"Why Nigerian Immigrants Are The Most Successful Ethnic Group in the U.S."
Witch doctors
scribes of Gibsmedat
I'm happy for them. I truly am.
They succeeded!
These, unironically, this braindrain is harmful to nigger countries. Moreover when the niggers are average and run of the mill they harm our education system thrpugh lowering of standards.
Afaik its mostly Igbos.
I don't know. It is just sad America welcome more niggers. Africa can flood whole world with niggers. Maybe China will halt their insane reproduction.
Nigeria is also an extremely populous country. This little hellhole of West Africa barely bigger than Texas has nearly 200 million people.
Nigeria is about 2/3rds the size of the US in terms of population. That's a fucking massive country. There are more Nigerians than there are British, Australians, and Canadians combined.
So, of course there will be a small number (proportionally) of elite Nigerians who get the fuck out of that shithole and come to America because they aren't retarded.
Honestly, having dealt with them in real life, I can honestly say if the average nigger was equal to the average Nigerian immigrant there would be way less racism in this country.
basically this>>12727571
this is precisely why immigration is only good for ethnic displacement and not for "helping them".
this has potential though. you can slap it in the face of people crying muh racism. especially your homegrown darkies.
It's 69 exactly, which is "room temperature."
You were right even though you were off by a bit.
And 68 is legally retarded?
Below 70 is.
well, 70 is considered retarded when you use white standards as the yard stick, which is what IQ is all about.
The secret is simple: Christianity.
40% of Nigeria is Christian, and thats the 40% that is successful.
Yeah, no.
Great, they can fuck off back home then and fix up their country.
nigerians actually was kangz, they were the ones that sold the other nigs. regression to the mean is real by the way, second gen nigerians are already back to the way they usually are.
I'm glad they've overcome racism. Guess it's time to cancel affirmative action.
People with below 101 is retarded to me.
Its the ritual cannibalism of Whites (eaten to acquire the strength of their enemies through Vodoo) that makes them so versatile. We all know that the cleverness of Whites can be obtained from cannibalizing their palms…a delicacy in Nigeria. Glad they are doing well…is it time to exterminate the niggers yet…I think yes. Nigerians first since they seem capable.
People (men and women, property owner [irregardless of attachment to blood and soil] or not, wealthy or not) with an IQ that low shouldn't be allowed to vote.
I lived with an igbo EE student. Now a patent lawyer working for feds as a patent examiner/clerk.
This is why nobody takes us seriously
Lovely…why work in the real world with a meritocratic system when you can get yourself a nigger 'gibs me dat job' sucking off the White American taxpayer with your 'government job' all without the outward appearance of a being a parasitic leech on the system?
Your nigger friend is not actually doing anything but looking at the work of his better…which I suppose if fitting for a nigger since that is basically all they can do with the pathetic 'life' they are given in the first place, since everywhere they look and everything they see in Western Culture was fashioned by their betters.
Except that I am ACTUALLY BEING SERIOUS about this. That is how they caught that Nigerian nigger who killed Pamela Mastropietro. If it hadn't been for the fact that her hands and feet were shipped separately from her body which was all nicely butchered and separately packed in Tupperware into the carry on luggage, they would not have caught her killer at all. It was only because her palms and feet were cut off and sent in advance as a gift to a Nigerian warlord through a drug finding x-ray machine at the shipping facility that they knew there was a body.
Had their not been urgency and extreme value in the gifting of this delicacy (the palms and feet) she would have simply been presumed missing in Italy and her body and murder (butchered eaten by nigger Nigerians back in Nigeria) would have remained a complete mystery.
One less White woman to have White babies.
If I'm not mistaken most of the immigrants the U.S. receives from Nigeria disproportionately come from the Igbo ethnic group. The Igbo are commonly refereed to as the "Jews of Africa" due to their success in business in craft, so it's not unreasonable to assume the Igbo have a significantly higher mean IQ than the other ethnic groups in Nigeria (there's probably a plethora of studies on this topic). Compounding this, these immigrants are often employed in high-tier white collar professions before they even migrate here (again, selecting for higher IQ).
If this is your attempt at "Zig Forums btfo time to open the gates!", you're fucking pathetic, Zig Forums.
Regression to the mean will mean their kids will be 70 IQ nogs though.
Because they're Nigers, of course. I just hope their prince is okay.
Uhhh sure, dude, they already ATE the fucking organs that were never recovered before she was dismembered and packed into Tupperware for the flight back to Niggerland. How do you think they knew where to find her fucking body since it was all packed up and stuffed inside CARRY ON LUGGAGE (the parts that weren't recovered because they were eaten, that is)?
