would-be school shooter, Charlie Landeros, get's shot in the head before carrying out his attack.
Here's who Charlie Landeros is:
would-be school shooter, Charlie Landeros, get's shot in the head before carrying out his attack.
Here's who Charlie Landeros is:
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Look at that white man.
Already a thread which you know because your last duplicate was already deleted cunt.
does this feel like some mkultra shit or just a retard getting smashed by the patriarchy?
go suck on your rabbi's trimmed dick
Patriarchy Status: Smashed.
Rip in pepperoni
So was he actually trying to shoot up the school or did he just pull a gun on the police because he felt oppressed when removed from the school grounds?
That shirt needs to be memed.
And right wing or Trump shirt and it would be all over the news 48 hours straight
He dindu nuffin
Another death cultist down. Well done, it couldn't have happened any sooner. Can you imagine if someone even semi-related to nationalism did this? We would be hearing about it for months on end. I'm calling it already, There won't be any national news outrage about this just a just a little blip on local news since Jew liars like sumner redstone own the media and want to have total control over the narrative and have to shut it down when their little soros funded terrorists try to go on a killing spree.
Local Oregon news still very sympathetic. Lesbian cat ladies want its pronouns updated and affirmative-americans blaming da poleeze
Link you you slurp semen.
Look already at how sympathetic they are to their marxist terrorist fuck. He would have gotten himself arrested if he wasnt prepared to die that day, and certainly wouldn't have drawn the gun. Clearly he was going to kill people that day with a 9mm laying in his pocket.
They took the page down. Archives anyone?
8ch is turning the last two dashes (- -) into a hyphen (–):
tinyurl .com/yalaqqv5
Take out the space
Thanks for the clarification.
If the bullets hadn't gotten that gommie a tree branch would have.
This cop had good aim. Excellent work, Mr. Timm!
>During a struggle, Landeros pulled out a handgun and fired two shots at Timm, the DA's office said. Timm, who was not wounded, returned fire, striking Landeros in the head.
i thought schools where gun free zones?
And what? What does the last word say?
He sure is chilling 6 feet under so I guess he got what he wanted.
This not how you smash patriarchy. This how you get smashed by patriarchy.
Call me a kike and edgy, but considering the shirt he was wearing wouldn't it have helped fuck up the narrative if he wasn't caught and went on a rampage? I feel like he genuinely was going to shoot up the school but since he wasn't brainwashed the right way and there were no (((opportunities))) for the security to let their guard down they were on him like ol' Bill on a new intern with E cups.
Granted, the media likely would have switched all of it around to him being white and and a neo-nazi somehow using their psychological dark magic, anyway.
Absolutely, if there had been footage thereof.
The fag actually managed to get off two rounds which is why they fired back. There's no way around this for libfags it's pretty open and shut
user, Georgey boy Bush didn't say that. That quote is nowhere to be found in the source everyone gives, which is Sarah McClendon’s Washington Report. It doesn't even make sense that he would say something so self-incriminating to a journalist.
I can just see shit playing out now
We can't let the commies see the big board, Zig Forums, they'll know everything!
This kind of pathetic "killers" will try to kill you in civil war. It could more pathetic only if he shot himself to dick. This is sad.
He tried so hard
And get so far
In the end
It doesn't even matter
Shitty version.
What does a middle school have to do with "sexual assault" in the military? Those 12 year olds are raping female soldiers left and right I guess lol
hey man I am glad you watched dr strangelove finally but stop fucking spamming buck.
I'll stop when people stop the dialectic use of "commie" on this board.
He tried to kidnap his daughter and the cops came to remove him from the school and ended up removing him from the Earth
but.. it's the big board
The level of cognitive dissonance this guy must have gone through
That's something a commie would say
Why the fuck was he so sloppy?
Sorry for not being on board with the "great power competition" between the US, Russia, and China (and their allies like Venezuela). I don't have anything to gain from it.
lel, i guess so
Communists have Killed Many Slavs. Death to Communism. Dont let it hapten to You. Learn from our mistakes.
We Baraly made it.
Here's another variation on the theme.
You will be next if You do not defend Yourself
They will flood Subhumans and brainwash You into high taxes and Your Children will die.
Thank God USSR collapsed. Thank God.
checked and keked
Probably because the vast majority of military personnel are rear echelon motherfuckers who learn the bare minimum about tactics, strategy, and combat in general in favor of whatever specialized training they need to recieve to do their job to keep the war machine running smoothly.
But what do I know, I'm just a baby.
fuck you stray period
Thank you Chaim, I'll bear that in mind. Back to English class.
still hurts mang. ;~;
Fuck Your Tree and God Bless EbolaChan.
Every time a Nigger dies of EBOLA a White Child is bourn.
You could say his own glass ceiling got smashed.
Anyone have the video without all the (((color correction)))?
I still dont know what the guy in the grey shirt is supposed to be… it looks like a trash can with an axe next to it…
So what exactly was his plan? Waste the cops, pick up his kid and be on his way?
What the fuck did he do in the Army suck dicks and stock toiletries?
I dare you to post a picture of yourself drinking water.
Lol. You don’t get real combat training unless you’re in a combat mos.
The military really has become welfare for niggers spics, flips and women. Which is exactly how Rome fell when they outsourced their military. Then our government shutdown showing truly how bloated our system is with shitskins and women. Our judges are straight up foreigners in major cities.
This whole system is going to crash in our life time I give it another 15 years when all the young shitskins spics grow up and become the majority in every populated state.
Maybe less with the fact (((media))) wanted lynch a kid for being White and not bowing down to shitskins harassing them.
The only thing is now where do we all dig in and balkanize inside the collapse. Whose going to neutralize all the world ending weapons the US has stockpiled not nukes but bio weapons that that can make our entire species impotent.
Educate yourself:
Based on available evidence, it's pretty clear he definitely wanted to kill the officers, but the extra ammunition he had with him suggests that the scope of his planned attack was larger than killing just those two, unless his aim is randy stair-tier and he was expecting to need the extra ammo just to kill those two. If he was expecting to be able to get the drop on them a prolonged firefight would've been unlikely, so there would've been no need for more ammo unless he was planning a larger attack.
So other than those two I'd think he'd be planning to also kill 1) his ex-wife if possible. 2) random staff/students (less likely he would target random students, more likely he would try to target staff as he views authority figures as oppressors and thus students as victims). 3) possibly his daughter, especially if he wasn't able to kill the ex-wife. Killing or abusing children as a way to punish or get revenge on out-of-reach former partners is a known tactic.
He apparently had more ammo in the car which may suggest that he had a getaway plan if he didn't end up killing his daughter or an hero so he could escape or elope with her, or perhaps he was planning to drive somewhere else to continue killing elsewhere, maybe a police station.
Of course none of this theorizing really matters since he seemingly pussed out on his attack, backed down from the officers when confronted until one of them started manhandling him and was able to kill exactly zero people, didn't even get to an hero, instead even that kill got KSed.
He was probably mad that some 8channer cops forced him into a sissy factory jail and he turned sissy.
Same shit happened to me, except I never turned sissy.
I'd be more worried about being sexually assaulted by his ilk and being further degraded in one of those meetings than him actually doing anything to mitigate anything.
t. been to mental health peer support stuff
Sometimes I wonder just how far "Dog bites Man"/"Man bites Dog" goes here. If folk just considered it "normal" that people like this would be as such then why tolerate it in their nation? Yet if the opposite would be considered a rare case then it only implies that the fact that these people are more mentally unstable than every other group.
I have noticed that white soldiers and especially right-ring high iq white soldiers always go the extra distance in the military.
When the time comes, the numbers will be on the side of the left, but competence and superiority on the side of the right.
we gotta do something about these leftist terrorist school shooters
>the (((USSR)))
good goy
It's nice not getting murdered for owning things.
Alright schlomo settle down, enough chutzpah for today
textbook deployment and execution with an emphasis on execution, well done
Do you think people get murdered for owning things in China?
Without saying anything about communism itself as a viable form of government, commiephobia is a propaganda operation from the US State department to keep you from questioning US involvement in communist (read "closed to Jewish investment") countries. Did you really think North Korea was a threat? Did you really believe that anyone in the US cares about giving the Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, or Cubans "freedom"? Can anyone unironically believe these things after the US has been funding Jihadists since the 1970s?
This gives credence to the MK ULTRA angle , maybe they were still breaking him down by taking his kid away , destroying the life he had but…
His corked popped before they managed to turn him into a Right Wing White Nat that hates the world and decides Direct Action is the way to go and then we’d be like “Hey! , this guy was a Antifa Fuck the Patriarchy leftist Faggot 20 months ago” while trying to get a word in edgewise with the massive Media coverage of the MAGA Hat wearing Mass Shooter that went for the high score at a American Indian Heritage festival a few weeks before the election
Good luck with that shit. I have never been Communist.
Any country the Soviets had access to exclusively to, is a country the Jews had exclusive access to. Holy shit you faggots are pathetic.
So which of these Soviet countries had companies owned by Jews? What were the names of those companies?
No, that was you. You were the one that said the Jews had exclusive access to the countries that the Soviets had access to. Your post was made in reply to mine, which argued about the access that Jewish investment has to communist countries like Venezuela (read: none). So what "access" were you referring to? I was referring to investment.
Keep up, please.
I'm confused here, is that female pedophile a russian or a beaner, I honestly can't tell…
Israel Epstein (20 April 1915 – 26 May 2005) was a naturalized Chinese journalist and author. He was one of the few foreign-born Chinese citizens of non-Chinese origin to become a member of the Communist Party of China.
Shame, I was gonna save it otherwise