We need eugenics to make a major comeback

A good summary of eugenics: nature.com/scitable/topicpage/human-testing-the-eugenics-movement-and-irbs-724. Where did it go wrong? Mostly due to scientific malfeasance and missing the epigenetic/microbiome factor.

But eugenics itself is scientifically sound. We've continued to practice it on animals for thousands of years.

"It is really extraordinary that our people refuse to apply to human beings such elementary knowledge as every successful farmer is obliged to apply to his own stock breeding" -Theodore Roosevelt

"The scientific reputation of eugenics started to decline in the 1930s, a time when Ernst Rüdin used eugenics as a justification for the racial policies of Nazi Germany. By the end of World War II, many discriminatory eugenics laws were abandoned, having become associated with Nazi Germany"

But prior to that "Eugenics became an academic discipline at many colleges and universities and received funding from many sources".

"In their book published in 2000, From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice, bioethicists Allen Buchanan, Dan Brock, Norman Daniels and Daniel Wikler argued that liberal societies have an obligation to encourage as wide an adoption of eugenic enhancement technologies as possible in order to maximize public health and minimize the inequalities that may result from both natural genetic endowments and unequal access to genetic enhancements"

Why do we need eugenics? Because doing nothing about unhealthy people continuing to breed spirals out of control, and is likely why the vast majority of the US population is so incredibly unhealthy, poorly developed, and poorly functioning.

For a detailed analysis of what's been occurring health & development-wise on a population-level, including the suggested steps to fix the problem see: medium.com/@MaximilianKohler/a-critical-look-at-the-current-and-longstanding-ethos-of-childbearing-the-repercussions-its-been-6e37f7f7b13f

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Other urls found in this thread:


Eugenics is unethical and leads to war. If you tell certain males they can not breed they will try to fight you. When there are no breeding prospects for 10-20% of the population war always follows. This is a historically understood fact. This is why christianity was so successful, it ensured 1 wife for 1 man and eliminated female hypergamy from the sexual marketplace.In christian states all the men can stop focusing on avoiding gene death(they all have wives to have children with) and can focus on making great societies. Thats why the level of stagnation in the west has reached the levels it is at today. We no longer keep 1 woman for 1 man.

Nice reddit spacing too.

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i keep hearing "it's controversial" but i don't hear anyone complaining about it
people want healthy kids


Sounds like you have a poor understanding of what eugenics is.

See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics#Implementation_methods

You're also confusing the act of creating a child with having a sex partner and having sex. You can do the latter without the former. And there's no reason for problems to rise from that. It also doesn't seem like you read the linked article, which I would highly encourage you to do.

Christianity is problematic because Christian couples often have tons of kids, and are often not healthy.

I think "reddit spacing" is easier to read, rather than blocks of text.

She is health. She is a high functioning human being.

The science supports mixed race being superior in most cases. Hybrid vigor.

Blacks are admirable and it's extremely unfortunate what's been happening to a large percentage of their population in the US who are getting extremely unhealthy due to socioeconomic factors, environmental/industrial pollution, antibiotics, and poor diet.

It's also quite alarming to see how plastic surgery is so widespread in some Asian countries since every operation comes with antibiotics. Thus they are severely harming their overall health and intelligence.

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You know how I can tell you are a perma virgin? You don't care about breeding, you just want to stop others from breeding. Sex isn't that great. Its not anywhere near as exciting as you loli worshipping faggots make it out to be. What is exciting is impregnation and creating new life. Fuck sex, I want kids.
I can't believe you are that much of a reddit spacing retard that you just told me humans do not have a biological imperative to breed.

Do you have anything to support this claim besides weasel words?

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Yuck. You disgust me. Unintelligent slave to your base primal urges. The fact that people like you are freely breeding is why we need eugenics. It's why we're in the state we're in where healthy intelligent people are in the vast minority. It's why we're going down the path of Idiocracy.

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Disgenics is unethical and leads to the decline of humanity.

fuck off kike

Humans aren't vegetables and fruit faggot, fuck off.

Yep. There are citations in the OP article. Including: theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/jul/02/diverse-parental-genes-lead-to-taller-smarter-children-says-extensive-study

You can easily find more if you look up phrases like "hybrid vigor".

Learn to read before you try to participate in adult conversations idiot.

"It is really extraordinary that our people refuse to apply to human beings such elementary knowledge as every successful farmer is obliged to apply to his own stock breeding" -Theodore Roosevelt

He's talking about animal breeding, not fruits and vegetables.


He doesn't there is also outbreeding depression which happens more often not. It is a real effect (which should be the domain of animal husbandry) in some cases but to ignore the huge number of cases where it just destroys genetically unique or isolated traits is just jewish nonsense.

Next Year in 4chan

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No we don't. Life would be absolutely boring and not worth living if every birth was planned.

I can tell you with almost 100% certainty OP is a leaf, he will try to deny it, but hes a fucking leaf.

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Many times adult conversations are retarded.

