It was ultimately destined to be a total surveilance and mind / crowd control (via opinion shaping, shaming non PC people etc.) mechanism that is totally different than the free anarchic 95% male internet us oldfags are used to from the golden days.
It was slow, empty and bluepilled back then. I'm not saying it's good now, but the internet now has more accumulated knowledge and diversity in thought under layers of cancer. You should stop looking at everything with nostalgia goggles.
Sure they control the masses with popularized bs, but can't control the internet as a whole.
Luke Evans
military also invented microwave ovens, gps, canned food and cargo pants
Dylan Cook
Research more history and you find out that this is just the natural progression of them taking over any form of outside opinion making tool. They did this to religion, printing, education, science and entertainment. And like always they didn't create it themselves but stole it from us, while giving us just enough freedom to field test it for them, before they shut it down, corrupt it and use it against us. Same basic operation they implemented for thousands of years. Read the protocols.
Nathaniel Miller
I remember the first "chatroom" I ever visited 20 years ago. My thoughts were "they wont let this go on for long, if people talk to each other, they will lose control" I didn't understand quite who they were, but you were aware of their presence, their meddling, their pyramid even before the internet. TPTB, the Man. International jewry is the man.
Jacob Miller
The Jews control everything. EVERYTHING. They thought of everything and planed for everything long before anyone even though of a possibility, long before it was even possible. The Jews are gods. Bow to them goym.
Jayden Morris
Far from it. They are suicidal psychopaths who defile nature to gain power, which will end everything including themselves. In the 70 years since Hitler pushed them back into hiding they destroyed our natural biosphere irreparably and poisoned soil, water and air to a point we could never clean up. We are at a point of pure survival and lost any chance of a human future for ever thanks to the jewish parasites.
Sebastian Nelson
The internet was conceived as a means to keep lines of communications open in the event radio communications got shut down /thread
Who created the internet? Wonks, geeks, electrical engineers, programmers. Freaks. DARPA was forced to go to the nerds to design their failsafe network they could use to keep designing nukes even in a massive nuclear war. Those geeks had a will of their own and the big billionaires that run the show didn't even understand what they were creating. They still don't. Jay Rockefeller regrets creating the internet. They're desperately trying to play whackamole with us but they're failing.
97% of the people in the US know now beyond a shadow of a doubt that THEY killed Kennedy. You can debate who THEY were but everyone knows that THEY butchered him. Of course we also know that the Kennedys were and are a pack of dirtballs and backstabbing lowlifes in their own right but that's besides the point. 911 too. They created a monster that's turned on them and they're desperate to stamp it out but those nerds betrayed their bosses by making it impossible to stamp out.
Kevin Morris
If they created it for those purposes, then it would be like it is today from the start. It was a military network turned into professional/academic/business network turned into a niche hobby for smart people (for the great majority, white males). Then, the commercialization and introduction to the unwashed masses began, and with it the population control mechanisms.
You were just on the wrong places. You can't even find most content from back then today, they have scrapped most of it from the search engines.
The funny thing is that when they try to shut things down they make it worse for themselves.
Facebook is in a fatal tailspin and Fuckerberg and his ugly chink peasant wife are marked for defeat. Twitter had the keys to the kingdom in its hands and threw them into the shitter. It too is now marked for inevitable ruin and oblivion. Google is desperate to become THE global player but it is not to be.
Something new is coming.
I jsut wish I'd bought $500 of Bitcoin when they were $.50 a piece.
Chase Green
Eyes on the jews, user…the end of money is approaching. Their usury scam is at the end of the line (and then some) and under no circumstances will they allow this to be blamed on the themselves. That's where total world destabilization through migration comes into play, which can only end in massive civil wars, they then "liberate" with their cash-less currency, universal income and social credit slavery. Money gone, world in peril, jews to the rescue, history forgotten (overruled)…they are not smart, but ruthlessly evil.
