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Piece of shit zogbot cowards. Don't let this stump your spirit, Frenchies. Use this man as a martyr against the machine. These fucks deliberately aim for the head. Disgusting.
The Leftist party is going to hold a ANTI YELLOW VEST/PRO EU protest this Sunday.
We told you that the Left is PRO Internationalism/Globalism and the enemy of the folk and the working class!
I found some interesting stuff
This article said that the newspaper Le Figaro was the ones to break down the red scarf "movement".
They say they are not against the yellow vests but this is clear divide and conquer tactics.
Le Figaro is owned by Dassault Group which was started by Marcel Dassault (who is jewish)
Frog here.
This is a tactic employed by the government in an attempt to scare the public away from the protests and infuriate the yellow vests. On numerous occasions now we have seen the same scheme :
>the (((media))) arrive (usually on rooftops that are unaccessible to the public, I wonder how they got here…) and get nice images of a few thousand yellow vests trapped and getting violent from being gassed and shot at for no fucking reason so they can push their "the movement is losing popularity, only 3 000 protesters" and "yellow vests are violent extremists" narratives
This is what happened in december around the Arc de triomphe and happens every weekend at major rallys.
We will continue anyways.
When everyone is done cucking to the damned monsters, then the horror can end.
It's pretty clear now, Antifa attacked Yellow Vests in Paris today and got their ass kicked.
Dont give up, and try and organize yourselves better! If all that comes out of all this is a yellow vest permanent organization you have already won for the next stage will be the beginning of their downfall!
B-but Zig Forums is for the Yellow Vest :(
nice dubs and nice work
Leftypol will become us because our forum is right when it comes to many truths. The problem may be here that they will claim to be the heroes, as they always do. Then they will control it in what ever way they think they can get away with in name of (((some big lie))).
That's not leftypol. That's the globalists' goons. The red scarves are only enforcing the status quo, and that is not leftypol's purpose.
No because /trannypol/ is full of faggots and sand niggers.
We should unite to destroy the globalists and neocohens and then duke it out between us. Or, they would be given a state to move to and live according to their ways (but not us to tax and leech on). To each his own.
I'd be very happy when our civilzation comes to a point of degree where it just allows degenerates not beeing able to reproduce too much.
The left is the dog of the upper class to support the future brunt force of thirdworlders who give in to the upperclass again as the natives refused to bear a worse life.
The left needs to be killed as you cannot have truth with a force that wins by bolstering your replacement over the time that the truce is held.
user, infrastructure…banks, social security, insurance companies, trains, airports, schools etc. block them, protest them, use the public groups as diversion to attack specific targets and spray paint the word JEW everywhere related to capitalism. Meanwhile get the rural communities into survival mode…making their own food, water and trading with each other on a large (French only) scale. Prepare for the economical crash, it's coming, but better…accelerate it. Stay safe!
KPD Jew (((Wagenknecht))) promotes Yellow Vests in Germany
Will never happen above communist involvement. The remaining real Germans will only take up to the streets when the global movement has jewish crimes as their main target, otherwise it will be a silent struggle to survive, because the wound of WWII sits deep.
This. Yellow Vests is a jewish movement.
I am fully prepared for a crash on a personnal and familial level.
The public however is not. Many men and women I meet during the protests are on the street for the first time in their life. They are not mentally ready to take more efficient action and go full guerilla style. Things will take time, the fact that the normal folk is out on the streets is in itself a big victory. We've been holding on for two months now, this is also good.
The best hope I have is with army and police middle-ranking officiers. They are the ones who hold true power and knowledge of how to fuck things up, and many of them are as fed-up with our governement as us. The day they decide to no longer follow orders is the day we win.
The danger with the yellow vests is the absence of leadership. While this is a huge advantage for us at the moment because there is no one to prosecute for the government, no one to discredit us and no one to create division among us, this is also a weakness. This makes us prone to highjacking by political parties, (((unions))) and controlled opposition.
>no one to discredit us and no one to create division among us, this is also a weakness. This makes us prone to highjacking by political parties, (((unions))) and controlled opposition.
Dear yellow Vests,
Stop splitting up, stick together.
