Freemasonry in Nazi Germany

>TLDR: nationalistic freemasonry was allowed (look at how esoteric the Vril Society was, for example), (((progressive))) masonry was banned

One of the more twisted myths being propagated by ’Regular’ Anglo-American Freemasonry of late is that the Nazi’s persecuted ’regular’ Freemasonry in Germany during it’s reign.

’Regular’ Freemasonry plays the recognition game if it wants to deny that a particular infamous individual was a Freemason. Usually this is carried out in regard to Grand Orient Freemasons, which it does not recognize as being legitimate Masons because it has it’s own operation called ’Grand Lodges’ set up in their countries, France being the largest instance.

In Germany at the time the Nazi’s came to power (with the aid of numerous Freemason High Financiers like Henry Ford) there existed nine Grand Lodges and Orients.

Three Grand Lodges were were known as ’Old Prussian Grand Lodges’, which were large, well organized, and contained the bulk of all Freemasons in Germany. Six were called ’Modern Grand Lodges’, which were small, isolated, with only a few thousand members each.

One of the groupings had always banned Jews from joining and was fiercely nationalistic and reactionary in it’s politics. One of the groupings had always allowed Jews to join and was international and liberal in it’s politics.

It was the ’Old Prussian Grand Lodges’, which contained the High Command Officers, Industrialists, and Royal Houses who had always banned Jews from joining and which was fiercely nationalistic and reactionary in it’s politics that the American and British Grand Lodges recognized as being ’regular’. The ’Moderns’, the ones that allowed Jews to join? ’Regular’ Freemasonry said they were ’irregular’ and ’clandestine’. In other words they did not recognize the Grand Lodges that allowed Jews to join as being Freemasons or Freemasonry what so ever. ’Regular’ Freemasonry is trying to hoodwink their recognition of the anti-semitic National Grand Lodges and their non recognition of the non anti-semitic International Grand Lodges.

The Nazi’s shut down the ’Modern’ Grand Lodges whose membership was heavily jewish, liberal, and ’international’, but allowed the ’national’ Old Prussian Grand Lodges to carry on after their Grand Master’s sent formal written oaths of allegiance to ’Mein Furher’, changed their name to ’The Frederick the Great Association’ (Frederick the Great being German ’Regular’ Freemasonry’s founder and principal patron.), and removed any obvious Hebraic wording from it’s rituals. When the war was over ’regular’ Freemasonry operating under the guise of ’The Frederick the Great Association’ changed their name back to what it was before Crystal Nacht. You won’t see any of this mentioned on any of those ’Is it true what they say about Freemasonry?’ or ’Difficult Questions about Freemasonry’ web sites that ’regular’ Freemasonry has mirrored all over the net.

The Scottish Rite had its beginning in France, when in 1754, the Chevalier de Bonneville established in Paris, a chapter of twenty-five so-called High Degrees which, including the three symbolic Degrees, these High Degrees were called the Rite of Perfection. In 1758 these Degrees were taken to Berlin and placed under a body called the Council of Emperors of the East and West, and in 1762 Frederick the Great of Prussia became the head of the Rite and promulgated what is known as the Constitution of 1762. In 1786 a reorganization took place in which eight Degrees were added to the twenty-five, and the name changed to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. By this Constitution, Frederick resigned his authority as Grand Commander and provided that the government of the new system of Degrees should rest with a Council of each Nation, to be composed of nine Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Thirty-Third and last Degree of Freemasonry.

There was absolutely no persecution of ’regular’ Freemasonry in Germany. How could there have been? The Old Prussian ’regular’ National Grand Lodges were filled with Officers of the High Command, Captains of Industry, Commerce, Finance, Leading Citizens, and Royalty, most of whom were loyal Nazi Party members themselves. The very men who brought Hitler to power. All with the knowledge of American and British ’regular’ Grand Lodge Freemasonry and it’s hereditary pro-nazi Grand Master the Duke of Kent.

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Other urls found in this thread: Lyceum Freemasonry under the Nazis.pdf

The Dukes of Kent

The Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, the Most Worshipful, His Royal Highness, Prince Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick 33°, Duke of Kent, Knight of the Garter, Field Marshall, GCMC, GCVO, ADC, Hereditary Grand Master of Anglo-American Freemasonry.

The previous Duke of Kent - George Edward Alexander Edmund was installed as Grand Master by King George VI in 1939.

He died three years later in 1942 in a mysterious plane crash in Scotland, six months after it was alleged he and the Duke of Hamilton had kept a moonlight appointment with Reich Fuerher Rudolf Hess on the Caledonian Moor.

Historians tell us that the late Grand Master was Pro Nazi and travelled the Fatherland in order to better educate the King about National Socialism, so as to allow the Empire to "come to an understanding" with The New World Order, European Occultist’s latest ’Great Work’.

Go figure.

Worshiped by P2 Masonic Lodge Grand Master Licio Gelli as well as a host of other Freemasons such as Juan Peron and Thule "Society" founder Baron von Sebbetendorf.

Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council 33rd Degree, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, the Mother Supreme Council of the World.

