So a town stole land from their city residents to allow foxconn to build a LCD factory there. What they did was declare that the land was "blighted" and kicked the people out.
SRUTHI: And, Dave DeGroot’s side, in June, they call a vote at the village board meeting. They’re done negotiating with homeowners, and they have one last card to play: they’re going to declare the factory land blighted — meaning, it’s unsafe and uninhabitable — and so all the remaining residents have to leave. The village board says, it’s for the their own safety.
KELLY: Please, do us all a favor and spare us that “I'm doing this for the good of the village” baloney. You are doing this for the benefit of Foxconn and the 860 million dollar hole you have dug for us.
AL: You’re taking homes away from people. You’re snatching their heart out.
MICHAEL: I can't, I just can't get my arms around this. These are people, these are the people that live in the village. They paid their dues. You're gonna throw him under the bus. My God, please don't do that. Thank you.
SRUTHI: And then, after all the residents have spoken, one trustee stands up to say he is pro Foxconn, but he’s against this blighted ruling. He says he has pictures of the houses, they’re beautiful properties, obviously not blighted. And then comes the vote.
DEGROOT: OK, 4A, consideration and action on resolution 37-2018, a resolution designating a redevelopment area. Declaring the redevelopment area to be a blighted area and approving the redevelopment plan therefore. OK, there be no other discussion. Roll call vote, please.
KOHLHAGEN: Clausen. [CLAUSEN: Aye], Bhatia [BHATIA: Aye], Feest [FEEST: Absolutely not (applause)], Havn [HAVN: Aye],
DEGROOT: We’re taking a vote, please.
KOHLHAGEN: Eastman [EASTMAN: Aye], Hewitt [HEWITT: Aye], DeGroot.
DEGROOT: Aye, the motion carries.
VILLAGERS: Shame on you.
DEGROOT: (pounds gavel) Order please (Villagers booing).
SRUTHI: And it’s over. The families will all have to leave the land to make way for construction.
Now Foxconn is reconsidering.