75% of the US will suffer below-freezing temps this week
Some states could suffer the coldest air in a generation, the National Weather Service said. About 220 million people – or 75% of the continental US population – will endure below-freezing temperatures this week.
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Based Trump too, amirite?
Southern Quebec/Ontario looking at temps as low as -40C at night.
A big mass of cold air from Siberia slid over the polar cap.
I keep praying they'll just give up on N. America and move back to Africa where it's nice and warm and you can just walk around buck nekkid and eat bananas and coconuts for free wherever you go.
Fuck off Ice Age chan has been a thing on Zig Forums longer then you have been posting here.
Let it freeze.
No more oldfags are left. Welcome to nu/pol/
This Corey Brown fellow in the news article was some white kid. Though even at 13, you could already tell he was going to be a soyboy, he had effeminate eyes.
And how the hell do you die in a snow storm in the 21st century and you live in a community larger than an abandoned shack? Sounds like he was autistic and won the Darwin Award.
You probably only came to the chans when Winterchan and Ebolachan took off.
Your kind killed the board. Fucking kike rat subverter. Why sage? Because you're jewish.
Classic jewish self-projection when I call out faggotry for being faggotry. You just gave away that you're jewish in your second sentence.
What the fuck does Ebola and Ice age memes have to do with Trump though, you nigger faggot kike. You're throwing your projections everywhere because you have nothing to add and want replies.
Answer him. Why sage? How is OP faggotry? I hope Assad nukes Tel Aviv and you finally get deserved cremation.
But if Assad nukes Tel Aviv wouldn't that kill your fifth cousins, given how inbred jews are?
I saged because of Winterchan faggotry and I'm still saging because this thread now has a bunch of kikes like you shitting it up.
They won't. Not so long as there is heating in the houses provided by taxes. It would take a true ice, causing the one thing that gets rid of parasites, a food shortage, to rid ourselves of their presence.
I've been shoveling snow off my driveway since before Nov 11 and now it's stacked up 5-6' high in my front yard. I just took this a few seconds ago.
It's a good workout.
I know, but I can dream can't I?
"To die, to sleep – to sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there's the rub, for in this sleep of death what dreams may come…"
Some boomers and bad drivers might die, otherwise nothing will happen. What a waste of a thread.
I hope it is even colder then predicted.
Winter-chan grow!
worried that your giant snout will freeze, heeb?
you must be new
May invasive shitskins become nogcicles. Winter-chan grow!
just went for a 3 mile walk in 15 degree weather, feeling pretty good
how are you guys handling it
Are those maps generated automatically from input data? That's a sweet map.
Skinny dipping in a cold river was a thing once.
Whenever I hear the nogs and their kikenvermin enablers wailing about the woeful condition of Flint water, I really want to know how many billions of federal and state dollars that could have easily remedied this problem decades ago was embezzled by niggerjew politicians of the Demonrat party who felt it was more important to drive around in Cadillacs and sport big honking diamond pinky rings and live in mansions in white neighborhoods than it was to help their own get clean safe drinking water.
Daily reminder, jews partake in wishful thinking as part of their cult, as they believe if enough people pray/believe for something to happen, it will happen, or that if enough people say something happened a certain way, eventually everyone will believe that is the way it happened, aka HOLOCAUST.
That is why jews like this kvetch about memes like Winterchan, because it is to them considered a real threat.
Study propaganda & psyop warfare. Memes have always been used as a method of psychological warfare and conditioning. They kvetch because we're doing it on our own without their guidance. Guidance meaning parroting Hollywood/Youtube/MSM/"viral" memes, and memes developed through cartoons, such as the furfag pony cartoon
Posting edgy Hitler memes is how he came to be a beloved influence on 4chan and 8ch, and entered our minds as something funny and or positive. Such is conditioning. We became susceptible to Third Reich propaganda because to us Hitler was more normal a figure, than politicians we know nothing about. Very often people are more influenced by what they are constantly surrounded by, than what is presented to them by authorities. That is why jews hate gamers, because gamers, and those who watch anime, are more influenced by the games, the communities in those games, and by the cartoons they watch, than the opinions proposed reality fabricated by authority figures in finance, entertainment and politics.
WINTERCHAN is as valid a meme, than any other, precisely because it doesn't fit into their narrative.
t. Ancientfag. Debate me. Niggers.
Going from a Sauna into frigid water is part of northern culture. It also has many benefits such as strengthening the capillaries.
Fuck off shlomo.
Yeah, sure, jews hate the cold, that's why they stay out of places like New York, Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Moscow, and Saint Petersburg, because they hate the cold.
>names huge cities with plenty of buildings full of (((modern))) heating
You are not proving anything. jew.
spot on
you don't even know why you're mad, are you ok?
hmm…. well this is 8chaim after all, don't know what I should've expected.
hey buddy
cool off
Global Warming Vortex
I didn't, I claim modernity such as (((modern))) heating to be as bad as jews like you. Not the heating itself.
I also didn't. The examples you gave are outright bad and now you are twisting words like the pilpulling jew you are
Robert Crumb claimed that he would draw the things that he wanted and that magic would give him those things. Come to think of it what are cave paintings of prehistoric men? The animals they wanted to kill and eat, the women they wanted to impregnate.
It worked for Robert. He's an ugly loser but he got to fuck a lot of the women he craved by pure meme magic.
