Molyjew is interacting with live chat on youtube right now
Get in here, lots of people are asking about the jews.
We are trying to flood the chat until hes forced to adress it.
Molyjew is interacting with live chat on youtube right now
Other urls found in this thread:
lol no
Hes shitting on Jordan Peterson right now for not talking about Race and IQ.
Basically said he dun wanna JQ; not that he can't
and that goys hate freedumb and jews invented private property rights
tbh not entirely wrong on the second part. private property mercantilism is jew as fuck
actually nevermind, he did say he can't do it, and he doesn't wanna have to do the work to not can't do it.
What timeline is this? I like it here.
He's clarified this, his step-grandfather was a kike. It's not a blood relation.
Molyneux is doing this because he has to, because he has a young daughter. Now he's caught in the dilemma of either ignoring White genocide and leaving his daughter a life of being a violently oppressed minority, or falling in line with my plan to free the new Northern White country in the only way possible. He doesn't want to agree, but that's the joy of being right: it doesn't matter what anyone wants. The longer he waits, the more the thumbscrews will get tightened. In the end he'll do the job I've designed for him, because he has no choice. You'l find I'm really, really fucking good at my job. Which is, of course, training cowards to cleanse planets. I've decided this man can be useful, so I've claimed him. He'll dance to my tune, everybody does when it comes down to it. And that's the way it's going to be.
He's also said his mom and dad were Jewish. Stahp.
I want you to address pic related
Do you have a singleicious satisfact to snack that up? I'd guess that you don't, but if you can provide evidence that both his dad and mom are kikes I'll eat my hat and gas the dude personally.
Take your time nigger, I'll leave the thread open to see this. But you won't like my 2nd place pick for Canadian mouthpiece any more than this one. Either way I'll leave you to do my bidding for the time being. Offer any shred of evidence for your claims. Do it because I command you to do so or die. This is how things work now
I suppose it is worth while for you guys to destroy him but for myself I've always found this guy to be a total waste of space, waste of O2. i don't see why you need a PhD in Philosophy to babble such trite aphorisms and give vent to such banal pensees…
Glad you stepped it up for me. Gas it is. Onto plan B. Man, this was almost so easy. But he only said his dad, and I like this hat, so I get to keep it. I don't know what I'd do without a hivemind
Top kek good pic
They are going to attack You.
I will obviously back You and we will find ourselves right back where we started.
Second link is a video of Molyjew claiming his mother is from a Jewish clan. At some point user will start listening to Zig Forums when they're told:
If you can read some kike on Twitter saying everything you should be saying in public, and with your Cheesy Poofs watching some kike "redpill" people on YouTube… why should you go outside and protest? Much moar /comfy/ at home.
I'll do my own research on the next option. Guess this is what I get for trusting a jew. Dug through his shit myself and very recently he said that ONLY his step-grandfather was a fucking kike. Lying sack of shit, I particularly hate being lied to. Thus, my rational hatred of kikes. This won't end well ==FOR JEW==
not spoiled, just fagged up Gaddammit
and none of these jewish public personas ever has a real job…
It is a shill talking point against everyone who shows their face on public.
Just like the heebs accusing the magakid of being Jewish based on nothing.
he doesn't have a PhD in anything. He's 100% amateur philosopher.
So in your opinion, the only way to get a big voice out there is going to be to create one out of whole cloth, right? Anyone who's currently out there is going to be necessarily compromised, that's what I'm gathering from what you say. That's a bit more complicated than acquiring an existing fanbase, but not overly difficult. Just more fucking work to be done. I'll reconsider my tactics on this point and figure out the most efficient way to make this happen, apparently it can only be done with full oversight and extreme scrutiny. One way or another, shitskins will out
What is with your fag love of this YouTube loser?
Isn't it strange all of the people who have influence on social media, talking about political issues, are all Jewish? They have help from the Government to create their brand. People like you and I have to do things the hard way. It's just a matter of going outside to protest with a few friends. The large is built by the small. Best of luck.
Dumbass faggot eceleb kike worshippers kill your fucking selves!
Real strange. It's as if they control the media and are using it against us…
Thanks man. I thought it over, and the good news is I myself am a pretty highly-skilled public speaker, I started off as an actor at a young age and actually got bored of always taking first place in tri-state competitions by the time I gave it up. I guess this is going to be one of those instances in which since I want something done right, I'll have to do it myself. OK, I got this. I'll just reroute some of my attention to public outreach at a certain point. Man, I really try to avoid taking on too many roles myself. Neh, I can't change the facts. Guess this is just the way it is, best to get my head wrapped around the facts of the matter now before I go wasting energy on things that simply cannot work.
Dafuq did my sage go? God I'm fucking up in this thread, usually I take the time to edit my posts. Anyway, that's that
You're confusing Stefan with Jordan B. Peterson; the UN version of Jim Jones, telling Whites to drink the Fentanyl-flavored KoolAid and die with dignity
What exactly is the obsession with trying to ruin peoples careers by making them "name the Jew"?
Over half this thread is being bumped by two subversive faggots
Thats bullshit and you know it. The quote was taken out of context and heavily edited while he was positing a hypothetical question.
He mom was jewish though.
Fuck off.
You people are so fucking stupid. First clip is out of context, and the second clip is only conclusive to an actual illiterate retard. He doesn't say she's jewish.
>"…pretty jewish clan" and ""culture to be born into" /= jewish mother
Stefan is accurate with his language, but is always looking for a way to leverage against authority, so he drew as close a connection as he could to what he was taught in his highly valued (by him) college education were horrific unjustifiable events that definitely happened. If Stefan was really jewish why didn't use that to his benefit for all these years he's spent signalling against National Socialism?
