How were things really like before Adolf and his National Socialist Germany era? jewgle is obviously going to be inaccurate and biased towards how great the weimar republic was before Adolf came to power. However, many here seem to regard the weimar republic with complete disgust. I want redpills on how bad the culture got during that time.
[I made this thread because I'm tired of demoralization shills who keep making threads where the OP is clearly pro-left and anti-rightwing, anti-Trump, etc. And since Zig Forums's useless mods aren't going to ban these faggots anytime soon, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I know that I'm pro-right, and if I start making threads more often, it'll help return the catalog to a more pro-right board like it's suppose to be. Not Zig Forums 2.0 like it is right now with all these fucking blackpill threads]
And the very first thing I want to learn more about is Germany. Specifically, the weimar republic and the worst of its excesses. Did its society and culture really became as degenerate as its poor reputation here suggests? Kind of hard to learn the truth when search engines do everything to muddle sources about it.
Thanks. I've been reading through it and gotten about halfway right now. But holy shit. It truly is much worse than I initially feared. The more I read, the more disgusted I feel. I now get why comparisons of today's america to yesterday's weimar germany are so apt. It's just depressing to read about germany's complete more degeneration and to think that modern libshit are always pushing for a recreation of this failed society.
I'll keep reading on, but you have my sincere thanks, . This is the type of thing that should be in school textbooks. If more students were taught the real history of what went down in the weimar republic instead of jewish lies about "how evil natzi germany was", more students definitely would grow up to be anti-leftist and be extremely aware of the dangers that rampant degeneracy poses.
Jack Ross
And how fast the purge happened. Think about that. How much worse it was than now (getting close though) All those black pill faggots need to learn. The purge can happen instantly. We all just need to stand up
Kevin Foster
Does anyone happen to have a clip of some (((lady))) narrating/reminiscing over a slideshow of all the decadent nightlife filth of the era and how liberated and wonderful it was? I think it was around 6-10 minutes long, but I don't remember if I saw it here or on bitchute or something, but it did illustrate the point rather well.
It is done. I have now read the entire thing. Just. wow. I didn't even think it was possible for me hate degenerates/degeneracy even more than I already do. But reading this was an incredible eye opener. A link that I will forever save to warn others of the dangers it told in hindsight.
In whatever is necessary. In however I can help. I Will stand up against the further degeneration of our country and the west. The left must not be allowed to win and destroy morality and society yet again.
Andrew Reyes
Blackpill niggers are 100% bots and shills or else they wouldn't bother posting. Level up, nigga.
Adrian Fisher
Mein Kampf has a good description. If you weren't such a lazy piece of crap, you would have read it already.
Levi Wright
I already did, and enjoyed reading through the Michael Ford translation. But it doesn't go fully in-depth to how utterly depraved the society got. It touches on aspects to how bad things got, but I never imagined it being all this.
Anthony Foster
Excellent post, user. Trips checked.
Luke Nguyen
Honestly, some of you people are total pieces of shit and I'd never associate with you were it not for common cause
Debasing Latin is a signature crime at this point.
Jeremiah Parker
On the bottom left of that graphic a jew is saying the good deeds of karl marx (among other actual useful people) aren’t enough as a reason to save western society. Peak judaism right there.
Mason Thompson
Bottom right I meant.
Evan Martinez
Also I am thouroughly disgusted after having rad that. The USA is literally Weimar 2.0
Thomas Miller
fucking cringey newfag thread. do your own research
post-WWI Germany was piss poor, everybody was starving and all women were prostitutes. that's why NSDAP and Hitler were able to gain power- not because of a "mass movement", not because of ideals, but because normal people wanted to fucking eat
Jack Clark
Yeah of course it was anything but the jew
Julian Clark
Good thread user. & (checked) should be mandatory readings.
Fuck off with this degenerate trash. The man drew pornography and made PAINTINGS OF DICKGIRLS.
Nicholas Ortiz
This is a thread about the Weimar Republic you mong. That's the entire point; he depicted the degeneracy of the Weimar Republic. All theses painters and moviemakers reflected that degeneracy and depravity of that era.
Damn you're a stupid jackoff.
And here is Peter Lorre in his most famous movie, playing the hunted child molester in M.
