Today is the anual date declared "Holocaust Rememberance Day" by United Nations. The perfect time to share this information. It's a quote from Konrad Adenauer, first chancellor (=allies puppet) of the Federal Republic of Germany.
"According to American findings, a total of 13.8 million Germans have been expelled from eastern Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and so on. 7.8 million have arrived in the eastern zone and mainly in the three western zones.
6 million have disappeared from the face of the earth.
They died, spoiled. …. A large proportion of the men and women who were able to work were deported to Soviet Russia in forced labour. The expulsion of these 13 to 14 million from their homeland, some of whom have lived in their ancestors for hundreds of years, has brought endless misery… "The expulsion is based on the Potsdam Agreement of August 2, 1945. I am convinced that world history will one day pass a very harsh judgment on this document."
Translated from Konrad Adenauer, „Erinnerungen 1945 – 1953“, DVA, Stuttgart, 1965, page 186
Actually this Holocaust is still in progress. Since chancellor Merkel opened Germany for migrants and refugees from any shithole back in 2015, Germans get killed by migrants every single day and these numbers are increasing constantly.
This date shall be used to remember that there is still no peace-treaty for Germany. The United Nations were founded as enemy state organisation against Germany 1942 and the "enemy state clause" is still active.
The world owes Germany big. It's time to stop watching the genocide which is being intensified by the latest UN Migration Pact which is the very last stage of the Hooton-Plan. After 70 yrs of enslavement, rape, disfranchisment and reeducation Germans won't make it alone. No, election won't help as the Election Law was ruled unconstitutional by German Constitutional Court in 2012. Remember: War hasn't been finished by peace-treaty. There is no such thing like legal elections in an occupied, unsouvereign country in state of war.
Note: There are still ~60.000 US-troops in Germany. It would be easy to restore security and to be honest: After all USA have done to Germany, it's their responsibilty.
Holocaust is real and it is happening right in front of you eyes. Engage for a peace-treaty now to end this fn world war.