Forgive me if this has already been discussed at length and I simply missed the thread, but why don't we organize our own political party? We go onto our computers and bitch and moan about the the state of affairs and maybe the odd user or two will engage in some sort of cyber warfare to advance our interests, but why not actually make a foray into the real world? Why not create our own version of the NSDAP?
The NSDAP started with only a few dozen men, and swelled to over 8 million in about a decade. I see no reason why this cannot happen in America… Degeneracy is at an all-time high and young men are restless or nihilist - the ideal candidates for a political revolution. I am tired of living in comfort and watching western civilization crumble all around me - I say we choose to live as lions and take back what is rightfully ours.
So what is the solution then? Do we just wait for shit to hit the veritable fan? What if it never does? What if we had the opportunity to actually use our lives to affect the course of our country and we let it slip through our fingers.
I think it is complete cowardice to rely on the circumstances surrounding you rather than choosing to steer events in your favor. The level of discourse that occurs on this site is second to none - tell me that the select few posters of this site would not be able to lead a new party. Who else could? Your local political science professor? Your career politician who pays for hookers when he's away from his wife and kids?
Carter Rodriguez
Fixed it for you
Jackson Gutierrez
Posters on this site have become demoralized. They have become complacent. They have let petty divisions get the best of them. They would rather argue pagan vs. christian, nordic vs med. , monarchy vs national socialism then actually DO something with their lives. The only way to rid ourselves of this feeling of malaise and learned helplessness is to shed these shackles of inactivity. Even if we fail in the attempt, it would be better to do so then simply waste away our days on a website.
Gavin Jenkins
We absolutely need to Organize, beyond Anonymity. Or at least with Pseudo Anonymity. If we didn't go as far as a Political Party of our own, at least we could organize around a Online Marketing and Propaganda team, and lead that into a Mutual Aid network, and finally a Political Party.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
I agree wholeheartedly, and we are very near to being able to create such a party on a united, national level. All we are missing a focal point, a leader we can follow who will embody our anger and hope and make both a reality. That may very well be you user, don't let anyone tell you it isn't or can't be. However, as someone who is working towards this end himself, I'll warn you that such a person will never get either their start or base from Zig Forums. Zig Forums is very often great intellectuals and occasionally political hipsters, but neither are particularly helpful for starting or building a base; it would be like attempting to build a political party made entirely out of college professors.
You need to be the start. Go out and talk to people. At the bar, the grocery store, the hobby shop, wherever. Find what people are upset about, who is upset about it, how you can spread this discontent, and how you can make sure that when the discontent erupts, it erupts in your favor. Have a solution ready, and people will follow you. And then, for the love of God, stick with it. It will take years and the Jews will make sure you feel those years, but the reward is absolutely worth it.
Begin with your volk, and build from that. Don't ever let go of your passion user.
Julian Powell
I remember the attempt at making an Online Marketing and Propaganda team a while back, around the time of the exodus. Whatever became of that?
Jaxon Rogers
It’s clear to me that Zig Forums is too far gone to produce anything of value anymore. I think that we have to go out and organise irl, which is what I’ve been trying to do over these past months. Unfortunately, all the progress that I’ve made has been essentially reset to ground zero due to infighting between the people I’m working with. It’s really frustrating and I’d definitely say that an inability to put small differences aside is one of our biggest issues at present. I say leave the night of the long knives for later.
Jaxon Fisher
So you're suggesting that these small resistance pockets crop up of what? 10 people max? How is that going to affect any real change? Saying that Zig Forums is too far gone is a bit of an exaggeration I think, there are at least 5 or 6 quality threads at the moment, never mind the infighting and bickering. NSDAP had its infighting as well, I think Hitler even tendered his resignation briefly.