And god said "let every man have a wife, because that's super cool and you'll all calm down". No wait, he didn't, and that wasn't even remotely ensured. There is no reason to believe pairbonding is Christian, in fact, there's plenty of reason to believe it isn't. Go away Christcuck, your religion is retarded kikeshit.

I remember one study about the so-called hybrid vigor in humans, turned out it only made the new generation better and taller when compared to the brown parent. When comparing to the parent of european ethnicity, new generation was shit.

Your kind of people are the kind of people that must be massacred immediately. You're not even brainwashed. You actually are against humanity itself.

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Sometimes it's fun to expose them for the filth that they are. But you're probably right, there are better things to do.

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This is pretty hilarious. Is this what the children here do when they come across something their brain can't handle? A silly little fit instead of engaging in evidence/science based discussion?

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Pretty sure monogamy is more of a recent thing and multiple wives was a thing in the early days of Christianity. Having multiple wives should be allowed, in my opinion.

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thread, op needs to be hung from a tree

There is no way monogamy is a recent thing, Europeans would have been practicing it at fairly high levels for thousands of years, tens of thousands even. This is because pair bonding is higher in Europeans and Asians, and promiscuity is lower, and because the climate encouraged the evolution of more K-oriented people.

Also, monogamy is basically vital to civilization itself, as one user explained already, polygamy leads to social unrest as many males are unable to reproduce and hence have no investment in the future of their group. That said, Eugenics is of course still desirable, just at a reasonably slow pace. Restricting lower IQ parents to one less child perhaps, or something like this. Eugenics should promote the strengths of Whites, which is their intelligence and their compassion. But how do you artificially select for in-group altruism? Very difficult, the Nazi eugenics program certainly did not account for it and was a poor attempt at eugenics.

You do realize that every person on this planet is of mixed race, correct? Or, did you think any race for generations and millennia could abstain from sex with an individual from a different one?

hung from a tree,kike

First, the most important and fundamental form of eugenics for White people is separation into racial and ethnic homelands and banning, upon penalty of deportation, racemixing.
Second, the poor health of many Americans is mostly due to toxins in the food, water, and medicine as well as poor diet.
Third, the most sensible form of eugenics within a Volk is, it seems to me, enhanced in-vitro fertilization. IE, the in-vitro fertilization of multiple eggs from the mother with sperm from the father. The resulting embryos would then be genetically screened and the most genetically fit 1 or 2 would be implanted into the mother (or a surrogate) and carried to term. This would result in positive selection pressure without banning people from breeding. Even if this technique was only applied to the bottom 10% (and any volunteers) it would still provide substantial improvement over time.
Also, and very importantly, it would carry none of the terrible risks of genetic engineering.

This is not historically accurate. Most Pagan European groups practiced monogamy long before Christianity even existed. Polygamy was usually either banned or very rare.
It seems that monogamy is better for society, generally speaking.
Not necessarily, as above. We have the technology to do better.

Whites, regardless of religion, are already the healthiest and most well-rounded in ability race in the world. There are negative outliers, of course. Look up the bell curve. Regression to the mean cuts both ways. The way forward is to secure the future of the Volk then gradually improve the genetic health of the whole Volk. (there are many Volks and they should all do this in their own separate homelands)
This is false. Mixed race humans have ability, on average, about halfway between the racial tribes of their parents.
There is no evidence of hybrid vigor between humans. None of the human tribes are pure bred enough. Hybrid vigor only occurs reliably between two separate pure-bred strains. Furthermore, hybrid vigor only occurs on first generation crosses, in other words it is not inheritable. The children between two "hybrid vigor" crosses will not inherit any increased vigor. Indeed, those children will tend to be weaker than the pure bred grandparents.
American blacks have an IQ average of, at most, 85. They are also far more violent and prone to crime than White people. Black on White murder is over 25 times more common than White on black murder.
Also, the main reason why they are over represented in many sports is because they are heavily recruited and "sports" is one of the few ways to "get out of the hood." Also, look up who wins strongman competitions. Almost always pure blooded Whites.

I doubt it.

The average White person is already more genetically fit than most people from most racial groups.

And, of course, the news media is totally trustworthy. Also, the academic field is full of totally honest and not-at-all biased and agenda motivated people.
Just like how cheddar man was black as pitch.
Or, no, wait……
Also, "taller and smarter" than who?
Both parents?
Or just the less White one?

Race mixing is genocide.

This. Never forget the typical tricks.

Racemixing is genocide.

This is not supported by the archaeological nor literary records.

This is true.
Look up "Germania" by Tacitus.
Select against disease. Once genetic diseases are eliminated, then select for a gradual increase in ability. So I figure, anyway.
Too much emphasis on "improvement" would likely lead to disaster, I imagine. Unforeseen consequences, and all that. It's a tricky conundrum. Which is why preserving the genetic distinctiveness of White tribes is of critical importance. It is better to stay standing than to be dragged backwards.