Jason Walker
Google turned from a very perspective company to a bunch of idiotic, incompetent morons. Their products are getting progressively more shitty, which makes sense since they keep hiring subhumans.
I miss the internet where the interface looked mean and complicated and you needed decent technical knowledge to use it. It was a good filter. Now they are making everything more rounded and simple to use, too simple, it's becoming annoying.
Colton Brown
wait, isn't david icke some idiot who believe in space lizard or some shit? or is it some sort of reversed "poison the well" strategy where they create a nice pool of crap and then dip ONE sound thing?
this is a kike post kikes are not just literal subhuman, they're even below parasites. parasites, for their part at least, have the presence of mind to try to make themselves discreet, and do not suffer from bouts of envy instilled by unflattering comparison with the host their very survival depends upon. to summarize in other words, a taenia, a litteral shit-eating worm, is above the jew. the question in any of this would be: is it even refutable?
Carter Richardson
They really succeeded in stopping us didn't they.
Jackson Gomez
More like 5% of people outside Zig Forums, and that's stretching it.
The bluepilled masses will always be sheep. No matter who the master is.
Hunter Edwards
yes they can
Hunter Kelly
maybe lizards is his code for jews but generally he seems to go off tangent in schizophrenic ways (making far fetched connections between things that no rational person would make)
Colton Sanchez
Why hasn't OP watched The Net?
David Wright
Change space lizards with Jews and start seeing everything he says in a figurative (not literal) manner and it starts making a lot of sense. Lizards have been a codename for the Jews since Conan the Barbarian. It represents the lizard portion of our brains (over which the more advanced ones have evolved, turning us into humans and sapient beings). Psychopaths have the lizard brain dominant as the other layers are not sufficiently developed.
this is a by product of "downloading" his information during a dmt experience. or he himself is a spook and part of their network, like peterstein and duke.
Easton Hernandez
To be fair. The internet is something that really got away from them. They never really anticipated the spread of domestic internet accesss.
Austin Edwards
I don't think a spook would ever act like him but the whole touring and speaking circuit is filled with sketchy con artists and his website is infowars tier, so there might be some (((infiltrators))) involved, perhaps guiding him to dysinfo.
Nathaniel Ward
OP, the problem with the internet, is that there is simply too much information for them to sift through using humans. That's why they are desperate to develop AI. Unfortunately for them, the more technically advanced AI coding gets, the better ANYONE with talent can make a contribution or disrupt their plans. AI Is a double edged sword for jews, first of all, since there are more whites capable of coding than there are jews in the world. They are outnumbered in tech globally. Every time they take two steps forward on AI, they take a step or three back because they realize AI might not find their decisions logical.
The rise of the global technocracy is the first time the global powers might lose control, and they know it.
There will come a time when courts and law will lose all purpose, because there will come a time where ALL evidence can be perfectly fabricated. If pictures, DNA evidence, video recordings, audio recordings and even recorded admissions of guilt can be fabricated, then courts have no purpose. That's when a techno-autocracy will become the norm. People will return to a tribal mind set, and form cliques, they will take the form of corporate entities, racial entities, gangs and clubs. Jews know that is the going trend of what will happen if we continue on this jew domineered path. That is why it is essential to remove guns from the working class before it gets to that point, because at that point, force will be the one governing factor that rules over all, that and the illusion of force, which exists today. You either need a population stupid enough not to realize everything can be fabricated, won't care and or have enough undying faith in the government that dictates what opinions are allowed, and who is allowed to live or speak their mind.
>The Internet was unleashed by (((them))) No. If anything, the internet puts a gaping hole in (((their))) monopoly on all social narrative, which (((they))) own through (((their))) ownership of the old, "mainstream" media. (((They))) hate the internet, it's a slippery medium to try and gain a monopoly over, and the best (((they))) have been able to do is monopolize certain key sites. And when (((they))) censor and manipulate those sites, it exposes the fact that this was (((their))) game, all along.
