Because Texas has 38 electoral votes, permanent single-party rule will start in 2020 or 2024, at the very latest, when Texas turns blue. They will take all guns and quintuple down on their efforts to carry out white genocide.
Because Texas has 38 electoral votes, permanent single-party rule will start in 2020 or 2024, at the very latest, when Texas turns blue. They will take all guns and quintuple down on their efforts to carry out white genocide.
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A worthy story. There's no risk if we can get a communist nominated. But I'm not sure if I want Trump to win. If Trump doesn't build the wall, I'm going to vote in the Democrat primary, to spoiler it, voting for the craziest fucking fuckers, the most communist crazy mofos on the ballot.
But wait, Styxhexenhammer666 told me the brown people are turning red!
Kill them. Including the families.
Anyways, this is what happens when you don't take the demographic threat seriously and import shitskins to work for less.
The same ridiculous argument was made in 1986, yet nobody seems to remember how that worked out. America has a goldfish's memory.
Ever see his "Victory over ICQ Chat" youtube video? I have a copy, but it's too big to upload here, and I dunno how to convert it to a smaller size. It's a 720p mp4 that's 127 mb. I uploaded it once before, cba to find the old link that's probably gone.
People like Trump take the demographic threat very seriously. What you're missing is who they see as the threat.
Once Texas goes blue, all of America will go blue. Personally I’m looking forward to it, it will hopefully wake up normie conservative whites who see how democracy and the Republicucks have failed them.
But we're all the same, just different colors. Instinct, evolution, and biology don't apply to humans. Only our immediate environment! So a white person and a brown person are exactly the same! Didn't you know? Of course they're turning red! It only makes sense in the context of our nation's history! Even though those people were white. In-group preference doesn't exist! They'll turn red!
Time is obviously not on whites' side, so accelerationism is probably best no matter what. There's no way Trump deports enough even if he does begin building the wall.
That's a great plan.
I've never seen it.
Wake them up from what? The average republican is an obsequious and pedantic nigger lover who lives in a quiet rage that they aren't given full credit for the White genocide their neoliberal policies have produced.
It's impotent rage. The problem is that we wish some magical force will come out of nowhere and save us from extinction. But we're alone here.
great plan user, I don't see any issues.
It's funny to me that you think this
It's good remember that sentiment like the kind expressed by this poster has been churned out constantly and they are always wrong.
No, accelerationism is ceding victory to the enemy on a silver platter. See Brazil and South Africa. There's no such thing. White people just dwindle down and become a targeted group and lose all power to react at all.
6 garillion% disgusting
How do we remove these people? Serious question.
Have you looked at the electoral vote map recently? All they need to flip versus 2016 results are Florida and Pennsylvania. Both of which are very likely considering:
and why the fuck does it matter? Trump didn't do jack shit. both parties are anti-white and bought by jews, there's not much difference. there aren't enough white people left for republicans to win anymore, it's going to happen very soon. even if it didn't in 2020 (unlikely IMHO), it would in 2024
SAGE for electoral politics
SAGE for Blumpf
There is no future or fate but for that which we make ourselves. Would you rather live under jewish bolsheviks or die fighting?
All accelerationism is just a mechanism to cope with grim realities by pretending that if you are losing, you are actually winning because it makes things worse quicker.
Accelerationism works. Its just that there needs to be a structure in place to support a conflict.
This is probably accurate.
I'll fucking get the upload going. The world deserves this.
Georgia is going blue I live here and it’s niggerloving central id even bet it was blue during both the presidential and governors election but they still wanted to keep the right wing pacified. By now they’ve probably realized nobody is going to do anything so it’s safe to proceed. I won’t be surprised though if they rig elections to keep republicans alive. They don’t want acceleration. No no no don’t make it easy for me can’t have that.
It's in the fucking oven.
not really, doesn't mention the flood of illegals/legal immigrants is the thing turning it blue. Trump isn't stopping that, so in a way, he deserves to lose it
You'll hand them over just like you're handing over the rest of your heritage.
While true most accelerationists don't do any foundational work to build said structures.
Future politics:
Hispanic people eventually become synonymous to white people due to liberal outlets remembering most Mexicans are Mestizos.
Mexican outrage as folk start claiming Mexican privilege.
D&C asshats still being D&C for the sake in deliberate destabilizing
Asian privilege unchecked because of money.
Blacks still somehow only 12% of the population, yet now make up 60% of the crime.