This bullshit again.
Ever heard of the spectrum fallacy?
Just because the colors bleed into each other does not mean that separate colors do not exist.
If one bowl has 98 blue beads and 2 red beads, does that make it a bowl of red beads? If another bowl had 98 red beads and 2 blue beads, does that make the two bowls the same? They both contain a mixture of 100 red and blue beads, after all.
Again, you are literally arguing for the genocide of racial groups that took tens of thousands of years of near total separation to evolve.
You are a supporter of genocide. Monster.
(and, no, I do not support genocide. I support peaceful separation into racial and ethnic homelands)

Op you said the Us population is unhealthy and to remedy such, you advocate one particular form of eugenics, hybridization or race mixing. Then you continue by saying blacks are admirable (>>12736525), and above post pictures of female black athletes who are in the top 1% of genetics for "running talent". It is therefore implied the genetic factor from blacks are their "superior" bodies. However then there's the remark, most Blacks aren't like this due to socioeconomic factors, therefore you cherry picked those pictures to support your view. So, if the health based short comings of the Black population aren't genetic why do you propose a genetic solution for the general population, targeted at whites (the primary demographic of this board)?

You are misunderstanding and thus misrepresenting my positions. Read the article in the OP, then we can discuss.

Since you tagged everyone's post, I'll respond. First of all, you're too stupid to realize that color is not determinant of race. You're acting like all "white people" belong to the same race. "White" is not even a race but a characteristic of several Caucasian races, all of which have mixed. The same is true of dark and black races. Every race has intermingled and it would go against all likelihood and probability for them not to have at some point in human history.

You have a poor understanding of eugenics, and human health & development. You clearly didn't review any of the citations given in the OP and comments.

You have a poor understanding of race mixing and socioeconomic impacts that seems to stem from only reading biased sources of information.

Strongmen competitions are not the peak of human performance. They are not close to the most well paid. They have short lives and take lots of steroids.

You make lots of baseless statements then discredit the best evidence we have. Yes there are major problems in the science world, but it's the best we've got.

Your focus on genetics is exactly why eugenics failed. If you really care about improving the human race you'll educate yourself first. Start with the links in the OP.

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From Mein Kampf:

Nature generally takes certain measures to correct the effect which racial inter-breeding produces. She is not much in favour of the mongrel.

Not only are they deprived of the higher qualities that belonged to the parents who participated in the first crossing, but they also lack definite will-power and vigorous vital energies, owing to the lack of harmony in the quality of their blood.

At all critical moments in which a person of pure racial blood makes correct decisions, that is to say, decisions that are coherent and uniform, the person of mixed blood will become confused and take half-measures.

Hence we see that a person of mixed blood is not only relatively inferior to a person of pure blood, but is also doomed to become extinct more rapidly.

From Mein Kampf:

One can breed a herd of animals, but from a mixture of this kind, men such as have created and founded civilisations would not be produced. The mission of humanity might then be considered at an end.

Those who do not wish that the earth should fall into such a condition must realise that it is the task of the Germanic States in particular to see to it that the process of bastardization is brought to a stop.

Our contemporary generation of weaklings will naturally decry such a policy and whine and complain about it as an encroachment on the most sacred of human rights.

But there is only one right that is sacrosanct and that right is at the same time a most sacred duty, namely, to protect the racial purity so that the best types of human beings may be preserved and thus render possible a more noble development of humanity itself.

A völkisch State ought, in the first place, to raise matrimony above the level of continual racial adulteration. The State should consecrate it as an institution for the procreation of creatures made in the likeness of God Himself and not of monsters that are a mixture of man and ape.

The protest which is put forward in the name of humanity does not befit the mouth of a generation that makes it possible for the most depraved degenerates to propagate their kind, thereby imposing unspeakable suffering on their own products and on their contemporaries, while, on the other hand, contraceptives, are permitted and sold in every drug store and even by street hawkers, so that babies should not be born to the healthiest of our people.

In this present State of ours, whose function it is to be the guardian of law and order, our national bourgeoisie looks upon it as a crime to make procreation impossible for syphilitics and those who suffer from tuberculosis or hereditary diseases, and also for cripples and imbeciles.

But the practical prevention of procreation among millions of our very best people is not considered an evil, nor does it offend against the moral code of this hypocritical class, but rather suits their short-sightedness and mental lethargy, for otherwise they would have to rack their brains to find an answer to the question of how to create conditions for the feeding and maintaining of those yet unborn beings who will be the healthy representatives of our nation and will, in their turn, have to perform the same task for the generation that is to follow them.

How devoid of ideals and how ignoble is the whole contemporary system! No effort is being made to perfect the breed for the future, but things are simply allowed to slide.

The fact that the churches join in condoning this sin against the image of God, even though they continue to emphasise the dignity of that image, is quite in keeping with their present activities.

They talk about the Spirit, but they allow man, as the embodiment of the Spirit, to degenerate to the proletarian level. Then they gape with amazement when they realise how small is the influence of the Christian Faith in their own country and how depraved and ungodly is this riff-raff which is physically degenerate and therefore morally degenerate also. To balance this state of affairs they try to convert the Hottentots, the Zulus and the Kaffirs and to bestow on them the blessings of the Church.