Ryder Wilson
Beyond that, the biggest thing Zig Forums has going for it is anonymity. Everybody by now has noticed that certain groups of people constantly try to peel every layer of anonymity away from places like this, playing to some sort of retarded sensitivity or fear about "hackers" or "terrorists" hiding in the shadows. They fear anonymity, because they know how difficult it is to twist the truth when people can speak their mind with ease; as a result, anonymity is difficult to corrupt or twist to their own ends, making the ultimate end goal of subversion difficult. The truth shines when people have nothing to fear, because there's no pressure to conform when there's no threat to your life, home, family, or reputation.
If somebody decided to start a new political party, they cannot do so under the guise of anonymity. They must thrust themselves into the light and become a public figure to blaze the trail, which opens them up to challenge and threat of corruption, not to mention every other devious subversive attack in the playbook; opposition research, blackmail, death threats, propaganda, you name it. If all else fails, they can just quietly dispose of an offending person, as well, and none would be the wiser.
Then, there's also the threat of the subversion of the party in and of itself. Those people, who are so rich and powerful, actively block every pathway to fortune and power to keep the gates barred for the average people to have any sort of say. If some backwoods hick nobody decided to start a new political party, there's virtually nothing stopping them from getting in at the ground floor and leading them either into a brick wall if they're still weak or to become the replacement controlled opposition if there's already a significant amount of steam pushing them ahead.
All that said, a new political party will always be an option, but the organizers will always need to be aware of the dangers of proving established men wrong.
Disregard political LARPing. The system will never allow you to change it from within. By all means, gather local men together, train, get fit, build families and communities. Use a political party as a vessel to promote these things, if you wish, but never, ever, be under the illusion that that there is any political way out of this mess.
There is no political solution, form your local militia. White revolution is the only solution.
Daily reminder that the right wings favor restoration.
(((revolution))) is for progressivites and leftists.
Jackson Cooper
Good post, I was going to make the exact same thread. This must be done and it will be done, the only question is who will step up with the best idea that gains traction. The idea isn't necessarily to win presidential or gubernatorial elections any time soon, although that would be a nice bonus. The goal is more to codify the movement, create something solid and rational that has the ability to attract disaffected converts, and slowly grow from the grass roots on up until we have taken over many city councils, mayorships, and other minor offices before getting our people into congress, the senate, and eventually the White House. Don't listen to the naysayers here, in the years that I've been lurking on this board EVERY SINGLE GOOD IDEA has been shot down by a bunch of bitter cunts with nothing better to do than trash efforts at positive change. I'm convinced the majority of them are demoralization shills and they just camp out here all day and night waiting for any solution that threatens the status quo so they can shit all over it. These posters are pathetic losers and they should be totally ignored. Here's the really excellent thing about an official political party: it provides all kinds of legal protections so we can come out in the open without fear of persecution. It's actually illegal to fire people from their jobs because of membership in a political party! So instead of just vulnerable, lone shitposters, hoping not to get doxxed, we can step out into the open without fear and begin organizing, right under the nose of the feds, and there's sweet fuck all they can do about it. We would have constitutional protection. It's a terrific idea. I'm working on it but someone else will probably beat me to the punch, who knows. If there is one certainty most of us can agree on, the Republicucks sure as hell aren't going to do ANYTHING that aligns with White interests, in fact it's the diametric opposite. The Orange Cuck has signaled against us since the day he took office. If there is to be a political solution it will come from us forming a viable third party!
Oh, I see, you're a dumbass who still believes in the (((masonic))) meme of "left" vs "right". Pro-tip: there is no left and right wing.
Benjamin Mitchell
Hey guys I have a great idea. You know how we're a minority in our own country? Let's try to vote against the 66% of our own race's leftism, PLUS the 50% of the population that is nonwhite so that over 75% of the country is systemically irreversibly against us, and then try to get not only 51% of the popular vote, but also win electoral college votes from California and Texas because I'm a total retard who knows nothing about demographics!
OP, on the off chance you're sincere and not a malicious signal jammer trying to keep whites paralyzed with Democracy while the finishing touches on white genocide are moved into place by Trump and his kike masters, the kind of collectivist action that is needed is not national movement bullshit.
