And less manipulable and weak.
So it is an incredible fundamental subject that you have to integrate. Your semen is something very strong and you are wasting it away, and Jews have plotted ever since Weimar to make you sexually aroused, perverted and make the goyim engage in sexual excess (casual sex) and masturbation.
There has to be a thread for that.
A thread where we talk about stopping Lusting-Pornography -eroticism -casual sex-masturbation-ejaculation . Semen is for procreation, it's so strong that it can create life, stop killing yourself by ejaculating like a dopamine whore hedonist.
Semen Retention is a very serious ressource for people to become stronger
Other urls found in this thread:
If I keep all of my semen your mother isn't going to be happy tbh.
But the whole rest of the planet will be delighted, so that makes up for her loss.
Because they'll have a chance with her? I don't think so. I'm the only stepdad OP needs.
He also hated homosexuals.
Who doesn't hate homosexuals, disease bearing filth. I think this is acceptable for certain people (people who are on their last incarnation here on Earth) but I do not believe it is acceptable for all people. WHITE BABIES.
Stepchildren are 65% more likely to meet with accidental death than if they live in their original family. Are you trying to kill OP? He seems like a sincere young man.
I am indifferent to his suffering.
This is occult nonsense.
There doesn't seem to be much 'hidden' about the practice unless you were meaning the double entendre of hidding the sausage or not. Why do you think it is 'occult'? One either retains their splooge or frees it into the wild folds of a hot orgasmic vagina.
Or just masturbates like someone that isn't a stupid sperg.
Do you hate sex user?
You REALLY think that wasting so much energy with ejaculation and orgasmes come without any costs? Do you really think that masturbation is (((healthy))) ?
c9423b = no-test omega
Nofap is fine but "semen retention" is a meme, your body will just have nocturnal emissions anyway.
Do you really think that you need kikes to masterbate? I have never masterbated to kike 'material' in my life. Does that mean I am better off, or worse off than you?
Not necessarily, you have noctural emissions if you think too much about and lusting, if you do certain (bad) things, …
Your body reabsorbs the nutritious nutriment of your semen from the inside and then gives you a lot of energy.
And still, even with nocturnal emissions, it's still worth it.
Everyone has some test, user. I admit that I have a micropenis but I still have test.
If you're trying to convince me to not bully you by acting outwardly pathetic, it won't work. You wouldn't be the first suicide on my plate.
(hail satan!)
You realize that it was the kikes who defined the 'bad things' for you so that you would feel guilt over them, right? 'Bad masterbation' is a social construct.
Never user. I adore my micropenis. It is all I have but it is truly mine and I wouldn't change it for the world.
I had a laugh, good on you.
Just don't do anything else on me and we will be g2g. Reserve your lusty concentration for anons mom.
The only people I know who don't masturbate are those who are getting laid so much they don't have a need to. I want to kill them all along with thots.
You don't find masterbation pleasureable and satifying by its own right? Valid and wonderful for its own merit? I mean, isn't there a time when you just really want to masterbate instead of engaging another person and having to pay attention to their needs?
Just failed my 17 day no fap streak today. Fucking sucks but I don't feel that bad. I still feel improvement from when I started and agree with OP. There is certainly something to this. Combine it with exercise, diet, and a good sleep schedule. Since I did none of those things, I can say that no fap certainly has benefits on it's own.
Chads don't have to do that. Women just throw themselves at them like they're hypnotized. So much for strength and independence.
They are degenerates, part-taking in the (((hokkup culture))).
What we have to do is to retain semen, and not fuck around but be pure and keep it inside, so that we can have great energy to read, improve, learn, lift, … It's important.
If you make a woman orgasm her body actively works (whether she is conscious of this or not) to retain your semen. She has 70% higher semen retention when she orgasms (this means you have to work her like a slave owner, if you want to have White babies, 'Chad or not'.
I'd prefer to have a loving wife over participating in the hookup culture, but the problem is that if I can't succeed in the latter there's even less of a chance I can succeed with former (women don't want old virgins, they want men who are desired by as many women as possible - that's why they whine that men are evil cheating and abusive pigs, but exclusively go for men who'll abuse and cheat on them).
Is this a selfie?
If they are saying this they are already unfit user…it doesn't get better with time and familiarity (which will only breed contempt). Skip them and move on.
You are really not giving up, aren't you? I find your devotion commendable, despite your ignorance. Ok, let's say I want to quit fapping completely. Sure, I can stop watching porn. What about imagination then? Ok, I could train my mind not to think about it. So far, so good. Then summer comes, I go outside, and see a lot of women dressed in a very provocative manner. Kikes are to blame for this, yes, but no one is forcing them to act like that, it's still their choice, and something that they feed on (attention). Let's say I train myself to ignore them completely, along with everything else that's provoking lustful thoughts. Good exercise of willpower. But for what purpose? I have enough energy even when fapping.
What about the increasing frustration? Eventually it becomes too painful to endure. It makes you prone to irrational acts. It makes you overly aggressive. Are there any outlets for that? Of course not. You have accomplished the exact opposite state, and rendered yourself equally useless.