Ku Klux Klan Founder and Chief Judicial Officer (the KKK’s intelligence and enforcement arm). Arkansas Grand Wizard.

Convicted War Criminal for numerous massacres during his Confederate Generalship of the Knights of the Golden Circle Slave Owning Oklahoma Territory Cherokee Indians during the U.S. Civil War.

British Agent. Fled to Canada but pardoned after Pikes hand picked Scottish Rite successor made President Andrew Jackson a Scottish Rite Mason on site inside the White House.

Co-conspirator of European and Italian Revolutionary, Grand Orient Grand Master, and Mafia founder Guiseppi Mazzini.

Poet and author of numerous treatises on Freemasonry including the seminal Morals and Dogma.

Called by noted Masonic Authors the Plato of Freemasonry and the Masonic Pope. Expounded and wrote extensively about the Mythical and Mystical Lost Tribe of the Aryans as being the source of Freemasonry.

The city is in turmoil. The Kaiser’s republic has collapsed with the defeat of Germany in the First World War, and the whole country is up for grabs. It appears as if Germany is about to fall apart into the warring city-states from which it had been assembled nearly fifty years ago. The victorious Allies are demanding enormous concessions from Germany. The Russian Revolution has been in full swing for a year, and German soldiers returning from the front are being cajoled into helping midwife the same type of Communist regime amid the ashes of the Second Reich

Kurt Eisner–an intellectual and a Jew, a defender of the League of Nations–takes the initiative and proclaims a Socialist Republic in Munich on the seventh of November, 1918. It looks as if there is going to be a Communist regime in Germany– or, at least, a Socialist one in Bavaria–after all. Hysteria grows among the nationalists, and with it despair that their nation is on the verge of realizing the dreams of Marx and Engels as codified in their famous Manifesto. Germans are bewildered, shocked… stunned into a kind of nervous stupefaction. They have lost the war, their country may be broken up once again into many separate bickering pieces, and there will soon be Communists calling the shots in Berlin and in the capitol of Bavaria: Munich

Within forty-eight hours there is a meeting of the Thule Gesselshaft. The Thule, a mystical society based in part on the theosophical writings of Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels–which is to say, an amalgam of Eastern religion, theosophy, anti-semitism, Grail romance, Runic mystification, and Nordic paganism–meets every Saturday in spacious rooms at the elegant Four Seasons Hotel in Munich.

There are roughly 250 members of the Thule in Munich… and over fifteen hundred in Bavaria. On that day, November 9, a bizarre individual, an occultist, an initiate of the Eastern mysteries in Turkey as well as of Freemasonry, and the leader and founder of the Thule–the self-styled Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff–makes an impassioned plea to the assembled cultists for armed resistance to the Reds. This plea eventually degenerates into a monologue on runes, German racial theory, Nordic mythology, and other arcane lore. No matter. Most of his listeners know what to expect.

They are, in fact, members of the supersecret, superracist, and superoccult "German Order Walvater of the Holy Grail," or Germanenorden, which is using the name Thule Gesellshaft–or Thule Society, a "literary-cultural society"–as a cover to confuse Munich’s fledgling Red Army, which is on the lookout for right-wing extremists. Sebotendorff himself is Master of the anti-Semitic Germanenorden’s Bavarian division under its leader and founder, Hermann Pohl.

The Thule cultists–whose symbol is a long dagger superimposed on a swastika–need no encouragement. They begin stockpiling weapons in secret supply dumps in and around Munich, anticipating a counterstrike against the new Socialist Republic. They make alliances with other nationalist groups, such as the Pan-Germans under editor Julius Lehmann, the German School Bund, the Hammerbund… and an organized resistance movement is born.

All the mystical and clandestine labors of the past twenty years involving a series of secret occult organizations with elaborate initiation ceremonies and complex magical rituals, from the List Society’s inner HAO (Higher Armanen Order) to the Order of the New Templars, will soon culminate in a pitched battle in the streets of Munich between the neo-pagan Thule Society and the "godless Communists".

The idealistic but hapless Kurt Eisner–who preceded political speeches with symphonic concerts – is assassinated by a young count and would-be Thulist. The police descend upon Thule headquarters, looking for inflammatory leaflets and other evidence of Thule Society involvement in the plot. Was the notoriously anti-Semitic Thule Society somehow responsible for Eisner’s assasination? Sebotendorff stonewalls, and threatens to instigate a pogrom if the police don’t leave the Thule Society alone. The police comply.

A rebel Bavarian Soviet Republic is proclaimed in Munich as the legitimate minister-president of Bavaria flees north with his council to the town of Bamburg to prevent the Communists from taking over the government. The Thule organizes among the anti-Communist factions in Munich and Sebottendorff begins conspiring with the "exiled" Bavarian government in Bamberg for a counterrevolt.

Sebotendorff is away at Bamburg, busy organizing a Freikorps (Free Corps) assault on Communist headquarters, when a Red Army unit raids Thule Society offices and arrests it’s secretary, the Grafin Hella von Westarp, and seizes the Thule membership lists. Six more Thulists are arrested at their homes, including the Prince von Thurn und Taxis, a well-connected aristocrat with blood relations among the crowned heads of Europe.

