Across the country for $20: Hyperloop NOW!


Americans spend about $300B per year on domestic airplane tickets.

In the USA, there are ~50,000 miles of interstate highway.

Hyperloop construction costs are about $10-15M/mile

Cost of one Hyperloop trip is about $20 once the line is constructed

Average domestic airline ticket is $400

Number of flights: 700 million

So from these figures we can deduce:

switching from air travel to hyperloop saves 700M * ($400-$20) = ~$250B / year

building a hyperloop system as extensive as the interstate highway costs 50,000 * $15M = $750B

The pay off time is ~3 years. Pretty good - a long way from pie in the sky.

The 700M domestic flights is demand at a price of $400. If you can get an equivalent service at $20, obviously demand goes way up. Perhaps another 700M people value "airline" tickets at $200 but not $400. In that case, economic benefits would also include $700M * ($200-$20). Start adding this into your pay off and you are getting closer to 1-2 years.

When you start taking a closer look rather than order of magnitude calculations done above, it gets better. For example, the airline industry is highly toxic. We still use leaded gas in planes and people living near airports have high rates of developmental problems, lower IQs, etc. Humanitarian catastrophe plus tens of billions in damage every year we can do away with.

Consideration of these sorts of things make the ROI on a hyperloop start looking like something around 100% (one year pay off) pretty quick. No brainer kind of thing.

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We can't build anything because we have to exterminate all nonwhite races

We can't build anything because Jews still exist

Nice thread, OP.
One question though. Is hyperloop safer than air travel? That would be the cherry on the cake.


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How the hell is that a inb4 the US can't even maintain basic instructor like bridges and water sanitation?

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how do you not die from holocoaster going that fast?

The exact opposite is true in this case.
Jews don't want this because we have to pay for all the niggers first.
It also makes travel within a State easier, meaning it's harder to lock whites down to cities.

Anything that makes travel within a State faster, cheaper, or easier is shunned by kikes, where as anything that makes travel within a city faster, cheaper, or easier is encouraged.
This is because mass transit within a city is typically used by niggers for migratory hunting.

no thanks

Essentially this. Though I have seen some make the argument having cheap high speed transport to bring niggers into white areas is worth the investment

Yes. About 50% faster.

Have you been on an airplane?

Unless faster now conveys the same meaning as safer, I'm not following.

Latests gen maglev trains are already faster than proposed hyperloops

Like I said, that's typically encouraged within cities or counties.
The homeless and niggers typically move into the transit nexuses, which then drive down property prices, followed by a revitalization process 10 years later.

It would not surprise me if transit centers were located in areas where kikes want to develop for this exact purpose.

Maglevs ~200mph

Hyperloop 6-700mph

This idea didn't work 100 years ago and it won't work now. All the engineering nightmares aside you won't be able to beat planes in sheer volume of people transported. No amount of pretty CGI will make this idea any better, it's shit, stop wasting time on it. Just build a bullet train line already.


You can build more than one tube using the same right of way.

inAFTER TORpedo correctly understands exactly why we can't have nice things and thinks this little rhetorical device will immunize this thread from the truth

There is no escape you pathetic, mewling faggot. We will find you, and this time, we will finish the job, permanently

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Sure, let's encourage small-town whites to spend all their time in shithole urban cities and move their capital out of their hometowns' economies and into concrete liberal hives. And yeah, niggers being able to freely waltz into previously isolated white communities is a problem.

Yea, thats what they need, faster transportation not based on oil for the propped up oil elites.
I like how advertisment always portrays these sandnigger and pajeet shitholes as anything other than complete shitholes.

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Steel tubes are easier to construct, and the process can be largely automated.
All you have to do is look at the oil pipeline industry.
Cleaning, maintenance, and other considerations can all be largely automated as well.


Along the southern border u meant…

And you then have to pump n-times as much air out of it. I don't think people actually realize how much air you have to move out of these tubes.

But this is not just a steel tube. It's a steel tube that has to hold vacuum. You need special seals, expansion joints, entry and exit chambers, specialized maintenance equipment… Oil pipelines are much easier to build as they are smaller and don't require precision that a capsule traveling at 700 mph would require. Sure it's possible but cost to run such system will be astronomical. Maglevs are already expensive, now you added a vacuum chamber around it which will make it even more expensive which would be fine if you'd have the capacity to offset this cost. But you don't, each pod can take 20 people? One A380 can carry 525 people and it's a hell of a lot safer than traveling as fast as bullet inches away from steel wall in a vacuum.

The reason nobody's bothering to even bring up to date big wires on big sticks is because we're had completely safe and free wireless electricity for at least 100 years. Tesla knew it, GE knows it, you know it and I know it. But you can't just hand free energy over to fucking shitskins who will use the excess resources to shit out 20 niglets, chinks or poos apiece. Just like you can't hand continent-spanning practically-free transportation to fucking niggers. These subhumans can and will only EVER use White technology to destroy both the White man and the planet itself. I'm sure OP knows this too, niggerloving kike that he is. That's why he'd just LOVE to see something like this happen. But it WON'T happen.

Until this planet is ours, the only thing the subhuman races deserve from White men is destruction. We tried raising them up by sharing our prosperity, and they converted every ounce of increased resources into pure destruction. My guess is that by the end of this purge, the global IQ will raise from 75 to 110. That's a 35 point increase in a generation. A culling of this type is as important, if not MORE IMPORTANT, than the ascension of homo sapiens. The sheer numerical increase on a planetary level constitutes a distinct new phase of evolution. The phase where the unfit get culled, as per Nature's grand design.

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The problem is the system runs in a near zero vacuum in order to reach any speeds over rail. Even if building a system to create a vacuum and hold it over significant distances was possible, a single crack would completely destroy it and kill everything in the system.

learn2physics you leftist fuck

See you later, faggot OP. Kind of funny that you realized your attempt at faggotry would merely shine the light on WHY we can't have exciting new technology, and you thought a tired rhetorical device you literally stole from us like everything a kike has would make you immune. I'm going to tell you something now, and I want you to listen very, very carefully. The days in which you could talk your way out of the ovens is over. The golden age starts now, the age of Man and action.

In what way did my replies indicate a lack of comprehension? In what way is Tesla's enormous contribution to the field of electronics "faggotry"? Explain yourelf, double nigger protip: you can't. You'll just go hurr durr again because that's the extent of your overloaded mouse brain's capacity

finally an user who understands the vacuum is why this shit will never work.

>(((public transport))) shill strikes again

China has miles of this stuff, but its mainly because they have their shit together and don't have auto industry lobbies that will shoah any attempts at smth like this. I sure as hell would prefer a maglev/hyperloop over the stress of a plane or a roadtrip

Only a fucking pussy has stress over either of those. Soycuck betas don't define transportation.

I'm not talking about country roads nigga, I have to drive to work in one of the worst traffic cities in america. Ain't fun. But hey, I understand why they do it, because negroes will just use public transport as an excuse to go into the rich white areas and run amok there.

I got a good reason why it is not built…


No one is willing to spend on something that returns to little.


Things we built with blacks and Jews running around:

Everything we have ever built

Very long vacuum tubes already exist. What is a particle accelerator?

And flying pyramids too?

You are beyond retarded everyone on gibs already has their utilities paid for. Not only that Jew's want to increase the non white population world wide



China is already blown the west out of the water in gene editing and they are set to be the world's largest producers of AI. systems by 2030. Seriously fuck off back to /fringe/

This already exists in every D.U.M.B across America.

Why do you think Elon is allowed to talk about it like it's his idea? Read Verner Von Brauns book

Setting aside the difference in length, those vacuum tubes can still suffer the exact same catastrophic failure when punctured / cracked. I'll tell you what though, why don't go partner up with that kike Musk and build a small scale version of the faggotloop first. Good luck. Just promise us that you will kill yourself when you realize that shit will never work.

Impossible to actually build.
First: Nearly impossible to get such a large volume under enough vacuum to get any gains of no air resistance.
Second: One hole in the pipe and whole system will fill with 1atm so quickly it'll destroy everything in the system.

I'd gladly be the first passenger reduced to a fine red mist by a quadrillion dollar hyperloop, why the hell not

The absolute state of Zig Forums

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Reported, go back to reddit.


In just a few years, I'll be able to drive my thorium-powered car along the Solar Freaking Roadway to the Hyperloop station while drinking water pulled from thin air by my self-filling water bottle.

Not going to happen because there's too many extinct Chinese Neanderthals. We need levis that burst into treats.

An insanely expensive infrastructure project that breaks down regularly and doesn't have to factor in that an accident will cost human life. Oh, and it's underground so it doesn't get hit by stray bullets and shit.

Large hadron collider is 17 miles long, and you're not a proton.

Infrastructure projects that work in postage stamp sized island nations don't work in the world's 3rd largest country. Japan has a 10 times higher population density than the US, so maglevs are actually a good idea there.

Because they don't present any significant additional challenges

Which is why they aren't operated at a vacuum, and you have a system to sense breaches and slow down the pods. Compare to the risk of cars or airplanes.

There are plans to build them in many places, including signed contracts.


You made that up

You made that up

People can't shoot at airplanes when they are on the runway?

That's a spicy delusion.

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You're clinically insane and know nothing about the laws of physics.

And you're a paid jewish shill.

imagine being the only white in a pod full of kikes, the stench would be like a gas chamber

This isnt Zig Forums you cuck.

I think this would be useful to shoot the spaceship into space. Too bad it won’t occur today nor in the future unless everything get mend now.

yfw the holocaust was literally just kikes being unable to stand their own stench

Skip the large cars and make them coffin sized.

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Not if we have a spacefaring White ethnostate in the future.

I'm against any improvements to this country so long as the jews are in charge. Fuck it all.

this is a new acronym


Not gonna lie, I would pay money to watch them shoot screaming niggers through tubes at supersonic speeds.

that pic is a failure to construct rather than to maintain

People see a new mode of transportation; I see a new mode of disposal.

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And how's that working out for us?

We can't even get them to build a wall, and you want to built a pipeline of shit transport? Because in another decades that's the people that will be able to use it.

It's like riding Amtrak and not getting your own cabin. You're asking to get robbed the second you fall asleep.

oh yes, behold the mighty CHEESE CAVES

you can rent a cave for commercial storage here:

The ideal temps are good for servers, cheese and meats. Kraft is their number one renter.

Attached: cheesecaves.png (870x837, 425.18K)

Not an argument.


Better than living in cave, you fucking luddite.

Leaded AVGAS is only used in piston aircraft. All airlines fly turbine aircraft that run on Jet fuel which is basically kerosene/diesel. Thanks for proving you are a tard. Hyperloop is a meme, it's not going to happen and it isn't going to bankrupt airlines if it does.

We won't know until we build a hyperloop meme and it kills everyone on board because the nigger operator at front oversped on a turn.

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Implying niggers don't already infest every corner of the white world. The only thing keeping whites safe is private security and big walls.

I don’t want to rent and I just answered user’s question. That is all.

Six Gorrillion Times THIS

are you working on an airborne version of Ebola that targets Africans and Semites?

don't worry it's Elon not some free ride scholarship grill in STEM treading water for a grade. I can't wait for that crazy bastard to make him self a batman super gadget suit and start fighting crime.

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do people not realize all it takes is one rifle shot from Jimbo and the whole thing implodes up to the nearest airlock, killing everyone in the breached section and possibly causing a chain reaction down the entire tube?

How the fuck you shooting the tube being drilled into the bedrock cleetus?

Ah yes I forgot that St. Elon of Musk can bore tunnels at 1% of the cost of anyone else in the industry.
He can't.

No one wants cheap mass transit because all it does is deliver niggers.

The problem is you need both, or else one day a gorillion people die because a pillar falls.

You're an idiot if you think White people can have anything nice and jews/shitskins won't destroy it in our present situation.

Its dangerous as fuck. You are basically sitting in a vaccuum. If it breaks down its like you are on the moon. You can't escape you are in an artificial environment that can not sustain human life. If it decompresses you are fucked no matter what.

The "hyperloop" is a scam you naive bastard.

Go look at the "test facilities" and "tunnels"


I wouldn't pop. I have no reason to.

Seriously, you're a nigger


Now Elon just has to make the fucking thing work. tf00t's vids on the hyperl00p are fucking spot on and hilarious. Safe to say - one terrorist attack at any point in the loop will kill everyone inside, no matter how far away.
