Lads Society
We are a group of like-minded people, who have grown increasingly concerned over the state of affairs within our nation.

The values of community, concern and commitment are rapidly being washed away amid a flood of dramatic changes to our home. We are experiencing a greater need to bond together as a cohesive collective, for the benefit of the individuals within this collective, and society as a whole. Having a network of not just mates, but an extended family, who help one another via the sharing of knowledge, skills, employment and a sense of camaraderie is becoming more and more important in these troubling times.

The importance of "real life", meetups and interactions among our members is emphasised as a means of preventing and remediating mental health issues that can stem from a sense of social isolation. We also provide training facilities and expert guidance on how to improve oneself physically, as the health of the whole is determined by the health of its parts.

So if you are feeling disheartened by the seemingly degrading state of our country, and want to become a part of a family that WANTS to help you fulfil your potential, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to meeting you.

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Either a honeypot or absolute stupidity. If it's the latter, enjoy getting vanned for even posting here.

How exactly is it stupid? Its the last hope for white australians.

there is nothing wrong with European australians to meet up and begin to get the process going of learning some type of in group preference. Whites are the least likely to do this, have the least tribalism, most individuality, and are more likely to empathize with groups that would not return the same. the fact that Australians by and large are absolutely retard tier left wing idiots might actually work to your advantage, that is, if you can red pill men en masse. The issue as I see it is that red pilling people is generally pretty hard, because it takes deliberate effort and a considerable amount of learning. The idiot leftists have to actually reverse their most deeply held beliefs about the world before they can even begin the process. But if you can wake them up to the real red pill, that is, realizing that the truth is close to the opposite of what they have been brainwashed to believe, you might have a chance. Congrats, I saw your interview on Matty's modern Life, its about time white men started to become collectively aware of this threat to our survival as a species. The left has had such a stranglehold on the culture for so long that it is about time that some significant resistance should be forthcoming.

absolute mad lads!
disregard the white d&c from the shills!
good luck and White Pride Worldwide

Are you sure these lads are fully white? Is this going to be another CivNat Proud Boys movement?

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Of course not we are 100% white only

You can be a nigger national socialist. As long as you realize your nigger ass going back to Africa at some point. Technically National Socalism caters to all races not trying to leech off others. It’s just rarely the case for minorties. As they want gibs.

Eh. All good, but I wouldn't trust that faggot Mark Macdonald as far as I could throw him. Too much baggage around that guy.

I'm rural and really don't want to go to Melbourne. Good luck and I hope the stories about your leadership having mail order/crypto jew girlfriends isn't true.
The bottom up approach seems like a good idea though.

That group is disgustingly big.

You are begging to be infiltrated and subverted, assuming this isn't a honeypot to begin with.

Lads Society? More like Bogans Society!

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They've already been infiltrated, there's a page called Lads Leaks dumping content from their private group. I like the idea, but really poor execution. Way too much focus on social media.


This mate?


Am not funny.
Need help.

Attached: name a faggot.jpg (1903x1221, 955.41K)

RIP - lurkers read this before anything else, their clubhouse is busted and probably the entire operation is now under close scrutiny. Bump for good idea yet as said, poor execution.

Do you dance naked in the woods worshipping trees on samhain?

You gotta understand, all the WN groups here are honeypots. They are literal bogans organizing it with no direction or insight.
Meatheads as you will, thinking if they can project force that it would change anything. (Hence all the emphasis around bodybuilding.)

It's a faceberg page. Don't have the link offhand because I never use faceberg.

Yeah, that was one thing that leaked. Another was the nationalists trying to branch stack the Nationals party. Big story a couple of months ago, resulted in the expulsion of several members from the Nationals. (((Their))) ABC gloated for days about busting White Nationalists trying to infiltrate Australian politics.

remain forever fringe and let woman, niggers and jews take over the world while you remain an e-hermit faggot for the rest of your life.


27: Hentai-san
33: touchy-Keto-bro
17: Lyle Lovett
24: Boomer-lad

good idea but you're not gonna get very far in preserving the white race with pakis in the ranks, are you?

When you have a population of 25m for the country, an average size american city at best.
Realizing how easy it is for these groups to get infiltrated isn't hard.
Australian politics is more complex yet easier.
I'll get called a shill, but will try to explain.