What is needed are white babies, raised by white men. This is not complicated or hard. It's benis in bagina, the most basic shit. For decades white nationalism has been squandering its time by not doing arranged marriages of their daughters to each other. They instead marry their daughters to Christian conservatives and ensure that the chain of natalism is broken by a feckless Christcuck husband.
Making babies is so easy an animal can do it, but whites can't figure it out.
Hudson Wright
The other thing is that we really need money in order to be able to do anything, and a political party forms the apparatus to legally raise money and use it for advertising or beliefs or promoting our candidates. And again, it's legally protected, making it much harder to ban and censor our ideas.
People would be willing to donate time and money to a real political party because it has a chance to go somewhere. They will not donate anything to loose affiliates with no direction. Money is the lifeblood of our system, like it or not, and right now we are suffering from dire poverty. Lord knows none of these tight-fisted cunts on Zig Forums will ever peel open their wallets and donate to any "e-celebs" who try to make a difference without the support of an official organ. The right's individuality and self-reliance is its greatest weakness tbh.
The political system is owned by the jews. If you try to play in a game under their rules you will always lose. Either you'll be alienated for being to radical or you'll end up trying to cuck out to recruit people and end up like these watered down mainstream "alt-right" groups. Not to mention you're running against 40% of the country in minorities and another 30%+ in cucked whites. This quote from siege explains the differences between Germany back then and the US today.
"We are a parliamentary party by compulsion", said Adolf Hitler during the Kampfzeit period in Germany from 1925 to 1933. Because Germany was still essentially sound under the surface in 1923, the open revolt did not work, nor catch on with the populace (apart from being betrayed from the inside by conservative swine). And because German society and institutions were still basically sound at that time. Hitler and his fellow Putschists were looked upon quite sympathetically and favorably by those presiding at their trial in 1924 which resulted in less than a year's incarceration. (That German court gave Hitler less than a year for "high treason"; the System here today gives patriots fifty years for charges they were framed on, for doing nothing!) What had prompted the Munich Putsch was the apparent bottoming-out of German law-and-order and economy. But that drastic move was premature because the Weimar regime - filthy and rotten as it was - still had more than one gasp left in it. The economy actually rallied from that point up until the World Depression of 1929 which sent a stampede of desperate Germans, no longer complacent, into the ranks of Hitler's Party. The point is that German institutions were yet healthy enough to work within, and indeed too healthy to try to overthrow (as the Communists had already found out the hard way). The problem was a thin coating, or scum, if you will, of traitors at the top. Because of Hitler's correct assessment of the situation and the firm course he set his Party on accordingly in 1925, the history of the NSDAP from then until the Machtergreifung - the taking of state power - is an unbroken, uninterrupted uphill climb. We of the NSLF are a revolutionary party by compulsion. We are the first to realize that no popular revolt can be contemplated at this time as the only thing "popular" at the moment is further pleasure and more diversion among the quivering masses. The society is a shambles and the economy slips more every day but most would - and will - be surprised to learn just how much further it can deteriorate before the situation can be termed criti - cal. We also realize that nothing, absolutely nothing by way of Anglo-Saxon institutions remain intact and this effectively means that America as it had been known for about 150 years has been wiped out more cleanly than if it had been defeated in a sudden war. (This actually had been Germany 's case and was what had allowed for her resurrection within only fourteen years.) The United States went the worst way a country can - terminal cancer - but yet, historically, even that process was quick - quick enough to leave enough White Men with some ability to still think and act as White Men. The rest is up to us.
Caleb Allen
Restoration to the good old days. inb4 they never exist
Left and right have existed ever since the French revolution.
Those who favor tradition sit on the right. Those who favor progressiveness sit on the left.
Bentley Diaz
Defeatist faggot, are you forgetting there are enough untapped votes available to change the entire system, just by getting the lazy fucks who can't get behind either side of the duopoly? There is also a huge segment of registered recucklicans ready to peel off the second a viable alternative is available, because they are sick of being shit on by weak assholes like Ryan and McConnell.