While our European people, God be praised and thanked, are left to become the victims of moral depravity, the pious missionary goes out to Central Africa and establishes mission-stations for Negroes.

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Jesus was a kike user. The semites don't practice monogamy. Only Europeans. If Christians are monogamous, it's not because of the semites that invented Christianity.

Absolutely correct. The state exists as an indirect (and sometimes direct) method of ensuring the continued reproduction and flourishing of the ethnicity/ethnicities which constitute the state. Reproduction includes culture, knowledge, etc. but REQUIRES biological reproduction as well as preserving intact, functional communities. Eugenics as was practiced in times past compromises this inherently, because the people cannot trust the state to guarantee the flourishing of their offspring. The State sterilized Nancy. What if I'm next?

Again, correct. Monogamy, Patriarchy, and strong cultural (cultus, ie religion) institutions are the buiilding blocks of civilization. Though the other user is right that monogomy existed in Europe before Christianity.

Eugenics, as previously practiced, creates major societal instability and distrust of the state. Why? Because the people cannot trust the state to not sterilize THEM.

Eugenics need not impose mass sterilizations. Selection pressures do not need to be massive they need only be mild and consistent over time. Why?

Imagine a certain subpopulation, say the subpopulation of people with an IQ > 80, is currently reproducing at replacement. For the sake of simplicity and round numbers lets say 100% of the members of this low IQ subpopulation are having 2 children each. Now, lets say we introduce a selection pressure, say, imposing harsher penalties on criminals, who are disproportionately from this group. 40% of this subpopulation are now having 1 child instead of 2, because a bunch of their men are in jail. So now the group is reproducing at 80% replacement.

Say there are 100 of these people in this subpopulation (for simplicity's sake). The change over generations would look something like this:
100 people (gen 0) => 80 people (gen 1) => 64 people (gen 2) => 50 people (gen 3) => 33 people (gen 5) => 10 people (gen 10) => 1 person (gen 20)

Now, 20 generations seems like a long time to wait to get rid of a low IQ subpopulation. if you just want to wipe out the niggers, then sorry but you don't deserve to rule, because you don't recognize the distrust and loss of moral authority that causes. If you want a future for your race, then this is how its done. This is approximately how it was done in England over about 1000 years (look of the "Bloody Code"). Great civilizations are built over centuries, not in decades. Don't expect to see the fruits of your labor in your lifetime. Unlike women, the fruit of our labor does not proceed from our wombs, and we will never likely hold it in our arms.

But let's say you have a subpopulation of 6% and 90% absolutely hate them and want them dead. Why not kill them. Say 40% of that subpopulation has some genes worth having, that code for disease immunity or high IQ. You can outbreed that population, instead of killing them outright. And now you get the beneficial genes, while continuing to discriminate against the malicious traits, like say the one for sneakiness by harshly punishing fraud. The outbreeding part of this is essentially what is happening to liberal Ashkenazi Jews. In 3 generations our kids likely won't have to worry about them, because they all went and outbred, and destroyed their own culture and communities while they were at it. (Though a Slaughter of Cities style offensive probably wouldn't hurt).

Now here's the thing, Eugenics isn't inherently just, but justice is inherently eugenic. Why? because you punish bad actors (and the traits that create bad actors) and you create a society that rewards intelligent, cooperative, pro-social actors (and thus get them to reproduce more). Our current government policies are inherently dysgenic because they are manifestly unjust, rewarding single mothers, and punishing married couples, incentivizing the break-up of families, and creating a situation which rewards the top 1% and the bottom 50% while absolutely crushing the middle 49%. This naturally leads towards idiocracy, and really, third-worldization. The priority of any ahem future fuhrers should be to establish a lasting, multigenerational form of just rule, along with rightful religious and cultural authorities to support it. The eugenics will naturally follow.

It's time to clear the bad rep that eugenics has.

"Linus Pauling was a scientist and peace advocate who was so widely admired that he’s the only person to win two unshared Nobel Prizes. In all his pursuits, he appeared to have an overriding philosophy to minimize human suffering. He believed that abortion caused less suffering than a hereditary disease. To reduce human suffering, he believed it was necessary to legally intervene to wipe out the factors that caused genetic diseases. The next step would be to restrict marriage and reproduction for carriers of the disease."

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I love my skinny bitches.

Government interference and the welfare state leads to disgenics. Do you really thing 75 iq abdullah could have 7 kids if he didnt get welfare for every one of them?

Any more pics of her?

Who is that spic? A dreamer turned athlete?

Hybrid vigor applies to animals and plants. However, after over 100 years of careful study, nothing has been found to demonstrate or even indicate that hybrid vigor works demonstrably in humans. However, studies done over the last 70 years clearly demonstrate that mixed race offspring generally experience greater genetic abnormalities, such as tendencies toward sickle-cell anemias and other forms of cancer, to name a few things so the science actually supports avoiding race mixing as it produces people who are far more likely to die at a younger age from a serious and fatal illness.

That's not even skinny. That's normal. Just obesity and overweight have become the norm.

