I will try to keep this short and succinct to avoid going off on diatribes but that is no guarantee.

We can all acknowledge we are-for the most part- anti social losers with a strong love for our country. While is most situations this is a bad thing in today’s day and age it has left us with a GOLDEN OPPURTUNITY.

You may be asking yourself what could this possibly be?

Well if you are to find yourselves is a situation such as I, then you have absolutely no provable trace to right wing policies and beliefs that a normie sheep would believe. Yes I’m sure the cia/fbi can profile you but the amount of people with true access to something like that are so few and far between it’s not worth worrying about, plus the fact normies love to call stuff like that crazy.

SO Zig Forums…

The ball is in our court, and we have an oppurtunity for the greatest act of mass espionage ever possibly conceived.

So what must we do?
You know that social media stuff we have all been avoiding? Go out and use it. Use tactics already established, push forward all the insane shit the lefties believe that makes normal people hate them, and more importantly post stuff under the guise of being pro lefty while playing dumb when it really makes them look like the evil sacks of shit they are.

Let’s say phase one is successful and we come out with a decent number of agents with a solid lefty reputation, then we must have an ultimate plan right?

Indeed we do, and as disgusting as this sounds we must all volunteer for positions in the Democratic Party.


It is fully understood that this will most likely be the most frustrating task you could have ever put upon yourself, and in all reality we will probably lose a few of you faggots to the other side. But this is a necessary risk for without risk there is no reward, and few times in history has there ever been a risk so little for a reward so great.

Once in an established position you must do everything In your power to flip the votes they harvest. And more importantly understand and broadcast how exactly their methods work. We know corruption runs rampant and the (((Justice $ystem))) refuses to even investigate so therefore we must not seek justice but rather to control and subvert the means of corruption!

DO NOT FORGET TO DOCUMENT EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. Most people who try espionage and subvert on our side of the political spectrum rely on video taping way too heavily and it has allowed the uniparty to keep taking our rights and no action ever seems to happen despite any amount of evidence proving them guilty. THESE VIDEO TAPES NEED TO BE THE LAST LINE OF DEFENSE ONLY AFTER SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN. IF WE DO THIS RIGHT SHIT WONT HIT THE FAN AND NO ONE BUT THE DEMOCRATS WILL CRY FOUL.

And when they do?
The tides will have turned my friends.
The left will scream “muhhh conspiracy”

Welcome to our world faggots.
The sheep will start flipping instantly.
The left will bleed what’s left of its power like a stuck pig already hung by his feet.

And let’s say somehow everyone fails?

The left is now on their heels! Even in a worst case scenario where everyone fails spectacularly the left at the very least understands the fear of people constantly attempting to subvert and divide you. It is a tactic as old as time and it has been used against the masses for far too long and now we must use this same method against the political elite.



We will have a taste of the freedom the men who fought and died for this country enjoyed.

Whomever takes heed on this words must know.
There will be no leaders.
You will have no boss.
There will be no orders to follow

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I suggest using two accounts, making false threads in social media where you are both sides and make 'our enemies' (you second account) look evil and dumb.

Clearly you are mistaken.

Most people on Chan’s don’t have any social media lol.

So it’s not fake lol.

I thought this was a good idea until I read "-Q", as Q seems like disinfo campaign that preaches docility.

Now I'm wondering if it's a plan to smoke people out.

It was mostly for name recognition and normies eat that shit up. Please feel free to copypasta and remove the q. It’s the message that’s important.

Get out.

Ironically I’m here because I’m banned from everywhere else.

So for the meantime before I get banned from here too-you can go fuck off.

I know this was perfectly good prior to that. But, there is no point in discounting a good idea because OP is being a fag again.

It is a shill. He just used the /oneofus/ argument there's a thread on their new tactics here . Ignore them and they have no power.

Attached: it's ok to smile 1548253502299.jpg (759x823, 19.39K)

Liberals have no values. They are so contrarian, that's why something like this would work in an incremental small scale psychological warfare.

Attached: trumpchange.png (598x401, 47.13K)


Magapedes not welcome.

How would you even know this is actually Q

No problem. The shills here are different from 4chan and I am guessing you are a refugee from there. Posts here are more serious so in the future drop the cutesy -Q stuff, it really doesn't add anything but ammo for shills/derailing potential.

Easy to know who a jew is these days. Just do the opposite Israel wants and you will be fine

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20 paragraphs and I have no idea what you're on about.

What is a good burner phone? And, how does one get internet access anonymously?

hehe yes! buy into the Right VS. Left false dichotomy, goyim! Support this Jew LARPing as a white person, goyim!!!!!1

Missed your pills?

So… accelerationism?

How many threads yid?

We need a team of Social Media medics.

Some tasks that this team can perform :
1. Create Secure and Anonymous Leftist Sock Puppet accounts on all Social media channels. Add phone and email verification if possible, or necessary. Release these accounts to POL insurgents as needed.
2. Add Leftist friends to the accounts, and gain a decent amount of friends and followers.
3. Engage in low level leftist dialogue, and conversations.. we want the Leftists to be comfortable with these accounts.
4. Black Pill - Inform the leftists of 5G Genocide, The Evil of Usury, The White Genocide in Paradise California, topics that are Non Partisan.
5. Engage in Debates with 3rd Positionists and Rightists, so as to lose the Debate and make the left look bad.
6. Subvert - Subvert - Subvert

I have an Israeli account and a Black Hebrew Israelite account. Naner naner. Take that. Then i save the day in the comments with right/nationalist reasoning. Simple really.

It's another cuckchanner thread.


Yes. Even if they figure it out they still won't know who to trust. Just remind them that anyone of them can be bought out. Money and success truly scares them.

Your premise is that one person infiltrating the Democratic Party in a volunteer position no less, will turn the tides? Implying no one has ever tried such an approach? Do you have any idea how compartmentalized this organization is user? Tell you what, write to James O'Keefe and outline your scheme. If you get a reply, let's see it here first.

This would amount to nothing if you're too squeamish to observe tankies in their natural habitats to learn there degenerate agendas properly.

They may be mentally ill but they are wary of provocateurs.

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Or just stop being a faggot and have kids.

If you have 10 kids and your kids and grandkids have 10 kids, you will have 1000 great grandkids.

Meanwhile, all the 2 kids faggots will only have 2 great grandkids.

And now I understand why this read out so incoherently, it was written by someone who believes in Q carp.