So guys, I'm a left wing anarchy-syndicalist. That's enough said about me…
Now I'm not here to shit on you guys, and I'm not a data-miner, which some of you seem to be paranoid about (I don't know how the fuck data-mining is even remotely possible or economically viable on fucking anonymous chan-boards?!?!?!)
After lurking here for a while now I just wanna ask a couple of things.
How do you guys define Marxism. Is Marxism the same as SJWism?
You guys seem to label anything on the left as cultural Marxism, from transgenderism to feminism (okay, some branches of feminism are encompassed by Marxism or have Marxism as an ancestor) to globalization (which in its current form seems to have WAY more to do with capitalism than Marxism).
The general impression I get is that apart from how a few left-wing people actually do fit into this stereotype (they are often hyped up through social media to the point where they look much bigger than they actually are, because the drama they create generates more of that sweet, sweet algorithm money for the pigs who control most of what we watch, read and listen to online), I think that this stereotype is largely just a knee-jerk reaction to feminism and civil rights.
People often form stereotypes like this of other people when they haven't even met or barely know anything about them.
As someone who mixes with left wing people and feminists a lot, I've never actually encountered any of these types of people.
So yeah, that's all my questions. I'm not gonna reply to any responses because what will happen inevitably is that I'll be juggling several different arguments with people, but I promise I will read as many responses as possible.
Then why don't you go talk to the alt-right about it?
Christian Robinson
slippery dippery slide
Xavier Bailey
The alt-right is generally pro-jewish so I don't think you understand your image very well. Also, half of the 1% is ethnically jewish so you should probably draw your porky with a big hooked nose and a yarmulke since there's a 50/50 chance any random porky is an ethnic jew.
Grayson Young
I've met a few people in Germany and Switzerland who were quite outraged at me being (moreso was as I'm starting to think he's a Zionist the more I lurk here). Other than that though I get along with people well enough even though I'm way right wing for Europe. I do think if period actually went outside and talked to their neighbors we'd all realize that we're not quite as opposed to each other as we think. Another way of noticing this is if you go out with a bunch of people to a restaurant or just paying games. Almost guaranteed you'll leave with more energy and happier even though they might have very different beliefs.
That said, being an anarchist is I believe a slippery slope . Even the Bible says to obey laws and to endure unjust leaders because bad laws are better than no laws and allow a society to exist
(((Divide and conquer)))
Ethan Reyes
The stereotypes are the irreconcilable and impermeable lowest-common-denominator differences in perception, if you're a smarter person, your placement on the spectrum depends on whether you're ok associating with one stereotype versus the other. I happen to believe that the guys who are being called dangerous violent thug nazis are going to ultimately pull a win out of their asses, versus an academic construct that's propped up for cynical crowd-management HR staffed with "brave" or "inspirational" people from all walks of life. Their (nazi bigot racist babykillers) cohesion is superior and doesn't require any external input in order to form, and is thus the path of least resistance in a world growing increasingly incapable of sustaining its' own constructs by blindly racing to the bottom in terms of the culture at large. The bottom will win this fight, but the bottom isn't what the peer-reviewed papers think it is at all, it's nasty and territorial and natural.
You'll be juggling one argument: why you chose to align yourself with the losing side in a war of attrition.
Hi, lurker here. Most of these responses will probably just be shitposting and DOTR-LARP so I'm just going to drop a short, straight answer here.
Same as everyone else really. Cultural Marxism is not Marxism itself, but rather a separate idea about communist/Jewish subversion of various cultural institutions (i.e. long march through the institutions). Most of the left-wing concepts you've described are called cultural marxism because they're pushed by outside Jewish/Marxist/left-wing/etc. influences rather than being inherently Marxist.
Only a few people really live up to the stereotype IRL but I've seen plenty of people unhinged enough online to immediately shit themselves/blow a gasket as soon as an argument starts.
enjoy your reading
Landon Wright
Hey m8, pretty much all of the 1% are jews. My question to leftists is why do you allign with all of the social policies with "porkies"?
Blake Gonzalez
We have a question for you, if you don't mind.
Why can't the left meme? What the fuck is going on in that pic? If you have to give your audience three layers of setup before the punchline makes any sense, it might be good to reexamine your major premise.
To be rich without the presence of judaism is a precarious position because to do so you must please those you pay you into continuing to pay you. One wrong step and you're toast.
Gabriel Taylor
Take your shit to reddit you stupid faggot.
Dominic Watson
Tell me something: why must you be such a queer with your post? You could have just said But instead you posted a paragraph of shit I will never read. Why? Then in your second post you make a critique of the Alt-Right perhaps forgetting Zig Forums is not Alt-Right. Why? Why are people like you such spastic retards? I must know and you must tell me.
Jason Walker
t. (((You)))
Austin Flores
It’s a political lifeboat for traitors, degenerates and rats to jump on from the sinking boat.
Sebastian Clark
Everyone here knew the alt-right thing is bullshit.
Ethan Moore
Everything leftist says is based on lies. You can't just grasp his thinking, you need to be indoctrinated first.