This is misinformation that stems from only reading biased sources of information. With a simple web search you can find plenty of higher quality information to the contrary.

It's skinny.

Spectrum fallacy.
I will say again: (here "color" means racial genetic distinctiveness, not "skin color." Skin color is only one small part of racial genetic difference)
"Just because the colors bleed into each other does not mean that separate colors do not exist. If one bowl has 98 blue beads and 2 red beads, does that make it a bowl of red beads? If another bowl had 98 red beads and 2 blue beads, does that make the two bowls the same? They both contain a mixture of 100 red and blue beads, after all."
They are all mixed bowls.
A small quantity of historical mixing does not change the reality of consistent and significant genetic differences between racial groups. Those genetic differences give rise to differences in EVERYTHING from behavior, to ability, to appearance, to emotional tendencies.
Everything in genetics is "close enough." The assertion that we are "all mixed" is, without further contextual information, meaningless. The contextual information being "how mixed?"
Supporting the destruction of the genetic distinctiveness of racial groups is supporting genocide.
By the "we are all mixed race" logic, humans are also mixed with chimps since our ancestors mixed with the ancestors of chimps. After all, humans and chimps diverged from common ancestors about 6.5 million years ago. Hell, humans are mixed with ALL LIVING THINGS ON PLANET EARTH. It's just a question of how far back the ancestry is tracked, and how silly you want to make the argument.
The "scientific community" estimates that the most recent common ancestors to all plants, fungi, and animals lived about 1.6 billion years ago. Are humans plants? We are related to plants, after all. Our ancestors mixed with the ancestors of plants.
The most recent common ancestor between Polar Bears and Grizzly Bears was about 100,000 years ago. They are classified as separate species, but are able to produce fertile offspring, and sometimes do in the wild. Thus "species mixing" between them still, rarely, occurs.
Are Polar Bears and Grizzly Bears the same?

According to you.
Again, according to you. It seems far more likely that you are the one with only biased sources. I have read plenty of anti-White pro-racemixing "mainstream" material. I went to school, after all.
Race mixing, on a large enough scale, is genocide. It literally is according to the definition of genocide adopted by the UN. I suspect that they will get around to changing that definition sooner or later, though.
Again. "diversity racemixing" is genocide.
Separation into racial and ethnic homelands is not genocide. It is the opposite of genocide.
There is no human race. There are at least half a dozen human races, and many human tribes within each race.
Some do. That said, steroid use is rampant throughout all professional athletics. Unfortunately.
According to you. Furthermore, what does money have to do with human excellence in athletics? Nothing. It is a corrupting influence.
Genetics is the foundation of everything living.
Furthermore, eugenics didn't "fail," it was shut down by groups who wanted to pretend that heredity was secondary to culture and effort. IE, the "nurture" fanatics beat down the "nature" fanatics. Luckily, genetic studies increasingly support the "nature" camp. Lysenkoism BTFO.

While I agree with some of this, I don't agree with keeping non-Whites and Whites together in "diverse" countries.
There are vast non-White lands all over the world. Send them home, then keep them out.
The only way to meaningfully oppose White genocide long-term is to reestablish White homelands for Whites only.
Build the wall, deport them all. So to speak.
Ending all immigration, then shutting off all gibs, then offering a substantial bounty for voluntary deportation would likely take care of 80% of the problem. It costs about 80,000 dollars a year to keep someone in prison in California. Putting people in prison, even if justified, is hardly a cost effective strategy.
Instead, how many would willingly renounce citizenship and self deport if offered a cash payment of 80,000 dollars per family member? What about twice that, or three times? How many would jump at the opportunity? How many non-White countries would be happy to take such cash-laden immigrants? I suspect many. It would be a bargain in the long run, and vastly better than trying to trick them into low birth rates over 400 years.
Consider 1 trillion dollars. The most recent "Iraq war" cost at least that much over 2003 to 2011. At 100,000 dollars each, that would pay for 10 million people. Good start. Consider that the Afghan war cost at least another trillion, and that the Iraq war likely cost closer to 2 trillion. That's 30 million.

Also known as the lying press. Look up the Minnesota trans racial adoption study. "Hybrid vigor" and "nurture supremacy" BTFO.

It looks fucking awful. You are a tranny, you like trannies,

No it is not normal. Curvy women tends to be more fertile than skinny women.

Your minds and preferences are so warped by generations of unhealthy people having children and creating even more unhealthy people. Then add antibiotics and junk food diets on top of that and you get the 35% obesity and 90% overweight, and thus they become the norm.

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"more fertile"

Who cares if they're more fertile if they're unhealthy and thus popping out a bunch of unhealthy children.

I hate crackheads

I agree, it is normal for normal people such as myself. In today's ghetto worshipping media and I sane obesity rates, it's not the norm though.

says the guy who likes plastic water bottle trannys LOL

Shut up Jew

Oh that shit, I remember some anons having perfect answers for why that is bullshit but I didn't pay close attention beyond it being called out for bullshit and causing health problems.
On my own however I can point out how missing rhesus positive and rhesus negative is not at all beneficial. I can also point out how the mixed black chinese white or whatever mystery meat girl that diagnosed bone marrow cancer had to start a fucking kick starter because of how rare here retarded genetics were and how hard it was to match them to get a donor.

