This is disgusting
They're fucking kids
I'm concerned.
Eastern European child models are nothing new
that's bad and all but did a thread really need to die for this
It’s natural and normal to be brutally murdered for being a pedophile
Those are probably just the kids of Jews anyway.
Whatcha slidin', Jacob?
Just checked it out. Obviously a troll with the whole interracial tags in last few photos. KYS
back to the oven jew
And I hate white women even more. Every time I come on Zig Forums I end up hating white women more.
they ain't women, son
I agree, they're sub-humans. Anyone that likes niggers is a sub-human.
That's their plan u retard. White women preffer to date their own race more then any other race. This is to demoralize you and prevent u from finding a white woman with which to mate.
I was just on twitch, watching a white woman, and sports came up and she said "I think [insert name] is cute." I looked him up. Nigger. We're talking soccer. The minority of players on European teams are niggers. Tell me again white women are trash.
(((APA))) doesn't do science, remember that.
yep, that's a pedo
I'm saying they're kids you fucking idiot. These are kids. KIDS.
If you don't kill all of them, they will keep doing this and they will win.
My real life experience and actual statistics on dating prove u wrong. You actually believe it's a coincidence these photos were posted a few days before OP decided to post it here?
Proved me wrong how? I was in a twitch stream and the white woman said that. She was hot too. She was immediately dehumanized to me after I heard that. Find me a white woman that won't say a nigger or a shit-skin is attractive. Find me one. Just one. I bet you can't.
They're sub-human trash. They love niggers. Fuck them.
To clarify: It's obviously a profile made up of older south american and eastern euro pedo pics from old combined with newer photos of white teens on photo with blacks. Combine last photos with typical interracial hashtags and u have some prime propaganda to ruse poltards. How are you this stupid to fall for this?
This thread brought to you by Chodemonkey and Mason Jimbo. This is the kind of content him and his Zig Forums cultists want.
The one I'm seeing now confessed to me she never dated a non-white and never even found them interesting. There is also old scandi documentarty where they interview scandi women on this and 3 quarters say they would not date non white. Then there is that data from I believe, which clearly showed whites, especially the women had the strongest prefference for dating their own race. I could go on but you get my drift. You're obviously projecting your own insecurities and suffering from cognitive bias on this. I bet you are closeted cuck or something similar. Relax, it's ok just stop watching porn and start seeing white women and you will shed your jew induced delusions and become a real man.
kids shouldnt be allowed on 8ch
If they find a single shit-skin attractive, then they're lying, and I guarantee they do. I've come across many white women on the net who never dates or fucked a nigger, but they always follow up with "I haven't had the opportunity." They'll name actors and athletes they find attractive. They're all fucking trash.
What a retarded retort. You are either a shill or suffering from psychotic delusion. Stop projecting mate.
No, I'm speaking from personal experience flat out asking literally hundreds of white women in my time on the net over the span of the last few years. The best I found was two white women who disliked niggers. Two. But that only applied to niggers. Not all shit-skins. I also live in a rural community. I moved here slightly over a decade ago. No niggers. About five or six the flood started. What do I see every now and then? A white monkey and her niglet. I ever see a white man with a niglet. They have no in-group. They're trash.
five or six years ago*
You are an obvious shill. Also lol at you asking women online. Almost as if women will say the socially accepted things in a public forum but differently behind closed doors with someone they trust or think they can confide in. Kys.
You can stop arguing with yourself anytime now
Proof? If a white whore says "of that black guy is cute!" and some big nigger overhears her and thinks she's into black guys, approaches her, and pressures her for sex, she's going to fuck him. If a white whore doesn't admit she's white only, then she's not, because they'll bend to pressure one way or the other. The fact that 99% will make an excuse after having admitted to never fucking or dating a nigger proves they're already bent half way there. Go to pornhub and click the interracial section. Note the difference between now and 8 years ago. Back in the day it was all middle-aged fat women. Now it's all college-aged thin women, uploaded at a greater pace than fucking intraracial amateur porn. I'm not talking the paid shit. Also, again, I'm literally on the front lines of a homogeneous white community that's being diversified. I can't go to the store anymore without seeing 50% shit-skins. The only people who have abandoned their in-group and bred with the monkeys are white women. And every time it was niggers. They aim for the absolute worst sub-humans in existence. That to mean means white women are equally as bad as niggers.
wew. good thing we've all moved past that 'traditional marriages with young women and established men' thing. baste femishits too amirite friend?
Just play along. I'm always up for the simian hi-jinks ShareBlue posts as bait. They might catch the occasional retard. Who knows.
I feel like most anons they "make mad" are simply samefags. Team shilling: more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
(double dubs)
That jew only sees three shiksas.
I just don't get the purpose, it's almost so badly done and the retard is so bad at arguing it's as if he wants to be discovered. Almost makes me think it's some dumb alt kike tard trying to rile up ppl. Then again libtards especially american ones are pretty stupid. Maybe it's a cuck fetischist or something, trying to spread his sick sexual fantasies to "evil" right wingers. I do remember seeing posts from internal cuck forums about infiltrating halfchan that someone capped and posted here. How patethic though.
I thought up an easy way to prove my point. Search up "2018 prom" for any given diverse city/area.
Then just scroll through the pics. Endless coal burning sub-human white whores. To think white women aren't trash, you must be living in a fucking bubble. I cant take a step in any direction, not even intentionally search for interracial shit, and find interracial shit. I can go to Lowe's to pick up some fucking lumber and I'll see a coal burner. Not old. Not middle-aged. Young 20s. Breeding age. White women are trash.
Cuz clearly you who self-admittedly go to interracial sections on pornsites for 8 years aint a cuck with cognitive bias. Kys.
The page went private. It's a shame nobody was able to archive it.
How are you so fucking stupid you missed the other 98% of what I said and that's all you pick up on? Do you think if I search up fucking prom pictures to prove my point, I won't also go to interracial sections of websites? I'll go anywhere to prove my point.
You mean your insane ramblings and the posting of two photos with white women and mostly white men and 1 negro in each pic. Also lol at how the fattie is with the negro in 2nd photo and cutie with white man. Kys dude, you are a psychotic cuck and I will stop engaging you now. You are either a shill or a psychotic cuck. Get help honestly.
I didn't want to spam pictures, but I can easily grab hundreds with little effort. I have the evidence to prove my point. You don't have evidence to disprove it.
I can't read ant
I know I spotted a redditnigger.
American Psychiatric Association = 98% kikenvermin
I don't even need source on this.
(((Agency))) facebook photos.
Our race is being replaced in our homelands and you are busy sitting your fat ass in a chair looking for squiggle patterns and pizza references online.
I don't think pedos are anywhere near as widespread as you would like them to be so you can "hunt them".
You just want to feel like you are "in the know" when everyone else is.
Start fighting for your race instead of wasting your time on this trash.
Child rape should be legal.
It is in Rotherham.
You're supposed to be angry.
I want "undocumented euthanasia" legal first
What's the point of it being legal if it's undocumented?
I'd tell you to submit a tip to the FBI but I think they're pozzed beyond the deep end.
Talk to >>>/baphomet/
Thinks literal faggots are the proper solution
Angry about what?
the anglo females you're showing ain't pretty that's why they have to settle for stinky brown people….
Child rap being legal.
I agree. That soulja boy shit was a disgrace.
Children that want to have sex with adults should be hauled away, and imprisoned.
The company you hold says a lot about you.
Same here. They are traitors to their race, and I hope the toll is paid in full for all of them.
it is totally normal for them to want this
they should be allowed and encouraged not imprisoned
OPs image is true, if a girl is hot u will get wet in ur pants. sexing her even good sometime. if u feel bad dont deny ur urges, get a gun a pop a cap in ur brain
hey, if i want some fertile, adult gf on my dick at age 16, then what's the problem with that? I mean if both of the people in that relationship are white, and the male in that relationship can hold their own, what's the issue?
but what if the child can rap well and also is mild to far right winged in his views and that's expressed in his lyrics?
redditfag-tier retardation
We've moved past the child-diddling thing. Women used to go through puberty faster then men, but that rate has slowed down. Kikes know what they're doing, but most Kebabs don't.
I don't know what this user is saying does anyone speak fluid retard
Kids have been models for years. Stop putting your own perversions onto others. Pic related. Lalisa from Blackpink, was recruited at 12 years old. She has never had a boyfriend and leads a full non degenerate life.
Kill 'em all.
Were you looking at that thread?
Spirit of the time or ie imported muds makes the culture brown
They've been taught that what they're doing is normal and desirable.
Is this a distracton thresd for the True BK pedo hunt thread? Mind you this is all back from 2000 and this kind of shit runs rampant. Pleasantly veiled as "modeling agencies", it couldnt be more then a child prostitution ring
Well faggot, why stop there? Stop posting on imageboards and never come back. Work 80 hours a week to pay Uncle Sam lots of taxes so niggers can buy fast food and luxury items for their niglets, and marry an overweight 35 year old roastie with a high partner count that can't conceive without in vitro fertilization RIGHT NOW. See ya.
Okay, I was looking for this thread.
Time for a look at the real light side, you fake wakes. Actual redpoll time, and I am looking forward to seeing y’all flinch back from the mirror and run back to where you came from.
Secret truth goes like this: the number one actual countermeasure to pedophilia is sexual depravity. Open, permitted, clean, consensual depravity. The people who get their kicks clean don’t actually lust over kids. That’s your red pill. People have been noticing this and mostly choking to death on it for ages. Nobody wants to believe it for some reason.
The people who actually lust over kids are the repressed sots who flinch from sex everywhere and can barely live in the same world as hedonism. Guess what? Your awful hated urges really are God’s punishment for your sins! The thing you’re getting wrong is that God lives in your head, and your head wants you to have some God-damned fun in your life. If you spend your life telling yourself tricks are for kids, someday you’ll be turning in the Philippines. With, uh, apologies to a certain cereal, and a certain country. Seriously though, sex has to be for more than reproduction, or humans aren’t quite stable.
Or you could blue pill yourself and run back for the “clean living” that enables hideous abuses behind every locked door, sure. The more you fight THAT WHICH IS, the more you will be punished by I AM THAT IS.
Your choice.
What is that supposed to imply slavs are notorious coal burners me and did you not see all the Russian flags
Are they actually children? Or teenagers who you puritan feminist niggerfaggots like to claim are children because your emotional drivel drives you to think AOC should be raised to 20s and 30s instead of what is natural?
>(((modeling agency))) tries to BLACKED.COM their own models
those girls are probably terrified: "either fuck a nigger or we end your career/release your nude photos/blackmail you" :^)
Question, is English your first language?
try /cow/ instead, if they can harvest some hearty keks then it will be worth their while
Honestly, 15/16 should be the AOC.
Don't hate them. Hate the enemy that preys on them. They're women, they don't know.
I have brought this to the people who work.
Not to the people who larp.
Du bist willkommen.
He's a faggot, user. They're safe.
You've been lurking for 5 minutes and haven't refined your faggot radar yet?
pedos deserve the rope
Your kids are safe around faggots now? Faggots molest kids more than any other group per person. If anything that is another big red flag.
Came to post this
Gays belong in death camps
That's just what they otaku and weebs so they keep buying their shit. She's probably been blacked dozens of times
Quality post man, respect.
Depraved individuals crave depravity and the company of those who have compromised themselves. You don't satisfy depraved hungers with the commonplace.
That's the shittiest pilput attempt I've seen since Kinsey.
Huh. I guess the creepy guy giving candy to kids meme is a lot older than I thought it was.
Your first point is correct but the lives and activities of bug women are not relevant to the welfare of whites.