Holocaust Is Fake History - 8968

“Care must be taken not to give a platform for deniers… or seek to disprove the deniers’ position through normal historical debate and rational argument.”

— ‘Guidelines for Teaching about the Holocaust’ at the Stockholm International Forum, 2000

“One should not ask, how this mass murder was made possible. It was technically possible, because it happened. This has to be the obligatory starting-point for any historical research regarding this topic. We would just like to remind you: There is no debate regarding the existence of the gas chambers, and there can never be one.”

— “34 reputable historians” published in the prominent French daily Le Monde on February 21, 1979

“It is necessary to recognize that the lack of traces involves the inability to directly establish the reality of the existence of homicidal gas chambers.”

— French ‘historian’ Jacques Baynac, Le Nouveau Quotidien (Lausanne, Switzerland), Sept. 3, 1996, p. 14.

“Mass human cyanide gas chambers have never existed in human history.” The affirmation here is that normal hygiene technology functioned in an ordinary, normal manner in the German labour camps: that is the core essence of what is today meant by “Holocaust denial.”

“The three victor nations, Russia, America and Britain, collaborated together at Nuremberg to fabricate the horrorillusion, which would enable the US/UK to gain the post-war moral high ground, even after incinerating the German cities with two million tons of bombs. People were loath to believe that such a thing could have happened – until maybe after Iraq, when we saw how British-American intelligence had fabricated the Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) lie without a tremor of conscience. Only then, I suggest, does it start to dawn upon the world that the notion of big human gas chambers was the original WMD hoax.”

– Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom Breaking the Spell — The Holocaust, Myth & Reality

“The Holocaust is a deeply anchored belief even in people who know very little about it. We can see that not only does disbelief in the Holocaust myth threaten modern Jewish identity as shaped by political Zionism, but for others it brings into question the credibility of those in authority who told everyone it was true: the state, the churches, the schools, and media of every kind. These sources are the same ones people trust and depend on every day for information. If these trusted authorities are wrong about the Holocaust, what else are they wrong about? What other dishonesties are they promoting?”

– John Weir, The Holocaust as Myth: Betraying the Public Trust

“If the Holocaust were unimportant, we wouldn’t have around 20 countries on this planet outlawing its critical investigation. In fact, this is the only historical topic that is regulated by penal law. This is proof for the fact that the powers that be consider this topic to be the most important issue to keep under their strict control. Those censoring, suppressing powers are the real criminals—not the historical dissidents they send to prison.”

– Germar Rudolf, Logic and Reason Can and Will Destroy the Holocaust Establishment

“The rising flood, particularly on the Internet, that is bringing to the world’s knowledge the spectacular achievements of historical revisionism is not suddenly going to halt its advance or return towards its source.”

– Robert Faurisson, The revisionists’ total victory on the historical and scientific level

1. The only thing at Auschwitz resembling a human gas chamber was constructed in 1946 by Stalin.

2. Not a single diagnosis of death by cyanide poisoning is on record for any German labour camp.

3. No trace whatever remains of the millions of bodies allegedly gassed in the German labour camps.

4. None of the war generals after the war who wrote their memoirs made any allusion to human gas chambers or indeed to any intention to exterminate an ethnic group.

5. The Red Cross made normal, routine visits to Auschwitz during the war, and its published reports made no allusion to any ongoing human gassing there.

6. No authentic documents attesting to “The Holocaust” exist anywhere.

7. The Bad Arolsen archives list everyone who lived and died in all the German labour camps. The question naturally arises as to what is the total number recorded in this tremendous archive. Clearly the managers of this archive are not at liberty to tell of this or they would be jailed for so awful a crime.


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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=youtube 1915 1938

Archive of the website:


but the zyklon B

and the shoeeeeeess!

Thank u, THIS is gold. Searched the picture and found more nuggets to use.
8 = H = Holocaust
9 = I = Is
6 = F = Fake
8 = H = History

8 9 6 8 could evolve in the 4 numbers of truth/freedom!

Make these 4 numbers a new ADL hate symbol
14 88 and 8968!

Here is more memes. Do not let your memes be dreams.
Remember 8968, but it should have happened!

Matrix, Neo and 8 9 6 8:

Real life poster:


more ideas/white activist manual

Forget the shoes, what about the hair?
Who am I supposed to believe: a bunch of egg-head quotes or actual survivors and wikipedia?

good job

this. my great grandfather was a Holocaust survivor. he told us all about the lamp shades and the roller coasters of death. he even said that many of his friends were fed to giant eagles.

Nice! Every time I tried to archive the website in the past, it always failed.


why would the Germans mass murder the Jews?
don't get me wrong, I wish they did, but they would've been much more useful as slaves than as piles of corpses and ash

some would argue they would get too weak for hard physical labour and their usefulness would be gone, but hard physical labour isn't all they could've been used for

1.) Yes, the holocaust is fake history.

2.) This is a terrible format.

3.) You need more direct links.

Something along the lines of holocaustisfakehistory{dot}org

5.) It needs to be in a format that NORMIES will find appealing, and that frames the "Holocaust" as the result of ALLIED BOMBING and AMERICAN WAR CRIMES. The lefties and normies we need to reach will knee-jerk reject anything that just flat-out says it was fake, but if you reframe it as AN ATTACK ON AMERICA and argue that the "Holocaust" was the result of Americans intentionally bombing the supply routes for the camps the lefties/normies will eat it up since they hate America and automatically want to believe anything bad about our country.

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Because the Germans are eeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiillllll!



Mongolian empire is also fake history.

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They wouldn't, and that's the point.

The concentration camps were WORK CAMPS. The Germans put the Jews in prisons to force them into working for the war effort, with the eventual goal of deporting them all to the middle east after the war was over.
The Jews were SUPPOSED to be working on assembly lines building things for the troops, which is why the camps famously had signs that said things like "Arbeit Mahct Frei" (Work Makes Freedom).

If the goal was to kill the Jews then they would have done it IMMEDIATELY. Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and hours and literal TONS of material building huge labor camps and shuttling Jews all around the country if the goal was just to kill them? Germans are an incredibly efficient people who are excellent at planning. If mass murder was the true goal it would have been infinitely better for the Germans to just execute them immediately where they were found.

The reason the Jews in the camps starved and died is because ALLIED FORCES intentionally bombed the supply routes for the camps cutting them off from food, water, and medicine sources. The camps endured MONTHS of siege-like conditions cut off from the outside world while the allies waited them out, finally taking the camps only when they knew everyone inside would either be dead or dying.

The "Holocaust" is an AMERICAN WAR CRIME.

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Who is in charge of this stuff? We should come up with a list of alternate URLs to buy and have redirect.

Castle Hill Publishers.

When the HOLLOW CLAUS falls, the jewish power will crumble

Therefore we must do everything in our power to take down this big lie, which serves the jews as shield against any righteous attack and criticism. Without the HOLLOW CLAUS, they are nothing. So spread 8 9 6 8 like a meme sewer. It may take years, but we can only reap, what we sow. So sow big!

6 million 1915 - 1938
Predictive Programming from 1915-1938 Pre Holocaust
youtube.com/results?search_query=youtube 1915 1938

Whenever they bring up the Holocaust just start talking about WACO texas. That was an actual Holocaust.

Or the bombing of the cities in germany. Jews wanted this.

Also, I want to point out that I know the HOLOCAUST = AMERICAN WAR CRIME narrative works on lefties because it worked on me.

I was a moderate leftist and a True Believer in Israel and the Holocaust until I heard that argument. Every other piece of Holocaust denial up until that point had no effect on me, but that one argument immediately resonated with me and made me actually start looking at the literature and investigating the "official" reports.

The argument that the Holocaust was just Jews playing 4D chess doesn't work on normies. Running numbers and showing faked photos isn't convincing enough because they can brush it away as media trying to sensationalize something terrible. But the argument that the Holocaust was the result of the American war machine opens the door, and makes people who would ignore other evidence start to question the official narrative.