Walpurgisnacht. The High Holy Day of European Paganism and Witchcraft. The Red Army executes the captured Thulists and other hostages, shooting them against a wall in a courtyard of Luitpold High School. It is probably the worst mistake they could have made.

The next day, an obituary appears in Sebottendorff’s Munchener Beobachter–a newspaper which a year later become the official Nazi propaganda sheet, the Volkishcer Beobachter [under Alfred Rosenberg]–giving the names of the seven murdered cultists and laying the blame on the doorstep of the Red Army. The citizens of Munich are finally outraged, shaken out of their lethargy. Thulists continue their well-organized campaign of agit-prop against the Communist regime. The people take to the streets.

The Free Corps–twenty thousand strong–marches on Munich under the command of General von Oven. For the first time in history, storm troopers–members of the Ehrhardt Free Corps Brigade–march beneath a swastika flag with swastikas painted on their helmets, singing a swastika hymn. As they enter the city, they find that the Thule has managed to organize a full-scale citizen rebellion against the Soviet government. They join forces.

When the dust settles on May 3, the Communists have been defeated in Munich, politically and militarily. Hundreds of people, including many innocent civilians, have been senselessly slaughtered in their streets and homes by the crusading "Whites" with the swastika banners. But there will be no Socialist or Communist government in Germany until after World War II, over twenty-five years later, and even then it will rule over half of the country and will take its orders from Germany’s most despised enemy, the Soviet Union.

But now, so soon after the victorious march of the Freikorps through the streets of Munich, the threat of a Soviet regime in the rest of Germany is still very real. Units of the navy are in mutiny, raising the red flag over Germany’s battleships. France will march into the Ruhr Valley, Germany’s industrial heartland. But the spectacular success of the Freikorps has aroused the admiration of anti-Bolshevik forces all across Europe. In Riga, the newly formed Latvian Republic begs for Freikorps assistance to defend their country against the Bolsheviks and even the British support it’s decision. Hence, Freikorps units move to the defense of Latvia until the British themselves have to intervene to free Latvia from the death grip of these rabid proto-Nazi brigands.

Freemasonry was outlawed under NSDAP which is why you kikes declared war on the nation

Even Germany’s own right wing is divided into two camps: those in favor of restoring the monarchy and seperating Bavaria from the rest of Germany, and those in favor of a unified Greater German Reich, without a monarch but with a leader, a leader with vision. A German messiah. A Fuhrer. Where is that Fuhrer to be found?

Unwittingly, the Thule Gesselschaft provides the answer. Meeting in the expensive Four Seasons Hotel, the leading industrialists and aristocracy of the city, along with a generous helping of local police and military officials, are designing a two-pronged strategy of political activism. The Thule Society will do the organizing, will make the right connections among the society figures, the wealthy capitalists, the intelligentsia. They will stockpile weapons. They will organize units of the Free Corps, particularly the Ehrhard Brigade (which will become an official unit of Germany’s navy as the Ehrhardt Naval Brigade and, eventually, subsumed into Himmler’s SS) and the Freikorps Oberland.

But another arm of the Thule has already begun recruiting– not among Munich’s "beautiful people", the rich and the powerful– but among the working people, the lower and middle-class citizens who have been hit hardest by the civil wars, the enormous rates of inflation, the chaos and confusion.

There will be no overt involvement of the Thule Society in this group, which is to be called instead the German Workers Party and which will be led by a serious, humorless, railroad employee and locksmith named Anton Drexler. They will meet in a beer hall. Perhaps between the two groups–the Thule with its academics, nobles, and factory owners meeting at the Four Seasons, and the German Workers Party with its rought-and-tumble factory workers meeting in beer halls-they will be able to form a united front against Communism, "international" Freemasonry, and world Jewry.

It is one of the more recurring facts of the occult secret societies of their habit of superficially turning on their own current public petina’s when they sense opportunity presented by political wind blowing in a new direction, then simply resurfacing under a new nom-de-plume when the advantage of the situation has been taken. In order to detect and understand this it is necessary to have some background on the core theology of this occult battle.

The essence of it is this, which we hope to expand on in the future: that "God" of the Bible - Jehova or Yahwah (YHWH) is not god but the jealous and vengeful Satan, and that Samael (Satan) is the real God of Light who is endevouring to "Free" man into "Liberty" from the yoke of Jehova who wants to keep us in ignorance. Hence the Serpent (or Dragon as they prefer to refer to him as) is the "God" of Wisdom.

This theology is always consistent, please refer to the belief system of the Gnostics, Mandeans, Goths, "St. John" Christians et all. You will also find this completely agrees with the writing’s of the Freemason’s if you pursue some of the treatises of their more well known authors, as well as of course the accusations made against the Knights Templar. The Occult Religion of the Nazi’s is entirely consistent with this. The objective is destroying the "yoke" of Jehova and as the biggest advocate of Jehova is the "Jews" then that is why they are singled out for "special" treatment.

Of course there has been some Jewish Sects who have incorporated elements of this heresy in their secret doctrines, such as the early Judeo-Gnostics and probably the infamous Benjamites. It is a very tangled tale but the important point to always remember is that the objective is not ascendancy of whatever current public organizational device they are using but the ascendancy of the idea; the idea that Samael is the God of Light, Liberty and Wisdom, while Jehova is the God of Darkness, Tyranny and Ignorance.]

Within a year, this project of the Thule Gesellschaft will become the NSDAP: the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. The Nazi Party. It will sport a swastika flag and a corporal who had been sent by the German Army to spy on the organization: Adolph Hitler.

And by November, 1923, the tiny German Workers Party will have grown to enormous proportions with many thousands of members, and will attempt to take over the country in the famous Beer Hall Putsch. The Putsch will fail, but Adolph Hitler the Fuhrer will be born–not in a manger like the Son of God he often believed himself to be–but in a jail cell at Landsberg Prison.

What was the Thule Gesselschaft?

What were cultists doing fighting Communists in the streets of Munich?

What did they believe?

How did it influence the Nazi Party?

Nazi Party founders

The Thule Society (Thule Gesselschaft), the real inspiration of Nazism, was founded in August, 1919, in Munich, as an off-shot itself of the Germanen Order, under the initiative of a strange character named Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf.

Among its most important members were also Max Amann, Anton Drexler, Dietrich Eckart, Hans Frank, Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, Gottfried Feder, and others who later became Nazi leaders. Adolph Hitler belonged to the Society as an "associate" or "visiting brother."

The emblem of the Thule Society depicts a German dagger over a sinistroverse swastika of curved legs inscribed in a circle.

The Thule Gesellschaft was a front for a whole web of secret societies which had similar racist and anti-Semitic occultist roots. Among the members of these groups were influential people, like the political theorist Gottfried Feder, whose Hammer Union furnished cadres to the future Nazi Party.

In this circle of initiates was also Hans Frank, a lawyer member of the Nazi party and future governor-general of Poland, who at that time was involved with a society for heraldic and genealogical research, headed by Dr. W. Daumenlang. Daumenlang was infatuated by his discovery of a swastika in the coat of arms of the Hohenzollern.

The initiative for the creation of the Thule Gesselschaft came from Baron von Sebbotendorf, head of the Bavarian branch of the Germanen Order. In the name of the Thule Gessellschaft Sebottendorf bought the newspaper Völkischer Beobachter –which later became the official Nazi Party journal. Dietrich Eckart, for many years Hitler’s mentor, provided the money for the purchase.

Sebetendorf was a Freemason.

The Swastika is a powerful magical symbol still used in High Masonic Degrees today. It is the Ancient "Furthore" Rune Script for the letter "G", the most important and universal symbol in Freemasonry.

It was to replace the Cross in the post christian pagan religion of the Nazi’s Occult New World Order.

All lies.

Instead of OP's disinfo spam, read this

Attached: SS Book - Freemasonry.jpg (376x571, 62.29K)

forgot sage

no one is saying freemasonry is natsoc, however the idea that freemasons were persecuted in germany during the hitler government is counter factual.

A thread shilling for feminism and trying to sell Orwellian nanny state as "Aryan" failed.

Quick, make the "Nazis were Freemasons" one! Make goyim either embrace (((Freemasonry))) or reject National-Socialism, cause as much cognitive dissonance as possible.

This thread was brought to you by Tavistock Institute (TM) Don't forget to bin all your forks and knives and pay for your TV loicence.

All Freemasonry is based on Talmudic and Kabbalistic bullcrap. Even if it wasn't the main issue is simply that it is deceptive, manipulative and tyrannical; and whilst you might say that it can be good if its in our favour, if it is against us then we have no ability to oppose it; and you can be certain that our enemies would seek to worm their way into it and rule us from a position that cannot be retaliated against. There is no need for anything to be hidden from the masses; rather the masses should be educated and encouraged to be interested in what is going on around them. The only reason why democracy was/is good, is because it limits what any one power can do and keeps them in the limelight so that they cannot deceptively work against us or manipulate us into immoral actions. What we have today of course is not democracy, it is an elective oligarchy where due to technological advances the 'media', itself essentially (and probably literally) a freemason group; are able to manipulate public opinion, which invalidates the whole point of democracy (where at the best of times historically you could have had myriad proponents of conflicting ideologies preaching at speaker's corner; today the media get to select which one you hear, and if they do give coverage of the others they can tarnish them in any way they desire).

The real solution is the abolition of the mainstream media and the promotion of direct-democracy coupled with non-biased alternative media platforms in the vein of youtube where advocates of any and every belief system can speak freely and inform you on your voting options. It should be enshrined in a constitution that anything and everything can be said on this platform and that any censorship or veiling of specific views would be a crime punishable by death. Our main problem today is that we have not bothered to modernise our political systems to work with new technologies.

That wasn't the only reason. Cmon man.

