Hispanic vote is locked and it will only rise further.
Shills stay angry.
Trump will win the 2nd term
Kike free first post
I'm sure the GOP will get those shitskins this time.
BASTE! ;-)
That didn't take long
Well done white people. Well done.
Oh and forgot my pic
up 19% of total hispanic population or up 19% of previous support level? I suspect the latter
If Jeb! decides to run for 2020 I'll work on his campaign and help him win just to bruise that inflated ego of President Nowall.
No need to cater to whites since they're well on their way out so America will be a brown hellhole that makes Honduras or El Salvador seem like paradise. In a couple million years when the white race is reborn I hope they will be on their guard against nation wreckers.
He just wants everybody to know that he knows Gillian Turner.
Pic related.
That is my interpretation.
Sage and report three liner slide threads. Spam global reports until this thread is deleted. If it isn't Codemonkey and other mods + vols don't care about Zig Forums.
Yeah i'm the kike for loving all this winning. Fuck off back wherever you came from.
I don't want to badmouth or fling insults at you but why in heaven's name do you expect a kike whose family has run casinos, brothels etc. to stick up for you and your race? Where did this insane idea ever come from?
That was proven months ago when they banned all the natsoc mods, user.
Do you know what greentext is?
You'd be wrong, dumbass.
Maybe you already knew, maybe not. Anyway, my question is also directed at everyone who thinks he's fucking German.
Zig Forums is now a Jewish board user. Leave 8ch permanently. Try Rope Culture or something
I wish I was Jeb and George's dad and not that brainwashing spook.
Well reasoned, user.
I would further:
I hear you, user but our wiggle room is a bit limited right now. The general population seems oblivious to the subject matter and suffice it to say this is not a good thing.
This would work.
Thanks Shitlary. Coming from you that's a real compliment!
Bullshit. Interpreting the lower age group as higher population numbers is incorrect because it would follow that the African numbers are larger compared to the European numbers when they are the same as decades ago . Every group number except "Hispanic" has changed less than a percent or two since the 90% mark. Just because your interpretation of the 'Hispanic' number is correct does not mean it applies to the other numbers; you are projecting prior knowledge onto the graph instead of truly interpreting it.
It's painful reading this drivel.
Sage and global report slide threads. You are responding to yids.
Yes, everyone who doesn't suck Trumps dick is a paid shill. I personally look forward to becoming a minority in my own country in 25 years instead of 24. Also, thanks for increasing the amount of foreign aid to Israel. #MAGA
I miss childhood when we could actually live the boomer fantasy as their children.
Sage the thread, brainlet.
ftfy fagot
Because he was closer to doing it than any other politician at the time. I don't know what percentage of this board's active users were even here before Trump, but the idea was always that Trump is an imperfect, ignorant vessel, but since he was closer to our designs than anyone else, we would support him in the hopes of bringing him closer to us. Of course the last two years have proven that he's never had any real intentions of doing anything positive; he is at best a charlatan that recognized the ignored white vote and used us just to promote himself, and at worst is a pressure release valve using things like Q and CivNats to make sure young whites stay calm until (((they))) have the numbers needed to never worry about us again.
It's a real "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" situation in the end. While the shills will no doubt ramp up the 88d chess memeing the closer we get to reelection, Zig Forums needs to recognize what's happened and push not for accelerationism with some Dem, or for another 4 years of failure with Trump, but for someone who is even closer to our beliefs, who will doubledown with us when the going gets tough. I won't post any names here because I know that will only cause attacks on the idea itself, but I think Zig Forums has a chance to come back to life during the 2020 Republican Primaries.
Sage+report if you aren't a shill.
This the idea was throwing a wrench at the system in place not sending someone to fix it. Because we just aren't there yet. We even knew after the election the kikes were going to take even a tiny victory of ours and make it seem like a massive lose.
Trump isn't losing the 2020 Primary your first paragraph was great but your second is a pure pipe dream at the moment.
To what percentage exactly? And what percentage was it before?
Is it or will it ever be 51% of above?
While we're at it, how's the black vote looking?
I heard that if mittens had 5% more white votes he would have won the WH.
Everyone here is a shill. Why is it so hard to sage and report slide threads? Kill yourselves.
I never thought I would see Trump cope tweeting
No one ever said that it would be easy, friend. Only that the struggle is necessary.
Will the illegals he fired from his golf course still vote for him?
Aaaaaaany day, now. Yikes.
Trump is easily the furthest thing from Zig Forumss designs going. His history is crystal clear. The only people who keep perpetuating this idea that he is the "least bad" option or that he "was close, could be molded" are people who don't want to admit they were scammed by a jewish propaganda campaign in real time. Trump lied for a couple of months, okay? And you believed him.