It would be pointless at best, and masochism at worst.
Then I'll have to skip nearly all of women where I live, city, small town and rural alike. It's over for me anyway, attraction is not supposed to be hard - it's either piss easy and automatic or 100% impossible. Normalfags will tell me bullshit advice like to be confident and look right but then at the same time say "lol I just met my last gf randomly while I was smoking weed with friends).
I have been practicing nofap since last September. I haven't achieved semen retention yet due to wet dreams, but I'm in a better place. Nofap will not make you a demigod, but it will show you, as that reddit cap explains, what your life is when you aren't being sapped of life force. There is a deep inner respect that manifests within you when you realize you've achieved a mindset that is above the influence of modernity's most repugnant temptations and norms. You gain the ability to see and appreciate femininity as it truly is. It's quite nice.
Never mind the high probability that this is simply another invasive MIND FUCK by the same kikes who told you masturbation is wrong. Don't you think it is a little bit strange that someone outside of yourself or MAYBE your wife would have any say in how often you jerk it? Do we really live on The Island where every shit you take is going to be analyzed to check if you 'did it right'?
No, kikes are to blame for your inner sexualization of nudity to the point of involuntary and problematic arousal upon seeing random skanks. OP is a fucking retard of the highest order, but so are you.
Holy diver rides the tiger
Backseat driver with a child’s vagina
They’ll deprive her in Indochina
Costs a fiver with Lady Godiva.
That's quite the claim you have made, OP.
I eagerly await some logical proofs to support it
OP, I agree in large part with you that masturbation and sexualization of everything is bad for society. And bad for you personally. But you're going to need to provide actual evidence to back up your claims. Not random memes.
That's emotional argument. I require facts.
Honestly user, this sounds like an inner problem. It is very easy for me to separate out the nice girls from the shit girls just be the way they talk about men. There are tons of nice girls where I live and the ones that talk like you describe are all whores from out of state, NY or NYC etc who have been indiscriminately riding the cock carousel. I think you are browsing the 'used women's department'.
Facts about anons emotional well being?
So you think.
Prayers/meditation, exercices, lifting,…Really, you are just creating excuses at this point. You either try to live sin-free and you'll be free, or you listen and act up-on your (sexual) appetite and you'll end-up ruled by your vices.
Being sexually chaste, including not lusting, not watching porn,erotica and not masturbating, might be one of the most difficult things you might do…For some people, it's harder than quitting smoking, quitting video games, quitting drugs,… But if we manage to tame your appetite and conform yourself to the moral law, you'll truly be free and full of energy.
Like I said you left one of your faggots here.
Taking a spank break.
These threads get shilled to shit. It only further validates no-fap. Every significant leader in history seems to be a no-fapper.
So why do you do it, as an insignificant manlet?
Yes. If you have evidence that semen retention causes emotional well being, let's see it.
What you did was make a great claim without providing any proof. Just random tweets and reddit posts.
Last work up I got, my Testosterone was 1100+
Curious to see the decline if any.
Low t faggot I used to beat off every day sometimes multiple times and still had the same energy. Haven’t fapped in a week just to remind myself of willpower but you may be confusing low energy with wanting to fap instead of some other task. Just get your priorities straight. There is no better way to keep a woman loyal than being able to fuck her soul away because you fap daily and have god tier stamina and sexual appetite. You try straight missionary and busting in 2 minutes and I don’t care what other attributes you have she WILL be fantasizing off a sexual beast making her his plaything. Seems like you’re trying to hold anons back with this puritan stance but of course masturbating can be harmful.
Imagine having to rely on "scientists" opinions and "studies" to shape your world view on what is true or false…Instead of trying it yourself.
The NPC meme is real.
Moreover, if you think logically just a little bit, it's obvious that the (((official))) narrative about the wellness about masturbation is pretty much non-sensical, and it's just a meme that is promoted by jews as a way to politically control people and make them obsess about carnal passions, a.k.a sexual "liberation".
Those nice girls must be Bigfoot around me. There are ones who seem nice, but only from the surface - they're just as vicious, they just don't have to obviously whore themselves out because they tend to be prettier, higher value ones with more self esteem (they know that men don't really like those obvious whores at the end of the day so they bait man with an appearance that is more appealing to them).
Wew this faggot is pretty sensitive. Defends his porn like a crackhead defends hitting it up.
You’re delusional. Any tall, built good looking man can tell you what feminity truly is. It involves eyefucking you as soon as their boyfriend looks away and posing with their assets on display for you and sometimes they do it even when their boyfriend is aware. Women are programmed to get fucked by alpha males and have his children. Stop applying men’s quest to females. They don’t think like you and never will.
I don't think you quite understand what the NPC meme means.
