If this is true, why is there a strong correlation between IQ and the equator? Why do people's IQ increase the further away from the equator they are regardless of ethnicity or race?
IQ and the Equator
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In order to survive harsh winter conditions, humans of higher intellect are needed to provide protection from the elements. Unintelligent people are less capable of doing this.
Because most Argentinians and Australians are from European descent along with north americans
dumb nigger with his slide thread.
gas yourself shlomo
Because of farming in the cold weather and shiieett!!! (requires ability to plan)
Intelect is reaction to evil, evil=heat/radiation, if you can't deal with evil you bacome a nigger
There, meaning of life solved
in the tropics, bananas and coconuts are falling on your lazy head
if you want women and food, all you have to be aggressive, zero evolutionary pressure to be intelligent
meanwhile if you wanted to survive in ice age glaciation europe, you needed to handle better shelters, better tools, better clothing, to trap, to hunt down mammoths, to cooperate with other tribesmen, to have few children and then invest heavily into the few of them
this is also why nigger children develop few months earlier and get into maturity earlier, they are evolved for plentiful environments and rapid breeding, meanwhile ice age populations are evolved for scarce and territorial living
Well put.
nope, Europeans over 6 children until 20th century, (((individualism))) and (((medicine)))
Well your retardation is probably related to someone dropping you on your head as a baby. Genetics are shaped by evolution related to the environment, if IQ was magically shaped in a 100% environmental manner white people born in Africa would turn retarded.
What do you mean "people"? You mean groups over time?
Yep, just sprinkle shit all over the post.
Every thread on this board is a slide thread.
bruv you are being lil dumb there, while euros had 3-4 children in ice ages, world average was 20+
environment here means 100.000 years plus ice age glaciations, aka environment that no longer even exists
no one's talking about today when they say environment
jesus people here are so dumb
Europeans and East-Asians evolved in harsh climates and had to have intelligence to survive the winter.
whites had so 6-12 children just about 100 years ago, most of them died however, just like in Africa, but it was better model because it makes only the children who make the right desicions alive, having lower birth rate means that you become genetically inferior
birthrate declined with contraceptives and when white woman decided that they want to have careers and enjoy life, while niggers don't give a shit about condoms (lack of plan again)
What's with the recent trend of people acting like they disagree with me, calling me dumb but then actually agreeing with different wording? OP said it's not genetics.
It is not that simple
Natives in Alaska also lived in colder climate for thousands of years and have 87 points of IQ
ok but why post data from 100 years ago when i am talking about data from 100.000 years ago, do you even know when ice age glaciations were, when modern european evolved above the african trash?
after the invention of penicillin, you can have a ton of children without them dying but you didnt have that in the ice ages
Never said that Europeans had 12 children who lived up to maturity, I just said that they had lots of more children in total, just like any other population
Numbers of children who lived up to maturity peaked about 100 years ago in Europe
You can't proof anyhow that Europeans had 3-4 children in total 100 000 of years ago
Anyways, modern europeans are not descands of people who lived in Europe 100 000 years ago
They are mostly descands of Eastern/Siberian hunter gatherers and early anatolian farmers, even the mesolithic european component just peaks in Basques/Icelandic people at somewhere 30% but this is not the same what Europeans had 100 000 years ago or not even as the same as they had at 30 000-20 000 years ago
I live in Florida and people in upper New York are fucking retarded.
But the harsh desert conditions of Africa haven't produced high IQ blacks.
Why aren't Eskimos geniuses?
Yes, my point was that living hundreds of years under farming/or in civilization in colder climate will produce higher IQs
however colder climate itself gives some advantage like Amerindians have still +27 points more than niggs, but hunter-gatherers themselves didn't need so high IQs as modern Europeans have
Alright. I can agree to that point considering Europe had fertile lands and was likewise far off the equator, whereas India, Egypt, etc. also had fertile lands but were but were closer to the equator. Regardless of the scenarios however, we can both agree that extreme climates (ice and deserts) that are not fertile produce populations with lower IQ as he implied.
go ask a gamer. running a big processor requires a lot of energy (calories), plus active cooling. planning a year ahead is certainly important, but may only be part of the equation in intelligence selection.