The Liberal/National party here is the "conservatives" these guys will do anything for their business buddies. They called a Royal commission into the banks thinking that the opposition (Labor) wouldn't sign up. This has exposed our banks open to an attack and reformation.

The Liberal party is now about to lose the election, and hard. They are promoting "Liberal Independents" to attempt to get enough swing voters to vote for them and inadvertently give the vote back to them.
The Labor party (more centrist tries to support the worker) is looking at hard reform. Strong reform, the Leader of the Labor party (Bill Shorten) has a brother that is in banking. Refuses to deal with usury bankers however.
(((They))) are scared of Shorten and what he will do to them. He's even come out and refusing to meet Murdoch if he becomes Prime Minister.
However, you will get conservatives here defending everything they supposedly disagree with.
They will promote monopolizing practices, allow transnational countries to import workers, basically just being useless.
Trying to point this out to that group of liberal/national people becomes a hassle. They truly believe they are right. They literally act like the jew, refuse to acknowledge new information, then revert back to the previous days argument.

it's all controlled by jews corporations and banks, its a charade

foreign workers, sure
not Australians

I agree that Libs are about to lose hard, but I'm not celebrating. Shorten is no friend of the nationalists, and is just a vehicle for a different set of poz. The left fucks Australia via humanitarianism and "progressive" social policy. The right fucks Australia via legal immigration, economics and free trade. Together they converge to the perfect jewish utopia - the same track we've been on openly for 30 years (and secretly another 30 beforehand). Neither is a good choice.

you fucking cunt, fuck off to reddit with your flat out subversive claims there you dirty kike, you are either shilling or you're that fascinating kind of retarded where you are too stupid and easily manipulated to know how the world or X group functions and operates but -just- intelligent enough to type out your dumb fuck opinions and shit up otherwise semi-productive threads, kys.

i suggest everyone ignore that post, there is nothing of value in there to read, not a single word outside of this sentence "The Liberal/National party here is the "conservatives" these guys will do anything for their business buddies." is true.

too many people in all WN movements around the globe have soft spots for non-whites or mudbloods they grew up with or are close friends with that MIGHT cause conflicts of interest down the line, but there are no non-whites in that group, you just can't see very well i suggest you get your eyes checked or a better monitor.

you are not wrong, there are more than a few young, idealistic larpers in both Lads and all white nationalist movements in the west who are too tied up in their WN identity, think they're invincible because commies are stupid (even though the commies owners are not) and open themselves up to doxing, PR disasters and dangerous levels of scrutiny, but that is exactly why a smart, WISE, charismatic person who can reform the group from within and get whatever malcontent idiots within it to pull their heads in or fuck off and get lynched for being white-niggers elsewhere.

Lads biggest problem is it's becoming the WN version of Pauline Hansons One Nation, only Pauline is in this case a steroid abusing loose cannon of a degenerate who is one semi-real rape accusation away from another stint in prison and a big black mark on the movement as a whole.

This isn't even a Lads thing, this is an IRL movement thing, far too many people with massive egos who want the world to know they love their race and think they're the next Hitler (despite lacking almost every positive trait that Hitler had and being blissfully unaware of it) and will happily cause huge amounts of friction and dysfunction within groups over petty bullshit that means NOTHING but will still destroy or render impotent any group and its chances of real change in the west.

We all need to do alot better, drop these fucking unwarranted egos far too many tryhards i've met IRL seem to possess because the white nationalist movements that have been forming since the end of WW2 have nothing to brag about, our history is little but vague nostalgia and perpetual failure. We are dying, our peoples are dying, take it seriously, enjoy yourself on special occasions or after an OP is completed successfully, work on yourselves financially, physically and mentally, then help prop up others within the movement that show potential.

And THEN you can worry about how effective your movement is, have 3 branches, politically active, socially minded, and the security wing, and have them run semi-independently and covertly wherever possible and avoid relying on any one person to do more than their share or allow them to possess a skillset without them training others in it, whether martial arts, haggling, handling women, accounting or programming.

