It has been proven that Native Americans can't metabolize alcohol properly due to their genetics. They lack (like some Asians and Abos, by the way) an enzyme which all Whites possess and whose purpose is help breaking apart the alcohol molecule, making it possible to eliminate it from the body. That means that Native Americans get drunk faster and for a longer period of time than Whites, with smaller quantities of alcohol consumed. This can potentially not only cause social problems of all kind, but most importantly, can cost lives if they decide to drive in such condition.
Taking this into account, would it be illegal for bars to not deliver alcoholic beverages to any person who looks like a Native American, in this day and age? It could be argued they're just doing it for their well-being, in the same way you don't give sugar to people with diabetes.
Ideally we'd kill all of the featherniggers and avenge the moundbuilder civilization that was actually worth saving.
Nolan Clark
Chief Firewater say you squeeze torpedo real hard makeum real drunk
Michael Butler
Who cares? They'd just drink listerine instead. And they actually do, I can confirm that stereotype is correct.
Justin Campbell
I want to actually correct myself, ideally we wouldn't have to do this because they would have already been wiped out before we came here. This is the closest to ideal we can get without rewriting history, though.
Jack King
Anything with alcohol is fair game for a chug.
Parker Sanders
I propose giving all indians a lifetime supply of free ethanol.
Jacob Cooper
The one made by giant injuns? Or do you want to pull a maritime scythe/wewuz argument?
Logan Ramirez
Most Chinks are the same. They get skin rashes from alcohol, which is why they rather invest in opium.
How many times do I have to tell the newfags this?
The law is talmudic. A thing is legal if the kikes think it will hurt the white race. It is illegal if it hurts anyone else or helps us. There is no rule of law, you innocent faggot. There is the interpretation of heeb lawyers from Harvard who think you need to hurry up and die.
Got that? There is no law, there is only the favor of the Jews. If you have it, you can go right ahead and keep some 9-year-olds chained to the floor of your creepy Masonic temple on that private island of yours. You'll be free as a bird to tamper with juries. If you offend the Jews, even if you're an elderly British historian, you will absolutely be handcuffed to the floor of an airport and forcibly deported from Canada, then your US visa will be mysteriously (((canceled))).
Stop trusting the fucking law. The law is our enemy now, like the media, the banks and the civil service.
Crushed leg bones, battered skulls and other mutilated human remains are likely all that’s left of a Native American population [sic] destroyed by genocide that took place circa 800 A.D., suggests a new study.
The paper, accepted for publication in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, describes the single largest deposit to date of mutilated and processed human remains in the American Southwest.
Fuck off Moshe. Stop trying to force approved language. There were no natives to any of the Americas. The first people to any were Europeans by many thousands of years.
Indeed. In fact, in the US, they have similar drunken driving accidents to those of Amerindians, go figure how big the problem might be in their countries of origin. There was a publication on public health about the problem of alcohol consumption in the Americas, but nowhere it was mentioned how related to genetics it is. I guess they might expect to solve it through education, using the same scale of "maximum acceptable shots" as whites, not knowing that this will not work on them.
Here's the full pdf:
Grew up with some injuns, a few of them were real good guys and fun to party with. But yeah, raging alcoholics. And every one of them eventually reverted to the mean and grew up to be white-hating pieces of shit…after being catered to by Whites for their entire lives. I don't know if most people know but indians get what they call "Indian Money" when they turn 18, it's basically a big ass check for tens of thousands of dollars, courtesy of the US taxpayer, simply for being indians. They promptly squander it and continue to live in "poverty".
Ian Russell
only documentary i know about alcohol and natives is about papua new guinea homebrew alcohol, domestic violence, etc.
Isaiah King
Fuck off Tor kike
Wyatt Sanders
Hairspray too
Xavier Price
Citation required. They process alcohol just like everyone else, they just ALL have the same genetic predisposition for alcoholism that a small percentage of people of other races have.
Luke Parker
Reminder to just call them red indians, indians, red niggers, etc. White Aryans made this land what it is, we built it up, and we are the only ones who have the right to be called 'native' to it.
Ayden Bell
Know your limit.
Adrian Hall
Quarter navajo checking in. Yeah, we're pretty subhuman, not gonna lie
Jeremiah Miller
Source please? This isn't cuckchan where you type a few lines and then fuck off
Yes, the term you guys should be using is Amerindian
Carson Mitchell
I thought the board with more geneticsfags would already be aware of that fact.
Oxycontin and Fentanal is the same thing but for white people.
Benjamin Walker
OMG I love alcohol now. Let's start, MAGA Brewery and Wine. We'll send cases of our product to reserves with the proceeds we make from selling to jews and cucks. For the red niggers it will be… 'the firewalker' brand or some other dumb shit they'll gobble up. 'spirit animal 100'. For lefties… 'rainbow vineyards'. Let's get on that jew level for shekels and lolz.