I accidentally had the art thread and this thread open in different tabs and commented in the wrong one. x_x
Blake Hall
On one hand it was the jew. OTOH you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
Germans are plenty kinky in their own right. I used to know this German doctor a very charming friendly guy, a former Luftwaffe pilot (this was in the 60's). He left his wife to live with a drag queen in the 70's.
The jews are filth like the gypses that need to be eradicated, but that doesn't mean we're going to enter an earthly paradise of universal virtue no matter how much you puritains might yearn for that.
Wyatt Gray
YOu are forgiven. Grosz fell to pieces after the Weimar Republic era died. His work became pure shit as he strove to be a noble classical artist like Titian.
I'm not a particular fan of the Weimar republic.
By the way there was a jewish film industry in New York State during this period that was just as weird and decadent as the films being made in Germany at that time.
Ethan Russell
Bollocks. The purge itself may have been lightning fast, but it was preceded by more than a decade of building the movement up to its 1933 shape.
Adrian Bailey
Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany by Eckhart Verlag (1933)
Hmmm that is true. Honestly I'd say we're in a movement that started with Chanology. My friend simply mentioned protesting Scientology when I was in high school, and that itself was enough…
Brayden Robinson
Excellent thread.
Very good image.
Excellent. Thanks for sharing. Pretty sure the NSDAP took care of them since the (((Weimar Republic))) refused to.
You know, you're probably largely right about this. Normies today are pretty much like the normies were during the times of the Weimar Republic. They don't really concern themselves with higher ideals, only looking to make a decent living, eat, sleep, piss, shit, fuck, get married, have kids, ect.
I recommend actually buying the book itself. Really redpilling stuff for the normies.
Good point. Although, removing the Jews and having constant reinforcement of virtues in the public sphere is certainly something worth striving for.
Man, that feels like a lifetime ago. It shows how far we've come, but there's still much work to be done.
Actually the ending of 1984 makes a lot more sense now. You won't just submit. You will love the kikes. Smile widely as they stomp your face
Jackson Gomez
Any of that shocks you? Have you seen the world today?
Ayden Myers
Pretty much. Although, this is projection on (((her))) part. It's true that in the somewhat recent past, there were some really damaging things done to the environment by Whites who at the time didn't know any better since the science regarding such things wasn't advanced enough to the point to understand. The same Evil White Race™, that is advancing scientific knowledge, is now correcting those past mistakes and moving forward. (((They))) just grasp at any straw that they can to blame Whites for anything bad that happens in this world, and puts the blame whether such bad things happening were intentional or not. This is one of the biggest reasons why I am not very fond of the kikes.
Extremely rare. Throughout most of recorded history, you can literally count on your one hand the leaders that actually gave a shit about their people, and strove to uplift them, and give them the best possible lives and governance. Today, if not outright evil, our "leaders" are generally very incompetent and stupid, and shouldn't lead a class of kindergartners, much less a state or entire country.
Henry Ward
Yes. /thread
Julian Hughes
Godspeed user, i find weimar and the "german civil war" to be the nuke pill. It makes the parrot fight in your arena, he was kept ignorant of this, he cannot use his half remembered half recited company line anymore, you force them to think, and when that starts happening they have to listen to you to stand a chance maybe via context clues or a gotcha and thats the trap,as soon as they have to actively listen to you, youve already put the information in their head and they cant do shiot about it now, it was processed and stored whether they like it or not then just disengage dismissively to let them sit in it, the more thinking they have to do, especially ruminating on your thesis, the more you tap into the concrete operational peasant's mind and start to cement shit in place
David Baker
From a Yank, I have never heard of the Weimar Republic being great at all. Even in American schools we're told about how incompetent and awful it was, how hyper inflation ravaged Germany and people were starving and how money was worthless.
Tyler Richardson
>(((lady))) She didn't seem to support the Weimar, did she?
Parker Torres
To book or not to book… Because I have a first draft of that section done. I just don't know if I should post it. Fuck, why not. Let me know what you think.
Michael Hill
After the 1st world war everyone was so sick and tired of war that the Allies simply allowed all of the German soldiers to leave the battle front and simply walk home. This was a mistake as it allowed many war criminals (there were such on both sides, make no mistake) to simply walk free. That was the beginning.
