I thought frenchmen were taking the weekends off to wash (((government))) trash from the streets including this kind of degeneracy?
I thought frenchmen were taking the weekends off to wash (((government))) trash from the streets including this kind of degeneracy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Another cum-guzzling husband-deprived broken girl, more than likely with a broken father, driven to insanity in an dying nation on the brink of the waters of life and truth, incapable of taking that single step to wash her salty mouth and quench her thirst in le lake de Bonaparte.
Viva la revolution!
Hey Freud!
The guy filming is obviously a nigger too. They should probably both by David lynched and the stupid whore have her head shaved and sent to a nunnery
Identify the traitor!
based women
Just kill them. Your dumb ideas don't work and never have.
nah every major city in the west is Weimar Rep 2.0
The real problem is why people watch this?
What a mutt
It'll be interesting to see what he looks like in 20 years.
what did he mean by pretty much every sentence he uttered in this vide?
This is who mods the board
Full video. He's not wrong.
could you please stop promoting your own youtube? nobody cares you know
Guessing they're addicted to feeling rage when really there is nothing to be raged about. France was already lost back when Hitler wrote Mein Kampf and predicted that in 100 years it would no longer be a European country (it isn't) and will largely be a mongrel nation (it is). Fortunately (if you're French) the German occupation delayed the final completion of this, but it's still on the natural projection.
Nothing about France surprises me. It led the charge of the social, cultural, political decay with the Revolution to begin with so it's only right that we witness its final destruction. It's the seed of our people that makes France ours, not its current inhabitants. Retaking it and eliminating the mongrel inhabitants in the future will still make that history ours since it belongs to the blood.
we deserve everything we get, dont we
What's the problem? She is just being a good Judeo-Capitalist. It's the economy, stupid.
t. Bill Clinton
"By the powers of Grayskull; summon Ebola chan and the Black plague"
"Here was a pestilence, a moral pestilence, with which the public was being infected. It was worse than the black plague of long ago. And in what doses this poison was manufactured and distributed!"
From the Fuhrers own words. The black plague is a better fate.
Of course. This is why we need to become better.
Especially when toolbags in said video have the audacity to complain on a camera and then scurry back to his shitty lifestyle instead of taking drastic measures to change it.
We have become a nation of pussies and complainers. Agree with him all you want in the video, it's still not going to change anything until people start taking physical action about it.
It's that the "zoomers" that have replaced us, come from a much more socially inclined background by default and most, if not all, of internet (and geek) culture has seeped into the mainstream.
Those of us that did not fully commit to a fandom or a passion, are now left with no real identity. I think in a certain sense it's a lot harder to be a loner now, like, you can have a giant anime figurine collection but the internet these days will always remind you that there are other people who also have the same hobby, but are enjoying with other people who take it to different places they wouldn't have dreamed of on their own. Basically reminding you that *your* giant anime figurine collection are just lumps of shaped plastic.
Turn 30 this year, and it feels like it's the worst era to become a wizard. But on the flip side (and maybe it's some sort of underlying mental illness) I've been feeling upbeat for the last 2 weeks cos it feels like there's nothing left to lose now.
No, the french will rage if you raise the price of fuel by a single cent but they have no problem with whoring their daughters out to niggers.
Lynch that slut.
Make the world remember your name and live forever in the hearts of your peers.
I turned wizard last year, I feel like it's the exact opposite.
Remember that all the people who try to shame you for being a wizard are subhuman degenerates like the women in OP sucking nigger dick in public (as if sucking nigger dick wasn't bad enough), being a wizard is far better than being one of these "people".
I actually was aware that was my projection of my own problems sans the cumguzzling, maybe gender inverted, I guess maybe I am a pussylube slurper or something. But, most of the West is afflicted with this same r-selected degeneracy, this girl is late stage afflicted and obviously bordering on unsalvageable, but we are all in danger of this societal decay.
Aux armes.
dude being a wizard now is the best time. you dont need to deal with a thot cucking you. men are finding out in large numbers that their kid isnt theirs and theres nothing they can do about it.
The beginning of wisdom is to know you are not wise.
Magic is madness, magnetics is knowledge.
Yet you faggots defend this
Blaming women, it's never worked, not once. One would sooner be a cat herder, living exclusively from cat milk.
It's the convergence of knowledge streams.
Randall Carlson explains it in this embedded video.
Pretty much the world is a on a 12,000 year catastrophic cycle and 99.999999999% of Humanity is not privy to the knowledge necessary to survive the catacylsm until the knowledge is spread, along with psyop/warfare weaponized false misinformation, at the end of the cycle at the world nears a new Ice Age.
He may contend the creation of a "mark of the beast" or a global ID system, like the internet, which gives everyone an IP, is when the knowledge and lies are spread before the collapse.
He's the BO of /tv/ you tard. There's no proof he mods this board
tired of this meme. the current state of all western countries is FAR WORSE than Weimar ever was
reminder that Weimar was like 95%+ ethnic German whereas the under 30 demographic is probably like 40% ethnic German or something apocalyptic like that
We are in for some durability testing.
You French voted for this.
ok where do we go for the free beer?
16% did, can you say the same of your country?
This will look great on a YT comment without telling 'who' wrote the quote. Maybe an "anti-deep state" jewtuber could use a Red pill hidden inside a Black pill. Surely, with all of the attention to the chanz, we're getting visits from the Normans
Not going to click the video but I get the picture. Interracial relationships are promoted absolutely everywhere so it's no surprise that the talmudvision watchings thots of the world are following the status quo lock step.
Once upon a time I wanted to visit Paris and stroll along the Champs d'Elysee, see the Louvre etc….But I see enough niggers around here and I do not tolerate seeing mudslimes strutting around like it their country.
Look at agent jamal working on a weekend. What a good goy. February 15 can't come soon enough.
You merely underestimate how bad Weimar was, you could hire child prostitutes without it even being considered a crime. Racial composition might be worse now but in terms of degeneracy it was worse back then.
i'll never stop being surprised at how many blacks there are in france
No, the entire West is.
Broken families and shattered fathers have existed always. Only in a culture dictated by the jew is this deemed culturally acceptable, where people simply don’t acknowledge anything is happening at all and every aspect of social life encourages it
Italy is fighting back.
I hope you don't think that because of based Zionist Salvini.
I care , i appreciate is refreshing no bullshit views and his unique nonchalant style.
His ugly face makes him non threatening while even enhancing the positivity of his confidence that much more.
Hes better than richard spencer. I think its /pols job to make this guys channel more successful than richard spencers.
hes /oureceleb
This is fucking disgusting and the entire west should be ashamed of itself
Do it
We are, and that's why the yellow vest protests are currently in the 11th week
Why would the west be ashamed when they bop their heads to this culture rhythm everyday. What you see here is not descretation and defiling. It’s (((love))), (((positivity))), and (((diversity))) the hallmarks of freedom. How else would the western man be able to fully realize freedom without a French girl from a broken working class family sucking off niggers on film on a train? The weakest deserve the worst has nature has to offer and the western world is overdue on a debt to her. See how they cling to their comforts and false realities tighter than ever?
Lets be honest; this is just niggers being niggers. If there is any question about whether this is "normal behavior", just ask the Black Hebrew Israelites. They have all of the answers written down in a book that Trumps the tales of all that claim to be them; the real jews.
It's only a matter of time before they storm the Synagogue of Satan and take back what is rightfully theirs, as the stoic, unafraid group of royalty they are; amirite tho?
Weak in what way? Physically Strength? Mental aptitude? Constitution? Faith? Weak is too broad a term
He's saying that it's some sort of weakness that caused the west to be brainwashed on the corruption of the ideals of freedom, and not because the kikes can get overbearing before people realize kikes'll kike and banish them, not before slaughtering them as some societies have done so, to their men sparing the women and children of course (which may be a mistake).
He says this kikery about the west's weakness is apparently evident especially because 'how they cling' according to him; basically it's a kike that can only see other people acting like kikes.
This is what I imagine every pol user looks like tbh
Doesn't mean kill all women. Why do you love thots –
Oh. Because you're a nigger.
Personally seeing others being miserable makes me feel just bad. The reminder "things could be worse" gives me anxiety because if I already have a hard time I don't want to imagine how I would handle worse circumstances. Then there is the fear because there are a lot of things you are not immune to. You can't get down syndrome but there are still a lot of crippling illnesses that anyone can get. Lastly seeing others having it worse makes me feel guilty for feeling bad despite having it better.
there could be no internet … think about the same world with no internet
So is that the person with down's?
Just delete this shit thread. Who the fuck allowed this anyway? Absolutely disgusting!
based frenchy taking direct action, the anglos could take a lesson
Drug addicted sex slave whore.
Just being with a white girl has enhanced that monkey's life.
The girl's soul has been stolen and she's now a walking garbage can.
This is equality.
Whites lowering themselves to enhance the life of niggers.
How unfortunate.
Reminder that girl wouldnt even spit on you and think your all white trash racist scum.
This is a classic Western Whore that lived the College Life and reached 30 years of age single, childless, and stupider than her 13-year-old self. Like most whores nowadays.
“Women making decisions” is one of the worst ideas ever in the history of worst ideas, right up there alongside “women in positions of power.”
They’re worst than rookie-tier at this thinking stuff we’ve been doing since forever. There is just no way for them to catch up now. Letting them be autonomous puts everyone in danger and subjects them to unnecessary suffering.
…but it also produces funny stories like this one. As you can see, there’s an upside to every downside.
We still have to cage them all though.
Thank you for letting us speak our minds … for better or worse!
Would have drop kicked the back of her head. His dick would have been bitten off, and she would probably be in a coma/kill.
One simple kick…
Yeah no
Ya' know that feeling how like when you were always attracted to women that acted like ladies, wore their hair long, dressed in clothing that was not outwardly revealing (still unable to hide their femininity), and were exceptionally intelligent? … and like you wanted to buy them flowers, and tell them all of the things they do that make your heart flutter, and even though you were too young somehow you knew that someday she could easily make genetically perfect little "hers" but it was far too soon to think about those things. And like how, among the sea of truly beautiful girls around, there was just something about her that was completely different. Hypothetically, would that truly be wrong tho?
Asking for a friend.
Explain don't post like a nigger jew.
Ive never meet women like that.
It's like the mods are paid to not do their jobs
He presents the theories cooked up by him and his wife as 'facts' and has the gall to mock people who are actually interested in what our ancestors believed and practised as 'scholars'. He's entertaining and is good for lifestyle videos. But anyone who takes his brand of 'paganism' seriously is an idiot
Ok thanks for your post.
Watch movies from the early to mid 1990s.
There were a lot of movies where it was cool to be an intellectual or even academically oriented.
Later on, it was the opposite.
Intelligence or using a higher vocabulary was seen as pretentious.
Then came the age of tattoos, piercings, and porn. Movies were dumbed down further
Maybe it's perception. Maybe it's real. Maybe it's both. Maybe it once was but is now masked with the false ethos of individualism over conformity meant to move functional societies from order to chaos; for the purpose of providing a new order which suits, not societies, but those mere mortals that wield godlike powers over all.
Or not ….
Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932
This. Nobody has talked about how she's probably blowing him for reduced price on drugs.
I've been meaning to write a follow-up entitled "The Jewish Domination of the American Republic" detailing Jewish influence and power in the modern day USA.
Your average street near the main train station is maybe 10% white.
A miserable shitskin that comes here to triggered I would tell you to kill yourself but, I would rather you be alive to remind your mom what mistake she made birthing you kike.
Wow virgin white boy anger. Sucks we get all the white women wile you masturbate to hentai huh?
Every white woman treats racemixers like subhuman scum. The most basic disgust possible that men can't even imagine. And to niggers and muslims, cheap white women are literally called whores. That's how they address them in the streets.
Or a drug addict.
Good thing i'm a drawfag, right? right? at least my own creations are mine, even if there's a plethora of vastly superior, more fleshed-out and/or better drawn creations and oh-cees floating out there.
Need I remind you: emmett till
The state of Paris.