The Italian police have arrested two more Nigerian nationals over the gruesome murder and dismemberment of Pamela Mastropietro, an 18 years old Roman, whose remains were found inside two suitcases outside Macerata,earlier this month. This pict is one of the NIGGERS who ate parts of her before dismembering her and packing her up in TUPPERWARE to take back to NIGERIA and eaten meat. THE MSM DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW THE DETAILS ABOUT THIS CASE but someone who was close to the case and knows about the cannibal rituals of Vodou (Voodoo for you faggots) told me what happened and how it went down. How do you think Italians would feel if they knew that Italian girls were being, raped, murdered, eaten, and shipped to Nigeria as a food product?
I know, I know…no one would give a fuck, just like they didn't give a fuck when the kikes were caught kidnapping little boys from their homes, torturing and raping them to death.
All the world devours Europeans down and slaughters them and no one gives a fuck.
Gee it couldn't possibly be because traitorous boomers bend over backward to give these niggers every unfair advantage under the sun while putting their own children out to the curb like last week's garbage.
High IQ + affirmative action + good money sense
Not to mention they're like the top 0.001% of Nigerians in intelligence
The populations of those ramrods is massive, fucking huge. There is truly the greatest biological weapon on the face of the earth. ANYTHING they touch and EVERYWHERE they go they fuck up, literally not a single exception throughout thousands of years of history, none, zero exceptions, they are death incarnate to every single place they flock be it small neighborhoods to cities to countries to societies, they fuck it all up.
Paternal Haplogroup E1b1a
WOW HOW DID THEY EVER DO WELL IN THE USA????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
DO NOT BREED WITH SUBHUMANS (BUGS, NOGS OR SHITSKINS)…bugs because they artificially inflate their IQ…nothing good comes out of bug land.
Used to be 85~.
HAHA look at the poo in the loos! Every once in a while a poo will come on here talking about how 'Indo-European' they are and I always try and straighten them out…
But DNA doesn't lie…they have been hitting that nigger pussy HARD in poo in the loo land.
What's crazy is how Haplogroup E skipped over Arabia.
I'm not super surprised about this…
Makindae (bottom left corner) is a software engineer graduate from MIT
you are a fucking nobody shit poster that got out classed by someone that is darker than you.
He is not our brother, but you are a disgrace to our race by being beaten by an African.
You are what they call , white trash
We had niggers (the sons of princes) in my school as well user. They passed and got their paper, but no one would hire them because they 'achieved' via 'bribery' and 'donations' rather than merit. These chimpanzees aren't any different.
I think you replied to the wrong post
Even poor white trash is worth more then a nigger who gets through affirmative action, and has a higher IQ
and you are now a janitor …. fuck off retard
muh IQ … literally the white version of muh dick
you aint shit user, you are another cubicle dweller like the rest of us
Not a cubicle dweller at all. I don't have to work anymore. Muh IQ has meaning user. Europeans are SUPERIOR to all subhumans in every way.
It's still a shithole though.
The new Eko Atlantic is built by Chinese companies.
Victoria Island was built by western oil interests.
Anything not built by foreigners is mud hut tier.
Igbos who tend to be the most successful are also hated all over Africa because they operate like jews.
Scamming, drug dealing, political subversion etc. and were genocided before.
It is really pathetic watching you all try to find an excuse why these stupid niggers are 'the most successful'. The answer is simpler than you all think. They are NOT. I see this liberal crap too often to fall for it. Some time ago there was similar 'research' that found that it were in fact Hindu migrant who were the 'most successful' ethnic group in US. Why was that? Because the whole 'research' was created to fit certain 'race does not matter' bullshit. Authors manipulated facts to fit their narrative and did some mathematics tricks to support their 'findings'. I'm certain sure that it is a case here as well.
There are literally more Ethiopian physicians in Chicago than in all of Ethiopia, a country of 80 million.
Average iq of nigeria: 84
That's higher than the average iq of half-breed "blacks" in the US. And that score is measured in Nigeria: IQ can vary by up to 1-sigma (~10 points for africans) when they come to western countries due to better nutrition, less incidence of child abuse, etc. So we have a case where Nigerians in the US might have an average IQ of 90 or even higher. And unlike mestizos, africans who come to the US can't just rush the border and sneak in, they need to pay to cross the ocean and get a visa and come through a port of entry, so onyl those who can afford to move (higher IQ ones) do so. I'm guessing average IQ of nigerian immigrants could be as high as low 90s, which is better than most mestizos and arabs.
That doesn't mean they should be here, but it does mean they can perform economically almost as well as whites, and not be totally useless EBT-drains like the general US black population. I'm not surprised they are doing well.
Does anyone know if Nigeria has been cucked up the ass by the jews yet? just curious.
Looks like Nigerians are as intelligent as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia.
They really lucked out compared to how retarded the rest of sub-saharan Africa is.
They also have they highest gdp in Africa
lol @ detroit
Potato nigger here.
This has to be a joke.
Nigerian immigrants to Ireland are the most useless, lazy, untrustworthy scum of the earth. They have 30% unemployment, and despite this they manage to send the most money per capita home out of all immigrant ethnic groups. Why?