Other mistakes: the whole Versailles Convention thing which was, in essence, a Fuck-You-Germany-We-Hate-You-fest in which England and France were allowed to run roughshod all over the German Republic.
At the same time this was going on there were food riots in major cities in Germany. Kaiser Wilhelm was so ashamed of both losing the war and ruining the economy of his own country that he abdicated his throne and fled the country.
Shortly after this a new Democratic republic was founded in Berlin but, by this time there was so much violence happening between the Communist Left and the police that the heads of the country decided to move the entire government to Wiemar, Germany, from which comes the name.
On top of that, decisions made between the allies at Versailles imposed incredibly cruel and horrible fines and penalties on Germany, not to mention demands for reparations for damage caused by Germany to England and France during the war thus essentially guaranteeing a long bankruptcy for Germany.
So, from the period of 1919 to around 1929 the whole country was a mess of poverty and political and racial violence, not unlike the United States in the 1960s and, to a lesser extent, the US in the twenty teens.
Then 1929 happened; the beginning of a world-wide depression that would serve only to greatly exacerbate the already deep suffering of the German people.
(Shall I continue?)
Kayden Kelly
Youre still working on it, I cant wait when its done
Luke Murphy
We weren't even taught about the Weimar Republic period in (((public school))) at all. Just went from World War I right to 1933 and Hitler and the NSDAP. Everything I learned about the Weimar Republic was all on my own after I graduated.
She seemed pretty sad when covering its end and the rise of the NSDAP to power.
Excellent work, keep going!
Matthew Sullivan
Why stop?
Parker Thomas
I was taught about the hyper inflation, but I don't think I was taught what the Weimar Republic actually was.
Ian Gutierrez
oh yes extreme degeneracy+extreme poverty=weimar can't have one without the other coming faster than anyone thought.
Of course the New York/Hollywood jews just adore the Weimar Republic; it was heaven on earth for (((them))).
Parker Turner
Austin Cooper
What the fuck?
Nolan Parker
you had to wheel barrel money to the store to buy bread …. think of cheese costing $100 and Mc Donalds employees making 250k a year
Xavier Cox
economic inflation
Josiah Diaz
Alright I think I am starting to know why you recommend people buying bitcoin or gold, this might as well be the future of almost every western nation, I mean looking at Canada's prices. Germany was fucking lucky to have hitler during that time.
Was there anything positive at all that came out of the Weimar Republic? I can't really think of anything, beyond some of the scientific research that came out of there, such as Otto Heinrich Warburg, who was researching causes into cancer (he continued his research after the NSDAP came to power), and Fritz Lickint who had found scientific evidence linking tobacco smoke to lung and other cancers (he wasn't allowed to continue his research).
Aiden White
I always found this video a good glimpse into what things where like. Yes, it is made from a very stilted pro liberal position, but it does however nonetheless explain a lot of what was going on around that time. It was basically a censorship free age with an anything goes degenerate atmosphere.
Except when it came to the NSDAP trying to get their message out. The cops were called on them constantly for "spreading lies about Jews." Though, I think that only occurred in the most kiked-up of cities. Berlin, obviously.
Isaiah Hill
No. Anythinf that has been touvhed by the jew is automatically bad. Always.
>Signatories included (((Albert Einstein))), Hermann Hesse [married a Jew], Käthe Kollwitz (, Thomas Mann (married a Jew), Heinrich Mann (married a Jew), Rainer Maria Rilke (married a Jew), August Bebel (founder of the Marxist SDAP, eulogized by Vladimir Lenin as a "model workers' leader"), (((Max Brod))), (((Karl Kautsky))), (((Stefan Zweig))), Gerhart Hauptmann ("At the beginning of May 1946, Hauptmann learned that the Polish government was insisting on the expulsion of all Germans without exception. On June 6, he died of bronchitis in Agnieszków (present-day Jagniatków, a part of Hirschberg im Riesengebirge, now Jelenia Góra). His last words were reported to be, "Am I still in my house?" Despite his final wishes, as expressed in his last will, Hauptmann was not buried at his home. An official letter from the Soviet Administration in favor of the writer, who was highly regarded in the Soviet Union, proved ineffective, though the family was permitted to take its belongings."), (((Martin Buber))), Richard von Krafft-Ebing (author of "Psychopathia Sexualis (Psychopathy of Sex)… Krafft-Ebing also coined the term anilingus in this book.") and (((Eduard Bernstein))).