Because cold alone is not a magic factor that increases intelligence. Eskimos live in a simple static environment.
eskimos are very recent to the arctic circle and their life consists of simple fishing, mostly seal fishing
It has nothing to do with the equator, otherwise abos would all be geniuses. It has to do with cold climate. Sage for a cookie cutter thread which everyone already knows about.
I got the ideas from here
It's still less than what niggers put out
Not many people lived in the actual desert and the outlying areas were lush as fuck
granted those living in the desert weren't retarded but just were one their below white
You dumb boong
Australia is close to the equator
it only takes 12 years to raise a nigger child. the minimum now for whites is 26.
Cuckchan crosspost
OP is a shill
Ignore all slide threads
We've been invaded by trash people.
are you proud to be no-children cuckold?
do you enjoy that you will become minority?
Those natives lived near the ocean only for much of the year. The ocean in that area has several factors which made it one of the most productive and food rich environments outside of the tropics. There was no storing food for the winter. Most never moved inland due to the stringent requirements of life away from such an food rich area. And comparatively alaska has a massive food rich enviroment compared to much of the rest of the northern world yet they couldn't cut it nor did they have the pressures to tackle those problems.
If you could make shitty canoes you can find more food. Stay near the land and you can find shelter from storms. When not winter vast amounts of food came to them. When in winter many staple foods stayed in the area year round under the water and were actually easier to catch in some ways if you just dug a hole. You could catch enough to pull out your food and simply leave the excess on the iceflows or in the snow and it would freeze solid until you needed it should you hit a rought patch. That's it, you just left it on the ground and it would take care of itself. They never produced an high population count or had competitive pressures from other peoples competing for their food, they had population numbers that were laughably small per square mile of habitat. Never did they need permanent homes, never did they need permanent societies, never did they need to plan ahead to survive beyond a few days. What you could carry was usually more than enough throughout the entire year.
In many ways, these natives had it easier than many sub Saharan africans.
How exactly do you not know this? Its obvious.
Heat and disease load select for brainlets, as brainlets migrate north, they get pruned.
Don't forget about Australian abbos
People in the Southern Cone got higher IQs than other Latin Americans not because some latitude-related shit, but because of their race.
Explain Eskimos and Greenlandic people
Recent arrivals in the grandrr historical sense. Skin did not adapt because it was not selected for due to vitamin D diet from fish.
For the Northern hemisphere, cold winters required forethought, planning, and delayed gratification. If you eat all your food in the Autumn, you die in the Winter.
People on the equator live in abundance, and don't require any need for delayed gratification. Farming isn't a requirement to survive, so the need for any sort of intellect never arose.
Southern Hemisphere; largely colonized by Europeans from the Northern hemisphere. Australia's aboriginal population for example is all but extinct (literally in the case of Tasmania), but those that have survived have the same IQ as African Pygmies.
The nogs residing in America have a lower IQ than White Americans. This stands in stark contrast to your statement.
Sage for you misunderstanding demographics.
Why don't native americans have super high IQs then? What about the Inuit?
Ok but then what about Native Americans?
seems more like it has to do with general Eurasian ancestry, ancestry from the descendants of those bottlenecked Eurasians that survived all sorts of challenges
exception made for those who mixed too much with local hominins like abbos who have all sort of archaic ancestries
with the now hundreds and hundreds of ancient DNA samples available, I wonder if anyone has tried to compute a polygenic score regarding intelligence and see what comes up, at least based on modern variants
What is the mentality for believing that IQ has no genetic component? Do these people seriously think that every single human being has the exact same mental abilities? How do they think sapience evolved in the first place if intelligence is just a social construct?
Actually Eskimos are the humans with the best short term memories and pattern recognition. Again we humans are creatures and specialize according to the environmental challenges we face.
If this is true they should be able to have a very high IQ with Raven's Matrices.
shit thread
IQ increases where white people are
china's IQ is a fucking lie
No, nigger. The average was always around six, as it's supposed to be at. Not six-to-twelve.