Why can't people have children AND participate in a real Third Position political effort, dumbfuck?
You make it sound like it's easy to just go find a great White wife and mother and squeeze out 10 kids, you fucking numbskull. What are you a Boomer?!
Robert Howard
And you're going to magically vote the good old days in via the colossal corporate financial system owned by elite kikes and their puppets? Do you even think before you post? Lurk 2 years, newfag. No they haven't. One artificial division was constructed by jews and jew puppets and brainlets like you bought into it.
Carson Jones
Having a political party and having your own paramilitary force are not mutually exclusive.
That's what Mussolini and Hitler did actually.
Jason Jones
Nope, we do that by restoration, not revolution. Yes, they have, learn fucking history. Pick up a history book and don't let the jews dictate your mind.
Levi Richardson
^ Another moron who thinks that you can vote away White Genocide via elections engineered by the global jewish System Drumpf campaign destroyed this board.
Jeremiah Garcia
Bro, you're making perfect the enemy of good, which is a favorite pol pastime. We don't have to win national elections tomorrow. We can simply create a focal point to begin consolidating power under a common banner. We can do this while simultaneously doing all the other things like shitposting, lifting heavy, stacking ammo, and having children. It's not an either/or scenario.
Oliver Perry
Hear, hear. Finally a reasonable response.
Tyler Johnson
Yeah, because a political party means vote, vote, vote.
Political party means organization, and you can get a security force through it.
Brody Cox
It's not the 1930s you retard. They also had 1) political apparatus that wasn't ENTIRELY controlled by jews 2) racially aware, non self loathing populations 3) 99% racially homogeneous populations
These are just hollow platitudes that mean absolutely nothing. You can keep saying "restoration" over and over again like a dumb nigger, or you can actually address my points. You learn history you ignorant fuck. Left vs right does not exist, and has never existed. You gonna tell me that "gender" exists now, because some kike fabricated it in the 1950s?
Andrew Carter
And you're another moron who thinks doing nothing but waiting for the balloon to go up will result in success, somehow, eventually, maybe. Guess what, Rockwell and Pierce waited their whole lives and the balloon never went up. Things are a million times more pozzed today than they were then. Of course you can't vote away White Genocide, and nobody said you could. But you also don't have to lay down like a little bitch and let International Jewry continue to run the board unopposed.
Dylan Morales
I agree that we need to make more white babies, however I would also like to add that we invent a time machine to go back to the moment you were conceived and brutally kick your mother in the stomach.
Luke Torres
It is an either or scenario, getting organized is not bad but i would say you're better off organizing 3%er groups or something local. Getting involved in the national stage is always going to attract the wrong type of people and will always be a greater distraction than just doing something separate. Theres nothing to be gained in participating.
Carson Campbell
So you form your magic third position party that somehow manages to infiltrate the jew system, without all of your leaders being killed by Mossad, without all of your members being imprisoned for not hating themselves, then what? ZOG rolls over and gives you a pat on the head?
Henry Ortiz
Speaking of unopposed, do you assholes realize how many seats for city council, mayor, judges, sheriffs, etc are won simply because nobody fucking stepped up to challenge the incumbent? For fuck's sake Hunter S. Thompson came within a cunt hair of becoming sheriff in Colorado. It would shock most of you how easy it would be to win the minor elections and then work our way up from there.
Defeatism is a DISEASE of the mind and soul.
Jaxson Miller
Weimar is not ENTIRELY controlled by jews? Italy is not ENTIRELY controlled by jews? In what page of history? We still have that. Evidently wrong, Weimar Germany was not 99% ractially homogenous, neither was Italy. Like white (((revolution))) you are touting? Nope, I know history. Now you go pick up a book, do that and get back to us. Gender does not exist, but left and right absolutely do, since the French revolution.
Oliver Jenkins
So you form your little militia, get infiltrated by FBI & Mossad, and get killed in a shoutout.
Nice, nice, very good goy.