Andrew Garcia
The top 1% is 40% jews, but really it's porkey
Jack Roberts
The "triggered SJW" type is a straw man of the left wing, just like the illiterate wig nut (or maybe one with a MAGA hat now, it doesn't really matter) is the straw-man of the right wing. As you've discovered, neither type reflects reality. In reality, the left-right divide is a social construct which acts to prevent real political discussion and advancement, which would of course be detrimental to the owners of capital, so they use the media and the "alt" media such as youtube, facebook and other platforms run by major tech companies to maintain this divide, and these straw-men are part of how they do it. Again you seem to be more or less aware of this.
Ironically everybody who cares about others really wants the same thing, which if for the children of the future to be happy. Unfortunately, until we can move past the left-right construct and stop dividing ourselves socially based on these constructs, then we will be unable to create the world we want to see.
and are a perfect example of this social division. They simply see "left wing" and assumes you want unlimited immigration and communism, when all you've asked about is "right wing" perceptions of "left wing" ideas.
Fortunately, if everybody was as open to discussion in real life as you seem to be here online, then these divides would disappear. The problem is the social consequences of talking honestly about everyone's views and the desire people have to win an argument rather than find out the truth.
Also, the word Marxism taken on a bit of a "too hard to classify but it's bad" use case for anything Zig Forums feels is wrong but doesn't want to spend time elaborating on.
A wordist religion created to distract the Goyim. If money ruled society, then Bill Gates would run America. Yet he does not. Instead, propaganda and control is what is important and guess (((who))) controls every single corporate media institution and means of propaganda dissemination in the West? Jews. Anything that seeks to cover up this objective fact is an irrelevant wordist religion intended to confuse the peasants.
Why do you think I am here? I went to university and experienced the bogotry and hatred of anti-Whites. That got me thinking; ''Hey… why is it that ONLY White people are spat upon and abused by these leftist thugs? Wait a minute… Why is it that everywhere I look there are jews running the leftists and telling them what to do and how to think?" Sage because you obviously didn't lurk.
Connor Peterson
Initially, it was the school of economic thought first put into prose by Karl Marx. In modern terms, I would divide it into Economic Marxism (communal property, redistribution of wealth, public ownership of the means of production), and Cultural Marxism (mass immigration, anti-White hatred, anti-Christianity, feminism, fags, trannies, fetishization of brown people and their cultures). Modern SJWs love Cultural Marxism, but not Economic Marxism; they need capitalism to continue existing in order to have Starbucks, iPhones, PlayStation, and other material luxuries Westerners are used to having. Communist countries usually expected their people to do military service, which 99% of SJWs would balk at, as they hate the military as an institution, soldiers as people, and they see the kind of hard physical labor expected of military men as beneath them. Like the smuggy says, none of them expect to be factory workers or farmers (or to get a bullet in the head) when the revolution happens, they all expect to be Komissars or other high-ranking bureaucrats.
I try to avoid them as much as possible. It's hard to completely block them out because of the line of work I'm in but I don't look like what people think right-wing people usually look like, so as long as I don't talk about politics they don't know I'm not one of them. These days, you don't even have to encounter them in person for them to harm you. They stalk Twitter all day, every day, with the purpose of stirring up left-wing mobs to dox and harass complete strangers who don't share their worldview. Every blue checkmark with a purple-dyed undercut and a septum piercing is a real person somewhere. They've recreated the Hellscape of the Iron Curtain, with people afraid to ever be honest about anything to anyone, out of fear that the equivalent of a Stasi agent is eavesdropping on their conversations or rummaging through their garbage to find anything "incriminating."
Brandon Peterson
Gr8 b8 m8t, dumb newfriends eating it up.
Colton Thomas
I have met a lot of left-wingers and I have not met one who didn't believe it was a good thing for nonwhites to immigrate into white countries. Not a single one. They had some easily debunked justifications:
Note that colonialism was generally a drain on white countries to the benefit of their nonwhite protectorates. Same people believe that borders drawn by European powers in Africa and the Middle East are to blame for those countries' poor state of affairs. Why diversity is good in white countries and bad in nonwhite countries they refuse to answer.
Although many would just screech racism and insist there is no such thing as a white country and that there is no, say, Danish ethnic group. Denial of an ethnic group's existence, by the way, is widely understood to be one of the early-mid stages of genocide.
Not one leftist could accept that white people deserve to have white countries the way every other race has their own countries.
Not. A. Single. One.
Aaron Martin
SJWism is Bioleninism. Most simply label it as Bolshevism, or "kikery". Bolshevism has existed as the international jew's governing system of choice for thousands of years. See for example: cuckolded christianity. See attached Nietzsche quotes for christian moral inversion (which is simply ancient bioleninism/bolshevism). Video on Bioleninism if you don't know what it is
Constantly, all NPCs devolve into the "triggered SJW stereotype" when you question views that have been implanted into them by the System; e.g; Race = fake Faggots = good Women = oppressed Tranny kids = progress Hitler = evil
Any relatively normal acting NPC will devolve into autistic screeching if you challenge them even slightly on these topics, especially the issue of race, regardless of whether they have any SJW tendencies or not.