Yet another jew spewing the same old rehashed rhetoric about how "Nazis" were this and that.
You need only read their literature, listen to their speeches and observe their actions to know you are full of shit OP. Go fuck yourself and all iterations of satanic jewry.

read this newfags

these guys get it.
Op either you are a shill trying to slide something (IMO it's the RBG news that she's out of commission, and they want to play like shes alive and well) or you are confusing (((masonry))) with all esotericism.

Start by listing your source (this is all obviously taken from a single book).

You seem to misunderstand the game that is being played. Maybe you are pretending, but maybe you are just too stupid.

Just remember to reject Saturn (= Satan) in every way, shape or form.

Praise Poseidon.
Praise Enki.
Praise Neptune.

Attached: uccello-saint-georges-terrassant-le-dragon-v-1456.jpg (651x511 284.68 KB, 219.22K)

Well said. Although I would say that we're a few epochs away from direct democracy being workable.




OP is gay jew nigger

The jids are quite bussy spamming us with their usual shizo disinfo.

Another indicator that masons are just the tools of the jews is how they are dragged around in the mud by the kikes.


This thread is bullshit.

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citation needed you nigger

citation needed

knowledge pertaining to the ARYANS.

nothing to do with them intentionally destroying and subverting civilizations, I'm sure

no it isn't. g/gebo is an X, not a swastika.

>Quick, make the "Nazis were Freemasons" one! Make goyim either embrace (((Freemasonry))) or reject National-Socialism, cause as much cognitive dissonance as possible.
this thread has almost all truth in it, but it's simply mixing in a lot of disinformation. gnostic autism, or perhaps an anti-racist, pro-jew christcuck website is probably the sauce.

checked, but no, almost the entire thread is true. read up on these societies yourself. what's bullshit is the "everything is masonry" claims

Attached: guido von list the construction of the runes.jpg (400x453, 46.44K)

The Prussian Lodges were shut down in 1935.

meet Hermann Goering. Lyceum Freemasonry under the Nazis.pdf

no goiym you're interfering with my slide thread!

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Ok, kike.

Ok hasabara shill. theres no arguement to be made its already been established that (((freemasonry) is kiked and it got the fate it deserved in germany.

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Low IQ faggots like you need to go back to reddit.

Is this Freemasons begging to keep operations going after word got out that everybody that can't stand them now technically lords over them?

christcuck retard detected

I'll just leave this hear. Sorry for the formatting but deal w/it.

The Serpent became the type and symbol of evil, and of the Devil,
only during the middle ages. The early Christians — besides the Ophite
Gnostics — had their dual Logos : the Good and the Bad Serpent, the
Agathodæmon and the Kakodæmon. This is demonstrated by the
writings of Marcus, Valentinus, and many others, and especially in
Pistis Sophia — certainly a document of the earliest centuries of
Christianity. On the marble sarcophagus of a tomb, discovered in
1852 near the Porta Pia, one sees the scene of the adoration of the
Magi, “ or else,” remarks the late C. W. King in “ The Gnostics,” “ the
prototype of that scene, the ‘ Birth of the New Sun.’ ” The mosaic
floor exhibited a curious design which might have represented either
( a ) Isis suckling the babe Harpocrates, or ( b ) the Madonna nursing
the infant Jesus. In the smaller sarcophagi that surrounded the
larger one, eleven leaden plates rolled like scrolls were found, three of
which have been deciphered. The contents of these ought to be
regarded as final proof of a much-vexed question, for they show that
either the early Christians, up to the V Ith Century, were bonâ fide
pagans, or that dogmatic Christianity was borrowed wholesale, and
passed in full into the Christian Church — Sun, Tree, Serpent, Crocodile
and all.

And this “ True and Perfect Serpent ” is the seven-lettered God who
is now credited with being Jehovah, and Jesus One with him. To this
Seven-vowelled god the candidate for initiation is sent by Christos, in
the Pistis Sophia, a work earlier than St. John’s Revelation, and evidently
of the same school. “ The (Serpent of the) Seven Thunders uttered
these seven vowels,” but “ Seal up those things which the seven
thunders uttered, and write them not,” says Revelation. “ Do ye seek
after these mysteries ? ” inquiries Jesus in Pistis Sophia. “ No mystery
is more excellent than they (the seven vowels) : for they shall bring your
souls unto the Light of Lights ” — i.e., true Wisdom. “ Nothing, there-
fore, is more excellent than the mysteries which ye seek after, saving
only the mystery of the Seven Vowels and their Forty and nine Powers, and
the numbers thereof.”

In India, it was the mystery of the Seven Fires and their forty-nine
fires or aspects, or “ the members thereof,” just the same.
These seven vowels are represented by the Swastika signs on the
crowns of the seven heads of the Serpent of Eternity, in India, among
esoteric Buddhists, in Egypt, in Chaldea, etc. etc., and among the Initiates
of every other country. It is on the Seven zones of post mortem ascent,
in the Hermetic writings, that the “ mortal ” leaves, on each, one of his
“ Souls ” (or Principles) ; until arrived on the plane above all zones he
remains as the great Formless Serpent of absolute wisdom — or the
Deity itself. The seven-headed serpent has more than one signification
in the Arcane teachings. It is the seven-headed Draco, each of whose
heads is a star of the Lesser Bear ; but it was also, and pre-eminently, the
Serpent of Darkness (i.e., inconceivable and incomprehensible) whose
seven heads were the seven Logoi, the reflections of the one and first
manifested Light — the universal Logos.