Not only that, but they always talk about gas showers and such and tricking the Jews into thinking they were safe. That's extremely inefficient. What would even be the point of fooling them? It's not like they could resist and run away, and a bullet to the head would be cheaper than poisonous gasses.

Good one!

muhhhhh 6 gorrilion
Talmud even claims, that Romans slaughtered 40 000 000 (40 million) kikes.

Chad Romans

the most easiest way would have been just concentrating them and then doing nothing. Starving them.

This is what the allies did to the german soldiers at the rhine meadow camps
Millions of germans starved there.

Alfred Hitchcock then took these starved german soldiers and used them as starving jewish holocaust victims in his PsyOp films.

They were there to do actual work and not to swindle people. It must have been 'horrible' for the Joo to do some work for once. Disgusting hideous creatures.

8 9 6 8



The post-war memoirs of Churchill, DeGaul and Eisenhower contained NO references to any nazi gas chambers, six gorillion, genocide of jews, or the holocaust

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Exactly. the real holocaust is for them, when they have to work!
They are the real satan in this world.

Even if i would know, that we loose this fight, i would still fight it. The injustice is just too much to bear.

thank you user Zig Forumsack
Share them here aswell:



Excellent reading for convincing people of the American war crimes narrative.

I only recently found out, but in my great home state of Texas, it's illegal to boycott Israel. Even as a teacher you much sign and agree to support Israel or you're out of a job.

Its things like this that really get you thinking.

Just do not buy any goods with the barcode that starts with 729

Calling it a 'hollow claus' is fucking retarded. I mean to say it's so ridiculously stupid as an aphorism that you must be either a retard or a kike shill attempting to cast doubters as idiots. Either way kill yourself.

Boycotting Israel is one of the few things that I agree with the West Coast Lefties on, and one of the few issues where Snopes's rating is actually accurate.



A jew gets mad, because there is a sticky meme!
Hollow Claus
Hollow Claus
Hollow Claus
Hollow Claus
Hollow Claus
Hollow Claus
Hollow Claus
Hollow Claus
Hollow Claus
Hollow Claus

Fuck off jew!

A lie is hollow,
so hollow claus is fucking genius.
There are lulz in the name, and even 1graders can understand the resemblance to holo caust.
HOLLOW CLAUS means 8 9 6 8

Correct, and those kinds of myths crumble when you push the Holocaust = American War Crime narrative.

Once you convince someone that the Americans created the conditions that caused the starvation everything else starts to fall into place. When you realize that the Germans weren't trying to kill the Jews the arguments against the gas chambers being "homicidal" all suddenly make sense. When you realize that the Germans weren't trying to kill the Jews things like the swimming pools and concert halls and camp theater troupes and symphonies make sense.

The most incredible thing about all of it is that by all accounts German concentration camps for Jews were nicer than American concentration camps for Japanese-American citizens! Americans stole land and property from any American of Japanese descent and bussed them off to canvas tents in the middle of nowhere. If the Germans had been able to bomb OUR supply lines the way we did to theirs almost every Japanese person in America would have died.


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It's not a sticky meme, it's literally retarded.
It's like you're trying to make a Holocaust pun on Santa Claus. It's not even Dad Joke tier, it's just fucking stupid.

The Holocaust: An American War Crime has legs.
"Hollow Claus" does not.

Make sure to save the site to hard drive. Don't even trust the archive.

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Franming it as an American war crime has the added benefit of being more or less true.


Sweet, now fuck off back to reddit.


That's what makes it such a brilliant opening for people who haven't been red-pilled about the Holocaust yet.

There's tons of evidence to support it, it's part of a larger trend of the American military committing war crimes and regime change, and leftists have a knee-jerk desire to believe that America is always evil.

