I have discovered an outlet for pornography and exploitation of women all around the country.
On Craigslist under the "gigs" tab and then the sub tab "talent". If you look there, especially in and around medium/large cities there will likely be posts seeking "18+ females" with vague wording that makes sexual reference if not outright stating that it is for the "adult industry"
Any anons care to look into it?
This is essentially the front line of the "anti porn war", do with it what you will.
!ALERT! Craigslist pornographers !ALERT!
Other urls found in this thread:
possibly use a fake but believable email along with non indexed pictures of a female to infiltrate and then find out what you can about them and disseminate said info
You've got to be kidding bro, this has been going on since Craigslist' inception, and the wording has always been extremely blatant. It's all out in the open…CL was founded and run by a filthy kike and it has mainly been used as a tool for sleazy, borderline illegal endeavors.
and what has been done to curb these endeavors?
How about instead of being a faggot that can't not jack off to porn everyday you make a post on craigslist looking for talent and pay a ho to fulfill your porn fantasies.
Nothing that I know. This has been known and understood for as long as I knew about Craigslist as well, OP this isn't something new.
not even what this is about, satan.
this is the forefront of the exploitation of women, white women. I have seen plenty of threads saying >we need to stop pornographers but what discussion has there been on how to stop them? what discussion has there been on how to/where to find these pornographers? what effort has there been to find this information?
Do you also believe the girlfriend experience posts are looking for payment in roses?
They did remove the personals section after that stupid 'think of the children' bill passed, FOSTA I think?
Don't forget the transparent money laundering / money transfer posts where shitty artwork is sold for several hundred dollars.
just another form of exploitation, comrade.
here is how it goes
didnt take me more than 5m to find an add for porn
found one more possibly same area
and there are ads like this in EVERY city in the US and likely abroad too
found three more didnt even take me 5m it was on the first page.
check craigslist in college towns will definatly have more explicit adds
1. Google "collages in (insert state)
2. search craigslist of that state, giggs, talent
3. find ubiquitous wording, heart symbols, LOOKING FOR FEMALE, YOUNG, adult est est
4. report them to IRS, FBI, Local police (in the area you searched in), UNwomen, DOJ and any other agency dealing with exploitation of women.
not even on the second page
Don't go at it alone, bring in the big dogs whenever possible, sic them on every single exploitation ad you find, give them no rest.
just lol, fucking blacked
the LA craigslist is MASSIVE and has over 800 entries in this month alone. I suspect major cities like miami, new york, SF/oakland, and others that are hotspots for porn creation also have huge entries like this with DOZENS OF HITS FOR ADULT MODELS AND PORN
Whether "the average person, applying contemporary community standards", would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,
Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable state law,
Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.[83]
The work is considered obscene only if all three conditions are satisfied. Local areas are permitted to develop their own laws on the issue, as long as they do not conflict with federal law.
>Attempts were made in the United States in the 1970s to close down the pornography industry by prosecuting those in the industry on prostitution charges. The prosecution started in the courts in California in the case of People v. Freeman. The California Supreme Court acquitted Freeman and distinguished between someone who takes part in a sexual relationship for money (prostitution) versus someone whose role is merely portraying a sexual relationship on-screen as part of their acting performance. The State did not appeal to the United States Supreme Court making the decision binding in California, where most pornographic films are made today.[8]
The main target is in california, and probably in LA
Not interested in paying for sex; however, browsing the gigs section of my city’s Craigslist brought up unpleasant memories of unemployment & the desperation I felt after applying to some of the sketchy posts
You're just assuming these are sexual. These could be totally innocent. There are non-perverts in the world. I'm sorry you got molested or whatever but your suspicious mind proves nothing.
(checked 4 kek)
hiring full time, dependable webcam models. Our professional female staff will train and coach you to success.
I've been to Chicago, New Orleans, Miami and just recently New York and stayed at some pretty swanky 5 star hotels for free!!! W Hotels… Four Seasons… Waldorf Astoria, etc.
I think technology will eventually end the jewish pornography trade. There is so much free stuff out there courtesy of horny college girls, why bother paying for tattooed pros with bruises and bullet hole scars?
Oh shill-kun, you're so naive and innocent it hurts.
because the college girls will be happy to be paid as well. There is danger to the industry and pimps do provide some use
Nigger it has the very clear implication, 18+ (age of consent), nude (should be pretty clear what naked people do with each other), attractive (as in sexually attractive) and the list goes on. Nothing about these are "totally innocent", every single one implies that it is "sex work".
As for "none-perverts" your full of shit and you know it, what "non-pervert" do you know of that wants to take naked pictures and video of attractive naked girls?
insults don't work here schlomo, you have made clear your allegiances, go now, and do not return.
lol an ishit
> * LADIES 18-25 Start Making 500 a Day! * Apply Inside Now hiring ladies +18 of all looks and backgrounds for various promotional modeling throughout all of LA!
just fucking lol
Its a free country, go jack off to anime
Piss off, boomerfag. I hope the shitskin staff kill you with their incompetence at the retirement home.
"If I can't make porn then this country doesn't have free speech" - Porn Jew
Try not to forget just how physically close this is to your daughters, wives, sisters, girlfriends. When anons say "it could be your [female associate]" they are telling the truth, every single woman you know is one click away, one short drive away from ending up on some kikes porn page for all to see. And what follows such defamation? depression, drug abuse, alienation, rape, death. You have no idea how truly close to home this shit is faggot.
I didn't know slide threads had been invented in 1997, when this was news.
You should brows the rent section.
Bitches be renting "Rooms" left and right if You know what Im saying.
And what exactly would I be sliding faggot?
Porn jews have to have some way of getting their grubby paws on white women that is "within the law" this is how, they have all of these outlets which vacuum up potential females they could degrade and exploit, and only the "best" make it to the "top".
If you want to stop jew porn you have to pull the roots, otherwise the heads will continue to regrow
Must be ok with implied nudity
You should be: 18+, attractive, comfortable in front of camera and able to take directionIf interested please reply with name, experience (if any) and images (front and back)
why are you typing and writing like a nigger? are you a nigger? a CIAnigger no doubt
FOSTA will shut these fags down quick. Craigslist will have to discontinue their gigs section if it's being used by hookers.
Shouldn’t surprise you. Been around for years
Except it’s legal. Suddenly hiring a hoooker is legal if you have a video camera. This is the world we’ve been living in since before the Internet.
Ask yourself, what would the Antifa do, if these (((porn producers))) were confirmed "Naaaaazis"? What would they do to their cars/brakes? What would they do with their adress? I mean this is a board of peace, but just imagine what they would do. Their methods may be immoral, but they work.
The filthy porn producers defile our girls with niggers and jew cock. We get cucked, because we watch and fap to it. Cuckimus maximus. Open action against the injustice and white genocide will lead to arrest.
Chinks, jews and antifa work in the dark and shadows.
Learn from the enemy
Weaken the enemy wherever possible - by all means necessary!
Remember, (((porn producers))) have names and adresses. They are modern slave holders. They are doing satans work! ==Do gods own work! God can only do his duty, thorugh us!==
Security guidelines in this book:
Now I'll never get my dicks sucked by a qt3.14 cosplay trap. Feels bad, man.
sucked by a trap?
Sure Shlomo, sure.
search for nothing in lowercase at the google
So currently there are a whopping THIRTY entries for porn in a talent section of Los Angles Craigslist of 840 entries.
That may not seem like alot but when we consider the amount of exploitation of young WHITE women that goes on in porn we see the number and its damage is much higher.
We can take action in several ways
We can report the porn producers via their adds to the IRS, FBI, DOJ, police, UNwomen and other organizations.
But we can also go after the porn company trying to make money off of white womens bodies, we can attack the very """"""laws"""""" that allow porn to be produced, citing that women are paid not for the video of sex, but the act of sex itself making them prostitutes and therefore is illegal.
We can go after the jewish wallets profiting off exploting our women by getting them fined and arrested for it.
Not to diminish them, but we NEED TO SAVE THE WHITE WOMEN FROM THIS, they will end up drugged, ruined and used up with no children and setting a sexual example for normal women to follow that degrades and denigrates them.
We can do this in several ways
1. We can make info images to spread on womens social media, showing the realities of pornography, its impact on women, how they are cheated, used and abused in porn (using porn images with the genitals blocked to bypass censorship) how women are degraded and finally how men expect women to act that way in sex because of porn.
2. Showing how young women can make a far greater amount by not doing pornography, such as belle delphine (bad example i know), female coders, business women and other white collar and even blue collar professions.
3. We can get women mobilized by using women activist groups that are against porn and showing them this material (or this thread) and showing them the damage that porn does to young women and how it degrades them.
those are just some of the ways we can attack porn, from the producers to the prostitutes we can no longer get porn completely off the internet, but WE CAN SHUT DOWN THE MONEY MAKING MACHINE OF ABUSE OF WHITE WOMEN and we can take the jews system of exploitation down.
Better yet:
1) Buy max-grade pepper spray
2) Answer ad with fake pictures
3) Meet up with pornokike, pepperspray pornokike, now you pickled a peppered pornokike
4) Repeat 4 or 5 times, pornkikes in your area will all hear about this mad avenger, they will tremble in their ugg boots at the thought of being pickled by a facefull of pepper
Oh good to know, I was pissed when Drumpf shut down backpage.
I feel my brain making connections
Are you fucking shitting me? This is common knowledge. Craigslist has been the primary vector of targetting college girls for selling their body. Where do you think every webcam whore is recruited from? The end goal is human trafficking though, and they use the modeling pages as a fucking sales book, on who their clients want kidnapped and sold as sex slaves. This is not a fucking drill, this is not bait, this is established fact.
Larry Flynt is not Jewish
jesus was american
We all know Jesus was really just the story of Vishnu, as Krishna and then coming back as Lord Kalki, after Hitler the Man against Time prepared the way for him of course.
Kikes recruit porn prostitutes from camwhores and models, then enslave them via drugs and use them as sex slaves and when they are done with them sacrifice them or harvest their organs.
its a sick industry and a sign of deep seated evil in the american government that it is allowed to go on.
We need to think of tactics that will take down the porn industry, and hit the jew where it hurts most, his wallet.
there's plenty Model ads in the sofl section miami.craigslist.org
End them?
When will we start seeing vigilante attacks against such scum? We need to start getting a database of these fuckers who are behind this degeneracy.
and that is just in LA, in every city these ads are present, there are at least a dozen or more in my city.
also check under "jobs" > "tv / film / video"
plenty of ads there aswell
I also found a website "ectbookings.com" if any Zig Forums literate anons care to dig
ill start diging on the film and video section tomorrow, if we can see there is a 30/840 ratio in LA alone it will be higher in other major cities and college towns.
this information could do some good if it got over to the the /HTG/ threads. might give them another point to start at
Eh, none around my area.
there's none under jobs tv / film / video, just on gigs in sofl area
keep digging anons, they try to put them up in obscure parts where only a desperate person would scour, look under every tag if you can.
There's a reason why I don't date girls who even know what craigslist is.
i've known about it before, only after a while of coming here did I fully realize the potential it holds and its purpose.
As an avid craigslist salesman, I've seen shit like this numerous times and just pass over it because it's not my problem. Anyone who signs up for it is just asking for trouble and probably deserves it for being dumb.
lol I've made some of these posts before, just leave it alone.
Sometimes we need to record naked women… for science.
great idea, ill link our thread there and see if theyre interested
There is a reason women should have husbands faggot, to keep them from following their naive tendencies
>lol I've made some of these posts before, just leave it alone.Sometimes (((we))) need to record naked women… for science.
The only person that should be seeing a woman naked is her husband, all else is whoredom and cuckoldry.
also looking around on the site posted they work directly with several large porn producers, namely "sorority girls" "vivid.com" "teengold" and "hothouse.com". they likely work with many others not mentioned on their site
they also have ties with "digital playground" "team skeet" "reality kings" "hard x" "kink" and "many others"
it says they also have locations in Philadelphia PA, Baltimore MD, Washington DC, Charlottesville VA, Christianburg VA, Johnson city TN, Winston Salem NC, and Charlotte NC
why am i not surprised?
Can we make a list of the cities that where porn proucers use as recruitment centers? if we can establish a list like that we can work down from there and find the wanted adds (craigslist backpage and others) and report them en masse to the FBI, DOJ, police, IRS, and UNwomen.
if we can make a list large enough to show the MASS EXPLOITATION OF YOUNG WHITE WOMEN we can get a responce from the feds.
it seems porn stars suffer immensely under the jewish porn directors, both men and women, we can use this information to help tear down the image of a glitzy sexy porn star life
also the author is a nigger and undoubtedly stared in blacked or other niggerfication porns, this will paint an accurate image of what porn is really like