this video says that Zig Forums is "weaponizing poe's law" and that "the right" constantly contradicts its own positions. I'm making a thread about it because I'm seeing the topic more and more as of lately, although I'm not sure this video explains it best. we saw it recently with E;R in a more maisntream scale.
I couldn't care less about the faggot behind the video but I'd like this to be addressed.
Youtube video
Lurk two more years. Then learn how to make a thread, faggit.
I've been lurking for almost one year now. but I think I've been cuckpilled already. I need help here.
Sorry OP, I really don't want to watch a video just to respond to you. He's right, sum up your argument briefly and then provide a video or link or whatever.
The "Right" is everything with which you disagree. The "Right" is not anything other than what you perceive the "Right" to be. And were the world the way that you feel it should be, we would all live in a utopia with lions and sheep hugging, people of different skin colors singing 'Kumbayah' around the campfire while enjoying African mosquito burgers and shooting up opium hits mixed with beer white licking the anus of a chimpanzee. HOORAY!
Your video makes a great case for segregation or if you prefer 'Apartheid', or just allowing societies to do what societies have done for millennia.
well it's not my argument, but I feel like it's the closest fullchan Zig Forums has gotten to an argument against it.
the guy says that "the right wing" largely doesn't adhere to its positions and will eventually contradict them to look better in a PR sense. his examples include:
and other weaker ones. he goes on to suggest that the right isn't nearly as united as the left and that we disagree so much that we should be arguing with each other and not with liberals. his main point comes down to what I said in the OP though: the weaponization of poe's law and the use of social engineering to lure right leaning people into becoming full fledged fascists.
also the devil's advocate behavior in which "right-wingers" on the internet pretend to be above the debate or not have any opinions.
Can I copy this awesome pasta?
If you disagree, just say so. It's Zig Forums after all. Everyone here is copy … pasta … improve.
I can't be bothered to watch the video, but here's my contribution to the thread.
Step 1
Understand that Zig Forumsacks do not care about the so called "right wing". Firstly, the term was invented by freemasons as a method of D&Cing society. Secondly, the self-identified "right wing" are a bunch of materialist, economy obsessed, enlightenment faggots who constantly pander to the enemy and serve the System to the same degree as any "leftist". National Socialism is not right wing, and Zig Forums even less so.
Step 2
Who gives a shit what some fag on jewtube says? Even within 30 seconds from the timestamp you provided this retarded, materialist asshole is rambling on about "muh capitalism only puts in faggots to make money". These people are intensely stupid. I listened for 2 minutes and basically none of the points are applicable to the general consensus of beliefs on this board.
Poland: continuing to reinforce everyone's opinion that they are the niggers of Europe.
I'll take that one.
Killing strippers in any GTA game isn't a thing. Killing people is. Your character can, at any time, pull out a gun and shoot someone dead.
The ability to kill hookers is nmo more relevant than the ability to kill the white guy that just hit your car.
It isn't sexist because it's not encouraged, not normalized and above all, not the point.
Gay relationships (and I'm assuming he's talking about RPG's like ME or crap like Last of Us) are at their best when they're side things the player can choose to do or refuse. Heck, in falout NV, you only learn about the two homos there if you make your character homo aswell. 90% of the player base never even saw the homo-options because of that.
But ME/Dragon Age or the newest Last of Us along with teh Walking dead or other stories bear a remarkable difference:
The gay relationships feature a prominent screenspace that is not optional, and they're masively over represented.
Consider the lastest series of The Walking Dead. They were boasting that "All relationships are now interracial or LGBT!"
Do you know how often Interraicial or LGBT relationships happen? They're a very small percentage of all relationships, something like 5% all summed up.
But then you have some 15-20 couples, all of them purporting to represent this 5% of the population?
There is indeed an agenda in it.
Plus, you know, Rockstar didn't brag about players killing women/hookers, but the leftist scum behind these piles of shit DO brag about how much LGBT crap they got away with.
Let me shortten that for you:
Just take that line and apply it to other fields. Should we believe politicians or question them? What about journalists, your local medic, the local butcher, your meth dealer?
Should you blindly trust people in an uniform telling you the death was required?
Should you blindly trust the journalists/activists telling you the killing was not required?
Or should you question both sides, find out for yourself and make up your own opinion?
And that's quite okay. The major diference about the left and the right is that the right talks. We discuss, debate and tear down ideas to be replaced with better one's.
The left already has all the ideas they need, they only dessiminate them. Have you been to Zig Forums?
The left only appears united. In practice, they purge out wrongthink while reforcing the brainwashing. As long as you think and act the way they deem acceptable, you're one of them. Thus, they appear to be a single entity.
The right however attacks the left and the right itself, there's small groups here and there. You can more or less find the same set of core-values in every group with some minor differences, but there's several ideological differences between groups that lead us to argumentativer wars with each other. Wars that leave us stronger, not weaker. Wars that pull in more people, that recruit them with ideas, not cheap buzzwords.
The Left is Order, but also Stagnation and Rot.
The Right is Chaos, but also Innovation and Progress.
You're also a fucking cuck for falling into the "left vs right" dichotomoy.
It's a good starting point for people who are 17 and looking for their place in the world.
But you SHOULD grow out of it, realize that "left vs right" isn't "bag guys versus heroes".
It's a multitude of groups that cannot possibly be arranged on a single spectrum defending a myriad of political points of view. You'll eventually find or or more that mostly align with your opinions or form a new one if you want something 100% aligned. And then you'll either resume thinking like a child that it's "us versus them" as the leftists often do, or you'll learn to work with different groups everyday so you can get what you want by giving them what they want avoiding conflicts wherever possible.
well thanks, this really does help. I do need to lurk moar though and I'm sorry if I fuck up the board but I haven't been sure of what I do believe lately and it's been making me blackpilled.
I do think I've grown out of the left/right dichotomy though, the reason I describe it as such is because he specifically lumps Zig Forums in with "the right" in his video.
Chan 'culture' is humor. It's not serious. That's this guy's first problem. The same goes for reddit. It's humor for us. It's like watching a shitty b-comedy.
Those of us who get out of that stage by reading and learning, which you do BY YOURSELF, realize that all is false. There is so much behind the layers of curtains that you will never know that there isn't much you can do.
National Socialism, Fascism, Right, Left–it's all irrelevant. There is natural and artificial. Nature is your only ideology, if it even can be called that. Watching these intellectual internet giants is like watching ants in the forest. It means nothing. It does nothing to us. It doesn't move us. It doesn't incite thought. It is inconsequential.
So, stop watching that garbage. Find some good books while lurking. Anons drop them every now and then.
The only "wrong" thing you did was apologize.
This board isn't made of flower petals. It's made of trash, scum and piss. And it endures far worse than someone posing dumb questions.
If you're not sure what you believe, you did the best thing you could have done. You reached out, questioned and sought to learn. The next step is to look at what I just wrote, consider a pile of bullshit and go somewhere else for another opinion. Then do the same there and come back.
It's this back-and-forth between ideas that wil give a fire hot enough to forge ideals.
Don't trust anyone to think for you, including me and other Zig Forumsacks. Or one day you'll swallow the opinions of someone that wants to hurt you but posed as a friend like Trump.
This video gave me GRIDS.
Dont be sorry, you did nothing wrong. And thanks for your input.
your lurk time just started the fuck over kid
two more years
Whatcha sliding moshe?