Over the past few years I've noticed an increasingly disturbing trend of (((journalists)))[spolier]enemy intelligence[/spoiler] doxing /ourguys/ and attempting to ruin their lives and debilitate them. What methods does Zig Forums use to minimize chances of getting doxxed? For example I don't have a faceberg account, I don't use my real name at all online, I don't post my face online, I don't post my voice online, and I don't post about my specific information about my location(ie nothing more detailed than a state or country). I also turn off the location EXIF metadata tagging on my phone's camera app (that's how 4chan managed to ID the burger king foot lettuce guy).
Other urls found in this thread:
go back to cuckchan
What kind of retard doesn’t already have location exit turned off?
s/exit/exif I’m so tired of autocorrect
you'd be surprised at how tech illiterate normies can be
go back to cuckchan
is there a point at which one should bare the brunt of backlash? the backlash is sometimes the message itself
seeing others get doxxed was enough to wake me up, I don't need/want it to happen to me.
We need to imitate kike tactics and do our own slow march through the (((enemy's))) institutions and getting doxxed would prevent that.
Fuck off back to kikechan nigger.
Well you just posted here so you're on the list and they know who you are and all about you and everyone around you. Ya blew it.
stopped reading there. doing a "slow march" infiltration will not do a god damn thing faggot, they have saturated it to it's core and put measures in place to ensure that even if you get in that your stuck shoveling shit. even if you did manage to "climb the ladder" the world would be 99% niggers by then and it would be a null point.
maybe getting caught is a part of my plan.
and since I'm here let me give you a quick tl;dr of why OPSEC is important since you faggots likely just have some vague conception of it
OpSec, as it relates to user and right of centers is to prevent several things, depending on where you currently stand. 1) don't give glows a reason to come to your door (this applies primarily to the romper stomper types) 2) so that ANTIFA faggots don't come to your door and attempt to lynch you. 3) so that glows/ANTIFA won't try to get you fired and ruin your life. 4) so that you don't get black bagged or suicided by glows.
those are the primary reasons for this shit. the kikes have shown that they can and will do this shit so faggots beware.
Don't ever use discord for political discussion, it's plainly obvious that the creators are working with antifa and journalists to dox people.
OP ignore the shills sperging out because how dare YT actually practice INFOSEC. Here check this thread out you can also look at this pastebin that's been posted a couple time in threads pastebin.com
Also agreeing with this user
It's not that difficult. If you aren't a namefag and don't go waving your dick around on social media accounts attached to your IRL identity, you're probably doing ok. Keeping safe from the spooks is another matter entirely.
Thank you. This is the thread we need. inb4 it get's derailed let's not let that happen, try as they might
Stylometry's another thing to worry about. Take up creative writing and learn how to change the way you type with each response or account to prevent tracking.
Social media is just allowing yourself to be datamined even more so that normally. I know the companies I use they use me are eventually going to sell everything I do to someone, who will sell it to someone else, etc. Twenty years from now there will just be a website where you can go lookup everything anyone has ever done and there is nothing I can do to stop that except go full stallman.
you cant get doxed if you dont use personal details on the internet. Im a 30 year old boomer, been on the internet for 18 years, and never use my name for shit.
Seriously, anyone reading this that is on any kind of social media, just stop. End it now. There is no valid excuse.
Correct for web 1.0 but not 2.0/2.5 nearing 3.0. Blame the people search engines and databases that have everything and anything due to Ispy gadgets in your pocket 24/7. Also blame your annoying relatives who name drop you on their social media accounts or make accounts in your name. The other problem is La-treen-ah stealing your junk mail or rooting through your trash like the human garbage she is in order to steal your information and catfish people out of their credit card information. You have to basically be paranoid 24/7 and lock shit down.
And yes kill your social media accounts now. Even your faggot ass deviantart account. Kill. It. Now.
Social media to spread a movement is great, just don't use your real name.
You deserve to be doxed.
Leave breadcrumbs to suggest you are someone else. One time someone doxxed me, but it was for someone else since I had once LARPed as someone who was nichely famous.
Start using your cell phone like a home phone. Don't carry it around.
To win against the enemy, you must kill the enemy.
Nothing else matters. Nothing else will work.
Kill them for daring to be against you.
stop talking like a nigger