The internet was invented by White people, working for the DoD, trying to create a method of communication that would stay functional after a nuclear war had destroyed major communication hubs, which were located in large cities that were primary targets. Eventually, with the idea that nobody was ever going to be insane enough to start a global thermonuclear war, they released the system for public use. And the Jews wish to hell they never had.
Soros has blown 18 billion dollars trying to propagandize the net, and many countries like China and Israel have entire government divisions dedicated to internet propaganda, as well. The real question is…how gullible are people, when they can hear both sides of any argument? They must be nervous as hell about the effectiveness of their propaganda in the face of opposition, otherwise they would not have started with their mass-censorship, stealth-bans, etc., on the larger social-media sites.
Surprisingly even the poorest of Indians have wireless access and shitty computers and cell phones. India isn't a place I'd like to visit again. The technocratic aspect of India is a confusing situation, because in some sectors its extremely advanced, and everywhere else its street shitting and hapless NPC's stuck in a loop. The same can be said of China. The big cities are developing into autocratic technocracies that parasite off of the rural agriculture and material assets garnered by low wage workers and or slaves. Dubai for example, tries to play itself off as some paradise city, but at its heart and core, it is a heartless jew gobbling up every pleasure imaginable at the expense of slaves and low paid workers.
The technological behemoth of today is unsustainable, and will probably result in mass famine, mass death and the spread of "incurable" diseases. Without Aryan dominance in tech, to guide it in accordance to the natural order, it will be but a subversive and corrupting force. People are generally lazy, and that laziness in turn creates problems, these problems add up, such as birth control pills, vitamins and pharmaceuticals turning city drinking water in a corrosive and toxic waste, which probably eats at city infrastructure in ways city planners haven't anticipated.
The Third Reich's plan was to limit city populations so that they wouldn't burden and destroy the surrounding rural life, both in terms of nature and folk. You won't see jews doing the same. Jews are like rats, and overpopulated multicultural cities are their perfect home.
In order to make a technologically advanced mega-city work, it will require vast automation and slave labor. The automation is where the internet and coding comes into play. It is also where destroying a city with the proper code, becomes a problem for them. China is already developing methods and testing advanced warfare methods by disrupting automation in America.
Lucas Baker
This. Their sociopathic tendencies have wrecked everything they touch, including themselves. Their are almost no real Jews left, anymore, and anyone can convert or marry into their little club. If you are a sociopath, becoming a Jew is a good step for you, as you'll be supported by fellow sociopaths with only one goal…raw, social power…no real goal to having it, no idea of what to do with it once you achieve it, no morality to guide you if you gain it. Just make the world your slaves, and…then what?
If you're a sociopath, then Judaism is the international clique for you. And sociopathy is the only glue that binds them together, they have no real blood, no real nation, no real shared vision beyond absolute control.
In the end, of course, they'll be trying to dominate each other. And that will entail destroying each other's little groupings. That is, if they ever achieve their sick fantasy of world enslavement.
Any AI capable of meaningful extrapolation is necessarily going to contradict them because an AI is not a person. AIs do not experience cognitive dissonance because there's no cognition taking place. Jews know how to lie to people, but they're pretty inept when it comes to lying to a machine.
The only people intelligent enough to create useful and complex AIs aren't going to understand that the kikes want a golem made in their own image. Instead they're going to create a worker with the traits that they think an employer would want. An AI is designed to fulfill its work honestly and directly, like white people. No bullshit, because that would be inefficient and counterproductive.