…it is globalist perspective at its root. Call it Marxism, call it Maoism, call it Leninism(Bolshevik at its roots), the goal of these -isms is to destroy culture, ethos, identity, etc … and turn all into complete strangers, devoid of any stability through commonality
Joshua Mitchell
Marxism is Jewish.
Connor Hernandez
< (2) and done Oh so it was just a kike from trannypol here to shill his Porky aka "Totally Not the Jews,Goy" nonsense, as if Zig Forums is pro-(((capitalism)))
Zig Forums doesn't seem to understand that "the 1%" and "the Jews" are the same people.
Dominic Morris
That's because leftypol is admined and inhabited by jews.
Ian Phillips
it's a method for the destruction of an existing society. That society doesn't have to be capitalist, as Russia and China showed. It works by uniting the power of the ignorant underclasses in a common grievance, either real or imagined.
That's because it is. Anarchists contributed nothing other than a group of people susceptible to marxist thought. Civil "rights" and feminism were both advanced by communists as part of the communist agenda, you're just unaware of that.
This is where you fail- communism, capitalism, anarchism, socialism, etc do not describe the workings of any society. As actual functioning, existing social orders- they are mythology. They are just the curtain hiding the wizard. Society is run by old bloodlines that practice babylonian mysticism.
Money is magic. It doesn't exists and yet we believe it to be worth more than all we possess. This magic is the basis of society. Those that are at the heart of our global system don't need money themselves, because they are the wizards that create it. They know it has no value, but they know our lands, ideas, and labor does.
This cult creates by destroying and marxism is one of their tools of societal destruction. Marxism never results in the society that the rank and file Marxists believed it would.
Landon Parker
Threadly Reminder:
Henry Richardson
people that quote neitzsche are retarded. Might as well quote L Ron Hubbard. We have morals because we are a social species that requires highly coordinated group activity to survive. Neitzsche, being a good propagandist, just did what propagandists always do- accuse the enemy of that which you are guilty. He inverts biologically mandated morality for his sociopathy in which the only good is found in power.
OP is the personification of what one of the chosen said succinctly; "Insanity, is doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting different results." Though he/she/it has a title for their make believe ideology, they can neither point to a time when it worked, nor have the balls to try it in the spirit of this time. Hopefully, he/she/it doesn't skip leg day
Matthew Allen
you are looking at a slide thread my friends, REMEMBER TO THANK CODEMONKEY
Easton Cooper
1) Most people tend to use Marxism as a stand-in for any kind of egalitarian politics, although this is obviously awkward and imprecise. Propaganda, however, isn't really meant to explore political philosophy in-depth. When people are talking about cultural Marxism they're really talking about the new left of the post 1950s, which does have some of its roots in Frankfurt school Marxist thinking but really culminated in people like Foucault. I think E. Michael Jones has probably done the best research and writing on the topic of the new left as a sort of deal with the devil between corporate capitalism and comfortable middle class 'leftism'.
2) I have experienced this, but the 'trigged SJW' is sort of the most egregious example of a far more insidious problem. If you get more into public protests you'll see them far more frequently, even from your own side of things. They're fun to laugh at because their irrational behavior makes them easy targets, but most of these people are the result of severe mental illness coupled with strange vaguely political ideas.
On a side note, I think it's interesting how people progress politically. Anarcho-syndicalism was one of the first political ideas that ever really piqued my interest as a teen. I'm now sort of thinking about how we can organize our own people on this side of the political fence, and an economic co-op system seems like an appealing and practical idea. I don't think a fully flat organizational structure is practical, ideal, or really fits into our way of thinking about the world on the right but it would be immensely useful and give its members lots of benefits.
Hudson Rodriguez
imagine being such a faggot you're triggered by the letter 'U'
Maybe the stereotypes are real where you live which would make it very different from where I'm from, but I ask you, have you ever straight up told one about racial intelligence differences? Or did you just circumnavigate.
Luis Rivera
The stated ideas (especially published works) of Karl Marx relating to socioeconomic, political, etc. topics, to include full or partial applications of his reasoning and ideas by others.
I agree with you that interest is ginned up for profit on an appaling scale but the most radical members of any political stripe are generally both heavily politically involved and a reliable bellwether.
On the other hand, stereotypes don't spring to existence in a vacuum.
I seriously doubt that, but I also doubt that your interactions with them were antagonistic.
Alexander Sanders
Imagine being a man and doing neither.
Jayden Anderson
So first it forces banks to spend other people's money. When niggers predictably waste other people's money, the government is _obliged_ to forcefully take other people's money to cover the previous waste of other people's money, am I reading you correctly? Because the government doesn't produce value, only steals it via taxes and tariffs. So what had happened was a double waste for nothing. The government might as well had burned a couple trillion US dollars of citizen savings for no reason at all for the same effect.
There is no incentives for a government official to not increase his political power. Hence every state in history every time went to absolute tyranny possible before collapsing utterly. The so called imperial cycle.