Michigander here, loving this weather, having a sturdy 4x4 pickup and reliable snow blower is all you really need to get through this.
She's just our modern interpretation of Ancient European personifications of winter like the Grand Daughter of Ded Moroz, Frau Holle, or Jack Frost.
Personifying winter is as old as blue eyes in the white race.
Double dubs of truth my fellow Michigander are you a Yooper or a Troll?
that and he was seen as a feminist/woman worshipper ally in an era where a lot of people read his comics, so he had groupies for that alone.
But that's not just isolated to him, now is it? If I draw the good shit, will it come to me?
let them call memes magic, it's a good meme in and of itself
Troll, not very far below though.
About time honestly. It's been way too warm around these parts, the wheat is getting fucked up.
memes are literally a form of chaos magic
They always congregate in centers of power but they PREFER warmer climates.
Show me a picture of kikes out in the cold in any of those place, kike.
They are fucking everywhere newfag.
Not to mention they undergo miscegenation appropriately enough to be accustomed to the climates they nestle in.
somsone recolorize the first pic so it looks like hes shoveling ashes
And the third. kek
Ok lads, find jews in snow pics and lets warm em up.
Hmmm not totally; because by the late seventies he drew some comics for Utne Reader and the feminists really turned on him after viewing him with silent contempt and hatred for some time. The abuse of women he depicted never made him popular with women that much. He's a guy thing mainly.
Definitely a guy thing.
r. crumb is a sexual predator
Once every year or two a journalist wheels Robert Crumb out from his basement, crumbles a few viagra into his coffee, and prompts him to say something offensive. I haven't read that many Crumb interviews myself, but a few standouts include the one where he said he didn't believe in science (2011) and the one where he called Obama a "house negro" (2015). More than anything, though, journalists love to talk to Crumb about sex and women. Among Crumb's many controversial thoughts and feelings on those subjects, there are times he has unwittingly described sexual assaults that he has committed over the years. It is harrowing to read.
The worst example I'm aware of dates back to 1991 (republished in 2014). In the introduction, Gary Groth describes an image of the artist where Crumb is "tweaking his critics" by depicting himself "standing atop a (presumably dead) naked woman's buttocks, chortling, 'Fuck 'em and cut their heads off!'" This is of course the sort of edgelord garbage for which Crumb is celebrated, but Groth wants us to know that looks can be deceiving. "No raving pervert, Crumb is soft-spoken, articulate, thoughtful and–above all, honest, both about his work and his own sex life."
Really, Gary? Because that's not what I'm getting from this clip:
You're so new it hurts.
west texas best texas
there's nobody out here though. It gets lonely sometimes.
El Paso's a shithole, no, not that part of west texas, I'm not a beaner.
It kinda worked in a round about way for me. I'm an ugly nobody from nowhere; no family connections or friends. My last painting sold for just under $50k.
If you want something, get to work on it.
Arnold was just a bricklayer from Graz Austria, but he laid this really powerful visualizations where he wanted to go, what he wanted to do when he was in bed at night. First he wanted to be a champion bodybuilder, then he wanted to be a movie star, then he wanted to be a billionaire, then he wanted to be governor of California.
Back in 1966 he was a gay rent boy for a wealthy LA doctor. He was shit. Well he's still shit but he sort of got what he wanted. I met him twice back in 74 before he became famous outside of the bodybuilding world and I talked to some guys that knew him well and they said he wasn't so much gay as just willing to wade across a river of shit up to his nose to get to where he was going.
what is chaos magic?
Who in the US is living without heat
Another name for the quantum.
Yes, bring the ice age. Time to clean up the planet
Well, hopefully glaciers don't bulldoze the nuclear reactors and we all die from radiation poisoning but yeah
They can't do that anymore because kikes helped them burn down their rainforests to plant wheat. But since growing crops requires the ability to plan ahead, they can't do that so now they have no food at all and mooch off of white people.
You glow in the dark.
And? This is what happens in winter.
I am very jealous of you because I am in Sunshine, Australia.
He flat out radiates like a beacon.
That's -104F. Metric fags are the dumbest retards on the planet
Nigga just add or subtract 60
I dunno, I bet you I could find someone dumber. There are people out there so dumb that they think -40C is -104F even.
Any more information the visualizations? I'm in county college even though I don't want to and i'm doing pretty shitty, and I don't know what kind of "future" I want - drawing and being an artist is my thing, though.
Try it and find out.
t-shirt weather where im from.
Try what, drawfagging? It's all i've ever been doing since 2015 - and it's all been mental replays of dad comparing me to something better and berating me for not being that good.
This means rust belt moon crickets won't be out chimpin' er,chirpin'.
-40C and -40F are the same temperature, you subhuman retard.
Except they're not.
This. People joke about it and I do too but meme magic is real. To put it simply when you make an image that pushes some sort of idea and put it out there, you affect the perception of every person who sees it, even if just a little bit. You are influencing the world through through the memes and that is the magic. Crumb did it and had a big enough audience for his pictures to come true.
Reported for not even trying.
Learn to swim niggers
Are they paying you for this? LOL
"To the fairest of them all"
"I am Eris and I say that you are free "
You need to have a look at Felch Cumix, user.
Similarly, his friend and collaborator (((Harvey Pekar))) has some out there stuff.