Kayden Sanders
Good Christ you're a weak, pathetic faggot. We simply don't need people like you. You drag us all down with your lazy defeatism and bitter pessimism. You assume that the enemy has already defeated you in every possible way. You're a beat dog. Go nurse yourself back to health and raise your T-levels before you ever post here again.
Defeatism was a crime in Nazi Germany and should still be.
Justin Cox
?So you form your little militia, get infiltrated by FBI & Mossad, and get killed in a shoutout.
Exactly. This nigger warns that a legitimate, legal political party will get assassinated and Mossad'd, then the fuckface goes on to recommend three percenter militias full of Oathcucks which will definitely attract every glow in the dark in a 500 mile radius. What a fucking idiot!
Matthew Hall
Nobody is gonna join his militia, since it's already (((glowing))) with one member, being him.
Levi Williams
That was a terrifyingly good post, user. What exactly is the NSLF?
Camden Miller
-we -organize -political party
do it faggot , WE are waiting for YOU ….
why dont you do it , organize it ….. do it… why do you hate US.
Its your fault not my fault , why dont YOU do it U, U , U for
U fault
Carter Cruz
What does history tell us about the new Bolsheviks, the Weimar Republic and Berlin in every major city.
WWII never ended. Circular logic and reasoning has brought us fully to the same place.
Hunter Scott
Get a haircut, shave, put on a suit and go to your local republican municipal meetings. They're full of old boomer cucks dying for a young man to take charge and steer them in the right direction. Look at how much we've changed the hearts and minds of millions of brainwashed (yet patriotic) Americans with memes alone.
Just start at a local level and don't pull any of that paramilitary bullshit the NSDAP did til we have the real numbers.
If David Duke can get 60,000 votes in the US Senate race in Louisiana and Congressman Steve King for Iowa can get re-elected, then we can certainly lay the groundwork for some real change.
I think what hes going for is that the weimar still had some semblance of German identity so shit could actually be organized see my quote here
Jose Lopez
It's more like Weimar is a fucking shithole and Hitler used his charisma and grace to convince people to follow him.
The same that is happening to the US nowadays.
You don't need more than 30% of the people to absolutely clean a country.
Cameron Turner
Nope, neither state was, which is why Bolshevik kikes were revolting. No. 1 in 3 people are fucking obese. These retards care about nothing but consumption. So you think there was over 1% non-whites in Germany at the time?
What is "restoration", nigger?
Where? I'm telling you that your retarded strategy of magically gaining control of the System will not work. You don't understand the first thing about the way that the System operates. You aren't even from this board you fucking faggot vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Foreign niggers fuck off back to the TRS forum or wherever you came from.
National Socialist Liberation Front. Read SIEGE.
Adrian Wood
Logan Phillips
It was the youth wing of the NSWPP that later broke off to become a more radical thing, it was one of the first groups in the US that broke away from the mass movement political establishment meme.
Yes but heres the major point you're missing pal. Back then people could still remember when things weren't as bad, thats the point of my comment. Germany underwent a terrible and radical change that the majority of people hated, America has had a slow and painful death and most people aren't able or willing to remember just how much better things were before. The entire identity of the country has shifted to consumer cancer and people have lost their identity. You'll have trouble getting .3% of people let alone 30% as long as people can still play bejeweled on their iphone and buy shit on amazon.
Lucas White
I'm convinced that forming a third position political party within the rules set out by the constitution is exactly what our founding fathers would recommend we do in the shit situation we find ourselves in. It's the very reason they set up our system the way they did. Men like Jefferson would absolutely encourage this route. And it doesn't preclude any of the other approaches whatsoever. What we need is full spectrum solutions. There needs to be a place for everyone to pitch in and do some good - the guy who wants to raise 14 children, the guy who is good at public speaking, the warlord, the spy, the propagandist, the idea man. Everyone needs a place at the table. FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE mein nigers, doesn't it sound good?
