The Bank of England has blocked Nicolas Maduro's officials from withdrawing $1.2 billion worth of gold
The gold is a significant part of the $8 billion in foreign reserves held by the Venezuelan central bank.
(((Bank of England))) Blocks Withdrawal of Venezuelan State Gold
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Nazis = crypto-commies
What I hey get for trusting a rigged system.
So then Maduro has $1.2 B worth of gold to fix the state of Venezuela, but he never bothered to.
Holy shit this is fucking unbelievable
Always hold your own gold. Maduro should have known better but after all he was previously just a bus driver.
I could have sworn this happened months ago, maybe even a year or so.
I would better want to know where else and how much does he keep his "state" wealth outside of Venezuela.
Id be surprised as all fuck if the (((bank of England))) even has that much physical gold there
What are the chances the gold has disappeared?
Yea this is old news, but the block wasn't "official" until now. Anyway, I support it for two reasons:
1 - he's a leftist POS trying to steal the gold who I'd rather see hung from a lamppost.
2 - he trusted jew bankers
Who claims he's trying to steal the gold? The same people who are trying to force him out of power to re-privatize the oil deposits?
He's a "socialist", the gold that belongs to the people, hence doesn't belong to him, hence he's a thief stealing gold.
A kike being a thief? Say it ain't so.
Seems a little spurious on your part. He is the guy who was elected down there. I'm not sure who else would be responsible for trying to get the gold repatriated.
You sound like a leftyfag, no one here would give a shit about that south american nigger other than to laugh when he's brutally murdered.
It turns out, according to an ancient document from thousands of years ago, inscribed in biro, that the gold was actually stolen from poor, penniless juden during world war 2 by the evil nazis, and they have only just been able to recover it.
Along with 100% of the rest of the gold reserves in the world that they coincidentally seem to 'own', despite always being the poor victim.
You're just sort of talking in circles now, really relying on emotional language. You claimed he was trying to steal the gold, but really that's a claim you're parroting from the Bank of England – who wants to see an alternative put in power who will re-privatize the oil deposits. So we're back to square one here.
His military is literally gunning people down that managed to not starve to death, and you think he's just repatriating the gold for the good of the people? That's some top-tier tard right there.
Like they do in England to White nationalists?
>>>Zig Forums little slow tonight? All the posters out bug chasing fag bars?
He's trying to get back the gold that his country invested. He's attempting to bring his country's wealth back to its sovereign land. Fat kikes aren't allowing him to take his peoples capital back (for over a year, as said, but is now official). This is kikery at its best but you can't blame him since he never put such capital in the hand of jews.
Some quick arithmetic
1.2 billion oz / 1303.98 $/oz = 920,259.5 oz
or 57,516.2 lb
or 28.7581 tons
Why didn't they keep it in Ft Knox?
I'm just going to filter you. If I want your point of view, I can go right to the source – Elliot Abrams.
That's rich, coming from you.
This & Checked.
He trusted the (((Bank of England))) and they stole his assets.
They asked for this
its probably has something to do with the sanctions against Venezuela, remember while 1.2 billion$ is alot of money for and individual its a drop in the ocean for a nation that has one of the largest oil and natural gas deposits in the world. its more likely that (((they))) are afraid maduro will take Venezuela's gold and run
I’m failing to see the problem. Socialist pig tries to steal gold from his country and was stopped… someone can enlighten me but Pinochet did nothing wrong.
I don't understand this. He virtual signals as a politician against the banks, fully knowing that his gold will never leave the hands of Israel anyway. So why not call out the jews directly, why wait for them to call him a madman dictator and kill him like so many before? Why does he not use the internet as a means to instrumentalist the public against the jews, while giving himself the protection of public focus? Why must those people always try to walk the road alone, just to be shut down? Just reach out to the real world and ask for unity against the devil.
JIDF, ADL, Hasbara…?
yeah, i bet youre so sure of that that you can explain why both the FED and congress passed on every single audit as demanded by statue on a routine basis
so what? thats their problem. literally nothing good can come out of (((america))) interveining there.
They've been trying to get that gold back for years.
who died and made you the Zig Forums spokesman?
I guess the sephardi tribe doesnt get along well with the ashkenazi tribe
This should serve as a great warning to all nations with assets in kike banks. They should just all pull out the trillions now, confidence and trust in them has been shattered. Let the world economy critically melt a bit for the lulz
They really don't, like in pissrael there's a caste system and ashkenazi are at the top. Ironic given that ashkenazim have the least semetic blood and the most white blood they despise. They're essentially white supremacists without understanding the irony kek
1.2 billion wouldn't even cover enough food/medical aid for all of their starving people. 100 percent chance it isn't even there.
Is the bank of England giving any specific reasons for not repatriating the gold? Other than the (((US))) told them not to?
Blood is in the water, and an opportunity to have a desperate state at one's finger tips has enticed the old powers. It already looks as if a decision has been made.