Create social movements accompanying the yellow vests in spirit, that everyone can participate in. Fitness, gardening, homeschooling, public discussion, building bartering groups, creating propaganda for the front lines etc. The goal should be to get everyone back into group behaviors, away from capitalism, into politics, and most importantly into survival mode.
Approach them with ideas for of the job community work…them training sports and basic martial arts to the youth. They need this, you need this. Show them a way out, based on community. Right now they are fighting against every side, losing themselves in the process. They know what they're doing is wrong , but they don't see a way out. Show it to them. The goal is to get a resistance going, but this has to be done either through survival training or completely underground, otherwise they will break you up. This is why you also need to get rural communities up and running, to have shelter and security everywhere.
Stick to it. We certainly won't get a Hitler anytime soon and natural leaders will emerge with a bang you might not even realize. instead constantly engage different people and ask them for opinions on hot topics. Do footwork polls and create propaganda reflecting the public opinion. This will easily single out those kike attempts to subvert you, because people will recognize their own opinions, not some globalist lie.
And most importantly (other than staying safe of course) is to push the jewish narrative into the open. Our only chance is to get everyone into the same direction. if you have based Arabs, Asians and Blacks etc. around get them involved into doing propaganda work in their own communities. We have to stop a race war from happening and direct all the anger against the jews.
this place is full of shills aswell, yellow vest is jewish trick, control opposition with "leaders" from israel, do your research
As long as the masses have "faith" that the system can still provide for the people, they will not fully disengage from it.
Give em hell frogs
Are you retarded of something?
Nigger show us the "research" that you claim you've gone through
Yellow vest have no leader.
Downside of wedge is it stretches your enemy line around you if they're more numerous.
With today's world I think everyone is best suited to moving in simple squares. That way they can quickly turn to deal with threats from any angle and are very dense and hard to charge through.
Even better (would require training) is to move in a square with an empty center. Will make it less likely you all will be struck with shit and people in the middle won't feel trapped and panic.
An inverted V or double/tripple wedge works just as well. Also, this is why ancient peoples had skirmish troops and cavalry on the edges. They also would use an wedge formation within the line so it would provide an breakthru point for reserves to flow into while keeping your lines orderly.
That said, snipers work better in urban environments. Anyone shoots at your people, you shoot them back. Simple, but effective. Ask stalingrad.
Another field advise…have camera groups on the sidelines looking out for snipers. If they find one, live stream it while shouting "there's an assassin on the roof" make a public ruckus about it and exaggerated the incident until they have to move.
For the front line engaging with cops…get behind them and smash or spray paint the camera guys. These are profilers building evidence for court cases.
Hahaha this is freaking awesome. The guy swinging that rope. ROFLMAO.
>w-what is (((co-opting)))
Room temperature (Celsius).
thanks for your shilling. good job
It's already been tried.. There forums are heavily moderated. Anyone with any common sense left would've eventually wound up here. Zig Forums has extended their hand in the past only to get instantly permabanned as a result. Each thread is heavily monitored and censored similar to actual communism lol so only engineered opinions remain.
To be honest, anti-vests are using crowd dispersal e.g Rubber bullets, tear gas, water cannons, so splitting up to counter these is probably a better part of counter defence. That said, it goes without saying that once you start splitting up you begin to lack cohesion. The 'vests outnumber the police, but these things should be countered individually.
Would a paintball mask protect against rubber bullets? A motorcycle helmet certainly would I imagine. Arm yourself with what is legal and what is at hand.
Eye protection is a must, especially after what we've seen with rubber bullets/water cannons already
In cold conditions, this could be a very potent weapon indeed. The trucks themselves have to be sabotaged and stopped. Make their advance impossible, e.g. set up barriers/barricades etc. Otherwise, perhaps shields or something like that? I can't think of a situation in a riot where a shield WOULDN'T be useful, except perhaps to implicate you in an arrest of course. Keep the minecraft-ing strong out there lads.
Don't forget to do it on talmud approved media sites Goy! Destroy yourself.
ALSO, don't forget yellow paint! Most riot police vehicles/equipment have visors and similar! Fill a supersoaker with paint and spray 'em.
When you bring zero protection to a fight.
Wear some fucking equipment for fucks sakes
The problem is that there are numerous checkpoints and police arrests you for anything: weapons and paint of course, but you can get v& for little shit like protection of any kind, even serum
Learn to read, dear.
