>“The Jewish nation and Israel is doing everything to change the history of the Polish nation,” Rybak said, according to Reuters. “Polish patriots cannot allow this.”
>“The Jewish nation and Israel is doing everything to change the history of the Polish nation,” Rybak said, according to Reuters. “Polish patriots cannot allow this.”
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Know this - after we win in 2020(like we did in the midterms) we’re going to deal with Poland as the first order of business.
And the other nazi wannabes, too.
Could you deal with you being stupid first?
Wish I could upboat, fellow pede!
Heil Hitler.
That gave me a good chuckle my friend, im surprised others didnt see the bait.
Netanyahu is right wing, i bet he worships Hitler too. Created whole country and ideology based on nazis. Even before them.
Shut up and go jack off to anime you big ass faggot
And? What does that have to do with Hitler?
I bet he doesn't.
Pooland is lucky they’re a country at all. We’ll fix that mistake though, never fear.
Cut off your penis and swallow it.
Sweet captcha!
How do you post stuff like this in the wake of the Soviet Union being dumped on the ash heap of history and the Union soon to follow?
Nice half-assed attempt to be clever Zig Forums. It's also not technically accurate either since only the military branches surrendered not a single member of the NSDAP which is the legitimate government nor its SS arm. Unless you're willing to admit legality and rule of law no longer matters in the macro sense.
That he is Hilter. Zionism right now is pushing for greater liebensraum in the West Bank, literally right now.
You have a warped [read: jewish] understanding of the events and motivations of the Second Zionist War.
So im right and you cant deal with it. That Israel is new Nazi Germany, with exactly the same values and methods. Oh wait, its about "culture and heritage"? It was those then too :).
Okay, legality and rule of law don’t mean shit.
Oh no! I guess since I admitted that, we magically lose! You really got me this time!
Now go on, explain to me how you’re somehow superior and on the cusp of a miraculous victory despite the fact that neither of us has anything better to do with our time than shitpost on a half-dead chan board.
What are you gonna do, sent your mutt manlet soldiers at us?
No, you aren't right. That's what is being told to you. Israel is not Nazi Germany at all. That's the myth that comfortable Western bourgeois communists need to maintain in order to justify their incorrect [brainwashed] understanding of the Second Zionist War. The behavior that israel engages in is the exact same behavior that drove Germany to war.
The people who actually, physically fight israel [Hezbollah, Hamas, SAA] don't share your view. This should inform you [it won't, because you have a narrative to maintain]. The reason why every single Arab country uses red, white, and black in their flag [with green added for Islam] is out of historical reverence for the German Empire and opposition to the jewish occupied England/US/France/israel.
>A court in the Polish city of Szczecin has already sent a lone Polish soldier suspected of beating two US servicemen to jail for three months, as the local outlet Wpost has reported. He faces eight years in prison.
>Only the Pole has been arrested so far. As Radio Szczecin reports, one of the US soldiers remains hospitalized in a serious condition, while his fellow trooper has re-joined the unit shortly after the brawl. According to the outlet, the street fight between the soldiers, all of them on duty, took place on Sunday, July 22 in the town of Zlocieniec in West Pomerania. What caused the conflict has not been determined.
Watch out, nawtzees!
No jew, you are war.
Literally right now.
Zig Forums raid thread? Why?
Dont try to play stupid, you nazi scum. We all had enough of your ideology in the 20th century. And we will defeat the Nazi Germany 2.0 version of it - Israel, too.
Poles just want to be left the fuck alone, but please feel free to go after yidsreal.
Sure you will, faggot
You're the one who is doing that. You keep pretending that the people who physically fight israel are different than what they are because it's necessary for you to maintain the pretend world that jews have created for you. So you just transpose National Socialist Germany onto israel, so you don't have to understand the reality of the Second Zionist War. This allows safety for the neoliberal Atlanticist bent present in, especially, part jewish upper middle class communist sympathizers in exclusively Western countries [whose parents/grandparents no doubt came to see the Soviets as a bunch of "tankies"].
The more ghettos for arabs, more invasions on your east neighbours, more nationalism for jews - the more of their nazism jews show.
You aren't making any sense. You keep writing as if I'm criticizing the Arabs, like I'm trying to run them down for being "nazis". Like I'm pointing to them saluting as evidence of their bad behavior, of their flaws.
You are gravely mistaken. Heil Hitler.
Knock yourself out. I'd like to see that. Nazis and commies can do that together, at least in the sense that we stay out of each others way. Once Israel is gone, nazis and commies can fight each other to see who stays on top.
*Heil Netanyahu
You made a mistake there
Oh no, have you just burned a book, you jewish nazi scum?.
Yup, jew is everyones enemy.
Zig Forums is truly dead. No amount of counter-shilling or bunkers will bring it back. There is no coming back from this level of destruction.
He lived his life peacefully in Argentina, dummy.
"If the Jews had a failed communist revolution like they did in Germany post ww1, they would had been locked up along side of the Japanese."
oh my
Out of about a dozen people in that photograph exactly one isn't a nigger. Is this what Germany has turned into?
Oh, look. It's nothing.
Poles argue with Jews who are the biggest kikes
Hi, I'm Polish. Obremski. No more brother wars. Fuck off kike. We can deal with internal issues after the great struggle.
Someone should screencap everytime this faggot comes to Zig Forums too. He used the exact same memes and rhetoric and got btfo then as well, of course, right now he seems to be pretending that that never happened it was last month IIRC. Just like every leftypol faggot who tries to stir shit on this board he is ineffectual and impotent. Don't let them forget their shortcomings anons.
Hey faggot
I'mma find you on DOTR. No amount of squealing will save you from the harsh reality of bound fibres and a lamp post.
Nah, Zig Forums itself is a pile of shit. You are retarded and probably a redditor.
You don't understand how the report function works, do you?
Lemme show you
Late stage Zig Forums, am I right fellow leftyredditorboomMAGApedorepubliCIAQtard?
Commies are easily the most contemptible group of people I've ever come across. No loyalty, no honor, most nowadays are pig-faced trannies…
It's no wonder that they've got zero influence outside of their little hangouts.
Yup. That's why they can assault Trump supporters with lethal force and face literally no consequences.
From now on, I will keep bumping this thread as protest until mods delete every post by a776ae. This thread will be forced into everyones' eyes, so they realize how 8/pol/ has fallen. The mods and vols don't actually care about this board.
It didn't have to end like this. 8/pol/ is now on it's last legs. The mods and vols have betrayed us. This is the Endsieg.
every heard of ignore things you don't like?
Zig Forums was supposed to be National Socialist board. People like you destroy everything you don't like, hypocritical rat. We don't raid Zig Forums every single day but basically the whole world shuts down any NatSoc spaces.
Hitler was right. They want his words to be forgotten forever. But we won't go down with a whimper.
I prefer to destroy things I don't like. Everyone else does, why not us? And we're the ubermenschen, so it's okay.
This is the problem with normies. Your kind is what caused both World Wars and got us into this spot. It's not about destroying things I don't like, it's about protecting my own race and people. But the other races and peoples are trying so desperately to destroy mine.
That's what National Socialism is about, loving and protecting your own race and traditions. Jews are the genocidal ones. Why won't let anyone investigate the Holocaust? Because it's the founding lie of this modern world. Supposedly the National Socialists killed 6 million or more Jews, which means Jews have license to suppress the white race forever and ever. However people are beginning to wake up and wonder why no evidence exists for such a holocaust.
Do something about this, or I will never stop bumping.
What are you going to do? You are here crying because someone disagreed with you online. The jews are actually getting shit done and you just whine.
People are trying to destroy my race and traditions. Like I said, I'm Polish.
Are you familiar with Nietzsche?
I'm sorry, I said people. I meant (((people))).
What is there to be done in real life? Zig Forums was one of the only remaining places where we could be National Socialist fighting the enemy horde. It was basically a headquarters for real life activities.
How are we going to do anything in real life if our online places for organizing such activities get invaded and filled with shills deliberately?
I'm part Polish, and yes i've heard of Nietzsche just haven't read his works. Why do you ask?
You're a fucking retard. You need to develop real life relationships, through work or relative interests or whatever. Kikes can censor the internet, they can't censor real life.
Nice attempt at demoralization. How is anyone supposed to know about National Socialism if all the information sources are covered up or rendered ineffective? Answer that question.
Real life relationships are worthless if they aren't founded on solid values.
maybe organize in private retard
If you aren't educated and you're postiing
Mankind can only be made stronger through conflict. Lack of conflict makes you a weak man, and a weak father.
Once again, answer my question.
There is a concerted agenda to reduce peoples' attention span on this board, using constant slide threads they try to keep certain topics from view. The never ending flood of threads with little to no value keeps people from actually organizing and putting the necessary concentration on a few topics needed to accomplish anything.
As if elections matter. Just wait until they pull the chute on the economy faggot.
No. Find your own answer. Life doesn't follow the rules of debate like you want it to, kike.
No, I asked you the question. Answer it. I already know the fucking answer. You refuse to engage in logical debate on a board intended for that purpose, together with disseminating information on National Socialism. You are only here because the mods and vols no longer care about this place.
Aren't Polish nationalists funded by kikes? This seems like a move done by Soros.
I don't care what your answer is, is my answer. I have my own reason for talking to people in real life and risking my career and wellbeing. I serve my race. We don't have to have the same reason, only the same goal.
Like I said earlier, no more brother wars.
It's possible from what i've heard. However, I am now bumping this thread as protest, because mods and vols refuse to delete blatantly subversive posts from /leftypol./
Why in the fuck are you here then on a board devoted to debate and spreading valid information? To be an asshole?
We share the same facts and have the same goal, assuming you're a genuine poster. I've drawn my conclusions on what needs to be done based on my life experiences including the years I've spent on Zig Forums.
Nonwhites,m including kikes, should be destroyed. That is my conclusion.
As I've said before, minor grievances can be dealt with
after the great struggle
Do you have a fucking problem with that?
Your posts are incoherent and make little sense.
"We share the same facts and have the same goal" how'd you even come to that conclusion after your previous aggressive and hostile posts?
Reminder mods and vols don't care.
Is there some reason to not be hostile? Please show me what it is.
Because being hostile accomplishes little here except ruining logical conversation. You should be hostile when the mods and vols don't delete blatantly subversive posts, like
Which erode the purpose of this board.
You sound like a fucking faggot. Try not being a faggot and grow thicker skin, faggot. Poland is strong and we don't need faggots.
I doubt you are from Poland. Kid yid you're transparent. Get the fuck out of here.
I don't give a shit what you think. Your worldview doesn't compare to a century of freedom from kikes.
What are you talking about again? Century of freedom? Huh, who knew Poland was completely free from kikes within the last 100 years. Care to explain
So, like I said, to get this thread back on track.
No more brother wars. Good job, Poland.
You seriously think I am low IQ enough to go along with this nonsense? You are a Jew sent here to sow dissent and subversion. You have not answered my original question. Instead you have only evaded repeatedly. You are sub-human.
I won't stop until you answer my question, yid. Why so afraid to logically debate? Because logic favors my side and that of National Socialism.
Slide threads filling up the front page…… I wonder who's behind it this time