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Lol yeah the Romans definitely didn't identify (((YHWH))) with Saturn. No, no, it was totally that made up Satan guy.

this is sarcasm

Don’t bother with Kabbalist/Christian mythology, like the Nazis did with/without realising it (Samael is a fudge up of figures such as Prometheus and Poseidon and completely turns the truth around). It is completely and utterly botched. Realise that the archangels in Hebraic mythology are a bad representation of the antediluvian aliens that the Greeks and Romans describe much better with their much, much older pantheons.

You need to just lay off the comparative mythology, if you are going to loop everything into Semitic cults. Straining to EQUATE disparate peoples' gods with the jewish devil is itself deceitful, but I know you do it for the sole purpose of demonizing men you can't hold a candle to through guilt by association. Zionists disseminate these generalizations to crumble the barriers of spirit and break the occupied nations. The jews say we all have the same gods, because they presume we all come from a garden east of edin. This is nonsense, our ancestors made the gods. They are our children, therefore they will share some surface similarities as humans do, and as our ancestors mingled and conquered over tens of thousands of years, but they are distinct as the sequence of acids separating the races, and the spirits which drove some to victory and others to extinction.

Attached: you are liars and murderers like your father the devil.png (600x540, 143.52K)

Understanding where the symbolism came from is essential whether you're a christcuck or not. You should read the book I linked. Blavatsky does not try to push any religious system in particular in The Secret Doctrine. It is an objective analysis of the symbolism of many religions and including Tibetan Buddhism and the Egyptians. It goes much deeper than the Greeks and Romans.


It’s not fucking symbolism. It’s actual aliens mating with dumb as fuck monkeys.

lol fuck off kike the goyim know

If all this is true, why then did Adolf Hitler abolish all Freemason lodges in 1935?

You kikes ALWAYS reveal yourselves immediately, and you don't even know how. Sage.

Maybe OP jot his information here;

- Hannah Newman
’The Rainbow Swastika’

The Blavatsky symbol is also on that page, it's false information though they were shut down in 1935

what a cohencidence, JIDF doesn't like anyone discussing (((Hitler's))) backers and B'nai Brith's masonic shabbos goyim!
because after playing both sides successfully up to Waterloo, WHY WOULD YOU EVER STOP?

Forgot link

b-b-b-but GOY it's disinfo against (((our white savior of Europe Adolf!))) sage!

Tibetan Buddhism, as well as for example Hinduism, are quite knowledgeable, actually. Egyptian mythology is, like Hebrew mythology, a major fudge up. Amun-Ra, for example, supposedly is the head god of Egyptian mythology, but is in reality the synthesis of Amun (= Saturn) and Ra (= Jupiter).


Daily reminder, Hitler was a Freemason

All of the butthurt Nazi LARPers in here won't admin that their precious Fuhrer was surrounded by madmen occultists and was, in fact, himself one. Nazi Germany was subverted by High Jews long before Low Jews were sacrificed and exemplified as martyrs int the myth of Holocaust.

From Mein Kampf:

Only with the entrance of the Jew did that feeling of estrangement between employers and employees begin which led at a later date to the political class-struggle.

Finally, the Jew gained an increasing influence in all economic undertakings by means of his predominance on the Stock Exchange. He secured, if not the ownership, at least the control of the working capacity of the nation.

In order to strengthen his political position, he directed his efforts towards removing the barrier of racial and civic discrimination which had hitherto hindered his advance at every turn.

With characteristic tenacity he championed the cause of religious tolerance for this purpose, and in the Freemason organisation, which had fallen completely into his hands, he found a magnificent weapon which helped him to achieve his ends.

Government circles, as well as the higher sections of the political and commercial bourgeoisie, fell prey to his plans through his manipulation of the masonic net, though they themselves did not even suspect what was happening.

Only the people as such, or rather the masses which were just becoming conscious of their own power and were beginning to use it in the fight for their rights and liberties, had hitherto escaped the grip of the Jew.

At least, his influence had not yet penetrated to the deeper and wider sections of the people, This was unsatisfactory to him.

The most important phase of his policy was therefore to secure control over the people.

The Jew realised that in his efforts to reach the position of public despot he would need a ‘pacemaker,’ and he thought he could find a pace-maker if he could whip-in sufficiently large sections of the bourgeoisie, but the Freemasons failed to catch the glove-manufacturers and the linen-weavers in the frail meshes of their net, and so it became necessary to find a grosser and withal a more effective means.

Thus another weapon beside that of freemasonry had to be secured. This was the press. The Jew exercised all his skill and tenacity in getting hold of it.