Hudson Hughes
Republicunts would shit their pantalones because we'd peel votes off from the worthless pricks like gangbusters. They'd suddenly find themselves forced to pander to US instead of the to the Chamber of Cuckmerce! Look how terrified the Dems are by the new blood coming in the wake of Hillary's embarrassing defeat. They are falling over themselves trying to figure out what to do about Occasional-Cortex, and when Howie Shultz announced an independent run the had a god damned heart attack. We are on the right track, lads.
Logan Clark
This is a quote from Siege you TRSodomite cripple. Glowing reviews, from newfags in this very thread:
Delusional They would have ran for their guns and revolted long before things were even in this situation.
>Siege is a kike psyop spammed by the (((Stormer))). Everyone knows that the Daily Informer hates Siege. Your shilling is a disgrace, yid.
Angel Nguyen
Confirmed Boomerposter shitting up the thread. The NSLF is YESTERDAY's solution and it didn't fucking work. Anything with "National Socialist" or "Front" in the name is Dead on Arrival you dumbass! How can you not see that? Winning the hearts and minds of more people translates into more armed soldiers when this shitshow finally goes hot. But we will not be able to do that with nazi imagery or blatant NatSoc propaganda. It has to be more subtle than that…at first. Damn boomers are incorrigible. Yeah bro let's ride around with swastika vans shouting at people from a megaphone or let's hole up in a Missouri compound and form a violent militia full of obese philosemites, that's sure to work this time.
Bolsheviks are revolting in modern America as well, does it mean America is not jewish controlled? Again, that point I agree. Both Italy and jews have more than 1% of jews, or are jews now white? So you don't read book. Nope, just history books that record things that happen. Which is not left vs right. Nope, you are. The return to the good ol days. MUUH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK
Jace Brooks
Siegeniggers don't read history book. They tell people to read Siege.
Nathaniel Allen
Go grab your gun then and get this party started. White genocide is that important, right? What’s your life worth? More seriously fuck you and your blackpills
Yeah it does. I agree with many here that forming some kind of surface level collective, be it a party or whatever is important. A few already exist but their utility is debated. But yeah agreed it’s a piece of the puzzle. Each particular action is a facet of a diamond. The diamond cannot exist as a single facet. That means focus on your preps, food storage and ammo, get weapons training, look into militias, have a martial plan. It also focus on the surface level, activism, organizing, propaganda, ect. What makes the (((demoralization shills))) here work is threads are brought up on singular issues and they attack those singular issue. Problem is they do this for every action until every convievable issue is shot down, leaving you with no options. Ignore them. We need to keep trudging on, no matter the odds, no matter how insurmountable it all seems. Our survival depends what on it. Which is why (((demoralization shills))) are so easy to see through
Anthony Wilson
No they're not you ignorant fool, NPC golems are throwing trash cans over in the streets. Bolsheviks control America and have done for decades. Wrong. Go read the census data. < Still no definition or strategy KYS fag Lurk 2 years before posting isn't a fucking meme you dumb newfag user was asking about aquote that came directly from Siege.
DS turned on AWD as soon as AWD told people to read Siege, because DS are System shills who want people to join the GOP. Get your timeline right, you niglet.
See above. All of the Iron March authors and non-shills got purged from DS when Anglin and Weev went full shekelmode.
You haven't even read it you alt-kike faggot. Which discord are you cunts coming from?
Asher Parker
Both DS and TRS promote Siege. These aren't separate groups, they're glow in the dark MOSSADniggers. See:
I read Seeeej and it's alright but honestly it doesn't really have any answers in it. The only thing it hints at is that violent revolution is the only way things will really change. That is probably true but not necessarily. And since nobody has had any ideas for organizing a violent White revolution in the past 60 years than gee I dunno maybe it's time to look at other potential solutions as well, while we simultaneously prepare for violence if it is forced upon us. It just seems logical to me to fire on all cylinders instead of boxing ourselves in where violence is the only option allowed to be discussed. Why are we all fighting here? There is room for EVERY approach. We can kill them with a thousand papercuts. If you don't believe in politics, fine, but stop shitting on those who try that route. Go out in the woods and polish your rifles and wait for the power to go out. But don't impede your fellow White man who thinks it's better to win a seat on his city council while things are still relatively peaceful. The Oathcucks are the epitome of do-nothing big-talkers IMO but hey if you want to go join them I won't shit on you for it even though I disagree. tldr; STOP PUNCHING RIGHT YOU FAGGATRONS
Connor Johnson
This can only be the absolutely autistic retardation of MOARPHEUS How's it going, you fucking beaner?