No one ever tries to fix it cus of muh fee fees
Democrats still profit off of black race and keep black people stupid
Republicans mostly Mexicans, party shift towards workers wages, rebuilding infrastructure, etc.
What happens in it?
Shut the fuck up, retard.
Yeah…Texans constantly brag (constantly) about how tough they are, how they defend their values, etc. Total windbags and completely full of shit. They're giant fat pussies who employ swarms of illegals. They deserve what they get.
With a rising shit-skin population and a stabilized nigger population, their crime won't grow to 60%, it'll actually go down in percentage, as beaners commit shit-loads of crime as well
they will be the next CA within 10 years and they know it
What the fuck are you talking about? Once the 38 electoral votes for Texas go to the DNC every single election, that means the president will be dem forever.
Probably five.
That would be an improvement Sweden is still at least 80 percent white
this, Trump was just baby Bush 2.0 with a different sales pitch. One-term and gone.
The word "accelerationism" is deceptive. There is nothing to accelerate. You don't slap a coat of paint on a rotten structure - you tear it down. Country music and patriotism are poison. It's time to cut ties to the past and take up the insurgency mindset like the French are doing.
The GOP always does that. They make up every possible excuse not to mention the cause of states flipping blue, because being truthful requires them to admit their massive mistake importing hordes of shitskins. They are so obsessed with not looking like an eebil racist (and offending their massive corporate donors) that they'll never say the real reason.
Get the Texas Rangers to deport the muds.
So then make it a state crime to be an illegal and at least lock them up until they're deported.
One the one hand, don't gloat over it. On the other, hopefully this will be the test case to open the eyes of all other Americans as to the need to shut off the spigot.
They aren't making a mistake. They aren't obsessed with not looking like "eebil racists" – they have always been a radical, anti-White party and always will be. The one who is getting worked is YOU.
you really put into perspective the once in a blue moon golden opportunity we should have had in trump which was promptly squandered with more legal/illegal browning of the country, it won't happen again
then why did lincoln support the liberia plan retard
there were gains in the senate and the house had 435 members and many of them were nevertrumper GOP
I lived there for 7 years. this is the truest shit ever. Texans are all massive faggots. even the men are passive aggressive bitches, for the most part.
He's a schizophrenic kike, admitting to kiking.
Victory over ICQ Chat(720p_H.264-AAC).mp4
Basically, ICQ was a relatively major IRC chat service, before the kikes running it fucked everything up. They were lazy fucks, and their "group chat" was literally just an IRC client.
These days, there's really nothing quite like it. That's because people don't have keyboards, they have fucking screens, thanks niggerApple, and aren't taught to type anyhow, thanks niggerDemocratSchools, so even keyboards won't save it. Plus people think video is better, or at least audio, but it isn't, because it's way fucking slower. It's a step backwards, and considerably. Oh well, that's life, normies are niggers.
He thinks he destroyed ICQ, or ICQ #Christianity, but really it would all fall apart eventually anyhow. Maybe he accelerated it a bit, though. Sort of like the kikes of Constantinople. There too, the handwriting was on the wall.
I have met only a handfull of people worth risking my life for. ive been betrayed by boomers,whites and shitskins alike.
only thing we can do is move to a new plot of land with redpilled people and make our own country aand grow that from within.
any conflict in the west will be an uphill battle against your own kin who welcome the hordes and will label you as a terrorist if you do anything about it.
It will have to be virtual, user. It has to be fucking VR. Can't be real. Also, you should read Yates' The Art of Memory, to get an idea of what we're talking about here. The pdf that's floating out there sucks a bit. I think it's perhaps… adequate, though annoying?
cant farm, live and work in VR. it will suck but we will need to move north or somewhere in russia and start from scratch.
Kill yourself reddit.
Wow, we haven't had your tier talpiot in months.
If texans were smart they would line up at the border with their legal semiauto carbines and keep the illegals out
Trumps federal agents would never allow that to happen
The fact he has a big fandom on Zig Forums is proof 2016 election wasn’t the thing that ruined Zig Forums. It’s becoming a hug box for larpers.
MAGA niggers are this stupid
He doesn't, it's just him trying to suck his own dick.
Hate to say it but even the roach banned that styxkike's crap on sight. I miss 2014. Hell I miss 97.
Styx is a god, what do you mean?
hilarious but your not including the part where the country implodes
You most certainly CAN work, live, and farm in VR. It's just you
with VR. ie you control remote bots etc.
Say you want to farm your own fucking food. You hire some bug men to set you up a fucking building, you collect rain water, you keep spy cams on the roof to watch for problems, you fucking work the whole thing. Shipping's a breeze, because everything comes from there, and the shipping's gratis.
Lads, Styx has visited us:
It's time guys?
Good. Trump being out of power could restore America back to being a sane country, assuming we get a sane Democrat in office. We don't need someone as extreme as Trump or Hillary in office. But we also don't need a cuck like Bernie in office either. We need someone a little more level headed, like Ronald Reagan.
Quit LARPing and take some action if you're so confident. I swear, it's all talk from you fucks. And before you accuse me of hypocrisy, hell no do I want to be the man who stands up and does something. I'm currently living a decent life, and running around killing leftists will just end with me getting a single kill or two, then getting domed by the cops.
So unless you have an actual fucking plan to unite the right into some means of physical action, or any other means of victory, I'm all ears. Hell, I'll even follow you if it's good enough. But if you haven't got a reason why someone like me should go out and do something, potentially destroying my life and future in the process. What makes you think you can deal with convincing the people who don't agree with you?
Trump out.
Democrats in.
You wanted Chaos.
You will receive it.
but muh natural conservatives
For years now I've been thinking that Ronald Reagan actually looked kind of jewish. He had that Neanderthal vibe going.
No. Eventually since America will continue turning to shit as they keep electing democrats, people will as usual say I'm gonna vote republican next time. By that time, the republicans will look more like the democrats today and the democrats will be openly advocating for pedophilia and white genocide by methods of a, b, d and e (UN definition) while reps will only advocate for c and argue against pedophilia and bestiality (besides between difference sub species of human of course).
Serious question–have you not had access to any type of media, TV, the internet, nothing, for several years straight? Did you find an internet connection somehow after emerging from your bunker just to make this comment? I'm actually curious what your secret is to untether yourself completely from all news for years.
You'll always be a kike, styx.
Someone post the pic of him cross dressing already ffs
reported for ecelb shilling
You're probably right. Majority nonwhite Brazil elected zionist neocon and likely crypto Jair Bolsonaro after all.
Good job Republicans! You've had decades to see this coming, to listen to the people who told you it was coming, and/or to do anything at all about it. I'm glad to see that in 2019, one year before perma-blue, you have finally peaked out of your asshole to see the writing on the wall.
The left is evil, but the sheer stupidity of "Republicans" is an absolute sight to behold.
He is a literal god.
Maybe for fags
sure op
Implying they even need to.
I was expecting civil war 10 years ago. Some olderfags even before that.
They're talking about legalizing killing babies who have already been born.
Nobody is doing anything.
While there are actual racist Republicans, they are the minority.
Do you know what it'll take to FINALLY set people off?
sure, i'll bite… what will finally piss whites off enough to do something?
Because I'm only 19 and and I want to be prepared. Do I have enough time I guess what I'm asking. Ideally I have a few white kids before it happens.
lol. Die faster US.
You should unironically be splattered with a meat tenderizer.
They look like Muslims pretending to be jews.
No idea. SA whites are like 6-8% of the SA population now and a large portion of them still ascribe to this rainbow progressivism and attack other whites who express dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs and even deny the genocide happening right in front of their faces.
The only scenario I can think of is if by some miracle that retard in the White House uses his executive authority in some way which dominoes into a leftist riot which evolves into military struggle between the progressives and the patriots. It almost certainly wouldn't be a 'racially conscious' right-wing but maybe with some luck it could evolve into it. You know the leftist propaganda would be directed primarily as demonizing the whites and smashing muh supremacy in that event.
The odds of that happening are slim imo. Sorry for the blackpills.
So you're disputing the accuracy of the quotes from Sen. John Cornyn, for example? What exactly is inaccurate?
oh, I thought you were asking rhetorical question, and you already had the answer… sorry. if you me ask I think the vast majority whites will let themselves be genocided slowly with this next generation of white males are going to be utterly destroyed by the school system, feminism, and drugged into submission or perhaps worse, forced into sex change operations. along with constant mental and physical abuse from signal mothers as we've already seen increase as women become more feminist its becomes socially acceptable to blame everything on masculinity and male-ness along with a huge increase is sexual molestation as the "drag kids" pave the way for sexualization young boys. any boy that survives the upcoming hell scape into adulthood with a shred of sanity or dignity intact will be rare