse shit going on right now, much more disturbing. This is nothing in comparison.
This is the age of Kali Yuga, what do you think? Become Kalki and you can earn all of the prestige in the world.
Your disgusting NWO bugworld deserves to be nuked.
Lots of slide replies oddly