Can't. Muh feelz is holding back science in the West. The only ones who will be having eugenics will be chink overlords.

I am not talking about fat woman. It look like in the picture.

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Hmm, I really hope they do. That would be great news.

Well I wouldn't say she's fit. I would definitely consider the athlete to be healthier. Almost certainly if you measured their health the athlete would come out on top.

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/tv/ is this some sorta sad roundabout attempt to get Zig Forums to make a bleached thread?

I see no issue with voluntary deportation, IF it could be made to work.
I think war is more likely. But truly, I think that the best way, if you care about your race, is to become the ruling minority through non-democratic means and then send the non-whites out as imperial forces to colonize their homelands via imperial conquest.
Rather than turtle in, look outward, and imperialize…with a catch:
1) You'll need to have practices to have an increase of your race in absolute terms.
2) You'll need something to be imperial about. Race isn't enough. It's essential. But it isn't enough. Moreover, it needs to be something that can mobilize other groups in service of it. Naturally it can't be something dysgenic, like Progressivism, or Liberalism, or whatever.

What I just listed now is exactly what WASP's attempted a century ago, but without 1 & 2. And here's the thing, they're still trying this approach. This is the real reason Joe Biden says "Becoming a minority is our strength." He doesn't factor in the fact that his imperial idea, Progressivism, is inherently dysgenic, and will wipe out his progeny no matter what he does.The WASP's of a century ago, when faced with being demographically replaced with Catholics from Ireland and Italy and Poland, made a deal with the devil, the Jews, and modern America is the result. BUT that doesn't mean the strategic insight of ruling as a minority and using the other groups to imperialize is wrong. It CAN preserve your race IF you have an imperial idea that is actually in accord with nature.

you look pixelated

There is no hybrid vigor in human interbreeding. You only get that when you breed a dog strain that has been severely inbred with one that is not.

Women are supposed to have wide hips wider than the shoulders or it's an abnormal woman.

A fit athlete would probably have a tough time giving birth to a baby with a healthy weight

Proper incentives should be given to males that shouldn’t breed further. Let them have a little harem of equally disgenic women and it’s problem solved. Christians has it right until they let universal love be the primary message of their faith. Now their just cucks and their families and women will be taken from them one way or another. Idiots

Hybrid vigour only applies when a group is already genetically depressed through heavy inbreeding. Eg: Pedigree Dogs or some selectively bred plants for instance. When these creatures out-breed, even with another genetically depressed population then a 'hybrid vigour' can be seen. This was the basis of the theory years ago and dipshits like you still parrot it.
But so called hybrid vigour only applies to GENETICALLY DEPRESSED populations not healthy breeding populations. Eg; Muslims are particularly inbred because islam really loves cousin fucking. Consanguineous marriage is particularly high in places like Pakistan and they pay for that with high instances of miscarriage, congenital birth defects and general retardation. When these inbred pakis out breed the resultant offspring will have greater vigour, not in excess of a healthy racially homogeneous child, but better than the paki norm. So if you want to bleat about 'Hybrid vigour' you need to determine if the parents were inbred in the first place or you have nothing.


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Quit wasting my time with your baseless misinformation.

If you don't have a scientific paper to cite your words hold no weight. All you're doing is spreading ignorance, propaganda, and false opinions disguised as facts.

I cited actual evidence that everyone so far has completely ignored.

Quit wasting my time wallowing in your ignorance and regurgitating the same misinformation while rejecting actual science.

As stated in the article in the OP, the vast majority of people are significantly unhealthy. Well over 90%.

As long as they don't use their bodies to create other people that's perfectly fine.

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It was inevitable that, when eugenics was put into practice, there would be those found fit, and those found less fit.
Those found less fit would, of course, then rebel against the system, finding multiple excuses as to why it was flawed, even thought they, themselves, may have previously supported it.

Everyone sees the logic in Eugenics, and understands how it would benefit mankind overall, but they become far less enthusiastic when they find they do not qualify as minimum breeding stock.

And there is always the problem of who decides the criteria. Are humans even smart enough to take control of their evolution? History tells us they are certainly not honest enough. I'm positive that, when any such program is in full swing, the very wealthy, but unfit, will find a way to bribe and influence whoever is in charge of selecting the genetic strains that will continue.

The best thing that could happen for the continuance of human evolution would be the elimination of all social safety nets.
Then nature would cull the unfit from our midst's.
And nature is infinitely smarter than humans.

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GENETIC health not how many press-ups they can do you.
But then you knew that, your pilpul is showing.

Answer the following questions:
Does the 'citation' you gave address the issue of the GENETIC fitness of the parent populations as part of the study?
Are you claiming that genetic depression is NOT a factor in 'Hybrid vigour'?
If a pygmy and a Masai have a child the offspring will probably be taller than the Pygmy but shorter than the Masai in the first generation. Is this 'Hybrid Vigour'?
Is the 1/2 pygmy more genetically fit or just taller?