By means of the press he began gradually to control public life in its entirety. He began to drive it along the road which he had chosen for the purpose of reaching his own ends, for he was now in a position to create and direct that force which, under the name of ‘public opinion’ is better known today than it was some decades ago.

Simultaneously, the Jew gave himself the air of thirsting after knowledge. He lauded every phase of progress, particularly those phases which led to the ruin of others, for he judges all progress and development from the standpoint of the advantages which these bring to his own people. When it brings him no such advantages, he is the deadly enemy of enlightenment and hates all culture which is real culture as such. All the knowledge which he acquires in the schools of others is exploited by him exclusively in the service of his own race.

He now guarded his Jewish ‘nationality’ more jealously than ever before. Though bubbling over with talk of ‘enlightenment,’ ‘progress,’ ‘liberty,’ ‘humanity,’ etc., his first care was to preserve the racial integrity of his own people.

From Mein Kampf:

The fight which Fascist Italy waged against Jewry’s three principal weapons, even if it be to a great extent subconscious (though I do not believe this myself), furnishes the best proof that the poison-fangs of that power which transcends all State boundaries are being drawn, even though in an indirect way.

The prohibition of freemasonry and secret societies, the suppression of the international press and the definite abolition of Marxism, together with the steadily increasing consolidation of the Fascist concept of the State—all this will enable the Italian Government, in the course of years, to advance more and more the interests of the Italian people without paying any attention to the hissing of the Jewish world-hydra.

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fake and gay
the SS manual on masonry contradicts all of this.

Germany doing esoteric research doesn't mean they were Masons.

> JIDF doesn't like anyone discussing (((Hitler's))) backers and B'nai Brith's masonic shabbos goyim!
Hitler was the real jew, everyone

>the Romans definitely didn't identify (((YHWH))) with Saturn
post the evidence that they did.

lmao this retarded faggot shit again?
the British/Rothschilds created Israel fucking years before Hitler was even a politician.

JIDFposting intensifies

is it miles mathis again?
is it icononigger?
is it asses and elbows?

stay tuned to find out!

Let's reread what I wrote:

Okay, Guy.

ID: fe9e67

This. Hitler was being controlled by the British Empire. Destroyed two of the major powers (Germany and Russia) that stood in the way of British hegemony. People get confused because Hitler loved to LARP about taking out the International Jew, killed off low-level Freemasons, etc.


A defensive Abrahamite getting pissy because his precious (((YHWH))) is a jewish demon of ritual child sacrifice? Who could have predicted that?!
Here's something to read, fag.
Anu-Yahweh: The True Devil
>In ancient times the same El [(((YHWH)))] of the western Semites was identified with Kronos
>This would explain why we find some vestiges of the practice of human sacrifice and ritual infanticide in the jehovitic cult in the texts of the primary history of the Hebrew Bible.
Miss your foreskin, Abrahamite?
>The main symbols of Saturn-Kronos were the scythe, the cross and the waning moon.
El/(((YHWH))), a Semitic demon, was based on mythology seeped in Lunar imagery. This is especially clear when observing the mudbeard Pisslamic worship of "Allah" - (((YHWH)))'s Arabic nom de plume
Saturn - God of Agriculture
Now go back to the anti-White shit hole you came from:
>>>Zig Forums

That's pretty weird given that the British Empire is no more and the British people are on the decline.

The parasite has no need of the host anymore.

The funny things about freemasonry is that the current generation has become so atomized the very idea of a social club is conspiratorial

Very good sources, my friend!

Or a much simpler explanation would be that all of those were commonplace in that day and age, and every nation and religion had contact with those practices. Guess which religion from that region didn't codify and practice those? No, pretty much actively rejected them and fought wars against nations that did embrace them?

And? Early Christianity didn't have the cross for its symbol. The cross was accepted later, once the whole Roman Empire and its pagan practices were Christianized.

Because Freemasonry is just a social club? Social clubs, especially secretive ones, are an early sign of social atomization and hyper-individualism to come.

Read and quit posting. I'm not discussing anything with a braindead (((YHWH))) nigger.

And go back to >>>Zig Forums before you're late for fellating some godly niggers.

You’re not from here faggot and fuck lucifer worshipping freemasonic degenerates

Might as well upload this book here. It's about how Hitler was financed and set up by the Eternal Anglo.


Actually Hitler's associates at the Thule Society figure out a way to use Egyptian mysteries against the kikes and their masonic goy pets.


Nazis are literally Morpheous and his gang and the poor goy is Neo.


It's group manipulation and gaslighting. Yes, gangstalking is real, and I have a stack of license plate numbers to prove it.

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>yesssss goyim Hitler was secretly put agent haha you didn’t know he was actually a jew? Hahaha face it goyim no matter what you do you cannot win, what you don’t realize we built the complete foundation for a pan european empire and then completely destroyed it, yess goyim anyone who defends you is (((secretly))) In on it just give up goyim
Stfu and get in the oven schlomo

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This hail the fuhrer

You should probably read at least the first post before commenting, dumbass.

