ITT talk about PERSONAL experiences where Jews that you actually met in person fucked you over in some way. It doesn't have to be a huge crime, minor annoyances are ok. Passive aggressive rumor spreading that didn't amount to much in the long run is a-ok. Though try to keep it interesting.
1) Had to happen to you personally or to someone within 1 degree of you. So, some Jew Jewing over your dad's business would count. A story you heard about your great uncle in 1920 who you never met doesn't. You need to have gotten the story from a primary source or experienced it yourself.
2) You (or your father etc) has to have known the Jew personally and interacted with them. The Jew scammed him in a business deal where they met face to face is good. The Jew owned bank foreclosed on you, but you never met the Jew owner doesn't. We know Jews ran the slave trade, run the banks, run the pornography industry, sacrifice children to Moloch, probably run pedo-rings today and cause any number of other society-wide problems. We aren't looking for stats we already know, we are looking for the real human stories of betrayal and Judaism.
I'll start. So my family is from a pretty rural area in Missouri. When my mother's generation was growing up between approximately the mid 50s to early 70s, there were some phrases used which would be considered very un-pc today. For example, blacks were just called niggers. Not as an insult or anything derogatory, that was just the word used for black then in that area. It was basically a hold-over from 100 years previously and was much like how its used by Mark Twain in Huckleberry finn. Which makes sense, since he was also from Missouri. IIRC, there was exactly 1 token black guy in the whole town and he was known to everyone as nigger Jim. Again, nobody hated him or was trying to be mean to him. That was just how it was. Well, another phrase like that they would use is instead of saying "haggle" as in "haggle him down" they would say "Jew him down" when you wanted to convince a seller to give you a better price for something. Now, I am not sure, but I highly doubt there were many, if any, actual Jews in this town. It was just an old slang that I guess everyone used to use back in the day. Ahh, there is a reason people yearn for the past.
my real name is elon musk, write that down yeah yeah
Jaxson Cook
Anyway, when I was around 8 years old it was not long before the fourth of July. There were all sorts of state laws against normal people selling fireworks, so if you wanted anything good you had to go to the Indian reservation which didn't have to follow said laws and buy whatever you wanted. We no longer lived in Missouri at this point, if that matters. Well, we get to the stand and my mom says I should go up and try to Jew him down on some fireworks. I guess that I was a kid might be helpful with respect to this. I didn't know what she meant, so she explained Jew meant to convince him to lower the price. Of course, my 8 year old self didn't know about, much less make the connection with this use of the word and the ethnic group Jews. "Jew" was just another word for haggle with no implications at all to me personally. It was filed away and never thought of again.
Fast forward several years, my family has moved yet again to libtard Connecticut and I am in 7th or 8th grade. I forget which, but I had the same teacher, Mr. Newman as well as some others both years. Well, Mr. Newman taught math and somehow the concept of haggling came up. He described what it was, and for the first time in years I remembered my experience with fireworks. So autisticly, without thinking, I said "Oh you mean to jew someone down." Immediately the resident thot of the grade gasped dramatically (everyone thought she was hot, but in retrospect she was a butterface who was only "hot" because she was the first girl to start getting tits) while there was dead silence from everyone else. It was only in this moment that I put two and two together and realized "jew" and "jew" weren't simply homonyms, but directly derived one from another (in retrospect for completely legitimate reasons). Well, talk about social awkwardness.
I later found out from a classmate that old Mr. Newman was Jewish, of fucking course. Lol, its funny now but I had swallowed the cool-aid propaganda in school and believed all the bullshit about Jews being angels. Which was of course much more in-depth in Connectictojews.* For years I would occasionally think back to this situation and have brief anxiety attacks. I really thought I was super-wrong, especially since all the NPCs were soooo ostracizing over it. Not that I was very popular anyway, but ya that didn't help. The anti-semite in the school of npcs. I wasn't even anti-semetic then like I am now. So at the time it wasn't even that fair. It genuinely was an autistic fuck up.
Well, now we get to how the Jew got me as a result of this situation. Being somewhat autistic, I was of course actually very good in math. And I got an A on pretty much every quiz and test in the class. At the end of the year, you could try to get into the "advanced math" for the next year. Which I wanted to do. But Mr. Newman remembered that I used "Jew" as a synonym for haggling, so he also remembered "Jewing" is a synonym for screwing someone over (especially for petty reasons). So he of course would not recommend me for the advanced course despite being the top student. Neither he, nor anyone else, ever bothered to fucking ask me how this autistic moment came to be. Maybe some mutual understanding and closure could have occurred. Instead, it was just one more moment of (in this case unjustified) teenage embarrassment.
Uncle Shlomo perturbed me into providing my shekels to him in a manner in which I cannot say. It was most disturbing to me and I must expose him for the crimes in which xe has committed. I feel that xe should pay for xer crimes. This is my purpose in life.
I'm circumcised, but I don't think the bastard that did it was even Jewish, not that I'd know.
It makes me angry every day, but I've finally started tugging to try to get back some of what was wrongfully taken from me. This hatred gives me one of many reasons to stay alive.