Ian Diaz
>During his visit to Britain, Hirschfeld was invited to a secret ceremony in the English countryside where a "group of beautiful, young, male students" from Cambridge gathered together wearing Wilde's prison number, C33, as a way of symbolically linking his fate to theirs, to read out aloud Wilde's poem The Ballad of Reading Gaol.
>Most notably, Hirschfeld testified that "homosexuality was part of the plan of nature and creation just like normal love."
Grayson Bell
Anthony Sanders
Alexander Morris
Tyler Gray
>He developed a system which categorised 64 possible types of sexual intermediary, ranging from masculine, heterosexual male to feminine, homosexual male, including those he described under the term transvestite (Ger. Transvestit), which he coined in 1910 to describe people who, in the 21st century, might be referred to as transgender or transsexual.
Jaxson Thomas
Caleb Cooper
>The Institute housed Hirschfeld's immense archives and library on sexuality and provided educational services and medical consultations; the clinical staff included psychiatrists (((Felix Abraham))) and (((Arthur Kronfeld))), gynecologist (((Ludwig Levy-Lenz))), dermatologist and endocrinologist (((Bernhard Schapiro))), and dermatologist (((Friedrich Wertheim))).
>Christopher Isherwood writes about his and W. H. Auden's [British faggots] visit in his book Christopher and His Kind; they were calling on Francis Turville-Petre [another British faggot], a friend of Isherwood's who was an active member of the Scientific Humanitarian Committee. Other celebrated visitors included German novelist and playwright Gerhart Hauptmann (see above), German artist Christian Schad, French writers René Crevel (French faggot, morphine addict and friend of Leon Trotsky) and André Gide (French faggot, lover of Oscar Wilde), Russian director (((Sergei Eisenstein))), and American poet Elsa Gidlow (British Communist dyke).
>Among the residents were Isherwood and Turville-Petre (see above); literary critic and philosopher (((Walter Benjamin))); actress and dancer Anita Berber (coke/heroin/opium-addicted dyke - drug of choice: "chloroform and ether mixedin a bowl"); Marxist philosopher (((Ernst Bloch))); Willi Münzenberg (avowed Communist, subsequently murdered by Communist agent in French internment camp for not being committed enough), a member of the German Parliament and a press officer for the Communist Party of Germany; Dörchen Richter, one of the first [THE first on record] transgender patients to receive sex reassignment surgery at the Institute, and Lili Elbe (dyke freak, "It is likely that Elbe was intersex").
Nathaniel Morales
Jayden Cruz
Oh, well, fancy that! Slippery slope anyone?
>(((The New York Times))) described Hirschfeld as having come to America to "study the marriage question", while the German language New Yorker Volkszeitung newspaper described Hirschfeld as wanting to "discuss love's natural turns" - the phrase "love's natural turns" was Hirschfeld's way of presenting his theory that there was a wide spectrum of human sexuality, all of which were "natural".
Fancy that! >Aware of a strong xenophobic tendency in the United States, where (((foreigners))) seen as trouble-makers were unwelcome, Hirschfeld tailored his message to American tastes.
Nicholas Evans
Logan Anderson
HAH! >Since Hirschfeld's books never sold well, the money he was paid for endorsing the Titus's Pearls pills were a major source of income for him, which he was to lose in 1933 when the manufacturer of the pills ceased using his endorsement in order to stay in the German market. HAHAHAHAHA! >At times, Hirschfeld returned to his European message, when he planned to deliver a talk at the bohemian Dill Pickle Club in Chicago on "homosexuality with beautiful revealing pictures", which was banned by the city as indecent. PFFFTHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Oh boy… >In Japan, Hirchfeld again tailored his speeches to local tastes, saying nothing about gay rights, and merely argued that a greater frankness about sexual matters would prevent venereal diseases. Hahahahah- -hahahahahahaha- -hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha.