Never vote Republican and Rubio's a traitor

It's gonna pass and it's fucked up. We're gonna be in Syria, taking their refugees, the end of freedom of speech, the whole shebang.

Scroll thru the bill and weep


wtf I hate Trump now


Not sure about this bill but how do you think so many foreigners join ISIS? Trump is right

"National Security" has been the excuse for rolling back key liberties since 9/11/2001. nu/pol/ "hero" Kavanaugh is on board. Evangelical Christians are the biggest 5th column in the US, and they will support it with votes while Zionists support this with money.
The dream is one-world government ruled from Israel, and step by step, it is becoming a reality.

I hope you take a second and realize what's at stake.

So? Better than Hillary.

CALL YOUR SENATORS, CALL YOUR CONGRESSMEN! That actually works, sometimes, goys. I remember when Ryan Dawson was imploring people to speak up about that Saudi Arabia/Yemen bill, it ended up passing

Since this bill stops tax money from going to groups that boycott israel, which are always 100% owned by virtue-signalling democucks, jews, and mudshit golems, I fail to see the downside.

>and remember anyone who goes against the grain is (((unelectable)))

Your accelerationism shilling is very easy to spot, you know. What do you plan to do after your inaction and apathy succeeds in giving the country up to commies? Nothing? That's right.

Ask for a budget increase, kike.

Attached: f12070aca45c5f6a129284f692e5ba0a72956b9ab4b7de47f83d340c021306af.jpg (1125x754, 487.32K)

The GOP, ladies and gentlemen


I would have thought that two years of Trump would have taught you that it wasn't your government.

Attached: any day now.jpg (600x817, 189.96K)

>smoking crack is the only way out of a drug addiction my fellow goyim :^)

Well played OP. Wonder what percent of people here will actually read the bill.

Not even a false equivalency will do this time moshe

Worse than Bernie, Hillary would of lost if she didn't rig the primary .

I for one say pass the bill. It will make waking people up on the JQ even easier - as we can point to this and say, what other country forces us to abandon our civil liberties in favour of foreign capital. ( a lot actually but still )

The response should always be go after the jew orchestrators, personally, not the shitskin bioweapons, not sjw distractions, not their pig meatwall, not anything but them, personally.

This. All the reeeeeeeeeeeeing makes me think they are under the delusion they can run some murdering SJW anti-white cunt again and win. Guess what, shills and demmies, unless you put somebody like Jared Taylor up against Trump you'll lose. Doesn't matter how much shilling you do in the mean while, nobody's voting for a soft cunted lefty, a communist, or anybody like that.

It's Jared Taylor or you lose to Trump you dumb niggers.


I dont know who Jared Taylor is but the reason why Trump can implement center ground policies without worrying about losing his base is because the democrats have abandoned it in favour of pleasing the looney left.


I for one say castrate our young boys. It will make waking them up to their natural gender role even easier - as we can point to this and say, what other country forces the nuts off of its young and rob them of a genetic future in favour of the foreign.
It's the faggot way to just point and say "see!" as you get destroyed. That isn't going to help.

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How anyone can have this painfully nigger-tier logic and still expect to pass as white on Zig Forums really escapes me.

Attached: 62fb7ab523ddaea03975912ffc58f26d6a16114febf15b39153a85b0723820ad.jpg (630x630, 36.07K)

Lets's play a game:
See, the main difference between these two posters/users are that one has long-term goals with an implied concern about the future of the white race, while the other is short-sighted and only concerned about his own comfort and his iPhone instead of the well being of his descendants.

Kill yourself.

Found this little gem in there too (Zig Forums is always right)

Attached: ZOG.png (600x460, 109.97K)

Accelerationism 2020

Accelerate a bullet through your head


You should.


Attached: OinkOink.jpg (1000x750, 344.55K)

Voting Trump, just because it pisses you off now.

Going to vote for Trump so I don't feel any guilt when he concedes defeat like a faggot and passes the job of bringing down China to a brown girl.

Just what I want, fucking Tel Aviv reborn entirely again in DC.

I didn't want freedom of speech anyways, thank god for trump

The YouTube video attached in the OP is from 2015. What, in this bill, specifically states that there will be censorship within the United States of America? I skimmed and can't find anything. OP is a faggot or?>>12733694

Just means jew banks can't do business with them fucktard.

Scripted response. Trump is passing as many pro-Israel laws as possible before impeachment.

Attached: scripted response wtf i hate trump now.JPG (1906x236, 49.58K)

Attached: MIGApede.png (465x491, 95.61K)

They win whether you vote or not. The state is run by them. They let you choose which one of /theirguys/ browns America. If you act within the state you will be shot down. The state cannot be changed from within.
Before you go kiking on about muh blackpill there is hope, but it's time to start thinking outside of the state.

If accelerationism works, then why don't the whites in south Africa fight back?

Attached: a0da9207ba2d1e1ed88a3409c3679c30a24b8ff5195234207e7184be8553367b.jpg (574x430, 30.24K)

Attached: accelerationism works.JPG (756x296, 40.89K)

Like they did in the midterms and the MAGApedes didn't do shit about?

Should've stopped right there.

Which cuts them off. This is step 1 of installing IMF bank in Syria dipshit

I never voted dem or rep, because I live in Canada.

wtf I like Democrats now

if you wanted to make a real difference, you would say "I'm going to be counting votes now" instead of "I'm voting now". Who gives a shit who votes? Look at CA, FL and GA during the mid terms, it's counting that matters not voting

Attached: even some fag at the DMV has more power then you 'voters'.jpg (984x724, 94.85K)

wtf I'm starting to thing trump is a libshit that's been trolling the right all along. So far he's sucked off israel let niggers out of prison approved unconstitutional gun confiscation and now he wants to shut down free speech on the internet.

for 2020 trump should just be the nominee for the republican and the democrats libs shits will get 4 more years of exactly what they want.

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Yeah, it's almost like he had decades of political history prior to running in 2016 where he spent a couple of months early in the campaign saying things that were wildly out of character to said previous history and then spent the rest of the campaign pretending he never said those things.

The absolute state of Zig Forums.
So when a road crew builds a road, they should get nothing, right Chaim? When a printer prints pamphlets for the government, their contract fee is gibsmedats?
The irony of nu/pol

Did you have a better candidate for us to all vote for /leftyshit/? A more (((correct))) one perhaps?

its more npc to keep supporting him at this time, unless you are a q fag boomer

dup dup dup dup dup dupdupdupdupdupdupdupdupdupdupdup

kys asap

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really makes you think

Dickhole, we're not invading syria for (jew). Kosher banks mean fuck all.

Who allowed this to happen? Was the spics, the niggers, the muds, the rooskies? Wasn't it the GOP that made this a reality? Didn't the GOP invite the Israeli prime minister to give a speech before a joint session of congress and fawn over him?

That is propaganda.

Of course it is. But stolen from is beside the point. SA whites are in fact fighting back.

Trump has already signed the Elie Wiesel genocide prevention act or whatever the fuck it was called anyway

This is how far the board has fallen.

I had to vote Fagio in last election. It was either Rubio or the faggot Democrat. Fucked either way really.

Don't worry, I haven't and never will

This is a slide thread.