Jews are Satanic and draw their power from evil demonic entities. They must warn the Goyim before they carry out their evil deeds, they do this through symbolism in media. It must be a a part of their Satanic doctrine to reveal their plans before they carry them out. Israel's flag is a hexagram ffs
Godzilla 1998: Mathew Broderick's watch points to 9:11 Director is Roland Emmerich a gay Jew
Matrix 1999: Neo's passport expires on Sep 01, 2011 Wachowski brothers (now sisters) are possibly Jews or crypto-Jews Producer of the film is Joel Silver who is Jewish
Back to the Future 1985: Twin Pines mall symbolizes Twin Towers, the sign reads 911 when turned upside down. There is also Muslim terrorists, and other 9/11 Symbolism in the film Producer of the film is Bob Gale who is Jewish
There is more but I'm lazy to list them all. The point stands, Jews are fucking creepy and evil.
Considering how many movies there are, and how many clocks happen to be included in them… and considering how iconic the twin towers images were… don't you think it may be a coincidence the numbers 911 and visuals of the towers may have ended up in movies?
Oliver Morris
heh maybe you're onto something, you should meet my friend Larry.
I know about ol Lucky Larry. Jews definitely did 9/11. I'm just not quite on board with the symbolism thing, it seems to me like confirmation bias. But who knows? I believe in magic now… so I really have no idea.
Mason Watson
Seriously what the FUCK are Jews? Are they demonic time travellers or what?
Jews are entirely materialistic creatures, therefore cannot be "demonic" . They are a sentient virus created in a lab with a goal to destroy all quality in biological matter and cancel the evolution.
Gavin Anderson
Not too sure about your theory OP but in relation I believe occultist do stage acts(Things like doing what the Bible says, aka creation of Israel) to try to bring out a higher power into the open. Essentially fucking with reality enough to get a paranormal result. Like how Neo’s breaking the laws of the Matrix created Agent Smiths new form. Your symbolism is just another part of it. Though I think you’re connecting some dots that aren’t there.
Isaiah Martin
Pizzagate not demonic enough for you, stickfag?
Carson Rogers
Rammstein's music video for Ich will was released on 9/11/2001. At the end of the song, the bomb timer says "beirut". 4:00
Luke Ward
Can you prove that it was caused by immaterial entities rather than a bunch of deranged psychopaths? By calling them demonic, you are relieving them of a part of responsibility. Classic christcuck.
shiggy diggy
Jeremiah Butler
My god. Sometimes I wish The Purge was a real thing.
Shit we already knew and ridiculously low effort thread Then dont make the thread you nigger
Jeremiah Parker
After 9/11, the world trade center rubble was dumped where? The fresh kills landfill? It sounds almost as if it was a sacrifice to some demonic spirit
Hudson Sullivan
Still crying wolf? When the parenthesised actually do something, the world will say 'oh, this again?' and do nothing.
Ian Gomez
One of the planes that hit the trade centre towers was flight number : Q33NY
1) Open a new Word document and type in capital letters Q33NY
2) highlight it
3) enlarge the font to 48
4) click on Font Style and select “Wingdings”
You will then will be amazed!!
Wyatt Anderson
Throughout the Bible it's stated that they are the "chosen people" of God. Knowing that the Bible was edited and info willfully withheld by (((them))), I wonder now if the whole "chosen people" was another lie for the kike to assert their supremacy.
Nathan Rivera
Brandon Hernandez
That's dam cold shocking … not that I needed any further confirmation
they have the next several decades already planned out, count on that. i have a feeling several years of conflict are also planned for America and they want it to habben
Brody Bennett
Saturnic doctrine, OP. Jews worship Saturn. It is part of their doctrine to tell us what they're doing to give their incompetent spellcasting more power. They fancy themselves sorcerers, and believe they can pray for the world to be different. They further view lying as a form of praying, and that if everyone lies about something together it becomes true by their god's will. The best example of this in modern times is the holocaust.
The first Matrix slipped through the cracks and exposed too much truth, so the brothers were punished by becoming Sybil cultists, and mutilated their dicks in service of Saturn's wife Sybil/Cybele. Another parallel to the Matrix punishment are the Kingsman movies, where the first one was entirely too positive and had too many secrets, so the second one was made to be terrible and filled with mocking jews. It's literally called the Golden Circle (of Nibiru) and is about an international gang with a cannibalism initiation. Also look at other modern spy movies. The name's Boaz, Jachin Boaz. Look at the new mission impossible movie with the bizarre line "Jupiter, Saturn's got your five by five" implying backup, but actually just referencing an esoteric grid tied to Jupiter now used in Bingo that they are saying to us the viewer that they stole.
The majority of us media is under the influence of the CIA/Mossad (same thing), and mossad companies like Hasbro push monarch programming on children through MLP and Transformers. The monarch programming is the root of most predictive programming insofar as they want to create school shooters and so on, but they also emphasize predictive programming in the same way as they exercise lies as prayer. They believe that they can change the world by telling us it is something different, and by lying to children about the future. This is also why they push post apocalyptic wasteland movies so much. They desperately want to drag us all down into the mud, and must constantly reinforce that to them that is our only future.
Be reminded that jews can only steal, not create, and that the six pointed star actually represents the union of man and woman. Sacred geometry is your birthright, not theirs, the Kaballah and Qliphoth of the world tree are yours to explore, not theirs to break down to kindling.
Also demonic possession is a thing, and works using electromagnetic control of the brain, and we're from space, and the universe is a fractal hologram. But don't worry about all of that. Focus on getting rid of the kikes.