I feel that having doom, and letting it predominate your consciousness to the point where you identify with it and you base your ego on it, is something that is self-defeating and is likely a bit pre-mature in this world, when many issues that supposedly doom us actually can be resolved, but are not due to apathy, confusion, ignorance or indifference that is either predominant or chosen by the victims, all the while the predators run amok and cause an even greater sense of doom due to the inaction of the victims.
Take, for instance, the Muslims. They are an evil people who riot, rob, enslave, kill, torture, maim, humiliate and rape wherever they go. They are the lowest of the low; even illiterate sub-Saharan Africans can be more human, more restrained and gentle than them. Even Gypsies can have more morality and decency than them. As horrible as the Jews are, at least they are intelligent on average; the Muslims do not even have that going for them.
You look at the current reality of the situation, and you'll see that the Muslims are the causation of the problems of the Western world, outside of the Jews (who were mostly the ones who engineered this particular demise for us, because Muslims are too arrogant and stupid to do it themselves). The Muslims have done in merely 50 years far, far more chaos and destruction than the Gypsies have done in 1000 years, and they are perhaps only second to the kikes. Actually, their chaos and destruction goes back much further than 50 years, but we are talking about the recent times, because it is that bad.
Taking a look at history, you will find that Muslims have raped, enslaved, and killed far more white people than white people have ever done to Muslims. The Bosnian rape camps were barely a dent in comparison to what Muslims have, and currently are, doing to women and children in the European countries and refugee camps. In the refugee camps, Christian women are forcibly raped and whored out, and no one tries to stop the rapist Muslim chimps despite being in a "Christian" country. In the countries, white girls are abducted, raped, killed, impregnated, whored out, and sometimes their meat is parted from their bones and they are sold as kebabs in those fucking rinky-dink takeaway shacks. Muslim women and girls know about this, of course, and not only are they never touched by white men, or abused by Muslim men, but they approve of this abuse of white non-Muslims and they are often amused by it, like the arrogant, sadistic freaks that they are.