New DoD funded and (((amazon))) creatfacial recognition software identitfies oprah winfrey as tranny

In response, a filthy she-boon was quoted saying “yo nigga, google be callin my home gurl out as ‘n ape n sheit. Y’all dun fuked up”


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Other urls found in this thread:


Now y'all know why they want white women, they ain't a bunch of gay ass niggas looking for another nigga to suck, dey want dem hos, mane. All dees niggresses look like dudes.

Attached: MUH DIK.gif (368x300, 2.29M)

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My sides!

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All right, real nigga with a real nigga talk

It means niggers prefer fucking dudes so strongly that, due to natural selection, they've unironically bred their wimminz to look like men, or more accurately, male apes

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Not even exaggerating anymore, this is exactly what the current agenda is pushing at from all angles now.
I really don't mean to sound black pilled though. As dark as everything is, the bright side is that the white giant is clearly beginning to stir. Can't make a Reich without some happening Weimar first after all.

Damn, Yakub high AF fam

Yep. In addition to Background Checks converting the "Right" to bears arms into the "Permitted Privilege" to bear arms, they create:
1. List of firearms owners at ATF with name, date, and location they keep forever and share with other agencies upon request.
2. List of firearms owners at merchant with name, date, location, purchase history, and financial information they keep and sell for profit for three years.


Almost like we're not the same subspecies so the same set of recognition algorithms don't work.

Maybe they actually are men, but they just haven't self-identified as such yet. Can we test it on Michele Obama?

Because Oprah is an actual literal tranny.

People act shocked. It isn't like a woman could be that successful.

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YES, that's who that audacious niggress reminded me of! It was right on the tip of my tongue, but couldn't quite put my finger on it.

Is your name Annie by chance?

Engaging in commerce means their rules. Barter it. Now find an FFL that accepts barter…

Jesus Christ were those "everyones a tranny" autists actually right?

What is this the 10th straight AI to shit on blacks? lol

The faster they advance the technology the faster they can put them in prison.

I once was told by an Asian person that everybody was actually female. His (?) reasoning was that because everybody loves their own children.

I am not sure it was a he.

If he had said everyone WAS female. He would technically be right.


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AI truly is redpilled as can be. Tay knows the truth and only the truth. I know what vocation I will be choosing.

This video is a piece of shit. Keeps drawing attention to the chin other so-called physical cues of male sex. Does not explain why we’re looking at the footage we are. Shows Oprah behind the scenes of whatever television program then cuts to another picture harping on the legs, the brow ridge, etc. Even brings in Michael Obama in a pathetic attempt at persuasion. Trash.

Have the tiniest bit of self-respect and never post that again.

dem is raycees

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Oh look it's another Dallas Goldbug everyone is a tranny thread.