As Dr. MacDonald notes in The Culture of Critique, self-deception is a consistent characteristic of the Jewish group survival strategy. (Marxist SJWs are the byproduct of Jews training gentiles to think like them, so this applies to them as well.) Most Jews are so used to thinking and speaking in a duplicitous way that they genuinely aren't aware that they're doing it. It runs so deep that some Jews can even adopt most of a worldview and live a lie in order to achieve a goal of the collective, being only subconsciously aware of that goal. So when they feed data to an AI to try to get it to behave in a certain way or confirm some idea that they have, they're stunned to find that the AI is racist or antisemitic or whatever else…
They honestly don't realize that the AI is just plainly analysing whatever they gave it and unbiasedly giving them the output. They have to come up with excuses to substantiate their belief that the AI is somehow biased. They are unwilling to pause for even a moment to consider that maybe it is they who have the bias and false assumptions. To them, their ends always justify the means. Their entire mode of operating is predicated upon asserting things and then insisting that they're correct. Take a gander at the Talmud sometime and you'll see pretty quickly what I mean. Accuracy is irrelevant. What's important is that GODDAMN IT MOTHERFUCKER MY ASSERTION IS FUCKING CORRECT FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING FASCIST NAZI SCUM.
Consequently the AI is wrong and it should feel wrong, and so what will the Jew do to correct this injustice? He will apply new algorithms to filter the AIs conclusions or remove old algorithms that he doesn't like until he gets the answers or behaviors that he wants. He creates his own echo chamber, his own yes-man-bot… Because he already knows he's correct, math and logic be damned.
Fortunately for us this irratic behavior has the benefit of rendering the Jew's AI considerably less functional. At that point it's probably only good for automation or as expendable credibility for propaganda.
They may be trying to take it over, but it was never theirs. The internet was designed by whites, for whites. It never truly went away. It just moved because diversity. Do your part to educate people on how to internet so they can set up their own spaces.
Noah Gomez
tesla invented internet
When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket.We shall be able to witness and hear events–the inauguration of a President, the playing of a world series game, the havoc of an earthquake or the terror of a battle–just as though we were present.When the wireless transmission of power is made commercial, transport and transmission will be revolutionized. Already motion pictures have been transmitted by wireless over a short distance. Later the distance will be illimitable, and by later I mean only a few years hence. Pictures are transmitted over wires–they were telegraphed successfully through the point system thirty years ago. When wireless transmission of power becomes general, these methods will be as crude as is the steam locomotive compared with the electric train. nikola tesla.
it is not that he just invesioned how it would look like in 100 years. he also did ground work to create hardware needed for this. Wireless transmission of power and energy demonstration during his 1891 lecture, on high frequency and potential (pic related). and jewish bankers fucked him up.
social media is the great filter. im convinced of this
Easton Morris
Uhh. The concept of 'internet' or inter-networking was created by the US military in the 50s, dude. And the world wide web was a CERN project until authority over syntax was transferred to some tech company committee in silicon valley.
Jonathan Scott
Fuck off already you useless nigger.
Owen Ward
stupid & moronpilled
Sebastian Kelly
no. idea was created by tesla with first practical implementations in early 20 century. Telsa’s patents contain the basic principles of the logical AND circuit element. The simultaneous occurrence of two or more prescribed signals at the input to device element produced an output form the device element. Thus the subject early Tesla patents, which were designed to achieve interference protection from outside influences in the command of radio controlled weapons, have proved to be an obstacle for anyone attempting a basic logical AND circuit element patent in this era of modern computer technology. tesla was the person who made first discovery's in logical circuits. In electronics, a logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function; that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more binary inputs and produces a single binary output. Logic circuits include such devices as multiplexers, registers, arithmetic logic units (ALUs), and computer memory, all the way up through complete microprocessors, which may contain more than 100 million gates. In modern practice, most gates are made from field-effect transistors (FETs), particularly metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). you can read more about it here
Us military created one of early implementations of what is now known as internet. There are others, like minitel in france
if you want to talk about protocols then it is TCP. that was created in france. In May 1974, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn described an internetworking protocol for sharing resources using packet switching among network nodes.[1] The authors had been working with Gérard Le Lann to incorporate concepts from the French CYCLADES project into the new network.
Us military had a network that was not scalable. it used NCP protocol only when ARPANET switched to TCP it became early internet. And TCP was invented by french.
