Ruth B. Ginsberg is dead. NOT A DRILL!!

Looks like she's really dead!
Fox did not post this too soon.
there is a cover up.
This hit Half Chan Zig Forums and a serious flood started trying to slide it off the board.
I thought I'd share with you guys, because this is getting buried.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-29 Death Records Search - SearchQuarry com.png (620x348 13.27 KB, 26.61K)

Other urls found in this thread:




shit forgot my pic

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Nigger beat me to it.

Probably. She had a husband named Martin, who was a year older than herself.
How many 85 year old Ruth Ginsburgs with 86 year old husbands name Martian (dead) are there in Washington D.C?

Yeah, 4chan is unreadable now. Its absolutly infested.


Attached: john mccain is dead!.webm (344x180, 1.17M)

The sliders started as soon as an user dropped the red pill.

she's voting 'absentee' from the other side. You got a problem with that; you despicable, deplorable goyim?
Link to 4chan Zig Forums thread.
It won't be long before it's gone.



That cunt can rot.

Just checked half-chan, looks like theres a bunch of beastiality/horse fucking videos flooding the catalog right now.

Fucking hottie. Whew!

Go back there and never return. You're worse than the fags that fell for masterchan and endchan.

I keep going back, like a man sifting through the rubble of his burnt out home looking for something, amything salvagable. Still not quite having come to terms with the reality of it.

Yeah. Click on the link I gave to the thread. Janies can't stop the flood but the already pruned the second thread on dead RBG.

No thanks.

Gonna go to bed /comfy/ knowing I'll wake up tomorrow to the chaos that is RBG's death going public.

You can pick up on the happening by looking at the death record search…
Names, ages and place fit.
The death report shows a multimillion dollar house.
Too much fits. Could be a long shot, but not fucking likely.

it's a hoax.

He died at the age of 78, yet that link says that he's 86

He would be 86 now, turning to 87 in June.
The birth-date of the husband fits.


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It could be a fantastic coincidence.

Whats this from?


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Wrong number on that card. Quit changing the cards you faggot.

Fuck off nigger.

Attached: Hey Kid.png (599x842, 131.19K)

its lined to the pdf faggot

Attached: tombstone.PNG (1297x825, 84.33K)

If I am a nigger, you're the shit I just flushed.


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Feck off mate.

If "that happening" actually does happen are we going to be looked at like some sort of fucking revolutionaries remembered for the rest of time as the saviors of the white race and revealers of the truth hidden by the jewish banking cartles media lies and bringing fourth a new age of ethno nationalism and even national socialism even though litterally all we did was shit post anti semetic memes to one and other on the internet wall downing enough cafine to kill a small horse and jacking it to hentai?
because if thats the case
this is one fucking weird time line

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Did the DS really think pulling the trigger on Stone would have no repercussions?

Judge Judy next.

Attached: dun no de wey.gif (360x170, 1.7M)

How many 85 year old Ruth Bader Ginsburgs that were married to what would now be an86 year old Martin Ginsburg that live in multimillion dollar homes are there in Washington D.C?
I think she's dead. Obvious cover up. I don't think Fox news posted her death announcement too soon, I think they weren't supposed to post it at all.

Attached: 44646.png (562x825, 180.7K)

I wonder who could be behind this post?

If singles, she's alive.

gonna reroll for you faggot.
dubs the kike is dead.

I've been trying to think of what that would be. All kikes being tortured to death? The pedo kikes being kept alive for decades of torture? Honestly that might be borderline for me.

But after what they've done to my people they'd deserve it.

Attached: DMsJLokXkAE2tEj.jpg (1599x900, 231.24K)

yes. it all fits. It's her. She's dead and there's a cover up.

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The obvious question is why would Fox News have made this graphic in the first place?

Rolling for singles doesn't count, faggot.

It is fairly certain that she was going to die this year, Certain enough to make a graphic.
Or they made it because they knew she was dead and (((TPTB))) told them to retract it.

What is to stop them from replacing her with a body double?

They apologized and claimed it was an "accident"

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feels good man

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I saw a newspaper ad for a body double with her description, can't remember where.

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You are literally a nigger

Can you request her death certificate?


Her husband died at 78. Fake and gay.

reddit spacing


Her husband's death wasn't cross registered. Her husband was still alive according to the DC district court's database.

Attached: 0e8.png (923x713, 16.36K)

Get out.


Her next of kin paperwork was 7 years out of date, or fake and gay. Not both, not neither.

Okay, buddy.

You should apply, they'll pay for the liposuction.

death is 13


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Let it be so.

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People will understand the nature of the kike. Even some lefties kvetch over Israel.

Networks premake art like this for VIPs so they have something to roll if news breaks. There are probably hundreds of premade eulogy reels per network.

So, question. What's to stop a body double from pretending to be RBG? I'm not asking that hypothetically; I mean that very literally. What exact measures would be in place to ensure that, if she were to make a public appearance/attend court/etc, how would one absolutely verify her identity? We've gotta pre-emptively keep a watchful eye on all those sources, should they wish to have a "miraculous" recovery for her until 2020 (or 2024, or whenever dems think they'll win presidency)

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I wonder which mad cunt pressed the button though?

Man, shriveled up prunes are fairly unique. How many nursing homes do you think they could raid?

Until this thread reaches 300 replies…
Trips outrank dubs, quads outrank trips, etc. with post ending in 1488 not being outrankable.

Rolling for Pope Francis…

Significant amounts of makeup is readily available to the extreme wealthy. I don't doubt for a second that there are people who would be able to make a very convincing body double. The question is, what measures would they need to circumvent should such a body double be used? I mean, they'd only be able to keep the charade up for so long for a sitting Supreme Court Justice.

Pelosi roll

maybe fox news was trying to make memes a reality.

Well there's a training period, come on.

don't forget plastic surgery
then there's the likeliness that these cunts have cloning technology

rolling for killing all blackpills

No. Nancy Pelosi next.

He looks pretty healthy for a pope. You have better luck rolling for Hillary Clinton

That doesn't work how you might think. Unless they made a clone a good 50+ years back of RBG, it's unlikely they'd be able to pass as her anyway.


Joe Biden gets his dick stuck in a small asian child and dies of heart attack

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We now have confirmation that she won’t be at the State of the Union address on Feb 5th.

Shit is getting real. We need to force Trump to mention her absence during his speech.

Attached: A3B2305C-278B-4515-87B5-6C3095E99ECC.jpeg (210x240, 23K)

Someone must pay to get the full report at this website. Who will help us out here

Full reports include:
Full Name & Aliases
Detailed County Records
Detailed State Records
Detailed Federal Records
Dates of Birth & Death
Birth & Death Location

Dates of Marriage & Divorce
Marriage & Divorce Location
Civil Dispute Details
Current Address
Current Phone Numbers

it's already been done and I didn't do it.


I want to see supreme court justices take seating assignments seriously. It's their fucking job.

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it's true. i saw ruth bader ginsberg throw superman into the sun. she's totally okay now.

Vladimir Putin, or at least the Lubavichers retire the CGI character playing Putin.

Propriety Value and Sales History at page 10 and 11 are intresting.