You all know the bit. Kike journalism is lying propaganda, and defames people who speak out. But the "learn to code" meme goes farther than just backlash against the jewish owned media. For decades, jews and their liberals have shat on more bluecollar and working class jobs that white americans held. If these white communities suffered, they left rejoiced. They refer to these whites as "flyover country", "dumb hicks", and "rednecks". All of those terms are meant to shame rural and working class whites. A 'redneck' has a neck that is red because he is out working in the field instead of sitting at a desk with a vitamin D deficiency. A 'flyover' is someone who's not even worth looking down upon. It implies that liberals/kikes are above everyone else, but they're so high up, the people below them can't even be looked down upon.
Recently, when white coal miners were losing their income, these journalists told them 'lol just learn to code'. As if some 46 y/o dude trying to support his family has time to learn javascript. It was effectively shaming them for being defunct in neoliberal globohomo, mocking them for being left in the past. When it comes to spics, niggers, and every other oppressed minority, jews propose gibs programs, but when it comes to whites, they're told to just "stop being structurally unemployed goy". That's the irony, that they can't get out of structural unemployment, it's a form of demoralization against whites.
So when these kike journos lost their jobs, the schadenfreude reverberated throughout the news cycle. This snooty upperclass profession has now been dispossessed. They were happy little liars, being able to defame innocent people, push out propaganda, inflate their ego with their articles, and get fucking paid for it. Losing that dream job is akin to a holocaust to them, how dare the goyim take their livelihood? "Learn to code" is hilarious to throw back at them obviously because they use to say it, but because they're not worth employing anymore. Journalism in 2019 is not profitable unless people choose to donate to you. They can't deny that computer programming is already a saturated job market, because that would mean the white coalminers would be victims too. They can't say that it's difficult to learn coding, because that also would make whites victims of jew economics.
If you see any journalists, remind them that they got off easy with what they did. You don't have to mention anything about ropes, just that losing their job for ruining people's lives is relatively tame. What should we call this? Journocaust?