No one cares. Masons are kikes. Sage.

checked. the source for all of this disinfo is undoubtedly some gnostic or christian or other form of (((autist)))
notice the frequent mentions of how "racist" and "anti-semitic" the nazis were, and the implications that kikes were poor scapegoated victims.

I don't give a shit about abrahmism, you retarded faggot
there isn't a single citation or primary sauce in your links indicating that Roman's commonly believed that Yahweh was Saturn.

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Aint that the truth, the most convoluted larping faggit fest anglo shit tier society and all there jumbled up symbology and pomp all in an attempt to withhold the technique of unleashing kundalini force to the populace, techniques readily available to anyone in china as taoism and india as various forms tantra. Focus on the material world goy.

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pick one

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The Jews won WWll thanks to your failed drug addict Jew leader Hitler.

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I thought you guys said the shills would get better now that government shutdown is over

another totally organic (1) nigger
posting in ebin shill-filled bread

To be honest hitler did quite a job for the (((folks)))

The Jews won WWll thanks to your failed drug addict Jew leader Hitler.

Ban all you want Schomo.

another high IQ nazicuck saving the White race by larping on the internets.

Results are the only thing that matters.

It doesn't matter anyways since this board isn't gonna do much anymore, the pol bunkers that are currently active are never going to be named. I've gotten to the point where I'm basically just waiting to see what they're going to do next, if anything. This site was good for a while, you got to see and participate in some fights for justice. ((some people)) got a bit liberal with directly naming the site on 4pol and I think even PewDiePie directly named it and ruined any potential that this site may have had. All we can do at this point is sit, wait, and redpill any newfags if they come on.

See? They're not even trying at this point. This site's pretty much a dead end where nothing gets done, if anyone of importance was actually on here they'd be trying much harder. This shit's just to get a paycheck. Most people evacuated as demonstrated by the Zig Forums leakage into other boards. However, there are some endeavors that can be taken care of outside of Zig Forums that will still help the white race. Just wait patiently and contribute what you can.

I wish there was some hint. I've wanted to escape this hell since before kamphy was drowned in semen and the new jews took over

>hitler did quite a job for the (((folks)))

It stil took 3 Superpower with 10 times the population of Germany to win against him.


Stop spamming the board you IP-hopping double-nigger.


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Jews and their followers don’t seem to understand the concept of novelty.
Tsk tsk tsk

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Even one fuckin hint at a potential haven for whites to congregate peacefully marks it for death. There is no other option other than complete silence about any bunkers that may or may not exist.

The Jews still won. What is it you don't fucking understand?

Nice collage JIDF.

These threads are not sliding, they are trying to shift the narrative and prevent any new or less knowledgeable anons from seeing the truth. They are throwing everything they got at us: Classic kikes, Christians, Muslims, Communists, Trotskyists (SJW's), Judeo-Masonry in all of it's forms (Anglos and their rotten mockery/subversion of Fasicsm, various civ-nats and state worshipers), Lolbergs/neocohens (Capitalist pole of international Jewry), Technocrats, Monarchists, Babylonians, various less known occult groups, hordes of subhumans, animal-men, white traitors and slaves of their (((god))) in every form and shape, seething with hatred, wanting to pull us into their Hades so that we become equal to them in inferiority and servitude to their demonic "father". A vast army gathered over countless centuries when they were trying to destroy us, but failed every time. Now standing together, as a maelstrom of decay, charging against us in one last, desperate attempt. But the Aryan gods stay adamant! We are ready for Ragnarok, the final reckoning, and final victory of spirit. Only the best can triumph over the Kali Yuga, the rest will perish along with this fake creation and it's pathetic, sadistic god.

There is an organized group of shills (Probably Tavistock sponsored) making threads such as "Hitler was a Jew" , "Hitler was a vegan" , "Nazis were feminists" , etc, trying to create cognitive dissonance so people either accept their decadent ideas (poisoning of the well), or reject National Socialism and embrace one of plethora of kosher beliefs and ideologies.

I know your game very well filthy rat, don't think you have fooled me even for a moment. Your little universalist, globalist clique has no power here. I will be delighted to help you achieve "oneness" with your pathetic god by sending you back to the primordial slime along with every other subhuman. We will become SS-Kalki, the one you fear the most.

The part about societies is partially true, but Thule was inspired by Templars (who, along with few fringe Masonic and Illuminist groups) were the only genuine bearers of the ancient wisdom, that various thieves like Freemasons have been trying to lay their filthy hands on since time immemorial. OP's narrative is that if a kike kills you, skins you and starts wearing your skin, that means you two are the same. This is what kikesons tried to do to our society, and this is the only similarity between us and our ancient enemies. Better look into Churchill, his Freemasonic handlers and their vision of uniting the world through destruction of all races, nations and history organized around central banking with kikes as chosen leaders, that's unfolding in front of our eyes today.

We should revive Thule Society in all of it's glory, as it is obviously something that bothers them more than anything else, even more than their physical destruction, loss of political power or exile. Because this war is, ultimately, an occult war with our souls at the stake.

Wasn't he though? That doesn't make it a bad thing.

Proven false my dude.