Coolest, most fashionable and handsome nazis/nazi pics?
I know they exist but Google is burying the pictures under trillions of bad ones to veil the fact they weren't ugly monsters.
Coolest, most fashionable and handsome nazis/nazi pics?
I know they exist but Google is burying the pictures under trillions of bad ones to veil the fact they weren't ugly monsters.
Other urls found in this thread:
Have a POA member OP
Fuck me, that cape.
Looks a bit too beta, are there no Chads?
You mean National Socialist.
klaus Von Beckham
It interesting, in every picture these people look like humble and strong people, no matter which race or country they come from.
BTW the cone on the end of the Machinegewher 42 (or however you spell it) was conical to use muzzle blast to propel the barrel assembly backwards, the opposite of a muzzle brake, because it uses the barrel movement as part of its cyclic action.
I imagine it also threw the noise further downrange, as opposed to "share it with those closest to you" properties of muzzle brakes.
Obersturmbahnfuhrer Wilifried Richter, Waffen-SS.
Who evidently gave us the beretcap. :D
PS you had to be no less that 6 feet tall to be in the SS. (This from someone, shall we say, close to the action at that time.)
nigger the only requirement to get into the SS was that you where under 25 years old.
this gentleman, is a degenerate feminist. women like this lack any type of confidence and have to attack a man based on superficialities in order to make up for thier weaknesses. notice the horribly flawed logic behind the shill attempt:
next she will be claiming that she is a holocaust survivor.
degenerate feminists do love to be tied up and beaten by men wearing SS uniforms.
to women, male pride and strength only serve the purpose to engage in the tingles, nothing else. we invent, create, build, and explore to further mankind, women just want chad thundercock.
I like these threads.
You can really see how much those pictured people feel like they belong in their eyes.
They had something we've since lost.
Caption translation: "Love for animals - The Führer loves them more than anything else!"
fuck you, OP. this thread makes me sad. I almost want to say you're a subtle demoralization shill but the uplifting feels I feel when I see a picture of uncle Adolf automatically discards that.
Why did the lads who have a great sense of style, great ambition, and a desire for a genuinely better world without degenerate bullshit and eternal debt-slavery had to lose the war. It's not fucking fair. We're really in the wrong version of history.
why lads? if it wasn't for Zig Forums i'd be convinced we're living in hell
Did he forget your trigger warning? I am so sick of NSDAP's new grammar police / politically correct term enforcement team.
You can tell they had purpose and believed in what they were doing. At least that is the impression I get.
I completely agree, they knew they were part of something, and belonged there. I like the way you put that.
We could have lived in a reality where Hitler was just an eccentric artist that drew cute dogs all day.
Nazi is a term coined by Goebbels himself. He made the term up because he thought it sounded cool and it was a nice combination of the German terms for "national" and "socialist"
Is NatSoc a shill term now? Fuck off with this shit.
I'm not German so I don't say "nazi" but have no problem with those that do and adopt the closest English adaptation in "NatSoc"
Hey, at least we have something to keep us busy. A battle to fight.
If I remember correctly, it was a play on "sozi", which was a pejorative short-term for the Social Democrats of the time.
It's conditioning to get national socialists to change their language so they are easier to identify off site. This is the only explanation I have found that makes strategic sense. It is also a pedantic shill tactic in the vein of "I see you misspelled a word, better luck next time pal" tier trolling. That and there is one spergposter who sees Hitler as the messiah and is awaiting the second coming. He legitimately thinks they are blasphemous terms and I truly believe national socialism has become a religion to him. The NSDAP was definitely awesome, but it's stupid to think it will happen again in the same way with the same imagery and people.
Good shit user, I feel like it's time for a new leader to come about.
Every so often a man with ambition that can't be quantified comes about, and our last one was Hitler. Other ones include Alexander of Macedonia, and Napoleon regardless of your opinions on the latter's acts - they were insanely ambitions individuals
This age is entering its phase of Kali Yuga which means there's going to be a new leader coming about soon. I only wonder what kind of person it takes to become such a leader. I almost want to try tbh, but I have no idea where to start
It was, Goebbels wrote a book called "Nazi-Sozi" which was a likely fictional dialog between Goebbels and a bluepilled german in which Goebbels "red pills" him.
Of course, my terms are adopted for the new social climate, but my point still remains.
I wonder about the leader thing too. How can anyone pass the purity tests they are being subjected to with the information presently available on the internet? Half the board seems to go nuts if a woman has ever been in the same room as blacks. Same with men and jews. Look at the propaganda that even says Hitler was a jew. I think it will be interesting to see if anyone will rise through all that shit, or if it is even possible.
You're a faggot
Which came out way later than when the term was coined. Just "nazi" means Nationalist, nazi-sozi means National Socialist. Thus when idiots shout nazi in there rage, they unknowingly cry about just Nationalists.