The cops took everything.
No, he's an ebin cuckchanner. And the mods do nothing.
even assuming you're right they're trying to ride a fucking tsunami of their own making. each time is bigger and bigger. and despite all the deflecting and canalizing it always goes in the same direction.
in just five years i've seen people starting talking about stuff like
and so on and on… honestly back then, which was not even that long a time ago, i would have not believed that things would escalate this fast.
Duct Tape Armor. Wrap Duct Tape around Paper Magazines.
one pic is doing it wrong
We already said why!
Bonne chance french dude.
Rubber bullets and the new large bore plastic balls they are firing can dent fairly thick steel plates. Anything fired at high velocity can be lethal.
A motorcycle helmet would protect against most of the force. Paintball mask will likely splinter and shatter.
Anything is better than nothing.
It's pretty obvious
It's called 'kettling' in English.
Gee, maybe you have to start beating up the cops confiscating shit or something. Crazy idea, I know.
This place is full of shills. Yellow vests is a kike trick with controled opposition (((leaders))) from pissreal. Do your research.
fixed that for you faggot. learn to speak proper English if you’re going to shill here. now go take a shit on the street
An eye for an eye, that's the kike law isn't it? Return the favour to them, froggies.
fuck, if people can't smuggle in even things to protect themselves with like goggles and helmets, let alone shields (urgently needed) then they're already beaten. this is a key point zog has a grip on and we can't choose any other alternative than to do it anyway or go ready for nothing good to happen at all.
Are French cops actually pulling a 'US cops setting up the right wing proud boys'?
Nigga bout to get real.
I've shattered paintball masks with paintballs. I wouldn't even trust regular SCBA apparatus to protect from those fucking things. Definitely don't use any of the older gas masks with glass lenses as those can be knocked out/shattered and into your eyes.
Bumping for the Yellow Vests
Jerome Rodrigues is a jewish surname. Use your fucking brains you retards.
rodrigues sounds spanish you stupid faggot
bump for pigs are scum
Fuck the ape say?
Yea, controlled opposition.
Since when could one be 'pro' something without being 'anti' everything else? I hate..
Pretentious twats.
'neutrality for me not for thee'
Next time they need to organize half of their group as protesters/bait, wearing the yellow vest, and the other half on the outside loitering without vests. Wait for TRS to surround the bait, then attack them from behind with the incognito supporters.
From what I've seen, France has been in a constant state of anarchy for fucking weeks now. How has nothing changed with these constant battles in the streets? Are tourists just walking around and taking pictures of the arc while flaming policemen scream in the background? Are mimes shielding themselves from molotov cocktails with invisible walls?
Fuck the kikes and wogs, it's coming.
Read ‘The Technique of Coup D’État’ by Curzio Malaparte. Revolutions start like this.
A LOT has changed, but (((they))) have to pretend it's all business as usual, lest (((they))) let their panic be seen and cause even more of the population to rise. Why do you think the news pretend nothing's happening?
Froganons, what's your status?
Is the Yellow Vest "movement" still going strong? I get the impression it kind of petered out, the rising momentum they has kind of gone.
Plenty of cowards. What good are formations if they run away at the first sign of struggle. Horn formation ftw.
The absolute mad lad. The future is looking pretty bright for nationalists in the west when ZOG is hiring overweight manlets.
How much are (((they))) paying those foreign mercenaries to try to fight the French people?
Why is (((Macron))) so fucking stupid?
That's what you get for being a cuckchanner.
Doesn't matter. Money is a metaphysical belief-object. The numbers are just symbols.
Yet it is possible to buy dignity from the foreign mercenaries wearing red sleeves.
How is he stupid? What has he done wrong here? 12 weeks now these pussies have “protested” without leadership, a codified goal in any capacity, or any tangible results. They’re not “advancing” on the government’s control, they’re not expanding their influence, and they haven’t gotten any concessions, arrests, or revocation of ZOG power. Most don’t even know the ZOG exists. All Macron has to do is NOT escalate on his end, and they’ll eventually peter out and give up, like they have for the last 70 fucking years.
Also blue clearing isn't dealing with that effectively, 3 to the left, 3 to the right and the remaining 3 act as support/counter the middle if middle engages middle.