So the native americans didn't develop a high IQ because there was an abundant amount of agricultural possibilities available and therefore they didn't need to plan accordingly as much as Europeans did.
Native Americans arrived from Siberia 10000 years ago. Not enough time for evolution in the same vein that shaped all the major races.
We've been invaded by niggers from reddit.
They've only been there a few thousand years, that's not long enough. It took 200,000 years for whites to become this smart.
No shit, they don't live in the desert you retard. Apefricans evolved in the tropical rain forests of Africa.
No, that's just a dumbass making shit up. Siberian Americans didn't develop high IQs because 10,000 years isn't long enough to develop high IQs.
He might mean the Canadian abos.
I find it amusing that there's this prevalent view amongst race deniers that basically all of Africa is a desert. But you know, we're apparently the ignorant ones.
Hurry durr I make shit up with words, because low iq
Stop speaking for the rest of us you nigger
1. Proven wrong by all genetic studies.
2. Europeans got to the Americas first.
Peruvian and Bolivian lung capacities are 20% higher than other indioes, idiot. This is GENETIC. Never mind that the FST between asians and indioes is about the same distance as between Europeans and asians. There are five species of humanity:
Homo europeansis
Homo africanis
Homo asiatis
Homo australis
Homo americanis
How is that relevant at all to the topic of Amerindian evolution?
Much more specialized environment adaptations that require nowhere near enough time. There are populations around the world in exceptionally cold climates that don't sweat, for instance. Intelligence develops very slowly as increased cognition is much more complex.
Because they're still, genetically, a separate species, regardless of the time it took them to get there.
Time to what?
Show me one.
What does that have to do with anything?
Not sweating does the exact opposite of what you think it does. The sweat keeps you warm.
And Europeans being first in America but sadly dying off there is relevant to this how?
It took millions of years for ape-men to develop human level cognition, the difference between niggers nigging and populations that can actually figure out patterns for tasks such as getting ready for the winter takes further hundreds of thousands of years because of how complex our brains are. Specialized traits like increased lung capacity are much simpler biologically speaking.
Oh! I thought you were on the other side of the argument, or were at least claiming that there wasn't a species-level distinction between mongoloids and americoids. Sorry about that.
White people are not from earth. They were dropped here by the Grey aliens in order to foster evolution.
What a dumb thread. The divergent evolution of the races and their distance from the equator correlates perfectly.
Not quite. Most of those children didn't naturally select themselves out because of poor decisions. The rate of infant mortality was much higher in the past. Most children died young from illness but once they made it into their teens they were pretty much good. Today without contraceptives and social programming whites could easily have more than six kids without much medical complications.
The Solutreans didn't just disappear, 10000 years after they arrived the asiatics and the Mal'ta (also european) began arriving. For 10000 years after that they began to mix into one american race, in addition to adapting to the new. The ones from the midwest to the eastern seaboard are still more solutrean than asiatic, where on the west coast it is more of the opposite.
Explain gypsies
The nogs and white Americans aren't native to America. Look at Sicilians compared to Northern Italians. Or Balkans people compared to Germans. IQ gets in the 80s in the Balkans. Same with Asia. South East Asians are fucking retarded monkeys.
Sweat cools you off you idiot. That's the whole point of sweating.
Gypsies are descended from untouchables that wandered out from india, dont you know that?
They also have perfect 20/20 vision and can navigate across completely frozen landscape without any landmarks. They also didn't farm and so less planning ahead is required to survive winter.
Except that isn't true. The adaptations diffferent populations developed in response to environmental climate are heritable traits.
What does anything you are saying have to do with me or what I said? Are you mentally ill or just black?
I live outdoors in the Rockies. If you're not sweating it means you're freezing or have frostbite.
Is that really what your little maps show though?
That's part of it.
Another factor is hot humid climates favor smaller brains because of heat stroke.
Colder climates favor larger everything except dicks. Dicks get frostbite.
ok explain me why people in siberia arent smarter by people in moscow or kalingrad
thats right you cant now kys idiot
The high IQ people picked better places to live at. The land and doing stuff doesn't raise IQ, one is born with their intelligence, one only acquires more data as they age.