If you come at a leftist or a female with facts and figures they'll immediately tune you out. But if you come at them saying that the Holocaust was real but the deaths were actually the result of American war crimes it short circuits their mental pathways and ties together two dopamine producing thoughts that they had never considered putting together before.

The evidence, the numbers, the photographs, the media clippings, that can all come later.

Frame the narrative around criminal acts by the US military and intentional starvation as an American military tactic and everything else falls into place.

Hello, Rabbi!

Planned Parenthood

I have been reading that reprogramming website all morning. Good stuff.

Update that shit, pal.

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holohoax - stupid
hoaxacaust - moronic
holyhoax - dumb
holyco$t - imbecilic
hollow claus - fucking retarded
Childish derisions rather than articulate expressions of your contempt denigrate your arguments before you even make them, because you sound like a fool.

Actually they show our contempt for the most holiest of holy's aka da shoah.

Who cares what you think of it, we care that it bugs the fuck out of the kikes and their non-existent Holocaust.

Have a (you).

War was stacked on both sides with concentration camps. The narrative was the same on both ends regardless of whowon. Parallels in all of that are horrifyingly historically plausable. The question is where to look for the evidence?

The fool is the one who forgot to take the inside locks off the "gas chambers" before the Holocrap tours began.

No autopsies of bodies were ever conducted by any Allied investigators to prove gassings of camp inmates.

No photographic evidence was taken by Allied aerial reconnaissance of the camps between 1942-1945 showing mass exterminations or removal of human remains, even though such activity would have been easily spotted.

No German communications, which were being monitored by the British government throughout the war due to the early cracking of German codes, alluded to any mass extermination or extraordinary loss of life in the camps.

No captured diaries or journals of high-ranking German officials alluded to any program of extermination, nor is there any documentation whatsoever alluding to a program of extermination. As holocaust believers claim that the National Socialists killed eleven million people - roughly 5 million Europeans and 6 million jews - the idea that every single document alluding to this massive operation was destroyed is ludicrous.

Neither mass graves of eleven million bodies nor the remains of the equivalent number of bodies in layers of ash and crushed bone, have ever been located in or around the internment camps.

The claims of 'human soap', 'skin lampshades', and 'shrunken heads' were debunked and admitted as lies in mainstream American newspapers in the 1980's.

The 'steam chambers' and 'electrified floors', the first alleged methods of mass extermination, were quickly proven to be lies before the 'gas chamber' story emerged and took hold in the public consciousness. If the gas chambers had been real, there would have been no need to lie about 'steam chambers' and 'electrified floors' initially.

The Katyn Massacre, the shootings of over 20,000 Poles for which Germans were hanged, was admitted by the Russian government in 1990 to have been actually committed by the Bolshevik NKVD.

The Babi Yar massacre was a lie conjured up by the Soviet jewish propaganda minister Ilya Ehrenburg. The story, which involved the Germans allegedly killing 30,000 jews outside of sniper-infested Kiev in 1941 (with no eyewitnesses) and then returning to the site three years later to dig up all the remains and destroy them using "bone-crunching machines" (while being pursued by the Red Army, no less) was laughable to begin with. However, there is evidence which supports mass executions of Ukrainians at the site in the early 1930's by the NKVD (see: Holodomor). It's probable that, like Katyn, the Babi Yar massacre was an example of the Soviets projecting their own atrocities onto their enemies as propaganda.

Official Soviet policy was to prioritize the evacuation of jews via trains ahead of the German advance. Eastern Soviet territories such as Kasakhstan, Uzbekhistan, and Tajikistan recorded huge numbers of jews flooding into their lands during WWII

All the "information" on gas chambers came from the Soviet Union, as the Western Allies did not capture any camps that are currently claimed to have had any, though initially, they did falsely claim that they had liberated "death camps" with gas chambers in them such as Dachau.

All German camps had supplies of Zyklon B, not just the camps which were said to have had gas chambers. Large quantities of Zyklon B are neither mysterious nor sinister, as it takes a relatively high amount of the spray to kill lice.