I'm sure you do you sheepfucker

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I know your type. You provide nothing, do nothing. It's why you hide behind TOR.
I could bet all my money that you are a Queenslander.
If you cannot face the facts of your "preferred party" then I'm sorry, thats all on you. Its why you are on this site. You aren't making a gun for change, you just want a civil war.
My stance is well known, I back values.

But please, continue. I want to see your opinions on the matter. If at the very least, to laugh at you.

civil war would be change, no?

posting pics of your faces online is how i know you are dumb

If you want to destroy the last part of yourselves, sure. The fact that you automatically think you'll win shows how little attention you've paid in history class. If the people don't support you it becomes a 3 sided war, you will always end up as the minority. It won't be like 1930's germany and massive swings to nationalism. You're all about the now, instead of building fortifications and making small incremental changes so the odds are in your favour.
Its why all these groups fail.

does this warrant a Trudeau pic?
open hostility would be for the best, I think, force players to show their hands

And when you find you didn't have the support you believed you did?
Out back with 2 bullets in the head. No subversive culture allowed, thanks!

I'm going to die anyway, so I'd rather a bullet than a lot of other ways out
If no support will manifest, then better a quick death than slow decline
Either way, what harm in there in getting to know white people with a similar mindset irl?

You claim you want to protect a white future, yet won't take the necessary steps to ensure it.
Take the quick death. Its going to get much worse before it gets better.

you seem conflicted. or concern trolling. maybe I'm just misinterpreting you.

Why are you on Zig Forums if you don't understand politics?

kek, at least FOUR of those men in that pic are glowing so hard it is hurting my eyes through my fucking monitor

organization is politics

So why aren't you talking to the community and finding their feelings on it? Get outside of Zig Forums and internet forums and actually talking? Its not about organizing, its about finding peoples opinions on the subject.

Politics isn't about one big fight and suddenly winning, its all the small battles inbetween. It's finesse, it's articulate.
You attack possible allies because like says, you've allowed your ego to take control.
You can't possibly always be right, its about learning and countering.
If they are showing you lies, show the truth in all its ugly glory. Show those around you that though you may not always be right, your intentions are just. Sitting in a place like Zig Forums though compfy, does absolutely nothing to change any of that. Its not about creating organizations or groups, its about creating a likeminded thinking. A hivemind as you will.

Do you think you can affect extreme political change without violence?
Even the legitimate authority inflicts violence directly or indirectly, as a result of policies it sets and follows. The rape apes in Melbourne and other cities didn't get here of their own accord, for example.
But at least you have your values. You wouldn't want to compromise them. Or would it depend on the ends?

So out of the past 20 years, in the 4 years Labor held it, they managed to throw everything into the fire? Bringing the rape apes?
I wish you luck in your endeavors, but if even you cannot see the facts staring you right in the face, then I'm not sure what will.
I'm bored with this now. Maybe try find your own values.

Great, you invented freemasonry

I doubt it. Either way there will be violence. If some men's club starts a civil war, or if the vision of idealists comes to fruition. It's an inevitability.
But at least you have your values.

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ftfy, also shill nobodies using tor here you fucking moron. gb2r.

Good job on that string of wrong guesses though, now fuck off, you don't belong here cunt. I'm not gonna elaborate on shit now it's clear as day we got subversives in here logging everyone ITT.

Awesome, stop being afraid.

for the record, none of them are actual feds or jews, i know that from reliable information, just bear in mind, in the real world, some of our people, our red pilled anti-NWO/jew allies, are not going to look like blonde, blue-eyed aryan supermen, they are going to look like average joes at best, that doesn't mean their physical and financial contributions will be any less towards the movement or any less useful as individual workers and fighters.

Their problems do not lie with their loyalties per se, they lie with their personalities, maturity levels and dedication towards the cause (in the sense of willingness to sacrifice and work towards a greater goal devoid of their personal egos and desires for recognition). All of which are lacking in some form or manner, and it's up to those willing to join and guide them to change it.

They are not at the level that which requires feds infiltrating and subverting the movement itself, they are entirely capable of doing it themselves. Don't pretend that our enemies are all-knowing and all-powerful, they just want you to think that, and they use the law as a weapon against our kind, it is all in the end, a crutch they use to cover their own inadequacies and incompetence, move in the shadows of their ineptitude and work towards real goals with no desire of recognition, and then, we may see some real results.