Prominent Democrats Form Pro-Israel Group to Counter Skepticism on the Left
Ah, the old "majority" tactic.
Yeah, leftists always do this. That's where the "Bolshevik" "Menshevik" thing came from. Bolshevik means "the majority" (despite being the minority) and they labled their adversaries the Mensheviks (despite them being the majority)
Typical jewish tricks.
I'll vote for whoever puts an end to the "unbreakable bond."
Showing that /\ what a slutty muslim
No, because jewish media telling you that a jewish political party is infighting is lying.
Democratic Majority = daughter of a mason
It's called a pincer. By not interrupting the left's misguided anti-semitism aka anti-zionism/israeli colonialism, they were bound to serve the exact purpose you'd expect of a useful idiot. There's no need to even touch them at this point since that ball is already rolling and will continue rolling indefinitely. Meanwhile it'll serve another purpose with their minority slaves who see jews as white people. There is no future for the jew dick riding the left long-term. Now that Nationalism is taking off and the far-right is growing as a natural reaction poking and prodding the right their time is limited if they suddenly go rightward.
Is it any wonder why you now see a massive jewish push these days (starting with censorship) flocking to the libertarian route? It's the jewish third way from my perspective.
Remember goys: Russian collusion is bad.
As usual, polls don't change policies, they change campaigns.
I don't like their odds going forward.
What's taking Iran so long to nuke Israel?
(nevermind that as with blacks jews vote democrat 8:2)
Looks like the democrat party became too diverse too quickly and now the golem is going out of control since the brown hordes don't care much about pissrael
The Republican party is the chosen vessel now and it will be explicit. Damning indictment on the people who align with that party, really. Expect the Weimar conditions and amenability of the Republican party to them – openly – to advance at warp speed.
Well done, user. Saved.
This is it boys. Both Right and Left are exposing themselves as Israeli puppets.
kek can't control their golem eh?
It's like shit marketers or designers who make shit sound or look like it isn't.
It's why we have to stay true to the JQ and try to wake up even the most cucked of conservatives. If we can block them fleeing to the "right" side of the dialectic we can force them into the open once and for all.
More and more people across the political spectrum need to see the Al Jazeera undercover documentary The Lobby. This has gotten nothing like the attention it deserves.
The main focus for political activism against Israel in the West should be the influence it has here, particularly the United States. I don't want to have learn the nuances of the Yom Kippur War to argue against Israel, I want solid information on their machinations here and why they need to be called out and lose all American support.