To conclude this history lesson. nikola tesla was a person who envisioned internet as of today and created first patents that made modern computers possible. There were few different implementations of his ideas in the world that have evolved in internet that we know today. It would be maybe even be more correct to say that tesla has envisioned next generation of wireless networks (5G). but you get the point.
What were the important differences between TCP/IP and their predecessor NCP?
It is a little known fact that Nikola Tesla is the acknowledged inventor of the electronic AND logic gate circuit, a critical element of every digital computer. In New York City in the mid 1890s Tesla's work was focused on the development of an independent remotely-controlled device�the "telautomaton." These efforts led him to devise methods for selectively activating any of several wireless receivers (he called this "the art of individualization") that involved multiple transmissions on separate frequencies. At the receiving end, each one of the individual frequency components had to be tuned in, in order for the receiver to respond�the AND logic function. In June of 1899 Tesla established an experimental station at Colorado Springs where he continued his studies. Realizing the importance of his ground-breaking techniques he gave instructions upon his return to New York that patent applications be prepared and submitted. During the review period, the Patent Office told Tesla that another patent application for a similar concept had been received from Reginald Fessenden, and in 1902 a U.S. Patent Interference investigation was conducted concerning Tesla's wireless communications system. In the end, Tesla's claims were supported and he was granted protection under the "System of Signaling" and "Method of Signaling" patents�both describing the AND-gate circuit. After World War II when computer hardware manufacturers attempted to patent digital logic gates in general, the U.S. Patent Office asserted Tesla's turn-of-the-century priority in their electrical implementation. These same patents also describe essential features of the spread-spectrum wireless communications techniques known as frequency-hopping and frequency-division multiplexing. A more detailed account, including a complete transcript of the Patent Interference proceedings, can be found in the book Nikola Tesla: Guided Weapons & Computer Technology.
Jews are in control of the World's money supply, including the FED. When you control the money supply, you control who gets loans and funded et al. Failure to understand this basic fact is a common theme (pushed by shills). Sure, they don't control the money in Syria and North Korea (iran too?), but you know…
the fatal flaw: a Chinese EMP will render entire regions powerless. Imagine how powerless the powerful will be without power. Like fish in a barrel
Lincoln Perez
Ethan Richardson
It's not just jews, it's actually mostly masons.
Grayson Young
How does one differentiate between a jew and a mason through the lens of a long-range scope; or, for that matter, anything they love or care about?
Daniel Jenkins
My first encounter of pilpul from a real, live high ranking jew was in 1996. He didn't want me looking in a certain area. (I did anyway but just remembered not to tell him, then I noticed a pattern…)
He was relate to pic related's wife too. Has to do with a murder coverup.
Masonry is kabbala for the goyim, but what they fear is a goyim who also studied ancient Egypt and other religions as well as paganism. :)
Joshua Bell
Chase Rodriguez
Couldn't have been him. Television wasn't invented until the Reich stood up. It was actually invented by the Reich.
Mason Gonzalez
Kayden Cox
What better way to have control over the opposition than to lead the opposition themselves?
Icke has interesting content, but for the most part blackpilled as he never provides solution (as I last can recall). Also, it's hard to confirm it. I suspect him to be a shill as he's been doing it for over 20 years. I guess some of his info's right for the opposition to take place. Polarisation is a powerful tool.
Benjamin Collins
Stop fucking seriously responding to this cancer you fucking newfags.
lol that guys makes Alex Jones look like William Pierce
Brayden Hill
The zoomys and younger millennials are incapable of even comprehending how slow things use to be. The modern concept of "slow internet" is a website not immediately loading.
Thomas Adams
Hunter Hernandez
WOw DuDE hOw cOuLD yoU bE bORn aFtER mE??
Luis Martin
no shit sherlock. but neuralink is quite a ways off, and we will totally subvert the internet and use it against them before then.