The reason is you people are fucking dumb.
Prove it. That clip where he's lecturing about "natsees" isn't proof. If his mother was really jewish why would he not just say "my mother was a jew" instead of "born into a pretty jewish clan" and "culture to be born into"? He's a good enough orator to not say cumbersome shit like that without good reason (like his mom not being jewish.)
Gas yourself kike.
No. He said it on the livestream. Not Peterson.
Here is a supportive (you)
He has two Masters degrees. And implying college = good.
It is plausible he was raised by Jewish step-family. Specifically the 'mother' he hates. Step family is not genetics.
It is also plausible he is genetically Jewish due to his speech. You have to choose what it is. I do not want to falsely gas an Aryan.
Ok, retard.
He's admitted both his parents were Jewish, and acts like a Jew, therefore not Jewish. Sure thing.
Just look at his unwillingness to look into 9/11, how he claims there was no conspiracy.
Where? I've seen two clips that illiterates, and the easily propagandized find conclusive, but nothing a white man would take as definitive proof.
I would love to smack the shit out of this cunt
A guy raised by Jews having a hard time not to be Judaically influenced? Wew.
He looked into Race and IQ. He gatekeeps right at the last second, a little later than Peterson. He'd probably make excuses as he has before for white separatism - and if he didn't he could be called out (he went that far).
So he is harmless so long as he keeps saying white separstists have a point and then funneling to us through that hole in his gate, that he 'keeps'.
You're a jew.
He's mostly doing a good job. Getting some very solid numbers on Twitter, hitting entry-level race realism talking points, and even touching on ethnic conflict and the JQ.
"Doing a good job" doesn't cut it anymore. Almost every single person on earth has access to a camera and an internet connection. There's no longer a reason to support rat-poison pushers who are 65% correct or 78% correct. Molyjew is obviously holding back for a number of reasons.
1. Alex Jones effect: He's afraid of losing advertisers
2. Chilling effect: He's afraid of losing jewtube bucks or maybe even his yt channel
3. Lobbyist influence: All the alt-kike "celebrities" and Trumpnigger scum promote his channel and do interviews with him, precisely because he is an alt-kike Trumpnigger. If he changed his tune, he'd have to go back to making videos about existentialism and what have you.
They are feeding carrots, while holding a big stick. Molyneux knows that the alt-right is full of garbage and that Trump is a fraud, but he's too afraid to lose money and influence. We no longer need people like him. We need people with courage who are politically incorrect, no matter what.
Molymeme goes hard on black IQ though. If you get enough people who understand that niggers are dumb brutes who destroy society, theres a pretty good chance they they keep moving toward our camp.
I fucking hate IQ nationalism.
Molymeme is not a funneler to the alt right if his ultimate morality depends on a score on the fancy shapes and colors test.
How long would it take for a molymeme viewer to completely replace their moral framework from "high score utilitarian" to "racial family collectivist"?
What would even be the likelihood of conversion? There are stark fundamental disagreements between the alt right and his dehumanizing lolbertarianism.
The far right is too small to be sustainable with tons of infighting. Of course bad apples have to be rejected, but 5-10% of the population shouldn't infight over matters of belief, as long as their goals are aligned.
Personally I don't really have a problem with anyone who wants to tune down migration to sustainable levels. Anyone who wants this, and wants to keep white countries majority white is my ally, anyone who wants to reduce migration is on my side.
They exist, but you will never find them on any media platform ever.
Goy, don't you understand? (((We))) need to alienate as many people as possible from the far right! Making everyone your enemy is the best possible strategy!
Of course. A Jewish e-celeb is not going to save us, guys.
Is this guy still the "defoo" advocate?
His job is to destroy families. Nothing more, nothing less. The rest is window-dressing.
Jews are the aristocracy of America. Whites are merely serfs.
I know better, but I can't help but ask…which 'plan'? No one on Zig Forums, other than me ever 'plans' for anything…all they do is bitch.
Molyneux has some great videos, but he also going for ad revenue with daily videos and they are pretty much alt-right garbage. Do you think anyone will remember Rick Sandman in a few weeks or search for the name? The daily news cycle is garbage and he regurgitates it.
I wonder why.
That's fucking hilarious.
Threads like this are why I rarely come here anymore.
Reading and self improvement is a far better use of my time than having to read "why this eceleb shitstain is totes on our side" for the six millionth time.
Bigtentism will fail.
Those people you want to ally with all love BASED, legal immigrant shitskins, and will fight to keep them in white countries.
That is what happens in a plutocracy, the people with the most money rule.
I said I support people who want to limit migration to sustainable levels, maybe 10 000 up to 50 000 people per year. Some amount that is negilgeble in regards to the entirety of the US.
All that is doing is putting a bandaid on a raging gangrenous limb.
You also didn't have a answer for the masses of legal non-whites in white countries either.
Molykike is an undercover Israeli agent, do not believe his lies
He answered it 2 minutes in, here's the link
So he's not even a philosopher at all then.
What a pretentious twat.
Credentialist faggot.
You must get the approval of the University kikes that you're kosher enough to be a philosopher.
He admitted to being jewish many times over the years. This is just damage control to make him more relatable, like when Howard Stern used to claim he was only half kike.
As much of a faggot molyjew is, this thinking is incorrect.
What would be conclusive proof then?
not everyone holds the same opinions as you
no he hasn't
very noice
Shilling so obvious
Stefan Molyneux is a cult leader