UK, YES! Man interrogated by pigs after liking "transphobic" tweet

UK, YES! Man interrogated by pigs after liking "transphobic" tweet

1984 thought crime persecution intensifies in Bongland.

A man said he was questioned by police for over 30 minutes after he liked a tweet that appears to mock the transgender community.


Harry Miller, who believes ‘trans women are not women’, says the formal probe by Humberside Police was into his ‘thinking’ and his reasons for liking the limerick on Twitter. The limerick referred to trans women as ‘stupid’ and made comments about vaginas and ‘synthetic’ hormones.

Mr Miller, who used to be a policeman, says an officer told him he was investigating reports of a hate crime.

‘Cop said he was in possession of 30 tweets by me,’ he recalled on Twitter.

‘I asked if any contained criminal material. He said “No.”

‘I asked if any came close to being criminal and he read me a limerick. Honestly. A limerick. A cop read me a limerick over the phone.’

After telling the PC he did not write the limerick, he reportedly said: ‘Ah. But you liked it and promoted it.’

He concluded: ‘It’s not a crime, but it will be recorded as a hate incident.’

He said: ‘The cop told me that he needed to speak with me because, even though I’d committed no crime whatsoever, he needed (and I quote) “to check my THINKING!” Seriously. Honestly.

‘Finally, he lectured me. Said, “Sometimes, a woman’s brain grows a man’s body in the womb and that is what transgender is.” You can imagine my response.

‘Lastly, he told me that I needed to watch my words more carefully or I was at risk of being sacked by the company for hate speech.’

Harry says he is actually the chairman of his company and later told The Spectator how the incident made him feel like a ‘criminal’.


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more like big shlomo, amirite?
kike free first post

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And you know what’s funny? That faggots here still actually think that anyone is going to physically fight back against any of this.

This isn't reddit you niggerfaggot. What was the limerick? Im not clicking you link.

plenty of time to intimidate whitey on twitter, not so much to actually stop shitskins from committing crime

From holding half the world by the balls to being humiliated and lectured by an illegitimate, occupying government. In less than a century. The utter state of Britcuckistan.

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Limerick wasn't published.

Do the pussy cops in bongistan even own guns? What's stopping you from sharpening a butterknife or a piece of wood into a shiv and going to town on these faggots?