Using this video and the dozens of videos showing the UFO over the pentagon do you believe that there is validity to these sightings?
UN has meeting about UFO over Pentagon
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off.
could be viral marketing campaign or could be project bluebeam, but my gut tells me that this is a nothingburger.
bumping anyways tho
Battlestar Galactica reboot?
Nobody cares. Back to reddit with you.
so is she just some ceo person or is she a UN person?
It's viral advertising for some shitty social media platform.
Nice trips also where’s the sauce you homo
Flat earth tier bullshit fuck off
Not even a hot Russian bitch. She's already going into Babushka mode. She'll be sweeping the streets with a home made broom within a couple years.
here is the craft she describes
I remember that when the fagmasons tried to push tetragrammatron as a replacement for kek using gets.
Gave the game away tbh
I just remember the get, and that it was a pyramid I bet you're right (((all according to plan)))
what jewood film you shilling for faggot? Zig Forums is always right. There are no exceptions
There are many tells that give this away as a viral marketing campaign for a jewood film.
sage for faggot OP faggotry
mp4 included.
screen grab from OP faggot's source included.
OP's source links to another source which has "Video shoahed" also included
I still think this is a viral campaign for many reasons.
..because we totally took metallurgical samples and know it's chemical composition? seems legit.
…because we totally didn't know what it was made of, where it came from, or what it was.
If it's true… I'd not be surprised as I have had a dream about such a structure before floating over where I live. I've had plenty of dreams that have come to fruition here, so, I don't take any dreams as merely being processes of the brain. It was marked with a number seven and it was like it was made of gigantic pipes surrounding some kind of blue pulsating core.
If anyone wants to hear more about it then by all means let me know if I should continue, anons.
No, kill your dealer instead. Drugs are bad, m'kay?
Arina Prokofyeva is the most similar entry in IMDB, and appears to be the daughter or some family relation (strong resemblance) to Aliya Prokofyeva, the woman at the UN in the video.
no archive since it's a larp, and if not then fuckoff we're full.
Fake and gay
She definitely seems like a very bad actress
Put on your UFO hats
We'd have to shoot it down if it was over the Pentagon. The aliens would have had warning that under no circumstances are they to do such
It is well within our rights to kill aliens that trespass our minds and our property
Stupid Fucking Niggers
here's the link that the Nigger could not provide
pick one
The pentagon is in Arlington VA you dipshits
You sound like one sour apple, user. You're telling me you've never had a dream and then it later becomes reality?
stupid bullshit click bait
This is probably the likely answer; I think it is a viral campaign too. But I find it curious they choose to describe it as a pyramid. I mean I get that these types obsess over symbolism that features such geometry. But it reminded me way too much of that dream I had awhile ago when I was younger.
In any case! The user who told me drugs are bad is a faggot who has no experience with anything outside his tiny little screen.
Different user here. I can confirm that arcturians and anshar/anunaki aliens psychic attack imprint dreams with predictive programming with traumatic pain. Dream events are by the rules of lesser magick, in that theyre cryptograms of what the aliens are to socially engineer or imagery that forces the mind to their way of thought. For me its been continuous for 4+ years, and its physically painful, its a hammer to the brain stem and optic nerve.
see here
the shills are just angry they got called in on their day off, these threads across all boards are getting hit hard.
Horus the Avenger has the best take on UFO's. Government is going to try and get us to fight them, but our first question should be to whomever it may be, "are you pro-white or anti-white? yes or no?".
I'm coming around to the idea that aliens are just demons and their deep state allies' way of hiding their real identity.
Aliens = Demons
Looks fake and gay to me. Also OP is a (1) poster. Cuck chan's been spammed with this too and they're not buying it either.
I think what you and I see what it is suppose to be as being very different. I don't believe in lizard people or influence upon what happens here as being from other physical entities from beyond Earth.
If there is other creatures that exist then they do on a different plane adjacent to ours and they are merely waiting for the access point to open up and come through to conquer.
But as it stands the most known influencer upon this Earth is the mind and then the Jew.
I've talked about things with others and then we witness what we just talked about occur. The mind is no laughing matter and is very powerful, perhaps, it is our greatest tool at our disposal, eheheh.
I did use to suffer extreme anxiety, panic attacks, and such at peculiar times. But I stopped those by deciding that I needn't suffer it anymore. Especially if that influence was coming from my external environment. I also use to suffer 'sleep paralysis,' but, as I got into meditation and other such practice of the self. I quickly learned what to do to defend myself against unseen forces.
When I saw a real UFO craft up close before. Do you know what I thought? I thought, "Wow my government and their Jewish masters sure have a lot of resources and time on their hands."
Why don't I believe that aliens are here among us? It's simple… So very simple! I just ain't out here tryna catch red herrings. Look at what is before you not what you're trying to see and, is yet to be seen you know?
They are getting shilled in overdrive, and the people that are digging have already proved a lot. That it's the actual UN and not some fake set, that she and everyone she named is the person and title stated IRL. Someone found that her Instagram placed her in NYC during Dec of 2018 when anons think this this speech took place.
there are more findings as well, although the only thing we know for sure is this really shook the shiils out of hiding.
I think it's bluebeam but they weren't ready to release it just yet.
Drugs are bad, user
If you want me to believe all that it'd be good to provide an infographic. UFOs are real but aliens are not, that's the magic behind the 50+ year effort to hide black projects.
OP confirmed for retardation. The pyramid over the Pentagon is a fucking ART project. The game who made it said so, a good 2 if not 3 weeks ago.
Nice, embed related.
So there's really now way for me to know whether this is legit or not, quite possibly it's just bluebeam kikery. I've noticed that ZOG likes to try to soften the punches by making false copies of them before the real thing happens. Other options could include Mars-based NatSocs, Tall Whites ayys or sub-dimensional "demons". Any of these three groups could be called into play whenever I feel like. But I DON'T feel like, right now, and I highly doubt any of these groups would interrupt me while I'm doing my job. So probably just bluebeam kikery. Could be a show of force, though. If the situation here degrades to a certain point, I have no problem switching tactics to full-on invasion mode. Good luck trying to stop it too, so I'd suggest you handle your niggeraids problem before it comes to that.
It's a Tavistock thread.
I want to hear it user. Precognitive dreams are among the most common of ESP processes, I used to do it all the time
Never change, humans. This is why I came all the way out here to impress you into my army, you're perfect for it. Even when faced with being obviously overwhelmed, this is your response. I need people like you to continue to create possible outcomes even at the very last second before destruction. As long as there's an astronomically tiny, essentially miraculous possibility for victory, I'll find it.
learn to speak English, cunt. there are no 'persons' simply men or women, boys or girls. no one has ever run across these 'persons' you speak of.
So you're saying you are ayyylmao? I guess stranger things could occur than a ET shitposting on pol. Give us a quick rundown ayynon, whats our best strategy to defeat (((them)))? and when is the Natsoc invasion scheduled?
What if defeating the jews is the test aliens have made to see if humans are worthy to make contact with? If your species can defeat this parasite it should be able to accomplish anything.
Eh, I've said it all before. Tall White contacts and whatnot. It's not the most interesting part of the story to be honest. I'm here doing my thing my way, because it's what I do conquering planets and I'm on vacation. Nobody is even willing to help me because I said not to and I have something of a temper. But that could change, I really intend to finish the job this time, and I think I've taken all I can from this experience.
>whats our best strategy to defeat (((them)))?
Easy, it's a favorite strategy of mine. Do NOTHING. I mean actively deny all contact with anything nonwhite. No trade, no tech, no nothing. This is not a passive strategy, mind you. If/when they attempt to invade out of desperation, it's scorched earth. No nits, no lice. Simple as that. Of course there are detailed breakdowns of every phase of the plan, but no reason to do that here.
That sounds like a joke, but it might not be as far off base as you think. Whites need to purge the lesser subspecies from this planet first and foremost, which I believe will take the human race from an average IQ of 75 to perhaps 110. That's more significant than the ascension of homo sapiens, just for reference. It's fun to think that we can overmatch 10's of thousands of years of evolution in terms of species-wide advancement in a single generation. It's why I get called in for this type of thing, I'm the best around. Best who's willing or even capable of surviving in shithole conditions like this
its debunked, the video was dubbed over or something from a different angle of this video. look at the woman on the left in pink, same clothes, snaps pic with phone same way/time.
It doesn't look like cgi so maybe that thot was in on the hoax.
Russian psyop confirmed.
Not to mention that the 'aircraft' is literally a cone rotated in blender and superimposed over complete darkness/grey and camera noise.
A human being regarded as an individual? There in FACT, are, nigger.
A.I editing video.
Again, it's Psy op warfare.
Anyway, those motherfuckers could play fake alien invasion to unite the world through holograms and real craft as well.
Time to store food, water and ammo supplies.
what can i say? this all sounds genuine to me, totally not fake at all
why are nonwhites so unintelligent
I was getting tired of the glowinthedarks and kikes.
They had Shekel Shoah whores and Emma Watson give speeches at UN before.
Where and when did this video surface?
What would be the political implications if this actually happened?
I'm calling it now. Just as the manufactured "clown spook" in the year or two running up to the release of the remake of IT, this is probably some incredibly kiked marketing shit.
Also the woman in the video acts too much like she's delivering a movie monologue, her body language aswell.
It happened in 2009 over the Kremlin.
Where are the $10 trillion you owe us?
You owe us $10T. Where is our money?
Zig Forums get in the fucking robot
Waste of time and money. If UFOs are real, they never caused any issues. They would theoretically have the means to easily destroy us. And if there is a civilization, they would have made contact if they wanted to. Governments shouldn't concern themselves with peoples' sightings unless they constitute some sort of threat. The whole thing is paranoia and a joke.
This video of the object over the Kremlinin 2009 proves the Pentagon video is the same fake chi as the first. The UN speech is like a scripted scene from a movie.
Total LARP
This video of the object over the Kremlin in 2009 proves the Pentagon video is the same fake cgi as the first. The UN speech is like a scripted scene from a movie with horrible camera quality. (Muh hidden cam)
Total LARP
*fuggin touch screen typos
Just turn everything to tang already.
Those motherfuckers should die, I'm fucking tired of those Psy op warfare.
Let see where this shit goes…
Hope it's real, really really do. But sadly I know too much to be fooled by this kind of bs.
Think about it. If it actually happened right above the ENTIRE FUCKING POPULATION OF WASHINGTON DC for any significant amount of time there would be HUNDREDS of videos, not just 3 low quality videos of niggers who just happened to be filiming in the vicinity of the pentagon.
I'm looking into her social accounts and found this funny one.
I do believe in psychics powers, but..
It seems that they like editing videos
Give me one that wasn't directed by Ridley Scott, faggot