Let's analyze civil war a little
Civil Wars don't "just happen."
They are the end result of serious collapse of political (and usually ethnic) norms in a country. Yugoslavia did not descend into civil war along ethnic lines without those lines existing in the first place. Syria did not become a battleground simply because of foreign fighters being given weapons. Iraq did not descend into several wars and insurrections because Sunnis and Shi'ites get along well.
These countries were gearing up for these conflicts long before the spark that ignited them did so. The CIA may be spooky, but at the end of the day people fight in wars, and they fight because they are motivated by personal grievances to do so.
One of the tell tale signs of collapse is the loss of the perception of legitimacy of the government and the legal institutions by a significant portion of the population. In otherwords, people lose faith in the legitimacy of their government and begin to look for alternative institutions.
Exhibit A is yesterday's Mike Adam's Counterthink radio show. It's an Alex Jones like conservative show replete with agonizingly naïve slogans and ideas. (for instance, everything except me is"left wing fascist tyranny") And I give it as an example not because it's exemplary but because it's so typical of conservative thought in general.
I also present it because Mike Adams is essentially calling for violent revolution.
He says "The law has failed us. The legal system has failed us…" "The FBI is not a legitimate organization anymore. They are run by traitors."
He denies that he is calling for violence over and over again but it should be very interesting to any civil war agitators that Mike Adams is reflecting the view of his viewers that the government (other than Trump) is illegitimate and no longer represents the will of the people.
This is a fascinating change from the Bush era when conservatives were content with obeying a treasonous government simply because the lying buffoon in the suit had a red "R" in front of his name on TV. During the Clinton regime, conservative frustration with the repulsive behavior of these arrogant leftist assholes grew and grew to the point that it created a powerful militia culture that worried the leftist political establishment. Yet after Bush 2 was elected, the anger simmered and died down. Rising again under Obama, many expected it to deflate again under Trump.
Yet it hasn't. Thanks to the disgusting behavior of the arrogant leftist elite, conservatives are increasingly frustrated with Trump's inability to do anything to protect them from destructive leftist policies. Meanwhile the liberal lemmings are being whipped into a frenzy of hatred and blind rage over the bad orange man.
In otherwords, we are in an era where both kosher "sides" in the ridiculous circus that passes for politics in America no longer have faith in the legitimacy of the government.
This is good news for revolutionary minded Patriots who seek to overthrow these vile traitors.
And yet there is a worm in the apple…
I mentioned before that I believe Mike Adams typifies American conservatives. In addition to his revolutionary rhetoric there is a lingering authoritarian conservitard slant to his thinking; He asks for Trump to grant permission to revolt. He says, "Trump must call upon the American people to literally rise up and occupy the fake news media and destroy the censorious institutions." and "We need the president's support to defeat and dismantle these institutions that are the enemy of America."
This is a pity because it demonstrates that while Mr. Adams and his viewers do not view Congress or the FBI or the corporate media as legitimate, or even the Executive Branch itself, they are still stuck in the mindset that they need permission from an authority figure to revolt.
Which again typifies the conservative and liberal mindset.
And truly, does this not describe White people everywhere? Even here? We want to tear down this wretched monstrosity that is murdering us and destroying everything we love but we hopelessly desire a strong leader with legal authority to tell us that it's okay to do so. waiting for Hitler