Nazi Germany was under martial law, so taken it wouldn't make a difference! Also that does not excuse them invading all of Czechoslovakia!
Danzig was already a free city with some Polish control, they had a high Jewish population so it was probably better like that.
Kek no wtf, who comes up with this shit?
Yes because he had a manpower crisis and he would put multi ethic armies together in an attempt to quell this issue.
In the video it literally says that they do not know how many Jews died of typhus then says they ALL died of typhus, also why bring ALL Jews here instead of just the bankers? Sure some of them were bankers yes, but not all of them! Many of them were just civilians! Also what about the videos that clearly show Jews getting shot by the SS?
They were not only all in places liberated by the Soviets they were in Poland and Slavic regions because those were their primary targets.?
Seriously it's unjust conquest for no reason, Germany already had their economic come back. Why do they need more land? So they can kill more Jews? That's just using fear terror and death to bring more fear terror and death!
I herd he was a tee total, drug abusing, work obsessed, alcoholic and was a homosexual, womanizer obsessed with aliens and Atlantis with no imagination. A real hate crazed maniac evil genius! He had sex with hyaenas and ad only one testicle and three dicks. He hated jews because he WAS A JEW!!!111! and hated gays because his mother was a one armed lesbian prostitute. He was also black and a capitalist-socialist-communist-KKK member who founded the Democratic party and voted for Donald Trump because he hated free speech, which we need to outlaw because Nazis like free speech!
Josiah Jackson
I see cuckchan is leaking.
Ian Parker
Kek all you want but you know I am right and you cannot prove me wrong.
Mason Diaz
This is too much effort to be ironic.
Blake Williams
Samuel Evans
Only on prices, so I guess a kike would know.
Joshua James
I have no idea. Probably because Hitler was a one testicled communist jewish womanizer.
Landon Taylor
Hitler was a man, who tried revolting against the ELDERS OF ZION, sadly he failed. He should have supported OSWALD MOSELY much more than he did. America was the key, and should have remained neutral. America, land of the free. Remember, if we were truely free, we would be among the stars now. REMEMBER THERE ARE THOSE WHO WOULD DENY US OUR BIRTH RIGHT. SIEG HEIL!
Zionism wasn't really a thing back then, there was almost no Jews in the holy land at that time. Plus Oswald was British retard.
Owen Hill
The holocaust is a conspiracy theory lul
Ryan Gray
If you're going to make claims as outlandish as this at least cite your sources you fucking imbecile, you've clearly proven that you're a low IQ uneducated mongrel shitskin nigger, so do me the honour of jumping off a tall building
Jordan Smith
The Sudetenland's German element was being eradicated, Hitler stepped in to protect the German people. Czechoslovakia was falling apart, the kikes in Prague were dangerously close to launching a new revolution, and the Czech leader agreed to his country becoming a protectorate. Hitler made his offer to Poland for a variety of reasons but at the end of the day it was the Polish government who chose to spit on diplomacy and make war inevitable. Obviously you have either never visited a nigger neighborhood or you believe admittedly fictional Holocaust films are documentaries. Everyone used foreign conscripts and foreign volunteers were pretty common too. It isn't anything to brag about. I have no idea what video you're referencing because you failed to include it, either way it's a dumb question. It is entirely possible the Typhus riddled corpses were disposed of without being counted. Jews were an openly hostile foreign element and allowing them to walk about freely in occupied territory would have been suicidal. Generalplan Ost is the bran child of victorious kikes and shabbos goyim who wanted to justify the genocide they were committing. They disregard the lack of evidence, saying "The evil nazis conveniently burned all that."
In the west/north it wasn't conquest but occupation, though it would have been idiotic to withdraw after the war instead of beginning the integration process in the lands they always hoped to unify. (although Hitler offered to withdraw after the fall of France if GB/France would not interfere with the war in the East)
The conquest of Western Russia was justified: -Slavs were suffering under hostile foreign jews who had already butchered Russia -The middle and upper classes, butchered by the aforementioned jews, were largely comprised of ethnic Germans -The communist jews admitted to wanting to destroy civilization as they had everywhere they took control -Germany's colonies had been stolen at Versailles, and the victors of the Great War had no intention of giving them back -Colonies adjacent to the homeland can be exploited and settled more easily -Old Russia had already been dismantled by the bolshevik jews -the Slavs could not throw off the jews on their own
Are you retarded? Zionism has been escalating for Centuries. It catalyzed at the end of the 1800s when the Jews finally thought it would be a good idea to start buying large quantities of land from Arabs in Palestine.
Alexander Jones
Joshua Ross
That's one thing. But Capitalizing kike? LMFAO
Angel Gutierrez
Oh for fuck sake. Stop attempting to reason with this dumbass NPC. It's here to fuck with people because he has some emotional need attack dissidents. Engaging with this boot licking Zionist is like engaging with a drunk.