Further more those women athletes you keep posting aren’t fit. The criteria for female fitness isn’t the same as the males. Women who train that hard are typically harming their long term fertility to get like that. It turns out evolution is sexist.


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Why aren't we at war right now, then?

We kind of are tbh . . .

"Hybrid vigor" is an old wives's tale.
In most cases, mutts have physical malformations, as the genes influencing the parts that make up the whole are often ill-fitted to one another. Hence the reason we see that, even within the same race, conglomerations of different tribes leads to crooked teeth, with tooth size not matching jaw size (I use this as an example, because it is one of the most visible results). In the U.S., orthodontic alteration is VERY common among whites. But go take a look at our more pure-bred ancestor's skulls, and you'll see rows of perfect teeth, teeth that fit the jaws, none crowding the others out, or leaving huge gaps.
The same is probably true of eye size to eye-socket sizes, which would explain why about 40% of our population require glasses.
Pic: ancient Norse skull.

Attached: VikingSkull.jpg (900x598, 76.38K)

Eugenics has always existed in every species.

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Nice try, subhuman. Hybrid vigor ONLY applies when one line is heavily inbred. Meanwhile the healthiest offspring come from third or fourth cousin unions.

Natural selection is a form of Eugenics, with nature controlling the decisions through survival and lack of survival.
Eugenics, as proposed for humanity, would be guided by human intelligence, or the lack thereof.

Humans are not all that smart. And we cannot see the future.
For instance, if we breed obesity out of the species (which I personally believe is only a lack of discipline), what happens if the environment takes such a turn that only the fat could survive in it? For instance, an ice-age coupled with a societal and technological break-down?

Mankind would freeze to death, with no survivors.

I'm not saying that the best and brightest should not be promoted in reproduction, and I think those with genetic diseases should not pass them on, as well…but I hesitate to put our genetic future in the hands of those who have fucked-up so many times in the past.

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Hybrid vigor only occurs in things like inbred corn. This is because it was artificially inbred for 100s of years. Please look at hybrids of salamanders in California. They all have lower survival rates and are generally weaker. Hybrids in all of the natural animal kingdom are weaker and less specialized for any environment. If you take a black and mix them with a white you get a individual which is worse at surviving in africa then a black and worse at surviving in Europe then a white. Additonally, genese have synergies with each other, once you start mixing you can lose many of these synergies. American negroes have about 30% white blood, this mixture gives them higher rates of heart disease and birth complications than either pure whites or pure black have not to mention their intellect may be superior to pure africans but inferior to whites due to regression to the mean and that's really all the proof from hybrids that aren't inbred exist for, regression to the mean. Either way please mix your genes, can't wait for my three sons and grand children to out compete yours.

Selective breeding is literally eugenics and we see the overwhelmingly incredible effects as it is with every domesticated living thing we've applied. When you want to apply eugenics/selective breed you must select for the trait you wish to sharpen. But you are right, the most important trait is intelligence, it is what truly separates humans from from animals like wildebeests or negroes.

That's lack of nutrients because of poor food choices, quality and education. All thanks to them.
Sometimes environmental contamination, poor tongue posture or damaged metabolism.

Particularly sufficient vitamin k2 from animal food and proper tongue posture, likely from not mouth breathing because their environment isn't polluted to the point of nasal blockage.


Hybrid vigor (heterosis) does not seem to apply to humans as we are already very heterozygous, at 0.776 [mbe.oxfordjournals.org/content/14/7/707.full.pdf] Compared to dogs for example at 0.401. [eebweb.arizona.edu/Courses/Ecol406R_506R/Garcia-Moreno1996-Wolf.pdf]

There is evidence that the more similar the two people are, the happier their marriage tends to be.

A study in Iceland showed that 3rd cousin marriages are the most fertile and successful. Suggesting that mating within one’s ethnic/racial group would be more beneficial than outside of one’s ethnic/racial group.

One study showed that people tend to find their own face when morphed into the opposite sex most attractive, even when he/she doesn’t know it’s his own face, strongly suggesting that people typically prefer those who look like themselves, in other words their own racial/ethnic group.

Although some argue that race mixing “averages out” traits and since average faces are considered more attractive,[cs.brown.edu/courses/cs143/2009/lecture13.pdf] mixed race offspring are more attractive.

However this is fallacious as it assumes we are designed for perfect symmetry, when in fact the magnitude of asymmetry is the correct measurement and this random component fulctuates, also called “fluctuating asymmetry” – so more honestly a lower level of asymmetry correlates with increased attractiveness, not symmetry.

And the worst is upon examination of the "studies" promoting the hybrid vigor myth, they left out the subhuman mutt spawn is only superior to the inferior parent despite opening with both. It's like saying you'll get taller children mixing midgets with volleyball players, that's not how genetics fucking works. It's all about regression to the mean and that's why if you want to selectively breed for a trait like height you make sure both parents are tall like that chink Yao Ming unless you think for a second all chinks are that tall without eugenics. Of and yes, look it up, Yao Ming was literally a eugenics experiment. There's zero doubt the Chinese will pretty much inherit the future of mankind at this rate since they have zero fucks given for the sake of progress.

