Leafs plan to rake up fake news with help of the (((intelligence community)))


">Increasingly the interference is higher-tech… Social media have been used to falsify slander elected officials, trolls and bots are dispatched to stoke anxiety even hysteria around sensitive issues. Fake news masquerades as legitimate information," Goodale told reporters on Wednesday.

Goodale said that foreign countries working to sculpt public opinion in other countries, in their domestic interest is not new, and is not wrong, as long as it's done lawfully, openly, and accurately. Though, he says, a "bright red line gets crossed" when that effort to influence is done covertly or with the intention to destabilize or manipulate.

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Other urls found in this thread:



So in other words, they plan to ensure all information is a lie and that no one can have an opinion regardless of whether it's true or false. Their (((hate speech))) laws are also openly anti-truth.

Thats cute, thats fucking adorable.

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fucking kick the foreigners out!

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Notice how we have had social media for almost two decades. And all of a sudden NOW (that there is a resurgence in nationalism) we have to crack down on "fake news." This is such a naked power grab, I'm not even sure if the majority of drones are falling for it. How could they defend this against even the most watered down criticism?

Pretty fucking ironic all things considered.

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They're saying white people are a foreign influence.

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muh beers, muh flag, muh basketball

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Right? How they can be so brazenly hypocritical is infuriating.

I invite any user to display some kindness to the leafs, living in syrup-land is truly a test of the human spirit. Imagine, just place yourself in the leaf's shoe… pity us.


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Old saying goes: when one door closes, another one opens. What they've done is made it more possible to have a Streisand effect take part. They even admit themselves:
So if information does get rampant enough within social media, they'll be forced to do damage control by publicly addressing it, thus risking more exposure in the process.

So if someone happens to drop infographs of Trudeau's affiliations with pedophilia in a key moment during election time when it's most considered to be "foreign interference"…

There are more and better infographs on the topic but I'm unsure whether I saved them or not.

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this tbh
canada is part of the commonwealth, they get their orders from the queen, she is doing some weird fuckin social experiment over there though

The entire operation starts off from the false premise that "russian hackers" or whatever are manipulating the electorate. That's horseshit. LIke most places, voters start looking at materials a week to a day before the election.

Autistic partisans have always been a part of leaf politics (remember Pierre Poutine?) But they are very very concerned as the chug and checka situation out west is just barely contained, many people are pissed off at the chinks in BC, and everyone else just wants a decent free trade agreement without injecting gender nonsense.

They're going to try with the groping allegations again. they actually moved an RCMP sergeant from Alberta to Canmore to deal with the situation if it comes out. It may not, it's just more (((Warren Kinsella))) kvetching, but there is something underneath which would be a disaster for every party and the Mounties if it leaked.

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*From Canmore Alberta to Creston.


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CANADA was GLORIOUS, when she was a the promised land of the BRITISH EMPIRE. Now we have surrendered to the Jews, and muslims, and the barbaric canabalistic 'native' who genocided the peaceful Aryans before them.


logical fallacy, AKA oxymoron.

You mean the first people who help established the (((Rothchild))) and centralized banking, which helped enable the jewish people as a global power. No thank you.

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Now this worries me. Just what kind of "rapid response" are we talking about here. All I can find are the typical progressive newspeak that couch it in vague progressive buzzwords and don't elaborate. Are we leafs going to get swatted and brought before a Human Rights Tribunal (Canada's official kangaroo court where the defendant always loses)?

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Pay bill for injury to my sides. NOW!

Get your shit together Canada…

What does Harjit mean?

And how will they do that when their leader is Trudeau the rapist?

Friendly reminder as to why we have anti hate speech laws here. (which i am extremely proud of and grateful for of course.)

There was same idiot in a park in Toronto pulling a Skokie. No word if he was a kike.

Anyone who uses printed materials (like Sears or Whatcott) are either edglords or agent provocateurs. The case law applied to the internet is very new and very sketchy; most of the 'cyberbullying' stuff we hear so much about is actually not criminal at all. (Greg Elliot was the target of a bunch of women in an Order of the Eastern Star chapter, one of whom was fucking a cop. This is the real reason he won: the case was fraudulent an appeal would have set a bad – for them– precedent.)

The internet kills the kike if it's shut off (no e-commerce) and it kills the kike if it's left on (muh hat speech).

CSIS is a joke, literally (look at the Shriners memberships). The only effective intel in Canada is military and they have help from the French and Americans. I can see CSIS being disbanded after Uranium One breaks.

What does skokie mean? it just says its a place.
Im sure they could find some way to get money without e-commerce. What they really want is censorship of internet so only their approved good goys get to have a voice. Just look at youtube trending, it just looks like tv programming now. MTV CNN Colbert etc. Its all so tiresome.

Why is every thread about Jody Wilson-Reybold deleted?


Skokie was were (((neo-nazis))) under Frank Cohen marched to false flag Rockwell.