You'll have to forgive them, even the smartest ashkenazi kike is a complete drooling retard to our great minds. 10 out of 10 kikes are crying little faggot tears over this secret truth.
/ourbank/. I can't wait until GEOTUS physically removes those commies for BASED Israel.
It feels like satire is the only thing left these days.
He was a CIA-installed ZOGbot who was so kosher that Netanyahu's son posts memes about him on faceberg.
The problem with brainlets who make opposing communism into an ideology instead of opposing it as part of opposing jewry, and all of its manifestations, is that you just end up supporting other equally vile flavors of kikery.
Get it right. We're BETTER commies than commies, niggerfaggot.
It's best to hold your assets elsewhere, in case of emergency. Imagine an angry mob camping outside your house for months. You'd probably want to move all the valuables covertly to another house.
these are national reserves that were pawned to the UK.
thats how you use national reserves, you dont just go selling them off. especially if the selling money will just be used for buying time in a situation where the US sanctions will inevitably bankrupt the country.
ok, so the kikes back the regime change.
wtf, i love maduro now.
Maduro must be shitting his pants right now. Within the next weeks the whole facade of "international law" will be dropped and the entire jewish world order will come crashing down on his head. I really don't think Russia or China cares enough about this one to stop it from happening. They'll just issue their protest and cut their losses. And Venezuela is enough of a failed rogue nation that nobody will care much about it either. RIP
That's what you get when you let jews control your money.
so a nation can be rogue as opposed to what? Cucked?
shills responding to shills..
"Rogue" just means "dumb niggers who rejected white rule for kike rule"
If the niggers in the world weren't niggers, they would have been smart and sided with whites against the jews. But niggers love gibs more than thinking, so here we are discussing the fate yet another nigger country full of monkeyshines.
the left is gonna eat itself, literally, they will cannibalize maduro's family, he is going to be more humilliated then mussolini, serves him right
So yet again another kike puppet needs another country destabilized.
And like Iraq it's most likely over oil.
when did venezuela reject white rule for kike rule?
the last major political shift happened in the late 90s when neoliberal policies fucked the country so bad that Chavez and his socialists won the elections.
if youre refering to the bolivar revolutions against the spanish then i dont think you know what youre talking about
Good move. Fuck the spics trying to cash out and run. That gold belongs to the nation. Once shit settles if the kikes of england don't hand it over, push their shit in.
You mean once a government agreeable to the kikes in England overthrows the government the kikes of England don't want?
who? the new puppet goverment thast gonna sell the countr off?
So he went from bus driver to largest short bus driver?
This would make the US the biggest rogue state of them all.
It's not his wealth, it's the foreign reserves of Venezuela, and he couldn't sell it for dollars anyway because he's sanctioned.
So much disinfo on nu/pol/
Hahahaha the absolute state of commies.
Fuck (((Maduro))) and Fuck the (((Bank of England)))
I think they don't even have much gold. Probably some jew or Saudi already took it into Tel Aviv. Remember that bank never wanted to show the amount of gold they have when the money was gold backed, because they wanted to lie about it, so money can be created out of thin air. Now it's even worse with fiat.
Im more shocked this doesnt have the PIVX logo slapped on it
Juan Guaido confirmed for /ourgoy/. Anti-Semitic purity-spiraling 1488ers eternally BTFO.
Maybe you're thinking of Germany
Welp, this is all the proof you need, really.
I love Maduro-san now?!?!????!
No user, this is strictly jew vs jew or ashkenazi vs sephardi. Let the tribals beat themselves over the head on this, White men should have no dog in this fight, we won't be allowed to anyway.
Basically, Maduro and his fanbois are too pussy to take the fight to (((them)))
this is why the primitive races that can't see jews hate whites and the west in general.
please tell us how bad things really are
tell us about your image and how bad it is????
Take back home. Jews in media present this situation like he was about to pocket that money.
Show me some other system where money (and banks) dont exist. Even in socialism there is one national one and thats it.
That's Gaddafi you nog.
The guy Hillery and the (((CIA))) had killed so they could take over the natural resources and help flood Europe with shitskins. Libya was the firewall between the EU and Africa. Now its the main highway.
The truth is that it's not even there. Some Jew probably sold it off to a Chinaman or some other recently moneyed goon and it's the job of the bank to cover for them.
He/she/it likely knows but thinks they are revolutionaries; legends in their own minds, impervious to life' harms or just a pile of bones in a concrete cornerstone never to be found … relegated to history. That said; it's good someone understands just "how bad things really are".
That oil might as well be on the moon now. Venezuela has no way to pump and refine it. They let their production infrastructure go to shit. Then when workers stopped being paid and showing up the looters moved in and wrecked everything.
(((Maduro))) is literally Jewish though.
Why would they produce it when price barely covers the costs. The infrastructure failing is another big lie, "if it was in US corporate hands it would be better".
What were they thinking? They've just lost the trust of many customers and no doubt they'll be withdrawing too, successfully.
See pic.