Spoken like a true stepfather
The generation that was taught that masturbation was something horrible and sinful turned into the worst degenerates imaginable the second they were given an opportunity. Both extremes are wrong, and it's exactly why they are being pushed. Our societies are hyper-sexualized and learning to become unaffected by it is much more important than masturbating or not. You can't run away from your inner demons, you can either become controlled and devoured by them, or subdue them.
It's not nudity that's arousing, but the way of displaying it. Ironically, naked women don't arouse me nearly as much as seeing them dressing slutty.
No, I'm just high-test
Tried all, not helping. You can't run away from it. You can only turn it into something irrelevant and then focus on much better things. To make things worse, it eventually stops being sexual and becomes emotional longing. But you have a point, I just find the cost to be higher than the benefit. It could, theoretically have sense if you have a good and loyal wife, but that's like chasing a unicorn in this world.
I walked off to eat some bbq chips but now I am back. I have no evidence either way. I think people should do what feels right to them with personal matters. It is my OPINION that no one on Earth should use porn but that is my OPINION, nothing more. I think if young men didn't use porn much of the ills of our society would be remedied almost immediately. However, as the US Gov is the largest 'illegal' drug pusher on Earth, in the same way, they are also the largest porn producer on Earth as well. So you using porn is simply doing what they want. It is a way to pacify you. You know the Chinese Emperors used to be REQUIRED as a matter of state to fuck at least two women per day, it was all very clinical with the concubines selected based on their ovulation cycle etc…it was as romantic as breeding cattle (that is what it was essential). They complained about this often in personal diaries but it was a matter of producing offspring and not of anything romantic or personal. This is what chronic masturbation reminds me of this only it seems voluntary on young men's behalf. Which doesn't seem healthy but maybe they have really engorged testicles or something…IDK
I told you that you could try it for yourself. You can be skeptic, but you are literally blinding yourself there on purpose. Do it for 100 days and draw your personal conclusions.
Do you prefer to believe without questions the (((official))) narrative that masturbation is good for you? Why do you believe this version without question? Especially since this meme is heavily promoted by the sexual engineers, kikes for the most part, who spread sexual liberation (including masturbation) as a political weapon to pacify and control people ?
You can break out of this controlling Matrix.
It's not a defense, it's unassailable. I could jerk off on your face and you couldn't stop me, much less stop me from jerking off in whatever third world shithole you're from.
Probably just your average run of the mill autism, then.
Fuck off. This thread is full of shills and/or masturbation addicts… If you truly believe that masturbation is neutral for you health you're fooling yourself… I guess there was a reason for Israeli military to broadcast porn 24/7 to Palestinians…
Stop thinking like a Protestant. We are strong enough to resist any temptations, even the hardest ones.
If you keep masturbating, that means that there is something that doesn't work in your plan. Too much unspent energy? Your hobbies? Your environment? Seeing lustful content? … Really, don't give up.
Moreover, it's not just about "high test", but also about androgen receptors and other chemicals.
IDK if I could have achieved that until I was older. When I was younger I was a raging mass of ready and desiring hormones. I didn't get into trouble, but I wanted to just as bad as the other teens all around me. It didn't really have that much to do with how people dressed I would have really fucked anything. I think we have to be careful not to apply mature standards to young people. They are under a tremendous amount of pressure now combined with their raging hormones. I think this is why I really don't like no-fap. Because it seems like yet another unnatural regulation of what should be free and normal and personal to them alone. I agree with you on most of it, but I think it is harder said than done when you are young.
There is nothing wrong with masterbating; unless it is done in excess or it is interfering with you and your relationships; I still think porn should be done away with because it restricts creativity and refocuses people into state sponsored activities and sexually controlled visual representations of sexuality. Ex trying to integrate the races via interracial porn.
As I said, I do agree with you that the pornographic nature of this kiked society is harmful to young men and women too. While I wouldn't go so far as to say that lack of semen retention is to blame, I agree that seeing pornography everywhere is harmful to people because it fuckes with our perceptions of reality. The same is true of homosexuality, transtardism, and ethnomasochism.
Indeed. Pornography on demand is creating a fake reality and syphoning off creative energy and spending it on passive entertainment. Videogames do the same thing. Instead of fighting the evil men who are murdering our society, we murder virtual men in a videogame and get a false sense of accomplishment.
I can easily take you up on no fap. the problem is I have a gf so no sex is a bit unrealistic. It's not that I believe that masturbation is good. It's that I don't necessarily believe that semin retention is vital. My semen goes into a woman. That seems to me like something my ancestors did often enough.
Do naked women arouse you more than partially clothed ones?
Good job user! Make White babies.
It's never acceptable
Only people on their last incarnation should be allowed to reproduce. They have to prove it obviously.
Well dressed women turn me on far more than nude women.
If there are any contraceptives involved, you are engaging in hedonistic and, dare I say, homosexual fornication sex.
Fuck off jew
Neither is really special to me. If they're feminine, submissive and into me while being attractive physically they pass. I'm a naturist IRL so I am basically desensitized to clothing or the lack of it.
I wouldn't have watched whatever this is if it was on Youtube, but now I'm even more inclined to not watch it.