Why dont you stop wasting our time wallowing in your ignorance and regurgitating the same misinformation while rejecting actual science, kluge? Answer my questions.

Attached: fgbo.com.gif (403x288, 1.73M)

See pic in
Mullato, long narrow jawline and high cheekbones, from the white, large lips and teeth from the black.
The lips look cartoonishly large for the narrower face, and the teeth obviously do not fit in the jaws, and so protrude.

Look at the pic in this post.
Pure-bred Sub-Saharan black.
The teeth fit the shorter, broader natural jawline, the lips fit the overall broader facial features.
And I guarantee the pure-bred has no easy access to food, other than the aid packages from the west, made up of western food choices.

Attached: HappyBlack.jpg (300x300, 14.41K)

OP is unironically promoting the propagation of negro dna. shills want a social credit score system like china has, but they make it seem like a eugenics thing to make it palatable to white people on here.

the majority of eugenics is simply educating people on their potential impact on their people by mate selection, and promoting the fitfulness of those with the best genes. this is the foundation of eugenics. you don't even start thinking about anything else until this has been done.

accidentally hit the reply button early.
eugenics is a mostly natural process. you don't need some faggot trying to micromanage and remove the courtship process and everything else involved in order to make evolution go in the right direction. whites can do that already - it's instinctual. simple rules like putting homosexuals in bogs and banishing race mixers is all you need.
whites are also genetically monogamous.

and again, OP unironically is promoting mixing with negroes. look at what he is saying and watch out for future shills that try to make the same points. he's probably a 'transhumanist' as well, but that meme didn't stick so now he's trying to make eugenics kosher.

third world niggers have better teeth because of orthotropics. they are breastfed adequately, maintain proper tongue posture, and are not fed soft food all their lives. those negroes would look nothing like that if they were degenerate mouthbreathers who ate soft western diets.

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l already said.

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Learn to read you retard nigger.

what is the kalergi plan?
what is the highest agenda of the global elite?
what is racemixing propaganda for?

You guys need to start thinking outside the box

Kill all unhealthy.
Kill all race-mixed abominations.
Kill all non-whites.
White Men must always breed only with healthy white women.
But women must never have any rights. Men must raise the children.

Just had to show your colours.

Showing your colours again
Only in a way were it makes you look at your ancestors and think; "My, what marvelous cattle have we selectively bred. A dumber and stronger variant of the subsahara nigger to work for us until we invent machines to replace them."

Youre not even getting paid for this, you actually are a degenerate stereotype larping about what you think makes your parents hate you. You are too lazy to even educate yourself on the things you seem so passionate about. Disgusting.

There we go.

Show me a beautiful painting or statue that pictures a woman with these aesthetics. She is skinny, its in your blood to deny even the most obvious truths isnt it.

>Just (((GOOGLE))) it sweety.jpg

At this point im starting to feel a need to insult (((you))).


>just (((google it))) bro!

Filtered, reported and i hope you gas yourself.

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If you look at the types of eugenics, particularly the ones that were suggested in the OP link, that's not a factor. It seems no one here is interested in reading/learning, and simply regurgitating their preconceived notions of eugenics.

This is nonsense and shows a complete lack of knowledge of socioeconomics and the impacts of social safety nets.

Discussion with people like you is completely useless. You ignored all the cited material and instead just regurgitated your preconceived notions without any citations.

This is complete ignorance and disinformation. They "get like that" because they are healthy and have a natural drive for fitness that unhealthy people lack.

More uncited disinformation that was already disproven and can be even more so with a simple web search.

More ignorance. Go read "Nutrition and physical degeneration". Teeth problems, and most other physical ailments are due to junk diets and gut dysbiosis.

Your entire ethos is based on misinformation. Misinformation that is debunked in the article linked in the OP.

And that clearly unhealthy person in your image is likely so from epigenetic factors, such as health and diet of the mother and child.

Many of your citations are irrelevant and misleading. Additionally, there is more evidence for the opposite position. I cited some previously and can get more.

Your last paragraph is pure misinformation and misunderstanding of the evidence.

More misinformation that stems from a lack of understanding of human healthy and development, epigenetics, the gut microbiome, etc.. All of which could be easily remedied by simply reading the information provided previously.


Wrong. See the 2nd link in the OP.

This forum disgusts me. A bunch of close-minded people wallowing in their ignorance and adverse to reading/learning.

The blatant focus on "genetics only" is why eugenics failed in the first place. If you guys want to bring back eugenics you're going to have to learn what it is, why it failed, and how best to implement it currently. You can do this by reading the links in the OP and 2nd comment.

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Gas yourself

Eugenics can be positive. Instead of eliminating degenerates, you could selectively breed geniuses. Look what we did to fucking dogs. Lets go ahead and be specialized aliens. 50 years, tops.


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Graphs etc.

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