5g killgrid fries the brains of SF firefighters

If Firefighters Are Concerned About Exposure to Cell Towers and Antennas, Maybe Everybody Should Be. 5G Complaints by San Francisco Firefighters Are Unsettling.

Firefighters in San Francisco have reported memory problems and confusion after the 5G equipment was installed outside of fire stations. The firefighters claim the symptoms stopped when they relocated to stations without equipment nearby.

This isn’t just about cancer. Exposure can lead to symptoms and illnesses referred to as “Microwave Sickness” or “Electrosensitivity.” This is actually more common than we have been led to believe.

Research has confirmed that exposure can

Worsen pre-existing conditions even when it didn’t cause them
Disrupt the blood-brain barrier which can cause it to leak
Cause a cumulative toxic effect when combined with other toxins
Harm pets, nature, and wildlife

In 2017, 180 scientists requested a moratorium on 5G small cell towers because of biological and environmental health risks. Environmental organizations like Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) are also asking for assistance in opposing it.

If firefighters don’t want cell towers near their stations, why should anyone else want more of them near our homes and everywhere else?


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Radio waves aren't ionizing.

Texas Sharpshooter.

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They should have tested this shit in a location that people don't go to the er for a hangnail.

Found the jew.
When is 5G going up in Tel Aviv?

these transmitters only go half a kilometer it's too expensive to put 5G in rural areas, they don't even have 4G in a lot of rural areas.

Possibly unrelated facts: In California, firefighters' workers' comp claims are presumed to be valid; San Francisco firefighters make more money than some hedge fund managers; and working for the SF city/county government really fucking sucks.

About six months, apparently.

can't you just definitively test it by subjecting labrats to this ?

Seriously though, prove me wrong.

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