You can't play the game they created by their rules and expect to win. Guns are for winning when the game is no longer playable, thats why we have them and thats why you need to make sure you have plenty of them.
Jaxon Russell
So again, why are they revolting? They are killing people over here. Actually, you are wrong. I said it here actually Nope, you go read a book. MUHH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKK MUH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK
Levi Allen
Listen to the podcasts on TRS and DS then you dumb spic. >I have recently been investigating the fed-posting Siege Cult, and have found that it is mostly just a satanic doomsday cult that is pretending to be political. So I was not at all shocked by the incident. I have expected and do still expect these SIEGE people to do mass casualty events.
Josiah Sullivan
I thought moarpheus is pro-Siege?
No one does, a political party is for organizing, only through organization that you have paramilitary, and not glow in the dark militia groups of 15 members.
They aren't revolting you retarded nigger. They're university kids who's only goal is to stop white people from existing. Notice that they only riot when anything vaguely beneficial for whites is happening? That's not a revolution, that's trannies and faggots being brainwashed by the Bolshevik kikes who control the system.
Kevin Perry
I've been here for years, and I still don't get what your position is except sit around and cry until you get a chance to take out some nigs. Last time I'll say it, there is room for all different approaches, and there is no one guaranteed path to victory. If there was, we wouldn't be having this discussion because it would have already been done back in the heyday of White Nationalism. They tried it all, and they got killed or locked up for their troubles. Think of it this way, if prominent members of a political party are violently attacked or suicided, that creates a martyr and a rally point to coalesce around. But if lone gun polishers get suicided, nobody even finds out about it. There is strength in unity and in visibility. Alright now I feel like I'm talking to a third grader so I'm out but you're certainly a boomer, a shill, or both. Honestly I feel bad for you because you sound so demoralized that you can't even conceive of victory. Please take care of yourself and try to get it through your head that we're all on the same side.
DS deleted the video of them promoting Siege to cover their asses. Just read the description. Doesn't seem anti-Siege to me you hooked nose over dodging shekel grubber.
Moarpheus is just a dumb spic who makes people vote liberal democrat.
Brody Peterson
Is there any Siegeniggers who aren't meme-posting Satanist faggots?
Yes they are, they are robbing, killing and beating people. That's a revolution, see the French revolution and the Bolshevik revolution, unless you think those are pro-white.
Josiah Clark
Juan Kelly
Jackson Campbell
How'd that work out for you? Enjoy giving your taxes to Israel? You like building their wall while America is still flooded with non-white immigrants? Based and redpilled, fellow pede!
Henry Robinson
Neat how you misrepresent reality like that. If revolution is played out then playing the conservative game is straight out of pre-history. 53 years ago Rockwell famously wrote "fifty years of failure" a chapter of his book dedicated to the complete and utter failure of the right wing. Go on and try your entryism for the thousandth fucking time despite it being proven to not work for over a century now.
Because these trannies are perceiving you as ebil white nationalists. Does not stop these are bolsheviks and they are revolting nonetheless.
Dominic Brown
Don't deflect you little faggot. You trash talk me because I'm telling you the truth and you hate the reality you find yourself in, so you project your own internal despair onto me and lash out. Voting for the Right has changed nothing - it's the Zionist party. Knowing this our only two options are actual domestic terrorism, which isn't an option now is it?, or voting Left which happens to be anti-Israel. Yes, the Left is also anti-white and they will open our border forcing the issue of white genocide in the faces of European-Americans and maybe they'll fight back for once. So you pick your poison m8: