Senior DOD Official: Three Migrant Caravans Headed to U.S., One with 12,000
Looks like the South America toilet flushes right into the US.
Senior DOD Official: Three Migrant Caravans Headed to U.S., One with 12,000
Looks like the South America toilet flushes right into the US.
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They even have the balls to fly the flags of the countries they won't even fight for. How the fuck is not an invasion?
sorry guys, I talked to trump and he said "We need the workers for our terrific economy" they are all coming in
Trump is such a ZOG dog right now, he might as well use it. Bomb the fuck out of it and tell everyone Israel does it so it's okay. The ZOG idiots shouldn't dare bark back at him.
We should bring back napalm and just strafe the column. Actually, let's just turn Mexico into a nuclear wasteland, we'll build a radiation wall.
This is what happens when you cuck on the wall, Zognald.
What happened with the other caravans? They didn't all go home.
I read something about them getting into the US through like Arizona. Pretty sure most of them got in by now.
let them freeze via winter-chan. i hope she stays nearby
Cool, Im cool with trump giving them citizenship in exchange for the wall but only just this once.
The legacy of Trump is "well, we tried." In Spanish of course.
They, fucking grammar
I want a wall of lethal radiation
Something like that. But truth be told, this country was slated for destruction one way or the other. I prefer we do it this way, with a splitting of the country and absorption of Canada. The other way would have been nationwide conflict, and it's just not necessary. Whites would die needlessly. White men simply need to withdraw support and these invasive scum will just die naturally.
If we can get some drone operators going I'd like to have a 24-7 TV station constantly reporting on the situation in the deserts of atlazan and the ghettos of wakanda. Entire desert plains littered with a million dehydrated bean corpses, planet of the apes action with apelanta burning in the background…I can clap to that. Before you think I'm joking, I'm not. The propaganda writes itself, just point a camera at these subhumans in their natural habitats. It won't be long before even the moderates will have to concede that extermination is actually a merciful thing to do.
meme it into reality
It's an invasion obviously
the migrants will never make a 500 mile trip through irradiated bean land.
Who has ever said it isn't one?
Literally all the open border leftists.
Best idea from a ( ( (tor) ) )pedo yet
Then shoot the kike reporters covering the event. Things should snowball from there, after you clean out Los Angeles.
Seriously, motherfuckers. What's stopping you from showing up at the border and shooting into the crowds? Let's have a peek at the justifications, shall we:
Dehumanise is not just a meme. Your empathy belongs with your people. Spreading it over bipedal animals from Guajarataja is treason against your race, and you know it.
Fuck you, coward. Did anybody think the Turner Diaries could be done nonviolently? Casualties of war. The idea is that if a lot of people act together, the opposition is overwhelmed and fewer of the good guys die.
No – they are not. You know better than most what demographic warfare is, and just as air wars are fought by pilots and armored warfare by tank crews, demographic wars are fought by pregnant girls. Would you fire a missile at an attacking warplane? What about blowing up a tank with a mine? Then what's your excuse for not using the AR-15 God invented for you to straighten out this attack?
Border Patrol is half-spic. Its leaders are appointed by jewslave politicians. The sitting president talks a good game, but there's never good follow-through because he's distracted setting up humane alternatives to children in cages from the Obama era. Even if Trump gave a shit – which he doesn't – Congress is in the way. Neither political party will push for the one measure that will secure the border better than a wall. No border states are calling up the National Guard. The public at large is psychologically demoralized and conditioned not to see the plain facts.
So, what's left? You aren't going to shitpost these people back to El Salvador. Nobody is taking away the Soros money that's buying them gas and volunteer coordinators. Nothing is being done. Nothing will be done. Not until the people who should be moving their asses have a fire lit. So – how to light that fire? Call me old-fashioned, but I think one solid massacre in the desert, with possibly a few dead ZOGgers in the crossfire, will motivate many people in Washington to find a better solution.
I don't want to know your name. I don't want a fucking dox. I want to see masked men on the news shooting the shit out of terrified columns of fleeing Aztecs. I want to see Twitter freak the fuck out at white men arming up and solving a problem. I want to hear the bellyaching from migrants-welcome traitors about how white men took charge and forced their will on the situation.
Did you get that? I want to hear about WHITE FUCKING MEN fixing shit and ignoring women and niggers' opinions on the matter. You can't hope to run the country until you're ready to run off invaders, dipshits
yawn, it's all a joke
Just attach a lawnmower to the front of your truck lel
I prefer to think of it as "You see? Voting doesn't work. The only remaining option is…"
I find it interesting that lately more and more Anons are talking about the IRA, the history of guerrilla warfare, the economics of colonial wars and so on. The "America is doomed" sentiment was practically unheard of here a year ago, even after kamphy's forced MAGAttry was removed. People like Harold Covington and David Lane banged their heads against the wall for years trying to get people to understand what they figured out long ago - '''we've already lost, and we need to regroup." And now after an endless wave of excuses and delusions about voting our way out born from cowardice, we're all organically coming to the same conclusions.
Trump has been the best thing that could happen to us. He has mobilized the explicitly anti-white forces against him and us, started to separate the good whites from the ones passed saving (libshits) and when his presidency finally ends, it will answer the main question holding us all back once and for all: "can we vote our way out?"
Once he leaves the demographics will ensure only the now-radicalized Democrats will ever have power, things will get bad fast and the frogs that aren't already boiled meat will start realizing just how uncomfortable the pot has suddenly gotten. More importantly, the endless whining, infighting, cowardice, excuses and delusions we all use to put off the gruelling work ahead of us will simply disappear. Not through any mass awakening, but sheer necessity - there won't be any time nor resources left.
And when everybody is finally dragged forcibly to the same conclusion we've known for a long time - the same conclusion that is now bubbling to the surface among our better members here - we'll be waiting for you. Screw your courage to the sticking point Zig Forums, and Godspeed my dear Aryan kinsfolk.
This is the only thing that would stop this shit now
But they are fighting.
You know, what really shows me that these beaners are 99% low-IQ trash is that when they act like a bunch of rude, disrespectful apes in someone else's country, they think it's cool and they think they look good. In fact a lot of Latinos mimic the black gang culture and just do it in ugly, ghetto Spanish.
It would look cooler if they were all riding Harleys or something. Here they just look like a bunch of fags.
Because how can a person be illegal? I don't know man, it's blatantly a fucking invasion. I heard they're even planning to bring seige ladders to hop over the wall. Blows my mind how accurate those Urukhai memes are.
When you think about it - this is what liveleak does to people.
I turned around completely due to viewing one single liveleak video. There was no going back.
Where is that wall?
Kill them all.
If you don't kill them, they win.
I know exactly the video. It must be shared.
Trump said open government for 3 weeks to negotiate on the wall.
This should be done first you retarded faggot.
theres probably 6k good workers in there … send them to california , let them be filtered out
fuck california
Don't worry goyim this is just more of tRUMP's 5D chess.
Keep reading Apedre's Daily Stormer and voting and all your problems will be solved.
No. Let them film. It will be like Blair Witch, but with guns.
Lurk, you fucking faggot.
Weird. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to that bridge right then and whatnot.
I like the drones thing user.
TRUMP 2020
Weird. It'd be great if you would kindly stfu
If you had half a brain, you would welcome them with a copy of Mein Kampf, but only after reading it yourself.
Being top primate is about adapting to your environment not whining about it.
‹‹Pués, por los menos nos esforzábamos! Vota Tramp 2020!››
On the bright side, like all the 'New Germans' and 'New British' and 'New Americans', they stick to their own as they have a tribal instinct that college indoctrination cannot argue out of them, as it can for whites. This is corporal punishment where they come from, they aren't really afraid by the idea that we have guards at the border. They are simpleminded creatures, like dogs, and need to be trained like them. Just strike the fear of El Católico Dios in them, execute the violent criminals rotting in our prisons on the taxpayer dime and deport the rest via ship directly to the Mesoamerican jungle where they belong.
Probably his single greatest moment on the Hollyjew.
I have dealt with many illegal mestizos and this is the truth.
Better start building that wall… not much time left
Holy shit no they don't stick to their own they aggressively try to outbreed with whites. Just like asians, they swoon over having light-skinned babies with blue eyes and brown/blonde hair "rubio". Latino culture is a crabs-in-a-bucket caste system.
Dear Mods,
I want more anti-Trump shill threads. Lots and lots of them. Even if there are already several. Please slide any good threads.
JIDF, Sharblue, and recently unemployed Buzzfeed "Journalists"
(Proud sponsors: Open Society Foundations, NMBLA, CIA,FBI)
Quite a cast of pinheads tonight. Carry on with your false idolatry, pinheads. Tell me more about the Bad Orange Man. A convo so enlightening, one can only hope the conclusion will be AOC as POTUS in 2020.
Turn any remaining white Democrats into NatSocs w/in 2 years. Might catch (((them))) flat-footed. Would at least lead to some hyper-Jewing. Particularly once we teach her (no thanks to that degree in Econ from Boston) that a 70% tax would be more effective on accumulated wealth, i.e. capital gains, than on Income. A good DSA girl like her will surely 'do the right thing' and redistribute 'all' the wealth… not just the income of the poor. 30% of the potential gibs unless you move beyond income.
Just saying. Bring on the salt. If you hate Trump, you're gonna love the next commie who takes office.
he also said if they cant do it he is building the wall himself
he actually set a date so its now or never and shit is about get really bizarre
yeah nothing to worry about, trump's pro immigration policies are turning everything around for whites, just wait for it
She'll be too young yet, otherwise she would have my vote.
you do realize america was once 1% white bodies, 100 percent white citizens?
just take away their citizenship no?
that's never going to happen, and you know it
Oh boy I hope they kill everyone so I stop having to hear you all bitch and whine about how Roman Catholics aren't part of Western civilization
This Army of Esoteric Aryans is coming in and nothing the (((jews))) do will stop them. Our numbers are increasing brothers! Victory is coming, I feel it in my bones.
Not being born in the USA didn't stop obongo
I think I'll start doing ==(((that)))== if this works.
Sounds like a national emergency, to me.
Daddy Trump make you kikes mad again today? Christ what's with the slides.
Filtered and reported.
You have to go back, Señor Fuentes.
worthy of full military response
The shitskins are coming!
One flush by air two by loo?
Based niggers, so long as they're christians
Hitler knew what to do with non-Germans, and even non-whites. He lit the world on fire.
Forget about 56% white trash ever figuring it out.
Just got done watching that.
I pretended the main character had autism, and it made the whole show better.
The golden age of man comes after we glass you in your sewers yid.
Pretty knee-jerk stuff these days - the truth is that the Jews always try to hide the pictures that I'm putting front and center.
Right, (((fellow white)))?
checked and nice pic btw. keep it up user.
kekd a little tbh.
What did you want to know, filthy cunt?
I know what to post to make the JIDF post slide threads and make the Posts Per Hour spike on this board.
I don't see you doing anything either.
mein negger
That's a lot of bodies to oven.
Be careful what you wish for they said. lol.
I'm guessing Soros organized this. Since he is too afraid to continue BLM ops while Trump is potus, going to more tolerant legal systems more loving of criminals is his best option.
God wills it.
There is only one solution
Well that's just the thing. Nobody fucking knows. All news about them stopped being reported the instant it stopped being a political talking-point after the midterms.
Honestly believing a graphic that claims ANY state has more than 70% white population. What a joke. WEST VIRGINIA, I'd believe, because they're all one single family of inbred fucking coal mining rednecks.
muslims have the highest rates of inbreeding, then jews are in second place
Not a bad idea, actually
I'm not the only one to imagine this, lol! Someone with gaming mod experience make us something! A custom level where you can strafe the caravan with an A-10. That would be fun!
Is that a real photo? Densely packed bodies weigh much more than cars. That many people would likely collapse the bridge.
Do you seriously think you'd be allowed to withdraw, separate, or anything of the like? That there will be peace? There will be blood friend. Best you accept it and dehumanize your outlook towards all non-Whites.
Mexican Government Busing 1700 Caravan Migrants to Unsecured Texas Border Area
wew, why aren't we at war with Mexico yet?