Off-site is irrelevant to me in the context of this thread. This is a thread for cool pictures of Hitler, not one trying to speak to the masses.
Call yourself whatever you want in public - as long as the message stays the same. One thing to consider - this isn't "public" - this is a board for likeminded individuals to come together and discuss the finer points of ideology. This is not a board where we need to PRcuck for the media, this is not a board where we need to try and explain shit to normalfags. This is a board where people who share a similar ambition to come together and discuss topics relevant to said aimbition.
National Socialism does have religious aspects, and the process of "knighting" one into the ranks of the SS has its roots in ancient tradition. The works of Evola elaborate on these spiritual aspects greatly, so I can completely see how this system of ideology and belief could spawn someone who has a fanaticism deep enough to call Hitler an outright Christ figure and decry NatSoc as his gospel.
That's Jefe of the Movimiento Nacional-Socialista de Chile in the first pic there, right?
Yeah. But it'll happen again, somewhere. Europe is certainly shifting way to the right.
I just recently finished "Ride The Tiger". The Kali Yuga is supposed to be an age of darkness and suffering, isn't it? I think things are turning around. I have a lot of hope. Five years ago, things were a more hopeless than they are now. The media had a stranglehold on public thought, and there wasn't even a shimmer of sanity, except maybe on Zig Forums. Now, you can find fairly "red pilled" individuals just out in the open. It's beautiful, and I think that trend will continue.
I just don't like self censorship and arguments enforcing a new type of political correctness. Use whatever words you want to get your point across. The idea being expressed is what is important, not so much whether it uses approved words.
The way to pass these tests is to adopt a mentality of pure mindfulness and even foresight.
Nobody cares that GLR actually held a speech in a room full of niggers and convinced them to self-deport - but people care about Lauren Southern taking a cell phone picture with a darkie.
Want to know why?
Because Lauren lacks foresight and acknowledges the past. One cannot adopt a mentality of truth-seeking and say things like "my black ex boyrfiend was a trump supporter xD"
GLR walked into a room full of niggers, convinced them slavery was jewish which it was and promised them a better Africa if they all fucked off after America was made whole again. Nobody cares because his message was pure.
The propaganda saying Hitler was a jew is misinformed but valid. Hitler's mother worked as a housekeeper in a Rothschild-associate's mansion. These people adopt a massively conspiratorial worldview and espouse that Hitler was their illegitimate child.
Even entertaining this idea - would the elite Rothschild baron fuck around with a maid? - would Hitler have arrested said Rothschild baron if he was working for them?
This entire line of thought is flawed.
The saddest photo of the war. Hans Georg Henke, a sixteen-year-old German boy in military uniform, surrenders to US soldiers in Giessen, Germany, 1945.
The fact you have hope in a time of suffering is a sign of strong character, not a sign of the state of fthe age.
The trend will absolutely continue - and I can't tell where it will go.
I can't see the future lmao.
The Kali Yuga is predicted to be ended in 2024. This means it will put is in a new golden age, and our enemies in their own Kali Yuga. I suggest reading the Bhagavad Gita, it explains the four ages have both light and dark versions.
This. I don't care much for language. If certain people had won the war half of california would be speaking Japanese now. Words can be twisted, but it's harder to twist ideas.
Without hope or pride you're nothing user, that shit is for commies and other weaklings.
Sounds about the right amount of time to get the ball rolling.
If it weren't for the Internet, I'd be lost too. But change is everywhere, from conversations with your neighbor all the way down to the YouTube comment section. If you're not overly aggressive with your politics, you can really talk sense to "normies", many of whom are dying to find an outlet for what they already feel inside. I think we'll see some pretty radical change (and conflict) over the next several years. Take heart, user.
I don't have a collection of grown men on my phone, and I find it weird that you do.
Dang there are some cuties in this one
Have some more.
You guys are obsessed with my nose.
Otto Ohlendorf on trial.Knows he's going to hang DGAF.
I have that beer mug.
The absolute state of you kike shills.
Enjoy the thread anons but it has shills in it so beware:
= 2ns is a modern photo of a LARPer
Some Hitler photos look photoshopped, obviously made to discredit any user who tries to redpill. Oddly they were of Hitler alone.
this is a shill. NATIONAL SOCIALISM is the movement. Nazi is a made up term.
No his re-written and translated work was renamed "Nazi-Sozi". He has never used that term.
Remember anons the jew gets a kick out of you insulting each other.
Yiu don't see the yids Heiling each other and saying "Mein kike!"
A lot of you have not observed the 2 year rule.
i remember a video of that erika marching song but slightly remixed with an added beat. does anyone recall the video?
Hitler in a top hat is something very extraordinary to me
That protodabbing
The schizo purity spiral/potential demoralization shill has arrived everyone. Get ready for longwinded "you aren't a real natsoc" posts.
now this is just cruel
im sorry user. they can't all be faggots.
good times
just casually showed you his dna test? lol