Because they spend their time stealing handbags, coats, credit cards, and swindling business. A Nigerian student at my college was given a job in the accounts department because "he was such a promising student"!!!???!!!???!!!" Within a few weeks he had swindled the college out of 350,000 euros which he sent back to his relatives in niggereland.
Nigerians are fucking useless.
oh nigguh pls… you all are feken retarded!
not per capita
LMAO would you go to a nigger physician?
Sounds clever enough to me
Nigeria is the worst subland has to offer.
Clever enough to get tired of and cause Europeans to wipe them and all their subhuman filth relatives out with a biological plague for their behavior. Yes, very clever.
Having spoken to African immigrants here in the states, I can say I've never met one who's actually wanted to stay, because they almost always come from well connected and wealthy parts of Africa. These are the genetic 'higher ups'' of Nigeria, who come to seek education. This ISN'T anything CLOSE to most of Nigeria, and shouldn't be used to suggest Nigerians are some mega geniuses.
this is why
You all gonna get a job cutting yor Nigger drs grass😹
Nigerian-Americans do well, but aren’t ‘most successful’ ethnic group in US
In March 2018, Africa Check found a claim that Nigerians are the most educated immigrants in the US to be incorrect. This was because in the cited data source – the US census bureau – at least seven other countries had more people holding a bachelor’s degree or higher.
e Mwiti (12/06/2018)
Highest educational attainment of US diaspora groups by birth (2016)
Country % with graduate degree or higher
India 44.0%
Taiwan 39.7%
France 36.5%
Russia 36.4%
Bulgaria 33.1%
Spain 32.1%
Turkey 31.7%
China 29.5%
Malaysia 29.2%
Iran 28.7%
Nigeria 27.9%
Would eat again
Janitors are worth more than your bitch ass. Go eat more jelly beans you fat mutt.
why don't they use those skills to fix up nigeria and the rest of africa?
While I admire this sentiment, you should explore the problem here.
check out the janitor being all strong and shit
go clean some nogs dump out of the highschool bathroom loser, show your worth
The Anglos did a better job at domesticating their niggers than we did?
You see when you have a population that just subscribes to groupthink, media + 'educational' indoctrination they don't give a shit. The white population themselves don't give a shit because they delude themselves to not give a shit about it due to media, groupthink, educational indoctrination.
I know someone has that post from some newspaper about that white girl who dreams about muh diversity contrast with the slightly intelligent Nigerian complaining that he leaves in literal hell because his people are so stupid
Wew lad. Dat fake news.
Nigerians are #60 on the list of median household income in the US.
And I also like their use of cherrypicked bullshit statistics, like 35% of Nigerian-American households earn $90,000 a year because it is meaningless.
They are clearly NOT the most successful ethnic group in the US. Also holding a post-graduate degree doesn't mean shit either. For example, someone could hold a PhD in Gender Studies. That means fuck all.
oops. They're #63
Can confirm, am a masters in STEM here.
t. Nigerian
What is the solution?
Are they being educated in the US or in Nigerian schools? Do they have their degrees before they get here? What's the process of immigration like for them?
I would say that a foreign military presence would work as it did with Japan and Hong Kong since it maintains order, but the issue is with the "crabs" who reject it. They're going to whine about imperialism and "fight for independence" (aka commit terrorism by destroying everything), later turning it into a shithole like they did in SA, Haiti, and Rhodesia. That's why my grandparents left.
Sending educated people back couldn't work either since it's low-trust. Boko Haram, meaning "Western Education is a Sin", makes us shooting/ransom targets if we ever head back and held a position of power. I don't think it can be fixed at all unless if something drastic was done to remedy the country.
Mine were educated in the west. Grandparents were STEM PhDs in the UK, and parents were STEM PhDs in the US. The immigration process in the past was very strict for them. They had to speak and write in english, along with having to know about the states, capitals, and laws in the US.
i don't actually believe they'll manage their own civilization, i just think the whole "look at what they can do for us" argument is easily countered with "who needs skilled hard workers more, america or africa?"
And how common is this for a Nigerian? Is English a common language? Or were they special?
They are also the 6th or 7th most populous country in the world with almost 200 million people.
yeah, except most of the most populated countries have sub-part TFR, but Nigeria is the exception, where the TFR is roughly 5.0 on the low end, and 8.0 on the high.
The majority of Nigerians are multilingual, pidgin english is common as there used to be British Occupation in that country. Depending on which ethnicity, they also speak Yoruba, Benin, or Igbo. I guess you could claim that mine were special as they spoke fluent english and integrated in the country. Whenever you have their immigrants in universities, they're generally the cream of the crop as our relatives heavily pressure us to only take STEM, Medicine, or Law.
Imagine being the upper 1% in a shit country in terms of intelligence and then getting shipped to the greatest country in the world and being given affirmative action and paired against those with an IQ below 80 while you have an average IQ.
I'd pick a well spoken nigger over a jew if i had to choose. I would pick basically everything over a jew besides a tranny.
It's an onion article but still funny.