A study conducted in 1999 by an Australian team of researchers using ground-penetrating radar proved that the ground around Treblinka had been undisturbed down to 30 meters, meaning that no human remains of one million people were deposited there. This supports official German documentation which shows Treblinka to be a transit camp.

Records show that German guards were severely reprimanded for so much as striking camp inmates, let alone killing them. Karl Koch, the commandant of the Buchenwald camp, was executed by the SS for killing several inmates and stealing personal possessions.

Germany has no history of genocidal behavior, not even at its most aggressive. Jews on the other hand, have a long and bloody history of genocidal behavior towards their perceived enemies, recent examples including Russian Orthodox Christians, Ukrainian kulaks, Polish Catholics, Germans, and Palestinians. Furthermore, jews are notorious for projecting their pathologies, hatreds, and hears onto their enemies.

German "admissions of guilt" were obtained through brutal torture and coerced "confessions" by Allied agents which included genital mutilation, mock executions, beatings, and threats directed at family members; Rudolph Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz, was tortured so terribly, he admitted to the location of a concentration camp that didn't even exist.

If the Germans had wanted to kill jewish inmates, all they would had to have done was simply not feed them. This is how Eisenhower exterminated 1.5 million German POW's in the Rhineland death camps after the war. No need for gas chambers, "bone-crushing machines", electrified floors, or any other outlandishly preposterous claims conjured up.

Rudolf Vrba, the Slovak Jew who popularized the gas chamber story, was forced to admit under oath during the Ernst Zundel trial in 1985 that he had never witnessed an actual gassing, and that his stories were "artistic representations" (that's jew for lies).

Numerous Holocaust memoirs, such as Herman Rosenblat's "Angel of France" and Jerzy Kosinski's "The Painted Bird", have been proven to be fiction. Elie Wiesel's "Night", supposedly based on his experiences at Auschwitz, fails to mention any gas chambers and instead talks about huge pits in the earth where jews were allegedly burned alive.

Deception is central to Jewish interaction with non-Jews, as well as Jewishness in general. Extreme dishonesty in regard to their holocaust stories is entirely in keeping with their racial character.

The "Holocaust" is used as a political weapon to extort billions of dollars from Germany and other nations, to inculcate sympathy for jewry in the face of its global criminality, and to stifle European nationalism at a time when their homelands are being invaded by millions of hostile racial aliens.

If the holocaust had actually happened, it would not require laws drafted by powerful jewish organization to defend its veracity. No other historical narrative is protected by the threat of heavy fines and imprisonment. Truth doesn't fear investigation.

All German documents and statements made by German officials show that the "Final Solution" meant the repatriation of jews to their own territory in the East, not their extermination. Holocaust believers claim the Germans spoke and wrote in coded language (e.g. "ausroten" = extermination as opposed to its actual meaning "uprooting", i.e. physically removing and transporting people) but there is no evidence to support this idea.

During the First World War, the British government ran stories in the newspapers about Germans allegedly gassing people to death and 'bayoneting' babies. After the war, the British government issued an official apology for their lies and wartime propaganda. They didn't do so after WWII due to the need to justify the foundation of Israel.

Jews have a history of exaggerating their suffering, such as during the Khmelnytsky Uprising in Ukraine in the 17th Century. For centuries, jews claimed that half a million to a million of them died during the rebellion, when today it is generally accepted that actual jewish casualties did not exceed ten thousand.

There is no reason to believe that the emaciated corpses found in the camps by the Allied forces were anything other than victims of starvation and typhus, which afflicted all of Germany in the final weeks of the war due to Allied saturation bombing. Gassing people does not cause them to lose weight, and if Jews were being immediately gassed upon arrival at the camps, as propaganda states, where are the otherwise healthy bodies that died from these alleged gassings?

The mobile gas vans allegedly used to gas jews were actually a method of execution devised in the Soviet Union by NKVD official Isay Berg.

German commanders refused to follow Hitlers' Commissar Order of 1941 (mandatory executions of Bolshevik Commisars and Soviet intelligentsia), as they considered cold-blooded killing dishonorable and a violation of international law. Yet people are told to believe that these same commanders were overseeing the widespread extermination of millions of civilians of the Eastern Front.

Sporadic killings of the few Jews that remained to be caught by the Germans in the Soviet Union were typically carried out by vengeful Slavs who had scores to settle after two decades of jewish tyranny and violence directed at their countries and families. It was German soldiers who routinely stepped in to stop the violence.

The Einsatzgruppen, who lately have been the focus of TV shows, movies, and books on account of the death of the gas chamber narrative, were German troops whose job it was to secure the rear lines, which were frequent targets of terrorist activity by Soviet partisans. There is no reason to believe they were shooting thousands of millions of people as is routinely claimed.

Pffft. I myself have survived several traumatic holocaustings. Perhaps you have heard of me. I am Yitzhak Meishel ben-Facebook Schlomostein (although I go by "Thomas Robert David"). I am 47-years old and have survived the great Holoballoo of 425 BC when White Hispanics fashioned an evil rocketship and fired 8,000,000 of us into the Sun; the Holo'een of 1399 when White Muslims handed out lethal poison candy treats to 50,000,000 of us (oy! that was a bad one); and the HoloChocolateBunny of 1654 when White Chinese farmers slaughtered 106,000,000,000 of us for use as fertilizer in their rice fields during what they fraudulently claimed was a global dung shortage. I could go on but you get the picture; I've been senselessly murdered and hate-crimed repeatedly, each time more Whitely and more evilly than the last. Stay tuned for our next whacky genocide adventure, the 2066 Holopalooza, it's going to be a helluva Shoah! Fifty-trillion dead souls (on pay-per-view!) and featuring the most finely crafted White villain yet! (played by a jew because, y'know, the Screen Actors Guild)

It was not hitch it was billy wilder this is suspicious as to how you misquoted such a basic piece of Zig Forums knowledge.

The ultimate red pill.

Have a bump.

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I have a bachelors degree in history and most of my professors were decent and I learned how to discern from trustworthy and untrustworthy sources.

I can confirm that the Holocaust is indeed mostly a hoax.

-The numbers of jews who died in WWII were greatly exaggerated.
-There is no actual forensic evidence that anyone was gassed to death with Zyklon-B
-The purported homicidal "gas chambers" at the Polish camps, at least what remains of them, do not meet even the bare minimum of criteria to be used for homicidal gassings, and they area much to small in square footage to have killed the number of people that is alleged.
-Then there is the problem with the crematoria ovens. The number of ovens in the camps could not have cremated anywhere near the number of persons alleged.
-The sensational stories of jews being turned into lampshades and bars of soap were debunked by official historical organizations, but so called "survivors" still tell these stories as if they are true.

Last but not least, the whole premise of millions of people being gassed to death is absolutely absurd. A simpler method: Not give them food or water.

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It never happened. It was proven in court more than once.

Quit being stupid. I am not metering my shopping to ho hos and twinkies because of your feelings.

That's something that donned onto me back in my bluepill days. Back then when I reading the logistics here about cremating large amount of bodies I tried to dismiss it by claiming "That's why they made a pit and burned them, haha checkmate nazis". Only to have it hit me later:
I tried putting off the obvious answer for a awhile before coming into terms with the truth. The information stayed with me despite initially rejecting it, but with time I came to adjust to it.

Anyway, I thought maybe insight in other people's experience would help to better improve our methods or to know what to look for when redpilling people on the holohoax. Thanks you, glorious autistic bastards.

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I don't recall finding a citation for that quote. Would you happen to have one?

Oh, and direct citations to this would be spectacular. It's one thing to say it; it's another to cite it.

Nevertheless, the essence of the quote is true.

"The holocaust, it just happened."
—Steve Jobs.

"It just worked."
—Todd Howard

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Updated version of the paper up, since vid.me is down.


Remember rabbi, Hollow Claus is 8 9 6 8

Guys, I need a second opinion here, I asked my mum how many Jews died in the Holocaust and she told me she didn’t know.
After I asked her for a number, she told me 600 million died before I started laughing. Now I’m confused and I don’t know whether or not she was making a joke or if she’s actually retarded.

probably both

8968 is true, but it should have happened


8 9 6 8:

After children stopped believing in Santa Clause,
they're forced to believe in the Holocaust.

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You goyim aren't allowed to talk about our biggest sca- uh, I mean our greatest tragedy!
Go to sleep goyim! Its already 12am on the other side of the planet!

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bump to keep

Are there any bars of soap made from jews getting around still? Would it be funny to feed pigs dead Muslims then clean the pigs afterwards with bars of soap made from jews?


RedCross reports;




I'm just now starting to look into whether or not the Holocaust was fake. One question I have is this: according to the holocaust deprogamming course, there was never any allusion made to exterminate an ethnic group. But Joseph Goebbels wrote in his diary:

"February 14, 1942: The Führer once again expressed his determination to clean up the Jews in Europe pitilessly. There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about it…Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.

March 27, 1942: The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only 40 per cent can be used for forced labor."

And SS Chief Heinrich Himmler was recorded saying, "I refer now to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. This is one of those things that is easily said: 'the Jewish people are being exterminated,' says every Party member, 'quite true, it's part of our plans, the elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it.' "

What of that?

Found these on google. Thoughts? I'm particularly annoyed by the ignorant use of "bachelor of arts".

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Seems to me that these diary entries are either fake or intentionally mistranslated, given the otherwise complete lack of evidence for any holocaust and the millions of plot holes.

>2nd pic = This whole image boils down to the fact that these mongoloids legitimately believe that concrete holes, traces of residual iron-based cyanide, and the fact that Leuchter has a BA (let's see them deal with the work of Germar Rudolf) means that the Holohoax is real. Beyond ridiculous.
>3rd pic = Nothing more than speculation. Also, Op Reinhard is a work of fiction created from a single book, Nizkor is a hilariously ridiculous project that thinks that it's word is actual evidence, and bitchute.com/video/ZTzqOTz1wf9m/

Anyone ever see the Soviet Film, "Unconquered" from 1945 made by the Jewish Russian Soviet film director, Mark Donskoy? I think its the first movie to ever show the Holocausting of jews in film which is interesting because I doubt even by the Holocaust Textbooks the Soviets would have been able to know what the Germans "had actually done".

I haven't been able to find English subtitles for the movie but the shooting of jews starts at "42:36".



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Based and saved.

Those who died in defense of Germany have also endured the indignity of having their country, their people, and themselves smeared with one of the most enormous and destructive lies ever perpetrated on the western world.
We cannot let this stand, it must be brought to light. Even those of us whose countries fought on the other side have a moral obligation to destroy this lie and support the truth.

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The truth is coming out and people are waking up. Can you feel it?

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Good stuff, thanks for the contribution.

I grew up in Miami, but moved elsewhere as a teen, and as a result I had attended 4 different Holocaust Memorial events by the time I was 18. Three museums, including the big one in DC, and one was an event organized by my state's Holocaust Commission (and my state is thousands of miles away from the alleged atrocity, keep in mind) where we had workshops and I got to touch this old Jew's tattoo and everything. After a while it dawned on me that they were a very selfish people promoting their own atrocity before all others, especially the Holodomor and the Armenian-Greek-Aramean genocide of the 1920s. These peoples actually suffered at the hands of a genocidal government (J-Bolshevik and Turkish respectively).

After that experience, in which I, a very sympathetic individual, was forced to learn about the Holocaust every single year in school on top of field trips to fucking museums in a country (USA) thousands of miles away from the ostensible fucking genocide, I was reluctantly receptive to alternative views. Once I ran the numbers in my head and figured that it couldn't possibly have happened how they said it could, the last nail was hammered into the coffin.