Mexicans rape girls along the US Mexican border and toss their undergarments on trees to mark territory.
Mexicans rape girls along the US Mexican border and toss their undergarments on trees to mark territory.
Perhaps they ought not traffick their children in a Northwards direction? Somehow I doubt their daughters would be raped if they were raised in traditional villages in the Yucatan. Perhaps I could dare say that a Catholic dominant Mexico might be good for them. Seize the rod, beat the redskin or however it goes.
I meant to sage. This is not a worthy thread.
No, perhaps they should all be dead.
why can't mexicans fix their country?
You dumb nigger. You cannot put lipstick on a pig and say it is beautiful any more than you can say a subhuman shitskin is Christian and claim it is moral. All the time in these rural villages a girl will get raped and the elders sweep it under the rug by marrying the girl to her rapist to appease thier idea of who God is. Cattle thieves will get harsher treatment than a rapist.
Good thread. Solid.
A few days ago, one user here who worked at a rehabilitation center for pedophiles (or something like that), told us it was full of Mexicans who raped underage girls within their families.
Truly a sick society.
Because they are what is wrong with their country.
Because they have too many mexicans.
because they're the problem with mexico, user
So you're basically saying Mexican men get laid, unlike white guys?
But if this happened to Pissrael they would bomb the fuck and kill women and children for sport and the US would cheer them on. Clown world.
If Trump wants the wall so badly, he might as well have the King Kike of Pissrael shill the wall for him to congress itself. They're basically his slaves and will literally clap for anything he says, the whole world saw that embarrassing debacle when he came to your congress.
Quote figures too he should, if you look at the number of "terrorist" incidents and deaths the muzzie cunts did to Pissraelis compared to the numbers of American citizens who have been murdered, raped, or been a victim of an illegal in America it numbers in the hundreds of thousands even million compared to a couple dozen to the Pissraelis.
It's a goddamned war, the illegals to the US are worse than the "terrorists" around kikeland objectively by statistical fact. Trump will get his wall and it should be better than the kike one.
Because race is real?
That’s actually fucking genius user. Bring Bibi over here to Shill for the Wall which creates more Jew Hate amongst the Leftists.
Because Catholicism worked with the 3 estate system Clergy, Nobility,Peasantry and required the Rulers to demand piety of the peasantry (and of themselves publicly) with harsh discipline for those who strayed.
American Law used to be somewhat similar with Laws against Fornication , Homosexuality, Public Lewdness , Pornography , and other degeneracy
Jews want their fresh blood and cattle, and so the cartels will continue to deliver.
i knew a spic who was raped by her dad
pic is for you. a proud White family, how much does that upset you? are you upset your a subhuman and no White women want you? none of the women in this pic would ever touch your dirty dick and you know it hahaha
Spics have dicks so small that they can only get pleasure from raping 4y/o girls.
catholics sure did a great job with mexico so far amirite?
That would also mean that i'm your biological father, kike.
All three women and one of men have died hair.
Feminists on twatter obviously make this all about women.
They're all savages, even the women.
An ex-colleague of mine married one of those indigenous monkeys and she despised him for being an honest, moral guy.
He was selling stuff on the side and her face contorted in disgust when he would not fuck people over.
He had two mongrel kids with her that looked nothing like him.
catholic church has been persecuted by communist friendly regimes in mexico for about a century dude
lol. Die faster US.
Are the girls Mexican or American?
Do not hate. Tolerate rape trees. Love rape trees.
If they're Mexican, they're:
A) Pregnant
B) Already here
The CIA needs it as a base of operations for their drug operations.
Just Meztizo mating practices nothing to see here.
Its not rape, its undocumented sex
aka … golden gate park
bullshit user , not even slowpoke tier
Talks about White people, posts Jews.
Also. Pretty sure I was getting hounded by the Girl on the left about a month ago.
Canadian Rape Rock
Did she say ay papi or did she take a sacred vow to never utter those words?
Wow Mexican fathers rape their daughters? never heard that one before. totally it general common knowledge/stereotype or anything
I apologize for the lack of effort in this shitpost
This is not surprising to me. I've been around the mexican "Community" and it always seemed there were hidden secrets in their families.
they were just starting a conversation I don't understand, fucking internet trolls
Select sage in the email field.
should put this in picture frames at stores to trigger people
ikr right it's always "these kids are actually their grandpa's sons" and shit
Common theme from personal experience in USA;
Mexican/Latina Women/Single Mothers in CA, many told stories of being raped (and bondage/choked during sex) by Coyote, Boyfriend, Gang Member, Family Member, etc. Usually as reason not to have sex or to make "finally" having sex with them "seem" extra super-duper special, or for emotional White Knight responses from potential partners, etc. all reasons for sex "from" them to be used used as power over Men.
Age of Consent in MX is 12, add in percentage of truth of Rape Stories here; …?
Many, later in life, used Sexual Abuse Stories as excuse to get fat, not have sex with husband, etc.
MX Prostitution IS Legal, yet…
MX is a Rape Culture.
MX is Machismo Culture; men are expected to be dominant, females to be submissive.
Moral; High percentage of MX/Latinas/Lations/etc. are F'd up, stay away.
absolutely triggered!
>failed attempts at (((co-opting)))
absolutely triggered!
sounds like a lot of work for little payoff, but still sounds fun
I don't think so Tim.
Because they're savage subhumans?
lol pull your head our of your ass weeb, this guy raped 400 women most of them white he even killed one and the cops did nothing to stop it until Tony Blair started making noise about it
Who gives a shit? Let them get raped. I don't care about mexicans who get hurt invading my country.
lol no
Now that's something to spread. Time to open this can of beans.
One instance of barbarism is not enough to raise the statistics of a whole country. 400 rapes? That's an hour in Chicago.
Do you want to have a honest discussion or just be hyperbolic?
search; per capita
clever girl
I guess it makes sense if "woman" is synonymous with "wrong"
Same reason they eat refried beans… Fucking spics can't do anything right the first time…
Alabama Master Race.
First sentence.
Gooks truly are the yellow kikes.
Even more pathetic for the cops ignoring him.